Portfolio For Immersion

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Rodolfo Neri Pelaez Memorial Hall, Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City


(based on DepEd Order No. 30 s. 2017)

This belongs to:

Nasiba M. Dimal
Kurt Zaiken U. Daniel
Name of Student

Track / Strand / Section

School Year

This Work Immersion Portfolio will serve as a workbook for the students who will take
up the course/subject Work Immersion in Senior High School. The framework is based on
DepEd Order No. 30 s. 2017, entitled Guidelines for Work Immersion.

This workbook will essentially foster in-depth learning of the world of work and
assessment of student’s performance during work immersion.

Furthermore, the purpose of this portfolio includes but is not limited to the following:

For Students:
 The portfolio will be used as a source of motivation and guide for work immersion.
 This will serve as a documentation and approval of lessons learned.
 This will provide feedback of their performance level.

 This contains regulations and conditions regarding contract between school and
 This is an information about curriculum and record of lessons learned.
 This is a record of student’s performance for assessment.
 This is a record of student’s reflections for Work Immersion.

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Grade: 12 No. of Hours: 80 hours

Pre-requisite: Should have taken at least 4 Specialized Subjects
Course Description:
Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. A Senior High School
student has to undergo Work Immersion in an industry that directly relates to the student’s
postsecondary goal. Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed to and become
familiar with work-related environment related to their field of specialization to enhance their
competence. Specifically, the students are able to: (i) gain relevant and practical industrial
skills under the guidance of industry experts and workers; (ii) appreciate the importance and
application of the principles and theories taught in school; (iii) enhance their technical
knowledge and skills; (iv) enrich their skills in communications and human relations; (v)
develop good working habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work. These prepare
them to meet the needs and challenges of employment or higher education after graduation.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Learner

In this course, the learners are expected to:
1. Attend Pre and Post Immersion Activities;
2. Report to the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor during actual
3. Perform the duties and tasks as indicated in the prescribed template for work
immersion list of tasks/activities; and
4. Prepare the documentations and reports required in the curriculum and by the
Partner Institution.

The Work Immersion Teacher and the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor
will jointly assess the learner’s performance following the DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 Policy
Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program.

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Name : Nasiba M. Dimal
Date of Birth : January 18, 2004
Place of Birth : Cagayan
Nasiba M.de Oro City
Parent’s / Guardian’s Name
Nasiba M. :Dimal
Jamalodin Alamada Dimal
Postal Address : 9000 Nasiba M. Dimal
Insert 2 x 2 Picture
E-mail Address :
Cellphone Number : 09485333405
Religion : Islam
Health Issues /09485333405
Allergies : N/A
Hobbies / Past Time Activities 09485333405
: Watching, and cleaning the house
Skills / Talents : Singing, critical thinking, problem-solving skills and flexible
Extra-curricular Activities in School
09485333405 : Musical play (main cast), Tagisan ng talino, and Festival Dance (Dancer)
Support group / home companions : Brother, mother, and father
List your favourites : Anime, foods, pets,09485333405
nature, traveling, smell of old books, and music
One word or object that describes yourself : Apathy
How do you feel about school? : School is fun, enjoyable, exciting, and thrilling but at the same time
tiring, depressing, and stressful. In school, you can meet new people who can be part of your life but,
when always a day when all of you will say goodbye, and that's the sad part of going to school.
What are your most memorable subject / class? Why? : My most memorable subject is chemistry
it’s because our teacher is the only one who let us take a pen and paper exam/quizzes, so I consider it as
a memorable subject because I’m too scared to have a low grade on it.
What are your plans after Senior High School? : After I graduate from senior high school, I wanted
to continue and pursue the course of BS in Nursing.

What is your career path? : I hope to go on and study nursing. I have always had a keen interest in
taking care of patients, administering medicine, and checking vitals of patients.
What is your philosophy in life? : Just go with the flow of life

Do you have plans to go abroad? If yes, where and why? : If I have the opportunity to go abroad,
I would like to go to Saudi Arabia and be a professional nurse because I believe their salary is higher than here.
What are your dreams and ambitions? : My dream is to have a successful and peaceful life,

How do you plan to achieve your ambitions and goals in life? : By dedicating my time and soul to
my work, by continuing to move forward, by standing tall and believing that I can do it, and by praying.

