CNH Questions

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In order to carry out group care with

children, what do you consider?


The planning you do for CNH - MT does not

meet the needs of the children, what strategy
do you use?


In your community there are children who

should receive the CNH - MT service, but they
do not have the necessary documents, how
do you make them obtain it?

terriotirles technicians and district analysts

in case of children under 3 years of age,
c<arnet if they have cacrnet MSP vaccination

Do you consider it necessary to articulate

actions in the territory for the benefit of CNH
- MT families, who should do it?
The Territorial Technical Coordinator and the District Level Team, in the cantonal intersectoral
technical roundtables,

On a visit to the family you are told that they

want to change the date of the activity, how
do you respond?

How do you organize yourself to comply with

the information required by your immediate


Integrated Child Development is important,

This conception of integral child development allows us to affirm that for a child to grow
well, it is necessary that his or her experience is nurtured by a set of attentions and
achievements in terms of health, nutrition, learning and protection that should be
generated by public institutions, families and communities, as a necessary condition for
his or her full development and a good start in life. It has been proven that it is during this
stage that the child's brain develops at an astonishing speed and is most susceptible to
damage, as well as to interventions to reduce risks and optimize development; basic
learning skills and personal and social abilities are acquired at an early age.

During this period the human being becomes increasingly autonomous, becomes more
complex in its functions and processes, grows, changes and advances continuously and
builds the foundations for later capabilities, so that the most important elements of the
health, welfare and productivity of children take shape during this stage.
Have you heard or do you know how the CNH
- MT service works, please explain.

Motivate for the elaboration of ludic resources with materials from the environment.

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