Correction of Questionnaire 3 Programming

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Good afternoon!

Dear Professor, I hope you are well, I also wanted to let you know that I reviewed the
test of week 3, and I also reviewed your correction, which I appreciate, but the
correction of the other questions from 9 to 18 was missing.

I also need you to please review the questionnaire platform, because question 5 is
marked as incorrect and I answered ALTERNATIVE A " Problem Definition .
In question 17 I put truth and it seems to me that it is also incorrectly corrected.

Read the following statement and then indicate whether it is true or false:
The flowchart focuses on the developer knowing the context or environment of the program to be
designed. Every system has an environment surrounding it; its environment, therefore, will be a
system that receives inputs and generates outputs.

I thank you in advance for your attention to the problem.


Vanessa Flores


Vanessa was able to determine the paradigm of structured programming by

distinguishing its basic tools.

In the questionnaire you obtained the following failures:

Answers to the questions:

1. A programmer developed a billing program for a company, this

program was developed by modules, each module is independent
and are related to each other through the main body: In the code
there is a set of steps that can be read sequentially. Mention what
type of programming paradigm is evidenced in the development

The correct answer is A:"The structured programming paradigm" on page 5

shows an example that corresponds to the one proposed in the question. In
addition, the definition of the structured programming paradigm indicates the
method used to perform computations and the way in which tasks must be
structured and organized to carry out a program.

2. Below is an excerpt that discusses spaghetti programming.

According to the excerpt presented, indicate whether the following
statement is true or false: structured programming can be
considered spaghetti programming.

The correct answer isFalse:According to the definitionstructured programming

is "a programming paradigm in general indicates the method that is used to
perform computations and the way in which tasks should be structured and
organized to carry out a program" and thespaghetti code is a pejorative term for
computer programs that have a complex and incomprehensible control-flow
structure, with a lot of intricate and knotted threads. In other words, they are
opposites, one is structured and orderly and the other a chaos that is difficult to

3. A program elaborated under the structure programming paradigm

implies that its code can be read from beginning to end.

The correct answer isTrue:remember that it is structured, it is ordered,

therefore it indicates a beginning and an end.

4. The following image shows the diagram of a software required by a

customer based on their requirements. Which of the following
approaches can be considered correct?

The correct answer is B:"It is feasible to use structured programming since the
complex system can be divided into modules and programmed by processes or
stages". Based on what we have seen during the week the structured
programming could order and deliver the activities to the developers to be

5. When implementing structured programming as a paradigm, at

what stage should the programmer explain to the client which tool
he/she is considering using to make the system and why he/she
has selected it?

The correct answer is A: "Problem definition". To define a problem it is

necessary 5 considerations and its literal 2 is considered the proposed

6. The following image shows a flow chart with the calculation of

hours to be paid to a worker. If you compare this diagram with a
pseudocode of the same situation, which sequence is correct?

The correct answer is C:"The input variables (ht, to and ti) are read, the
calculations of sb, imp and pn are performed and then the outputs (pn) are
displayed". In order to perform the calculation I must know the variables,
Example. I can't do a multiplication without knowing which numbers it multiplies.

7. In an algorithm you have the following instruction line: If AGE > 18

then WRITE (You are of age) How would this line be represented in
a flowchart?
The correct answer is D:"A rhombus should be used and within it consider the
condition AGE > 18. Then, with an arrow, you must identify if the condition is
fulfilled, therefore, in a rectangle is placed: WRITE (Is of age)" if you represent
what is indicated in the answer you will see that it is correct and specified in
detail what must be built.

8. The following instructions implemented in a software (in this case

PHP), allow you to add two numbers.

$first_exam_note = 10 ;
$second_exam_note = 8 ;
echo $first_exam_note + $second_exam_note ;
Which structured programming tool is being used in the above

The correct answer isA:"Programming language". On page 13 of the week's

content it refers to the statement "A programming language is a software tool
that allows the development of computer programs by means of a logical
structure (syntactic and semantic) and that uses reserved words that are
designed to perform the electronic data processing of an algorithm. Some of
these languages are: C, C++, Java, Pascal, among many others. This tool is the
electronic translation of an algorithm, flowchart or pseudocode." You notice
there are signs of the PHP language "$".

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