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Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
In order to be able to use the gender perspective, it is important to know
several concepts; among them, we can mention:

Select one:
a. Transversality, public policies and labeled budget.

b. Sex, gender, patriarchy, feminism and sexual orientation.

Correct. Understanding the gender perspective requires knowledge of these
concepts and others, such as machismo, androcentrism, sexual identity and
gender expression.

c. Sex, heteronormativity and sexual binarism.

d. Feminism, capitalism and neoliberalism.

Your answer is correct.

Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
One of the benefits of using the gender perspective as a tool for analysis is
to make violence against women and girls more visible. This happens

Select one:
a. It analyzes the power relations between women and men based on sexual

difference and supposed male superiority.

Correct. Violence against women is an extreme form of discrimination and
the gender perspective analyzes and denounces the machismo, misogyny
and androcentrism that are part of the patriarchal system, in which women
are treated as inferior and subordinate.

b. Reviews the status of women's rights around the world.

c. It contributes to the recognition of the economic, social and cultural
causes of violence.
d. It obliges governments to allocate budget for women's safety.

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Question text
What does the gender perspective study?

Select one:
a. Only to women.
b. The relationships of all people.
c. Relationships between women and men and how they have generated

Excellent. The gender perspective is not the study of women, but of the
relations between women and men, and how these have generated
inequality, lack of opportunities and limited rights.

d. Only to men.

Your answer is correct.

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Question text
The set of variables, such as class, ethnicity, age, rural, urban origin, sexual
orientation, make up what has been called:

Select one:

a. Gender Intersectionality.
Excellent. Gender intersectionality will prevent us from making
generalizations that ignore the specificities of the context in which gender
relations take place and will allow us to identify other inequalities that
reinforce gender inequalities.

b. Gender analysis.
c. Set of characteristics.
d. Specificities of the person.

Your answer is correct.

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Question text
It implies that everything we do, plan or say, is traversed by this gender
approach or vision.

Select one:
a. Pursuit of gender equality.
b. Put on the purple glasses.

c. Gender mainstreaming.
Very good. Gender mainstreaming means applying the principle of equal
treatment and opportunities for women and men.
d. Feminist ideology.

Your answer is correct.

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Question text
Among the elements that feminism contributes to the gender perspective is

Select one:
a. The study of the production of wealth from the labor of men.
b. Research on women's and men's sexuality.
c. The analysis of power relations between women and men, which are

present in the public and private spheres.

Very good. Remember that without the feminist perspective, the gender
perspective would be emptied of political content, and without it, the
relations of power and subordination would go unnoticed.

d. An anthropological review of human history.

Your answer is correct.

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Question text
In order to apply gender mainstreaming in our work, we suggest taking into
account the following:
Select one:
a. Analyze women's and men's access to resources, employment and

distribution of benefits and products.

Very good. Remember that it is also suggested to disaggregate data by sex,
analyze differentiated relations and inequality, power imbalances,
differentiated access to resources, etc.

b. Focus on gender relations and only on the situation of men.

c. All of the above.
d. The needs that women exclusively have in order to grant them all the

Your answer is correct.

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Question text
It is fundamental to be able to have an impact on equal opportunities and
enjoyment of real equality of women and men, because when it is implicitly
ignored, the male is taken as the model of the human being and women and
girls are made invisible.

Select one:
a. Analysis of the differences between men and women.
b. Analysis of policies in favor of women.
c. Analysis of androcentrism.

d. Gender analysis.
Correct. Gender analysis is fundamental to achieve gender mainstreaming,
considering the needs of women and men.

Your answer is correct.

Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
The gender perspective has its origins in this current of thought, ideology
and political stance.

Select one:
a. Matriarchy.

b. Feminism.
Correct. There are even authors who point out that, without the feminist
perspective, the gender perspective would be emptied of political content,
and without it, the relations of power and subordination would go unnoticed.
Remember that gender perspective and feminism are not the same thing,
but they are intimately linked.

c. Women's struggle for the vote.

d. The Enlightenment.

Your answer is correct.

Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
Using the term "gender ideology" reflects ignorance of the gender
perspective and a stance contrary to equality between women and men,

Select one:
a. It is a term used by feminism to disqualify sexual freedom.
b. Those who use it disqualify everything that is not within the framework of
heterosexuality and the roles and stereotypes that patriarchy has

determined as acceptable.
Excellent. Remember that gender ideology is a misnomer, used by those
who consider everything related to sexuality as something to be controlled,
hidden and punished.

c. The use of this term recognizes female empowerment, as well as

women's autonomy and freedom.
d. The people who use it are fighting for formal, opportunity and substantive
equality of women and men.

