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A Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE- Food and Beverage Services- Grade 9

Demonstration Teaching - JHS TLE BATCH 11

Prepared By: Ricci Aime R. Agpaoa

A. Content Standards Familiarize the procedure in folding basic styles of table napkin folds.

B. Performance Standards Demonstrate properly and laid cloth napkins on the table appropriately
according to napkin folding styles to enhance table presentation and
create a harmonious dining atmosphere.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives Recognize the impact of well folded table napkin in table setting.

II. CONTENT Different Table Napkin Folding Styles.

1. Teacher’s Guide pages Pp.49-56
2. Learner’s Materials pages K-12 TLE- FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICES Q1-MODULE 6
3. Textbook pages Pp. 49-56
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal Merriam Webster Dictionary

B. Other Learning Resources Cartolina, Blackboard, Markers, Table Napkin, Water Goblet, Paper
Napkins, Art Materials, Table, handkerchiefs, Paper.
C.Values Integration Appreciating, caring, sharing
D. Skills Integration Making Demonstration

a. Classroom Routine Activities

1. Prayer

Everybody Stand! Let us pray first. Angel please lead the Angel:
Angel of God,my guardian dear,to whom God’s love commits me
2. Greetings here,ever this day,be at my side,to light and guard,
to rule and guide.Amen.
Good Morning Class.

Good Morning Teacher Aleli, Good Morning Classmates!

3. Classroom Management

Kindly arrange you chairs. Make sure your chairs are

aligned in front of you.Pick up all the pieces of paper and ( The students arrange the chairs, aligning it, pick up garbage and
throw it in the trash bin. throw it in the garbage bins and turn off or silent their phones)

Are you all done? Now settle yourselves.

Yes teacher.
Please be reminded of our classroom rules.

Everybody read!

 Show Respect to teacher, your classmates and yourself.

 Be prepared for class everyday. (The Students are reading.)

 Raise your hands before you speak.  Show Respect to teacher, your classmates and yourself.
 Kindly turn off or silent your mobile phones.  Be prepared for class everyday.
 Do not hesitate to ask if you have questions  Raise your hands before you speak.
 Observe cleanliness at all times.  Kindly turn off or silent your mobile phones.
 Do not hesitate to ask if you have questions
 Observe cleanliness at all times.

Are we all clear with our classroom rules?

Yes Teacher.

Very Good.

4. Attendance
Class Secretary Trisha, who is/are absent/s today?
Class Secretary: There are no absentees teacher. We are all present.

Good to hear! Keep it up everyone!

Now to review our topic on our previous lesson, let us answer
questions with true or false. Are you ready?

Yes Teacher.
TRUE OR FALSE. 1. Forks are placed on the left-hand side of
the plate. (The students raise their hands)

Yes May.

Excellent! May: TRUE Teacher.

Next. 2. Dining area is NOT important in any food service

(The students raise their hands)

Yes Jason.
Jason: False Po.

That is correct! The answer is false because Dinning area is

very important in any food service establishment.

For number 3.Table arrangement is significant because they

affect the flow of traffic and the comfort level of the guests.
(The students raise their hands)
Yes Jasmine.

Jasmine: True Teacher.

Great Job!

Next.4. Water goblet should be kept to the left of the cover and
(The students raise their hands)
at the tip of the fork.

Yes Klyde.
Klyde: The answer is false teacher.
Excellent! It is False because it must be kept on the RIGHT of
the cover and at the tip of the spoon.

Lastly for number 5, A cover is the space required on the table

for arranging cutlery, crockery, and the glassware for one
(The students raise their hands)
Yes Dexter.

Dexter: It is true.
Very Good!

Do you have any questions or clarifications regarding our

previous lesson?

None Teacher.


Now, Let’s proceed to our new topic this morning! But before
that let’s have an activity first. This activity is called “ LET’S

Kindly get anything that can be fold. Ex. Towel, Handkerchief

and Paper.Create something beautiful out of the material that
you have for a minute. Ready?
Yes Teacher.

Timer starts now.

(The students do the activity)
Times Up!

Now question,What have you noticed in your work class?

(The students raise their hands)
Yes Trisha.

Trisha: I’ve noticed that we created something out of the towels or

papers we have.
Very Good Trisha! Now, does it look appealing to your eyes?

(The students raise their hands)

Yes Dexter.

Dexter: Yes, It is appealing Teacher.

Very Good, it is appealing to our eyes because all your work is
very attractive and beautiful.Now based on our activity class.
What do you think is our lesson for today?
(The students raise their hands)
Yes Ayesha.
Ayesha: Table Napkin Folding Teacher.

