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TEACHING SEQUENCE Nº2: Horror or Fear Story


GRADE: FIFTH "A, B and C" T.M and T.T.



☠ Show interest and willingness to socialize their reading experiences.

☠ Expand their strategies for interpreting increasingly complex texts.

☠ Participate in writing situations of diverse texts, taking into account the production process, the
communicative purpose, the characteristics of the text, the orthographic norms incorporated, the
communicability and legibility.


✍ To produce a story that provokes fear from a game made with cubes with the frame and the

characters that come out by chance.


☠ Rereading as a strategy to solve comprehension difficulties.

☠ Participation in collective and individual situations of writing fictional texts of increasing length and
complexity, with a determined communicative purpose and according to the parameters of the
communicative situation: - narratives presenting people, respecting or intentionally altering the
temporal order, maintaining the causal chaining of actions and including descriptions (if the chosen
text and the communicative situation require it); - dialogues headed by a brief narrative framework; -
descriptions in which an order of presentation is respected and an adequate lexical field is used to
designate processes, parts, shape, color, size.
☠ Reflection on the use, in descriptions: - of appropriate lexical field to designate processes, parts,
shape, color, size and other properties: nouns: common and proper and qualifying adjectives,
numerals and gentilics.

EVALUATION: continuous, of processes from the returns of the proposed activities and final of each
content with an integrating proposal.

MOMENT ONE "Horror Story".

CLASS 1 date:
1. Have youever listened to, watched a movie or read a story that made you feel scared?
Which ones? Make a list of the titles.
2. Circle the monster stories you know.
I inherited a ghost. Collectible Monsters, A Monster in the
Closet, My Friend the Monster, The Monster of the Lagoon, The
Loch Ness Monster, The Creature in the Attic, The Monster
Inventor, The Merlin Monster, How to Recognize a Monster.
The Tooth Monster, The Trolls, A Stormy Night and Edgar, the
Winged Monster.
3. Read attentively the story "The Monster of the Mill" by Franco
Vaccarini(also sent in audio or narrated by the teacher as a
reading model).
4. Answer the following questions:
a. How is the row of pines? ...............................................................
b. How did the young man imagine the
worm? ..................................................
c. How were the cracks in the
tank? .....................................................
The answers to the above questions tell what the pine
swath, earthworm and tank cracks look like. These words
describe or qualify the noun they accompany and are called
CLASS 2 date:
5. Use the ADJECTIVES in the bag relating them to the NOUNS (the pictures) as appropriate.
Write them on the lines.
6. Complete the sentences by adding the adjectives that seem most appropriate to you.

Yesterday I saw a witch very.....................y ........................

The children applaud........................, and ............................

The ................. birds sing .................. on the ................rama.

We traveled the .................. road between the mountains on

an afternoon .....................

My grandmother gave us a .....................y .....................zapallo.

CLASS 3 date:
7. Look carefully at the following picture and then write sentences using the adjectives that
describe each noun they accompany.
8. Name the nouns that appear in the images. Then use adjectives to describe them or say
what they are like.

CLASS 4 date:

*Addto the drawing the monster that you imagine provoked the young man's fear.
* Thestory you read or heard provoked you... color as you see fit.
laughter fear Joy sadness solitude suspense certainty
concern Anguish curiosity Suspicion fear Panic peace of

*Lookup the meaning of unknown words in the dictionary.

*Makea list of the words used by the author to provoke fear.

9. Considering the story, "The Monster of the Mill by Franco Vaccarini, read the sentences
and then complete the activities.
The protagonist checks every evening that there is water in the
The noise, more intense and closer, is accompanied by an earth
The young man hears a strange noise.
He discovers that the sound is coming from the bottom of the tank.
The main character thinks the noise is a figment of his
The boy tells his father what happened.
The father worries because the mill tank runs out of water.
The boy and his father go to the mill, accompanied by dogs.
The parent reinforces the floor of the tank so that it does not lose
any more water.

a. List the sentences 1 through 9 as they appear in the story.

b. Underline the sentences that relate to fear.

In the horror story, beings or situations that provoke uneasiness or fear

in some characters are included. The cause of the fear can be a monster, a
vampire, a ghost, something that cannot be explained and is perceived as a threat.
The reader may also feel fear.