Your answer is correct.

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Question text
Using the term "gender ideology" reflects ignorance of the gender
perspective and a stance contrary to equality between women and men,

Select one:
a. The use of this term recognizes female empowerment, as well as
women's autonomy and freedom.
b. The people who use it fight for formal, opportunity and substantive
equality of women and men.
c. It is a term used by feminism to disqualify sexual freedom.
d. Those who use it disqualify everything that is not within the framework of
heterosexuality and the roles and stereotypes that patriarchy has

determined as acceptable.
Excellent. Remember that gender ideology is a misnomer, used by those
who consider everything related to sexuality as something to be controlled,
hidden and punished.

Your answer is correct.

Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
Looking at the world through their gender lenses or violet glasses,
contributes to gender awareness, thus...

Select one:
a. Identify the characteristics of men and women.
b. Be more aware of the discrimination and violence experienced by women

and will seek to make changes in favor of gender equality.

Correct. Gender lenses help you become aware of everyday, small and large
situations of inequality that people reproduce on a daily basis.

c. He will understand that he lives with privileges and that this forces him
to redistribute his wealth.
d. You will be able to see the world in a different color.

Your answer is correct.

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Question text
The set of variables, such as class, ethnicity, age, rural, urban origin, sexual
orientation, make up what has been called:

Select one:
a. Specificities of the person.
b. Set of characteristics.
c. Gender Intersectionality.

d. Gender analysis.
Incorrect. Review the module content again to gain a better grasp of the

Your answer is incorrect.

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Question text
It is fundamental to be able to have an impact on equal opportunities and
enjoyment of real equality of women and men, because when it is implicitly
ignored, the male is taken as the model of the human being and women and
girls are made invisible.

Select one:

a. Gender analysis.
Correct. Gender analysis is fundamental to achieve gender mainstreaming,
considering the needs of women and men.

b. Analysis of androcentrism.
c. Analysis of the differences between men and women.
d. Analysis of policies in favor of women.

Your answer is correct.

Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
Gender analysis involves:

Select one:
a. Separate by sex and analyze information on all relevant population,

socioeconomic and cultural groups in parts.

Excellent. Remember to consider how a particular activity, decision or plan
will affect men differently than women, and some women or men differently
than other women and men.

b. Analyze the needs of women according to their age.

c. Recognize that men and women are biologically different.
d. Integrate all the characteristics of women and men.

Your answer is correct.

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Question text
They are synonymous with the gender perspective.

Select one:

a. Gender approach, gender vision, gender perspective.

Correct. Remember that it is also related to the gender component and is
homologated to the environment component, the health component,

b. Vision of women and men.

c. Women's vision.
d. Women's human rights.

Your answer is correct.

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Question text
In order to apply gender mainstreaming in our work, we suggest taking into
account the following:

Select one:
a. Focus on gender relations and only on the situation of men.
b. All of the above.
c. The needs that women exclusively have in order to grant them all the
d. Analyze women's and men's access to resources, employment and

distribution of benefits and products.

Very good. Remember that it is also suggested to disaggregate data by sex,
analyze differentiated relations and inequality, power imbalances,
differentiated access to resources, etc.

Your answer is correct.

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Question text
The gender perspective has its origins in this current of thought, ideology
and political stance.

Select one:

a. Feminism.
Correct. There are even authors who point out that, without the feminist
perspective, the gender perspective would be emptied of political content,
and without it, the relations of power and subordination would go unnoticed.
Remember that gender perspective and feminism are not the same thing,
but they are intimately linked.

b. Matriarchy.
c. The Enlightenment.
d. Women's struggle for the vote.

Your answer is correct.

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Question text
It is an analytical tool that studies the way in which the sociocultural
characteristics assigned to people, based on sex, convert sexual difference
into social inequality.

Select one:
a. Gender equality policy.

b. Gender perspective.
Very good. The gender perspective also implies a political stance that
questions the inequality and social injustice that afflicts women and men,
particularly women in the patriarchal culture. Being very clear about this is
fundamental to incorporate it in our work and daily life.

c. Feminism
d. Gender mainstreaming.

Your answer is correct.

