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Benjamin Bloom- chaired the committee of educators that devised the taxonomy.

Ronald Carter and Michael long

Carter, R. and Long (1991) stated that there are three models in the teaching of literature: (1) The
Cultural Model which view literature as a teacher-centered and source of facts where teacher delegates
knowledge and information to students, (2) The Language Model which allows teacher to employ
strategies used in language teaching to deconstruct literary texts in order to serve specific linguistic
goals, and (3) The Personal Growth Model where the focus is on a particular use of language in a text
and in a specific cultural context.

There are six approaches in the teaching of literature. They are the
(1) Language-Based Approach, - This approach emphasizes the awareness of the language of
literature which is a basic stage for EFL learners. Van believed that the approach is more accessible
for language learners since it facilitates the students' responses and experience with literature.
(2)Paraphrastic Approach, - The paraphrastic approach deals with the surface meaning of the text.
Teachers whose using this approach may paraphrase or re-word the story in a simpler language or
even translating it into other languages. ... The focus of this approach is to search for moral values
whilst reading a particular literary text.
(3)Information-Based Approach, - Information-based approach gives knowledge and information to
students (Thunnithet, 2011). It is teacher-centred and demands a lot of teacher's input in giving
students various contents of literary text like on historical, political, cultural and social background.
(4)Personal-Response Approach, - A personal response to literature or a reading journal is an
informal analysis of a text. ... In some cases, you may also be asked to connect your understanding of
the text to your own personal experience, another text, or a world event.
(5)Moral-Philosophical Approach, - The moral/philosophical approach is defined as an approach that
suggests that the larger purpose of literature is to teach morality and to probe philosophical questions,
in the words of Samuel Johnson. It is believed that authors intend to instruct the audience in some
Stylistic Approach. - teaches students how to look for and interpret stylistic dimensions of a text.
Students are made to learn how what is said is said and how meanings are made. They are taught to
know what makes the language of literature different from everyday language, if it really is.

 Recognizing
 Recalling
 Interpreting
 Exemplifying
 Classifying
 Summarizing
 Inferring
 Comparing
 Explaining
 Executing
 Implementing
 Differentiating
 Organizing
 Attributing
 Checking
 Critiquing
 Generating
 Planning
 Producing

Do not use the following verbs in objectives because they are not measurable

Comprerhend Become acquiantred with

Understand Gain knowledge of
Appreciate Cover
Famialiarize learn
Study Realize
Be aware0

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