10. In each of the following lists, circle the nouns that relate to the text.

Description of monster sounds Objects or elements that produce fear

grumbling laughter howling crying whispering Monsters blades hares pines needles
chapel bug bug scare imagination scream
shouting splashing snorting beast terror earthquake nightmare silence
lead thirsty home

11. We play monster word hunt. In the box you are going to add the words you hunted following the
clues I give you. Note the example in row 1). In the same way you should write the words you
find and mark whether it is a noun or an adjective.

1) Large container used to hold water in the field, 6 letters.

2) Origin or origin of the tank, 11 letters.

3) Local birds. Plural, 10 letters.

4) Qualifying adjective referring to the row of pine trees. Singular, 7 letters.

5) Qualifying adjective that refers to a part of the pine trees. Plural, 9 letters

6) Construction material of which the tank floor is made. Singular, 7words

* Nouns Adjectives


12. Think of a name for each character and for the place where the story takes place, write it in the

Location Dad Son Monster

CLASS 5 date:
1. A cube is presented with possible characters, places and suggested beginnings to produce a
horror story. (each child rolls the die and writes down the data that will allow him/her to produce
his/her story)

a. First remember to write a scary title, a really scary one!

b. Then let's get down to work... you must roll the die and write the beginning of your turn, then
roll the die of the place and finally the die of the characters.

c. Now, with all this information, let your imagination run wild.







We reviewed the writing of the story!!!!!
1. First read it out loud to an adult in your family who can make suggestions or call your teacher and
tell her that you understand.
2. Then you send it by audio or photo to the teacher so she can guide you on how you are doing
with the writing.
3. You then revise your story according to the suggestions you received.
4. Finally, you can clean it up and, together with a beautiful drawing, present it to the teacher.

CLASS 6 date:

1. Color which of the statements is true and cross out the false ones.

Adjectives accompany nouns by describing them and are always capitalized.

Adjectives describe only common nouns and agree in gender and number.

Adjectives are words that accompany a noun in gender and number describing its characteristics.

2. This child's name is Mateo. Look at it carefully and circle the ADJECTIVES that describe it.

3. Complete the table with the adjectives that describe Mateo.



4. Complete the definition of a horror story.

The horror story includes beings or situations that provoke ....................................................... the
reader. The cause of the fear may be from certain characters such as
.................................................................... or something that cannot be explained and is perceived as a

5. Make a list of places that may be mentioned in horror stories that can provoke fear.

6. Read the following story carefully, fill in the blanks and add elements of terror. Remember to add
a creepy title.

A family, consisting of two young children and their parents, were traveling by road
to .................................................................. when their car broke down. The parents went out to get
help and, so that the children would not get bored, left them with the radio on. Night fell and the
parents still hadn't returned when they heard disturbing news on the radio: a very dangerous killer
had escaped from a prison near ..................................................................... and called for extreme
Hours passed and the children's parents did not return. Suddenly, they began to hear
banging above their heads. "Poc, poc, poc." The banging, which seemed to come from something
hitting .......................................................................................... the top of the car, was getting faster
and louder. "POC, POC, POC". The children, terrified, could not resist any longer: they opened the
door and fled in a hurry. ..................................................................
Only the oldest of the children dared to turn his head to look at what was causing the
banging. He shouldn't have done it: on top of the car there was an ........................................, which
hit the top of the vehicle with something in his
hands.............................................................................. Finally .................................................
.................................Lucas, the youngest child, told his friends what had happened.
Suggested reading.
Super short stories for super readers!!!

2. Iodulose
A few years ago, in a camp, there was a group of young people who, during an excursion, got
lost. After several hours lost, they found a lone man: he carried an axe on his back and did not give
them a good impression, but, desperate, they asked him how to get to the village. Despite the first
impression, the man turned out to be super nice: he told them his name was Yoduloso and
accompanied them to the village, where he said goodbye. Beforehand, he took a photo with the young
The group of young people told the village that the man who had taken them there was called
Yoduloso, but the locals said that this was impossible. The only Yoduloso that had ever been in the
village died more than 100 years ago, and he died in a horrible way: a group of children were playing
ball and he ran away, and Yoduloso went for it. He was carrying an axe in his hand and had the
misfortune to trip and cut his own leg. He bled to death.
The young people listened in disbelief and thought that, despite the coincidence of the name and
the fact that the man was also carrying an axe, it was impossible that it was the same person. However,
when they developed the photo they had taken when they arrived in town, they noticed something that
made them change their minds: Yoduloso had disappeared from the photograph.