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Question text
What is the benefit of integrating a gender perspective into our work or
personal lives?

Select one:
a. It helps us to plan actions to be taken on gender factors that can be

modified and thus create conditions for change.

Very good. Remember that when we integrate a gender perspective into our
work or our lives, we have an inclusive vision that includes the needs and
rights of both women and men.

b. It helps us to treat the personnel working in our work area equally.

c. It helps us to treat all people equally, regardless of their age and social
d. It helps us to treat family members equally.

Your answer is correct.

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Question text
It implies that everything we do, plan or say, is crossed by this gender
approach or vision.
Select one:
a. Pursuit of gender equality.

b. Gender mainstreaming.
Very good. Gender mainstreaming means applying the principle of equal
treatment and opportunities for women and men.

c. Feminist ideology.
d. Put on the purple glasses.

Your answer is correct.

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Question text
Mainstreaming the gender perspective requires...

Select one:
a. A gender analysis.

b. An analysis of the social context.

Incorrect. Review the module content again to gain a better grasp of the

c. An institutional analysis.
d. A societal analysis.

Your answer is incorrect.

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Question text
It questions sexual freedom and diversity; it disqualifies everything that is
not within the framework of heterosexuality and traditional gender roles and

Select one:
a. Pro-life movements.
b. Gender ideology.

c. The gender perspective.

Incorrect. Review the module content again to gain a better grasp of the

d. Feminism.

Your answer is incorrect.

Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
What does it mean to use glasses or wear gender lenses?

Select one:
a. A way to put yourself in the place of women.
b. It is a way of indicating that all people can be equal.
c. It is a metaphor to say that we look at the world in another way: through

gender relations.
Correct. Putting on gender glasses or wearing gender lenses is a metaphor,
to say that we look at the world through gender relations, and can detect
the many discriminations that women face.

d. A way of looking at women superior to men.

Your answer is correct.

Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
What does the gender perspective study?

Select one:
a. Relationships between women and men and how they have generated

Excellent. The gender perspective is not the study of women, but of the
relations between women and men, and how these have generated
inequality, lack of opportunities and limited rights.

b. Only to women.
c. The relationships of all people.
d. Only to men.

Your answer is correct.

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Question text
One of the benefits of using the gender perspective as a tool for analysis is
to make violence against women and girls visible. This happens because...

Select one:
a. It analyzes the power relations between women and men based on sexual
difference and supposed male superiority.
b. It contributes to the recognition of the economic, social and cultural

causes of violence.
Incorrect. Review the module content again to gain a better grasp of the

c. It obliges governments to allocate budget for women's safety.

d. Reviews the status of women's rights around the world.

Your answer is incorrect.

Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
In order to be able to use the gender perspective, it is important to know
several concepts; among them, we can mention:

Select one:
a. Feminism, capitalism and neoliberalism.
b. Transversality, public policies and labeled budget.

c. Sex, gender, patriarchy, feminism and sexual orientation.

Correct. Understanding the gender perspective requires knowledge of these
concepts and others, such as machismo, androcentrism, sexual identity and
gender expression.

d. Sex, heteronormativity and sexual binarism.

Your answer is correct.
Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
We can use our violet glasses or gender lenses to observe, understand and
act in situations such as...

Select one:
a. Couples, where there are opposing positions regarding the family project.
b. Family, work and social conflict.
c. It is a metaphor to say that we look at the world in another way: through
gender relations.
d. All those where there are acts of inequality or discrimination against

women that were normalized or invisible.

Very good. Remember that the violet glasses help us to review and rethink
the world through gender relations. In this way, we can detect the
discrimination faced by women.

Your answer is correct.

Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
It implies taking into account equal opportunity issues for women and men
in a cross-cutting manner in all actions, and not addressing this issue only
under a focus on direct and specific actions in favor of women.

Select one:
a. Social policies.
b. Mainstreaming policy.
Very good. A mainstreaming policy must consider the needs of both women
and men.

c. Feminist politics.
d. Equality policy.

Your answer is correct.

Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
Among the elements that feminism contributes to the gender perspective is

Select one:
a. Research on women's and men's sexuality.
b. The analysis of power relations between women and men, which are

present in the public and private spheres.

Very good. Remember that without the feminist perspective, the gender
perspective would be emptied of political content, and without it, the
relations of power and subordination would go unnoticed.

c. The study of the production of wealth from the labor of men.

d. An anthropological review of human history.

Your answer is correct.

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