Excellent. Our topic for today is about table napkin folding.


Everybody read. Our Goal for today is to.. Our Goal for today is to..
a. Familiarize the procedure in folding basic styles of table a. Familiarize the procedure in folding basic styles of table napkin
napkin folds. folds.

b. Fold properly and laid cloth napkins on the table b. Fold properly and laid cloth napkins on the table appropriately
appropriately according to napkin folding styles to according to napkin folding styles to enhance table presentation and
enhance table presentation and create a harmonious create a harmonious dining atmosphere.
dining atmosphere.
c. Recognize the impact of well folded table napkin in table setting.
c. Recognize the impact of well folded table napkin in table



By the way, anyone here who have an idea what is a table

(The students raise their hands)
Yes May.

May: It is made of cloth.

Very Good there are 2 types of table napkin. The cloth table
napkin and the paper table napkin. Another idea from others?

Angel: It is used for wiping our mouth.

That is correct. Very good. It is also used for wiping our lips
and/ or fingers.

A table napkin is a rectangular cloth or paper used at the table

for wiping the lips fingers and protects the clothes while eating.
It is usually small and folded. Dining room is better served by
the use of the correct style and size of napkin fold, and the
right colour in respect of the room decoration.

Now, Aside from protecting our clothes, what is the main (The students raise their hands)
purpose of Table Napkin. ‘

Yes Klyde.
Klyde: To beautify our Table and for Sanitation.

Excellent. It is also for sanitary and hygiene purposes and to

make our tables beautiful.

Now, here are the Different Functions of a table napkin:

1. Table napkins serve a very practical function and they can

be decorative as well.

2. They can be used to wipe food and drink from the mouth
and face, or they can be placed in the lap or under the chin to
protect clothes while eating.

3. Napkins can also serve as coasters when setting down a

drink, or soak up small spills at the table. Napkins can also
cover an occasional cough, but etiquette dictates they should
not be used for blowing your nose at the table.

How about Napkin folding styles, do you have any idea what is (The students raise their hands)
this for?

Yes Ayesha.
Ayesha: It is a beautiful fold of the Table Napkin.

Very Good.

A beautiful napkin fold is to enhance table presentation and

create a harmonious atmosphere.

Now Let’s learn the different basic and simple napkin folding
styles. Get any square paper, Paper napkin, cloth table napkin
or handkerchief you have with you and fold along with me.

Let’s start with Standing Fan Napkin Fold. Standing Fan Napkin Fold.

1. Lay the napkin face down in front of you  Lay the napkin face down in front of you
2. Fold your napkin in half.  Fold your napkin in half.
3. Start at the bottom end and fold about 1 inch then do  Start at the bottom end and fold about 1 inch then do accordion
accordion fold all the way to the top but leave a few fold all the way to the top but leave a few inches unpleated.
inches unpleated.  Fold one side across over the other.
4. Fold one side across over the other.  Then top among the left unpleated corner to form a triangle. This
5. Then top among the left unpleated corner to form a will be the support.
triangle. This will be the support.  Spread out the pleats and stand up your finished fan.
6. Spread out the pleats and stand up your finished fan.

Do you Follow?
Bishop Hat Napkin Fold.
Now Let’s do the Bishop Hat Napkin Fold.
 Lay your napkin flat on the table then fold in half with your
1. Lay your napkin flat on the table then fold in half with your opening toward you.
opening toward you.  Fold the right top corner down to the bottom edge.
2. Fold the right top corner down to the bottom edge.  Fold the bottom left corner to the top edge.
3. Fold the bottom left corner to the top edge.  Fold the bottom half up.
4. Fold the bottom half up.  Unstuck the bottom corner.
5. Unstuck the bottom corner.  Tuck the left point into the fold.
 Turn napkin over and tuck the other point in.
6. Tuck the left point into the fold.  Stand the napkin up and push down the material in the center.
7. Turn napkin over and tuck the other point in. This may take some fidgeting.
8. Stand the napkin up and push down the material in the
center. This may take some fidgeting.