What are your expectations and apprehensions for work immersion? : I expect that in our work
immersion, we can experience going to different companies to observe and learn something.

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Name : Kurt Zaiken U. Daniel
Date of Birth : July 21, 2004
Place of Birth : Cagayan de Oro City
Parent’s / Guardian’s Name
Nasiba M. :Dimal
Lilian P. Uy
Postal Address : 9000
Insert 2 x 2 Picture
E-mail Address :
Cellphone Number : 09154239225
Religion : Catholic
Health Issues /09485333405
Allergies : Peanut butter
Hobbies / Past Time Activities 09485333405
: Watching, and playing guitar
Skills / Talents : Singing, and playing guitar
Extra-curricular Activities in School : Musical play (main cast), and grand recital (props)
Support group / home companions : Grandmother, and my mother
List your favourites : Anime, street food,09485333405
guitar, music, and travelling
One word or object that describes yourself : Book
How do you feel about school? : School is fun, enjoyable, exciting, and thrilling but at the same time
tiring, depressing, and stressful.

What are your most memorable subject / class? Why? : My favorite subject is PE because of the last
activity that we had, which was the aquatic activity. In this activity , we went swimming, and aside from
having lessons, we also had fun.
What are your plans after Senior High School? : To pursue my nursing course and to face my fears.

What is your career path? : After I graduate, I will pursue a BS in nursing, and after I graduate from
my supposed course, I will take licensure exams and go abroad like my mother, because she is my inspiration.
What is your philosophy in life? : It is what it is

Do you have plans to go abroad? If yes, where and why? : Yes, because I would like to follow the
the same career path as my mother. I would like to work and be a registered nurse in Transylvania.
What are your dreams and ambitions? : My dream is to be reincarnated into the anime world.

How do you plan to achieve your ambitions and goals in life? : To study hard and believe in myself,
To study hard and believe in myself, to strive more, to be confident, and to pray to God that I can achieve
my goal in life.
What are your expectations and apprehensions for work immersion? : I expect that in our work
immersion, we can experience going to different companies to observe and learn something.

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Nasiba M. Dimal
Home Address : NHA, Phase 3, Kauswagan, Olape Compound
Cellphone Number : 09485333405
E-mail Address : ndimal45827@liceo.edu.ph
Date of Birth : January 18, 2004
Gender : Female
Field of Training: : STEM


Senior High School
Junior High School

Elementary School

Field of Study
Computer Skills:
Critical thinker, empathy and compassion, computer literate (MSword,
Excell, Power Point Presentation), manage time, adaptable, flexibility
and, alert and observant.
Skills / Qualifications

Academic scholarship (full scholarship), with high honor, with honor,

Special Awards / Honors / and academic excellence.

Watching, cleaning the house, nature, traveling, music, taekwondo,

learning new things, exercise, and reading fantasy books.
Activities &

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Kurt Zaiken U. Daniel

Home Address : Zone 11, Poblacion, Laguindingan Misamis Oriental
Cellphone Number : 09154239225
E-mail Address : kdaniel70815@liceo.edu.ph
Date of Birth : July 21, 2004
Gender : Male
Field of Training: : STEM


Senior High School
Junior High School

Elementary School

Field of Study
Computer Skills:

Communication Skills, emergency response, time management,

Skills / Qualifications adaptability, handling pressure, and problem solving

2nd Placer Radio Broadcasting, and Full tuition scholar (Academic

Special Awards / Honors / Excellence) in XU

Watching, playing guitar, anime, street food, guitar, music, and

Activities &

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ACTIVITY 19 | Report on Activities Performed


04/26/2023 Product Presentation

04/15/2023 Career Guidance Seminar

03/04/2023 Grand Career Day

Attach documents or pictures

SHS Work Immersion Portfolio Page 9

ACTIVITY 19 | Report on Activities Performed


03/04/2023 Grand Career Day

04/15/2023 Career Guidance Seminar

04/26/2023 Product Presentation

Attach documents or pictures

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ACTIVITY 23 | Work Performance Artefacts

Attach photos, illustrations, and other evidences (e.g. products, transactions) of

performed activity that include knowledge of work and quality of work done.

