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Josué Dávila Coronel


Analía Regalado Sánchez

Summary & Analysis of The Cook’s Tale

 Roger, the London cook, rejoices in the Reeve's tale and thinks
that the crooked miller was well repaid for trying to cheat the
two students and ridiculing their education. The Cook promises
a lively tale, and the Host reminds him that he has to tell a very
good tale, indeed, to repay the company for all of the bad food
he has sold to them.
 An apprentice cook, named Perkin Reveler, works in London
and loves dancing, singing, gambling, carousing, and all
types of sinful things. After being dismissed by his master, the
young man is free to revel all night and day and joins
another young man as corrupt as he is and moves his bed and
belongings into his place. The man's wife keeps a shop,
which is a front for her immoral activities.

 In the prologue to The Cook's Tale, the Host chides the Cook
for all the seemingly bad food he has sold to them. In reality,
though, this tale was to be a tale to repay the earlier narrators.
At the end of his prologue, the Cook suggests that he will tell a
tale about a publican “tavern owner” but decides to wait until
the return trip home. This fits with Chaucer's original plan of
having the pilgrims tell stories both on the way to Canterbury
and back.
 This fragment of a tale, which Chaucer did not finish or delete,
is not long enough to predict accurately.
What happens to young Perkin Reveler, but everything
indicates that he quickly falls into sin. The first implications
are that this unfinished tale was to be of the same general type
as Miller's and Reeve's and was apparently going to have
It dealt with the total perversion of the human soul. To say
more would be pure conjecture.


The case of my cousin Ronaldo who travels to the city of lima

to improve his economy where after a few months he started to
have a good income which he earned very well at his work but
he always had the bad defect of going to the discotheque every
every weekend I drink beer I had bad friendships, i spent a lot
of money, on the end the business owners fired my cousin
Ronaldo from work the parents sent him money to return to his
town, he dedicated to helping his parents for a while until he
decided to postulate to the Fabiola Salazar Leguia university of
civil engineering and now he is a professional.

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