Excellent work everyone! Now let us have the Pyramid Napkin Pyramid Napkin Fold.
 Lay the napkin face down in front of you .
1. Lay the napkin face down in front of you .  Fold the napkin in half to from a triangle with the open ends point
2. Fold the napkin in half to from a triangle with the open away from you.
ends point away from you.  Fold the left end up to meet the far corner, ensuring the edge of
3. Fold the left end up to meet the far corner, ensuring the this new fold lays on the center line as shown and repeat the last
edge of this new fold lays on the center line as shown and step with the left side,
repeat the last step with the left side,  Folding the left tip up to the far corner, creating a diamond shape
4. Folding the left tip up to the far corner, creating a diamond with a seam running down the center.
shape with a seam running down the center.  Fold the napkin in half by bringing the endpoint of the diamond to
5. Fold the napkin in half by bringing the endpoint of the the back to create a triangle with two open folds in front.
diamond to the back to create a triangle with two open  Fold the napkin along the center seam and you have a neat,
folds in front. sturdy pyramid. If your napkin won't stand neatly then you may
6. Fold the napkin along the center seam and you have a need a little starch.
neat, sturdy pyramid. If your napkin won't stand neatly
then you may need a little starch.
Very good Students! Now let us do the Lotus Napkin Fold . Lotus Napkin Fold .

1. Lay the napkin face-down in front of you then fold all the  Lay the napkin face-down in front of you then fold all the corners
corners of the napkin in so the tips rest at the center. of the napkin in so the tips rest at the center.
2. Fold the two right corners of the napkin in so the tips rest  Fold the two right corners of the napkin in so the tips rest at the
at the center and once all of the tips are folded you are center and once all of the tips are folded you are left with a
left with a square about 1/4 the size of the unfolded square about 1/4 the size of the unfolded napkin.
napkin.  Flip it over. Fold the corners in so they meet in the center and
3. Flip it over. Fold the corners in so they meet in the center then place something sturdy in the center, or hold it with your
and then place something sturdy in the center, or hold it fingers and reach underneath each corner
with your fingers and reach underneath each corner  Pull out the flaps to create petals.
4. Pull out the flaps to create petals.  Present the Lotus Napkin Fold.
5. Present the Lotus Napkin Fold.

Well done everyone. Do you have any questions so far?

None Teacher.

Any Questions regarding on how to do the basic table napkin

Now, let us practice the Table napkin folds we just learned. Get
a piece of paper, napkin or cloth you have again. I will show
the photo of the table napkin one by one and you will need to
perform each fold in a minute.

This is the matrix on how I will grade your Table Napkin Folds.
(Teacher will show table of rubrics of performance criteria for
Table Napkin folds.) Any questions?
None Teacher.

Are you ready?

Yes Teacher.

Lets start.

(Teacher will show the pictures of the Napkin folds randomly,

Students will present their Napkin fold arts every after folding.) (EXPECTED OUTPUT)

(Students are able to demonstrate mastery of the basic table napkin

folds individually. )
Well done students! Now you already mastered the basic
Napkin fold styles.


Now after Learning about Table napkin folds, question, What is
the importance of table napkin fold in food and beverage
services? (Students raise their hands)

Yes Mico.

Mico: Napkin folds are generally used in fine dining, hotels and
special events for table decorations to make the table more elegant
and classy.

Very Good! Napkin folds improve the ambiance of the table

and the event. What else.
(Students raise their hands)

Yes Kyla.

Kyla: It is placed on the lap or chest to protect the clothes against food
Excellent! It is important for sanitary purposes. As mentioned
as well earlier, it is also used for wiping ones mouth , hand and
fingers after eating meals.Now given this information, can
anyone please demonstrate, how would you display proper
etiquette in dining if you need to wipe your mouth?

(Students raise their hands)

Please demonstrate Karla.

Very Good Karla, This is how we wipe our mouths will Table
Napkin cloths or Table Napkin paper after we eat. Like this teacher. (Karla demonstrates the proper wiping of mouth
using the table napkin.


Directions: To sum up our lesson, complete the statement

I know …
(Students raise their hands)
Yes Maria.

I know now how to demonstrate the basic Table Napkin folds.

Very good. Now complete the statement I will do…

(Students raise their hands)

Yes Mark.
I will do practice the table napkin folds and use my knowledge on
table napkin folds on our next special event at home.
Excellent Mark.

Lastly , complete the statement ,I will share...

(Students raise their hands)

Yes John.
I will share my newly acquired skill with my family and friends.

Great Job. Very good class on your active participation today! I

hope you will keep on practicing your newly acquired skill and
use it in the future.

For our Assignment: Group yourselves into 10 members.
Research and practice the other different types of Napkin folds.
We will have a reporting next meeting. Each group will report
and demonstrate the detailed step by step procedures of 5 or
more table napkin folds each.

Any question regarding our Assignment? None Teacher!

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for

remediation who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did

these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or

supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use./discover
which I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared By:

Ricci Aime R. Agpaoa

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