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REG.NUM: FCDTT/21/DT/05292
DATE: 28/05/2023

1.Discuss extensively various types of Becket classification of partial dentures

2. Discuss extensively the importance of partial dentures, classification, indication and
1.(a)saddles (dentures base) which are tooth borne .
(b)saddles (denture base)which are mucosa borne.
NOTE: saddle is the part of the denture that carries the artificial teeth over the edentulous area
or saddle area.
Saddles may be designed as mucosa borne to transmit the occlusal load through the mucosa or
tooth borne, whereas occlusal transmits the load of the adjustment teeth.

2. (A).Partial dentures are important because

. It helps to preserve the nearby natural teeth without causing harm to them.
. They are used to fill up lager gaps let by the lost tooth.
. They are simple to use, modify, and repair.
. They are simple to maintain since they are easily removed and cleaned.
. They lower the temporomandibular joint (TM) problems and the discomfort that comes with

(B) classification:
. CUMMER'S Classification: it was introduced by CUMMER in states that partial
dentures can be classified into four types based on their position of direct retainers.
*Diagonal: Two direct retainers are diagonally opposite to one another.
* Diametric:two direct retainers are diametrically opposite to each other.
* Unilateral.

. KENNEDY Classification:
Class1:bilateral edentulous area located posterior to the remaining natural teeth.
Class2: unilateral edentulous area located posterior to the remaining.

. BECKETT'S AND WILSON Classification:

They decide that the following must be considered while determining the proportionate amount
of support provided by the teeth and tissue, provided by the teeth and tissue, the quality of
abutment support, the magnitude of occlusal support,the harmony of occlusion the quality of
. BAILYN'S Classification: Bailyn classification was the first classification to give importance to
support of partial dentures by remaining tissues. He used descriptive letters like A and P.
A(Anterior restoration) where there are saddle areas antr to the first bicuspid.
P(posterior restoration) they are the saddle area posterior to the canine.

. NEUROHR'S Classification:it is also based on support derived and not commonly used due
to unnecessary complexity

C. Indication for a partial denture

. To replace several teeth in the same quadrant or in both quadrants of sane arch.
. As a temporary replacement for missing teeth in a child
. To replace missing teeth for patients who do not want a fixed bridge or implants
. For the patients who finds it easier to maintain good oral hygiene

D. Contraindications for a partial denture

. A lack of suitable teeth in the arch to support stabilize ,retain and removable prosthesis
. Chronic poor oral hygiene
. A lack of patient acceptance for the esthetic reason
. Rampant caries or server periodontal the remaining teeth in the arch

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