3. Manitou
Many, many years ago, a young man named Manitou used to come to the camps. Because of his
bad behavior, he was expelled from the camp, and decided to take revenge. For all eternity: although
this happened a very long time ago, Manitou continues to visit the camps. We can tell it is near because
a drum-like sound can be heard before its arrival.
Occasionally, upon waking up, some children have found that a red letter M had been drawn on
their forehead or body. It is painted in blood.
[Compiled in the WhatsApp group of camp monitors. As they explain, this story is followed by a night of
scares for the children in the camps: monitors can draw an "M" near the tents or simulate the sound of a

4. The madman under the bed

This is the story of a young woman from [....], let's call her Sara. As a child, Sara was afraid of the
dark, until she adopted a dog to keep her company. For years, Sara slept peacefully because she knew
that under the bed was her dog, and if she was afraid she only had to reach out her hand: then the dog
would start licking her until she fell asleep.
So the years passed and Sara became an adult. One night, on the radio, he heard that a very
dangerous killer was wanted near [....]. Sara, accompanied by her dog, was not afraid: she got into bed,
reached out her hand to the edge and the dog, like every night, began to lick her.
He slept through the night, and when he woke up, he was surprised that the dog had not tired of
licking his hand all night. Or so he thought: when he opened his eyes, he found the dog dead on the
floor of the room. Under the bed, a man was still licking her hand.

5. The cemetery challenge

Several teenage girls had gone to spend the night at a friend's house, taking advantage of the
fact that their parents were away. When they turned off the lights they started talking about an old man
who had just been buried in a nearby cemetery. It was said that he had been buried alive and could be
heard clawing at the coffin, trying to get out.
One of the girls scoffed at that idea, so the others challenged her to get up and go visit the grave.
As proof that he had gone, he had to drive a wooden stake into the earth of the grave. The girl left and
her friends turned off the light again and waited for her to return.
But an hour passed, and another, without news of her friend. They lay in bed awake, increasingly
terrified. Morning came and the girl had not shown up. That same day, the girl's parents returned home
and, together with the rest of the parents, went to the cemetery. They found the girl lying on the grave...
Dead. As she bent down to drive the stake into the ground, she had caught the hem of her skirt as well.
When she tried to get up and couldn't, she thought the old dead man had grabbed her. He died of fright
on the spot.
Jan Harold Brunvand
6. "Have you been up to see the children?"
A teenage girl is babysitting for the first time in a huge, luxurious house. She puts the children
to bed upstairs, and no sooner has she sat down in front of the television than the phone rings. Judging
by his voice, the caller is a man. He gasps, laughs menacingly, and asks, "Have you been up to see the
The babysitter hangs up convinced that his friends are playing a joke on him, but the man calls
back and asks again, "Have you been up to see the children?" She hangs up in a hurry, but the man
calls a third time, and this time says: "I've already taken care of the children, now I'm coming for you!".
The kangaroo is really scared. Call the police and report threatening calls. The police ask that, if
you call back, you try to distract him on the phone to give them time to trace the call.
As expected, the man calls back within a few minutes. The babysitter begs him to leave her
alone, and so he entertains her. He ends up hanging up. Suddenly, the phone rings again, and with
each ring the tone is louder and more strident. This time, it is the police, who give you an urgent order:
"Leave the house immediately! The calls are coming from upstairs!".

by Jan Harold Brunvand].

