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Group ” D” members
Names: Roll No:
Saad shamshad F22-BsSE-1045

KHURAM F22-BsSE-1038






what is computer ?

Types of computer.

History of computer.

computer language and its type

language translators(compiler,interpreter,Assembler)

. Difference between hardware and software.

Types of software.
What is computer ?
An electronic device which stores,process and retrieves a data such type of
device is called as computer.First of all computer is made for the purpose of
Calculations.But now a days computer are use for different purposes and
various places such as banks, schools,colleges,labs etc.

Types of computer

Super computer Mini computer

Mainframe computer
History of computer
The computer as we know it today had its beginning with 19th century English mathematics
professor named Charles Babbage.He designed the analytical engine And it was this design that the
basic framework of the computer of today are based on.for this reason we call Charles babbage the
father of computer.
Generally speaking , computers can be classified into three generations. Each Generation
lasted for a certain period of time and each gave us either a new and improved computer or an
improvement to existing computer.
Charles Babbage

Eda is a student of Charles babbage and she was also a mathematician by profession.
She wrote a first program program for Analytical engine and that was first computer
program and she was first programmer.

Extra information
what is computer language?
A formal language which is used to to communicate with computer is know as a computer language. We use this computer language
to do various things, performs a lot of work.Brodly we can classified a computer language in different categories.

Types of computer languages

High level language Low level language

Assembly language Machine language

High level language: A type of language that is close to human language is known as high
High-level language. High-level language is easy to understand. Instructions of these languages are written in English like words such as input
,print, output etc.

EXAMPLES: fortran,cobol,pascal,c,basic etc are a high level languages.

Machine language: A type of language in which instruction are written in binary form is called
Machine language. It is the only language which is directly understood by computer and known as fundamental language of computer.

Assembly language: Assembly language is also a low level is one step higher
Than machine language.In assembly language symbols are used instead of binary code.these symbols are called mnemonics.
Language processors/translators
Computer only understand machine language. A program written in high level or assembly level language cannot be run on computer
Directly. It must be converted into machine language before execution. Language translator is a software that can converts these
program into machine language. Every computer language has its own translator. Different types of language translator are as follows.

Types of translators

compiler interpreter Assembler

Compiler: A compiler is a program that can convert the instruction of high level language into machine language as a
Whole. A program written in high level language is called source program.compiler converts source program into machne code known as
Object program.

Source program compiler Object program

Interpreter: An interpreter is a program that converts one statement of a program at one time.It executes this
This statement before translating the next statement of the source program.

Assembler: An assembler is translating program that translates the instruction of assembly language into machine
Language into machine language.
Assembly language program ASSEMBLER Object program
Difference between software and hardware
The term hardware is refers to the physical and visible component's of computer.
Hardware refers to the external and internal devices and equipment that enable you to perform major functions
Such as input,output,storage,,communication etc.There are two types of hardware. Internal and external.

Example: keyboard, mouse, monitor speaker,cpu etc.

Software: Fig (A)

Software refers the set of instructions which enable the hardware to performs specific
task. The software tell a computer what to do and how to do. It is the opposite of hardware ,which describes the
physical aspects of a computer. Software is a generic term used to refer to applications, scripts and programs that
run on a device.

Example: MS. Word, Excel, power point etc.

Fig (B)
Types of software
Application software System software

System software: System software is a software designed to provide a platform tor

Other software. The user does not interact with system software because it works in background.
Generally it works independently.
Example: Operating system,window,linux etc.
Fig (A)

Application software: When a user interacts directly with a piece of software such
Type of software is are called application software. The main purpose of application
software is to assist a user to perform a specific task. It does not work independently.
Example: Photoshop, MS. Office Facebook etc.
Fig (B)
The end

Thank you so much

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