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ACTIVITY 23 | Work Performance Artefacts

Attach photos, illustrations, and other evidences (e.g. products, transactions) of

performed activity that include knowledge of work and quality of work done.

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ACTIVITY 27 | Post- Immersion

Dear students you are now on the final stretch of your Work Immersion course. At this juncture
you need to revisit the things that have been done in the past few days. What are the events that are
memorable to you, what are the key learning’s that you have achieved and lastly you need to evaluate if
the experienced gave you more confidence to face what lies ahead.

As you can see below, those are the events that I attended that were related to work
immersion; sadly, I don’t have a picture of the grand career day. The key lessons that I’ve
learned with these activities are that you should set some goals and plan for your future ahead
of time because it’s really hard to decide when you lack time. Also, you really need to know
yourself more because choosing a career path depends on your hobbies, interests, goals,
dreams, and what you're good at. If you don’t know yourself, you’ll have a hard time deciding
for your future. Be open-minded and learn more about your surroundings and reality because
lack of knowledge is hard. Experiencing these activities makes me realize that I should gain
more confidence, learn to speak in public, improve my vocabulary, and be knowledgeable
because I feel that I have plenty of things to do to improve myself.

Make a collage of your Work Immersion experience.

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ACTIVITY 27 | Post- Immersion

Dear students you are now on the final stretch of your Work Immersion course. At this juncture
you need to revisit the things that have been done in the past few days. What are the events that are
memorable to you, what are the key learning’s that you have achieved and lastly you need to evaluate if
the experienced gave you more confidence to face what lies ahead.

We completed several different types of tasks during these past few days.. I learned a lot
from the grand career day that will help me in my future studies. For those who desire to
pursue their dreams, the event is extremely essential. It can assist you in developing future
self-generated strategy. I'm really happy I was present when the program took place. Because
of my academics, the pop musical play is a huge assistance to me; just because you're an extra
doesn't make you a burden. Our team, GAMMA, was declared the winner, and we are really
appreciative of our workers and everything they have done. The activity of swimming is also
very beneficial for learning the fundamentals and for maintaining your safety. When someone
is drowning, swimming is not just for enjoyment; it can also be the difference between life and

Make a collage of your Work Immersion experience.

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How did the experience change me as a person, and how will it help me in the future?

My experience in my 2 years of staying at Liceo de Cagayan University has been fun, tiring,
intriguing, and sad. I've experienced a lot in just 2 years. The 11th grade school year is not so
fun because it’s a new classmate, a new environment, new people, new responsibilities, and
new goals, but there’s a barrier through all of the fun that I was expecting. Why? Because grade
11 is an online learning modality, you can just meet your classmates online or through your
classes. We can't really form strong bonds with this barrier, but luckily, this barrier also helps
us in different ways. In this mode of learning, oral recitation and activities are more frequent. It
has given me some changes like being more active, gaining some confidence, and trying to excel
because I do have so many classmates who are more intelligent than me, so I believe that I
should strive more. Competing with someone is not bad because sometimes you can use that as
motivation, and I do believe that one day these experiences and changes in me can help me in
the near future.

In my 12th grade year, blending mode is being conducted, where our bonds get stronger and
we know each other better than when we are in grade 11. In this school year, I joined many
events and extracurricular activities, like musical plays, tagisan ng talino, grand recitals, grand
career day, and product presentation and more. These events and activities make me realize
that I’m not that good. I was so far away with my classmates, and I realized my lack of ability,
but I won’t let that drag me down. I enjoy and experience these activities even though I don’t
really excel. Experiencing new things, realizing new things about yourself, and learning new
things can make you stronger, and with the knowledge that I’ve gained from these activities, I
can use it in the near future for things like applying for a job, presenting to the public, and
making or building a new business. Experiencing new things is scary, but thinking about the
advantages of those experiences is a gift for you.