7. A corpse in bed
A group of friends had decided to go to [...] for a few days. They checked into the hotel and went
up to their room to drop off their luggage, but noticed a peculiar smell, as if they had forgotten to take
out the trash or had not flushed the toilet. However, everything seemed to be in order, so they left and
did not return until late in the evening.
The odor had worsened significantly throughout the day and was almost unbearable, so
maintenance was called in to locate the source. The person they were sent to looked under the beds,
inside the closets, even sniffed the drains and vents, but could not find the source of the odor. At the
end, they cleaned the room with generous amounts of scented products, set the ventilation to maximum
and wished the group of friends a good night. The plague was, for the moment, masked, and as they
were exhausted, they went to bed. One of them hid her wallet under the mattress, as she used to do in
They all slept well into the morning: large rays of sunlight were already entering the room, making
it extremely warm. The stench was still present and more potent than ever. One of the women, already
quite irritated, called the maintenance department again to complain. He then called the hotel manager
to complain some more. A small army of management and maintenance personnel showed up shortly,
and once again, they searched everywhere to no avail. However, everyone agreed that the smell was
unbearable, so management offered to move the friends to a different room.
They gathered their things to go down to the lobby, but when the lady who had hidden the purse
rummaged under the mattress, she touched something that looked suspiciously like a human hand.
They removed the mattress from on top of the bed and there, in a gap between the springs of the box
spring, was a dead man. It was evident that he had been murdered in the room and the murderer had
hidden him between the mattress and the box spring. I had trimmed a part of the springs of the bed
base so that the body would not form a bulge in the bed.
by Jan Harold Brunvand].
8. The bony hand
A seven-year-old girl had stayed with her grandmother in their small apartment because her
parents had gone to the movies. Everything was normal, they had dinner and laughed for a while
chatting together. At ten o'clock in the evening, the grandmother started to do some sewing, and the
little girl started to watch TV, but suddenly the grandmother became incredibly thirsty, and asked her
granddaughter if she could bring her a glass of water.
-It's dark," said the girl.
-Don't be afraid, follow the corridor, right next to the bathroom door there is a switch.
The girl made up her mind, and when she entered the corridor she could not see anything
because it was too dark, so she approached a wall and blindly felt and groped around in search of a
switch. As she kept walking and reached the doorframe of the bathroom, she stopped and kept groping,
and suddenly she noticed how a bony hand tried to drag her into the darkness of the bathroom. The girl
managed to pull away and went crying to her grandmother. Since then, the girl has been undergoing
psychological treatment. What happened, if there were only the two of them in the house and grandma
was in the living room sewing?

9. Who turned off the psychophonies?

What I am about to relate is absolutely true and relatively recent, it happened to me about six
months ago. I am very curious about the world of spiritualism, psychophonies and others, but at the
same time it scares me.
A classmate provided me with a CD that had some psychophonies recorded on it. My brother
suggested that I take a laptop with me to listen to the CD while he took a shower, so we did. Before
listening to the first psychophony, a voice introduced the CD and warned: "Never listen to it in the dark".
At that moment, to scare my brother, I turned off the bathroom light and he yelled, "Turn on the light!".
When I turned it on, the record was no longer playing. Someone had hit the stop button. I didn't go, I'm
sure of that because I had my finger on the light switch, and neither did my brother, he was inside the
bathtub and more than two meters away from the laptop. Who turned off the psychophonies? I don't
know, and I'm not sure I want to know.

10. Come play with me

Some time ago, a friend of mine and I decided to do Spiritism for the first time, since we had
never dared to do it before. We called two other friends to join us, as I had been told that it would
probably be more difficult for something to happen with only two people. We had a hard time convincing
them, but in the end they gave in. We prepared everything and, a little scared, we started to do the
Ouija board.
During the session, one of the colleagues we had called said: "I'm out of here, this Ouija board
nonsense". We were a little scared and decided to leave it for another time.
After a few days, the roommate who had left called me in terror, telling me that, on her way home
from studying at the library, as she passed a dilapidated house near her home, a little girl dressed in
white had asked her to play with her. My friend told her that she could not as she was in a hurry to get
home, and immediately the girl began to cry tears of blood. My friend ran out of there and when she got
home she called me. That's as far as my friend told me. At first I took it as a joke, but something made
me think that my friend was very serious.
In my room I began to think about the matter and I remembered the day we had done spiritualism
and the bad manners with which my friend had left. I thought I would have nothing to do with it and fell
asleep. The next day that same friend called me because she was going to stay home alone to study
and was afraid, so I decided to accompany her since I also had to study. I took a bus and, once at his
house, we began to study. Suddenly, we heard a scratching noise behind us. We both looked up and
found to our horror that the girl she had described to me was sitting on my friend's bed, scratching at the
wall. We ran out of the room and when we got to the door I noticed my friend was gone, but I was too
scared to wait for her.
A while later, the police called my house informing me that my friend had died of an asthma
attack. She had been found on the stairs of her house, with a terrified expression on her face. I was in
psychiatric treatment for a few months and I was already recovering, but the other day, in my mailbox
appeared a note written in a little girl's handwriting that said: "Your friend died for not playing with me. I
have a new doll...". I think it's a joke, since our story has become quite popular in town, but on the other
hand I'm afraid... will he come after me?

