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viswanathan R

Industrial Internet of Things

Lesson 1 of 1

viswanathan R

If you needed a server, you had to:

Buy it

Install it

Maintain it

Replace it

Have an IT Team

The Cloud:
Compute, Networking , storage and other services managed by someone else.

Cloud providers are companies who provide huge data centers.

2 Fill it with servers, networking, cooling, electricity etc.

3 Design and install various services.

4 Make it publicly accessible

If you need a server you can:

1 Create it in the cloud within minutes.

2 Use it as you wish.

3 Pay for what you use.

4 Shut it down when not needed.

5 Automatically maintained, patched, secured and maintained.

Characterisitcs of cloud computing

1 On demand self service.

2 Broad network access.

3 Resource pooling.

Rapid Elasticity
5 Measured service

Iaas , Paas and Saas

Types of Clouds

1 Public

2 Private

3 Hybrid
IOT Central

1 IOT platform for building and managing IOT applications..

2 Makes it easy manage millions of devices.

3 Uses dedicated web UI

Steps for using IOT Central

1 Create IOT application.

2 Connect devices to application.

3 Integrate application with other services

4 Manage application
IOT central architecture

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