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How did the experience change me as a person, and how will it help me in the future?

I discovered that senior high school was different when I initially started taking part in.
Despite the fact that I had just 5 classmates, it was nonetheless a fun time back then. No teacher
is teaching in front of the class, and modular tests don't assist at all. However, I felt grateful at
the moment because I was enjoying myself with my classmates. I chose the TVL strand back
when I wasn't sure since I believed it was just a cooking thread, but now I see this strand is not
for me.

I discovered when I transferred to Liceo de Cagayan University that leaving your comfort
zone is not very simple, but that it is necessary if you want to develop in a new setting. When I
originally joined in liceo, I was informed that I had back subjects from my previous course, TVL.
I switched to a STEM course because it was too late to change my line of study. I saw the
danger at the time as a challenge to improve as a student and be more responsible. I was
thankful for the lessons this school gave me about self-assurance. I gained confidence as a
result of my kindest classmates' tremendous assistance. I understand that, as long as you have
quick adaptability, stepping outside of your comfort zone is really not that bad.

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On April 14, 2023, there’s a seminar that’s held at the Liceo Civic Center, and on the night of
the day I can’t sleep from thinking about what kind of course or work will suit me. On that day,
I learned a lot about the different kinds of courses that they represented, and one of them was
the only option I could choose. I never thought that choosing a career was so hard, especially
when you don't know yourself, what you want, your dream, or your own path in life. I came to
the realization that you really should know what you desire in life when you are not yet in
adulthood. I’m really struggling with choosing my course, but the only thing that I know is that
I need to set my mind up for the course that I would choose because I’m a graduating student,
growing is difficult, maturing is realizing that living is not easy.

On the day of the seminar, I was amazed by the students there because they were already
settled about their course or their job. They asked a lot of questions about their chosen course,
and as a student like them, I realized how unsettled I am about my future. I never think
thoroughly about my future or about what will happen to me in the future. Being there in the
seminar gives me knowledge or an idea of what my course will be. In my mind, I really like
martial arts, fighting, actions, and discovering new species because it’s amazing, but I do
believe these things that I'm interested in can’t give me a better life in the future, so I should
think of something that can make me rich in the future because that’s what we really need right
now. After I watched those college students being proud about their chosen courses, I felt like I
also needed to wake up to reality. On that day, I'd been thinking, "What if I chose nursing as my
course?" It’s not that I really like that course, but maybe I would love it soon. In this seminar, it
changed me and my thinking about how I should think as an adult now, and that’s what I want
to do right now.

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I have a seminar at the Liceo Civic Center on April 14, 2023 and I can’t sleep the night before
because I keep thinking about what kind of job or course would be best for me. That day I
learned so much about the different courses they represent and I could only choose one. I had
no idea that choosing a career could be so difficult. I realized that I really need to know what I
want out of life before I grow up. having a hard time deciding which major to study, but all I
know is that I’m graduating soon and I have to make a choice. It also served as a summer job
for the students in parallel with their classes. Now that Im an adult and cant rely on my parents
all the time, I need money to meet my own needs, so I decided to take a summer job.

On the day of the seminar, they started the event with a prayer and singing the National
Anthem and the Liceo National Anthem. In the first segment they represented these courses:
College of Nursing, Radiological Technology, Criminal Justice, College of Arts and Sciences.They
detailed and presented the possible areas and works available for their course. The second
segment introduced the following courses: Universities of Information Technology,
Engineering, Medical Institutes, Colleges of Music and Arts, as in the first segment. Finally, the
third segment showed these courses. College of Pharmacy, College of Education, College of
Economics and Accounting, College of Rehabilitation Science. The final part of the event
revolves around holiday work.

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