11. The thing

Ted Martin and Sam Miller were good friends. The two spent a lot of time together. On that
particular night they were sitting on a fence near the post office talking about nothing in particular.
There was a turnip field across the road. Suddenly they saw something crawl out of the field and
stand up. It looked like a man, but in the dark it was hard to tell for sure. Then he disappeared. But it
soon appeared again. He got as close as halfway down the road, at which point he turned around and
went back to the field.
Then he came out for the third time and headed toward them. At that point Ted and Sam felt fear
and started to run. But when they finally stopped, they thought they were being silly. They were not sure
what had frightened them. So they decided to go back and check it out.
They saw him very soon, because he was coming to meet them. He was wearing black pants,
white shirt and dark suspenders. Sam said, "I'll try to play it. That way we'll know if it's real."
He approached and scrutinized her face. He had bright, mischievous eyes deeply sunken in his
head. It looked like a skeleton. Ted took one look and shouted, and again he and Sam ran, but this time
the skeleton followed them. When they arrived at Ted's house, they stood in front of the door and
watched him. He lingered for a moment on the road and then disappeared.
A year later Ted became ill and died. In his last moments, Sam stayed with him every night. The
night Ted died, Sam said he looked exactly like the skeleton.
by Alvin Schwartz].
12. Room for one more
A man named Joseph Blackwell arrived at [....] on a business trip. He stayed in the large house
that some friends owned on the outskirts of the city. That night they spent a good time talking and
reminiscing about old times. But when Blackwell went to bed, he started tossing and turning and was
unable to sleep.
At one point in the night, he heard a car pull into the driveway. He went to the window to see who
might be arriving at such a late hour. Under the moonlight he saw a black hearse full of people. The
driver looked up at him. When Blackwell saw her strange and frightening face, he shuddered. The driver
told him, "There's room for one more." Then the driver waited a minute or two, and left.
In the morning, Blackwell told his friends what had happened. "You were dreaming," they said.
"That must have been it," he replied, "but it didn't seem like a dream." After breakfast he left for the city.
He spent the day in the offices of one of the new high-rise buildings in the city.
By late afternoon, he was waiting for an elevator to take him back to the street. But when he
stopped at his apartment, it was very crowded. One of the passengers looked at him and said, "There's
room for one more." It was the hearse driver. "No, thank you," Blackwell said. "I'll wait for the next one."
The doors closed and the elevator began to descend. Voices and shouts were heard, and a great
roar. The elevator had collapsed against the bottom. All the people on board died.

by Alvin Schwartz].

13. Rings on your fingers

Daisy Clark had been in a coma for more than a month when the doctor said she had finally died.
She was buried on a cool summer day in a small cemetery about a mile from her home.
"May she always rest in peace," her husband said. But he didn't. Late in the evening, a grave
robber with a shovel and a flashlight began to dig it up. As the earth was still loose, he quickly reached
the coffin and opened it. His hunch was right. Daisy had been buried wearing two valuable rings: a
wedding ring with a diamond and a ring with a ruby that shone as if it were alive.
The thief knelt down and reached inside the coffin to snatch the rings, but they were fully
attached to his fingers. So he decided that the only way to get his hands on them was to cut off the
fingers with a knife. But when he cut the finger with the wedding ring, it began to bleed, and Daisy Clark
began to move. Suddenly, she sat down! Terrified, the thief stood up. He accidentally hit the flashlight
and the light went out.
I could hear Daisy coming out of her grave. Walking past him in the darkness, the thief stood
there frozen in fear, clutching the knife in his hand. When Daisy saw him, she covered herself with her
shroud and asked, "Who are you?" Hearing the "corpse" speak, the grave robber ran. Daisy shrugged
and kept walking, and didn't look back once.
But driven by his fear and confusion, the thief fled in the wrong direction. He threw himself
headlong into the still open grave, fell on the knife in his hand and stabbed himself. As Daisy walked
home, the thief bled to death.

by Alvin Schwartz].

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