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(Online Only)

Nameof Work : Construction of Limited use Subway in Lieu of

Existing LC no.6 at Railway Km 10/10-12 in
between Thiruvotriyur and Wimco Nagar
Railway stations near Wimco Nagar.

Approximate value of contract Rs.2092.00 Lakhs

Date of tender closing : 08.11.2023 EMD : Rs.10,60,000/-

By 15.00 Hrs

Circle : CMDP, Saidapet, Chennai – 15

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections :

No. of Over Writings :
FORM – 1.4




TENDER NOTICE NO. : Tender Notice No: 11/2023-24/CMDP/DO/dated:


DATE AND TIME OF : 08.11.2023 by 15.00 Hrs


Construction of Limited use Subway in Lieu

NAME OF WORK : of Existing LC no.6 at Railway Km 10/10-12
in between Thiruvotriyur and Wimco Nagar
Railway stations near Wimco Nagar.



NO.OF DRAWINGS : Enclosed as Additional Documents

EMD : Rs.10,60,000/-

Superintending Engineer (H),

Saidapet, Chennai -600 015.

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:


The Superintending Engineer (H),

CMDP Circle, Saidapet,
Chennai – 600 015.
1) I / We do hereby tender and if this Tender be accepted undertake to execute
the following work viz ‘Construction of Limited Use Subway in Lieu of LC No.6 at
Railway Km 10/10-12 in between Thiruvotriyur and Wimco Nagar Railway
stations near Wimco Nagar as shown in the drawings and described in the
specifications attached with the bid document with such variations by way of
alterations of, additions to and omissions from the said works and methods of
payment as are provided for in the conditions of contract.

2) I / We, hereby agree that when works are executed by way of alterations of,
additions to, omissions and or any new items not contemplated in the bid document,
rates for these items derived as per Preliminary Specifications to Standard
Specifications for Roads & Bridges.

3) I / We hereby distinctly and expressly declare and acknowledge that before the
submission of my / our Tender, I/We have carefully followed the instructions in the
Tender Notice, Tender documents and have read Standard Specifications for Roads
and Bridges and Preliminary Specifications to Standard Specification for Roads and
Bridges, the Specifications for Roads and Bridge works of Ministry of Road Transport
& Highways and IRC / IS specifications and the special conditions furnished in the
Tender Document and the related Government orders connecting with Highways
Department and this work. I / We have made such examination of the contract
documents and of the plans, specifications and quantities and of the locations
where the said work is to be done and such investigation of the work required to be
done and in regard to the materials required to be furnished as to enable me/us to
thoroughly understand the intention of the same and the requirement, covenants,
agreements, stipulations and restrictions contained in the contract and in the said
plans and specifications and distinctly agree that I / We will not hereafter make any
claim or demand upon the Government of Tamil Nadu based upon or arising out of
any alleged misunderstanding or misconception or mistake on my/our part of the said

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
requirement, covenants, agreements, stipulations and restrictions and conditions in
executing the work. I / We shall keep the rate of progress of work as stipulated in the
Bidding Documents.

4) I / We, being a registered contractor of the Highways Department enclose the

Registration Certificate with renewal for the current year , the certificate of Income
Tax Clearance and GST Return Certificate valid for the current year.

5) I / We, enclose herewith the Demand Draft / Term Deposit Receipt / Bankers
Cheque / Specified Small Savings Instruments in the prescribed form for the payment
of the sum of Rupees 10,60,000/- as Earnest Money Deposit. If my / our tender is
accepted, the earnest money deposit may be retained by the Department as security
deposit for the due fulfillment of the contract by transferring the same to the credit of
the DIVISIONAL ENGINEER (H) CMDP Division-III, Guindy, Chennai–25. If upon
intimation being given to me / us by the Superintending Engineer (H) of acceptance of
my/our tender, fail to attend the said office on the date fixed therein, or if I / We fail to
make the Further Security / Additional Security Deposit as may be intimated and enter
into the required agreement, then I / We agree to the Forfeiture of the Earnest Money
Deposit not as a Penalty but in payment of Liquidated Damages sustained as a result
of such failure.

6). Address to which intimation is to be sent.

I / We fully understand that the written agreement to be entered into between me / us

and the Government shall be the foundation of the rights of both the parties and
contract shall not be deemed to be completed until the agreement has first been
signed by me / us and then by the proper officer authorised to enter into contract on
behalf of Government.

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
7). I / We am / are professionally qualified and my/our qualifications are given

Name Qualification

8). I / We fully understand that when other things being equal, preference will be
given to a tenderer who is professionally qualified or who undertakes to employ
technically qualified men, with experience in similar nature of work to supervise the
works to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

9). I / We will employ the following technical staff for supervision of the work and will
see that concerned technical staff always present at works site personally checking all
items of works and paying extra attention to such work which require special attention
(e.g.) reinforced concrete work etc.

Name of the members of Technical Qualification

Staff proposed to be employed

10). I / We also agree for the deduction of the sums indicated in this document, if
I / We fail to employ the technical staff.

Station :

Date :

Signature of the Contractor.

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
Tender Notice

1. For and on behalf of the Governor of Tamil Nadu Item Rate Tenders will be
received through ONLINE only by the Superintending Engineer(H), Chennai
Metropolitan Development Plan Circle, Chennai. upto 15.00 hours on 08.11.2023
under Two Cover system for the work of ‘Construction of Limited Use Subway
in Lieu of LC No.6 at Railway Km 10/10-12 in between Thiruvotriyur and
Wimco Nagar Railway stations near Wimco Nagar.

2. The Tender documents will be available Online only in the Government Website and the Tender documents can be downloaded at
free of cost upto 08.11.2023, 15.00 Hours.

3. The last date for submission of tender through online in the Government Website is 08.11.2023, 15.00 Hours.

4. The tenderers should be a registered Class –I contractors with Registration alive

upto date in Tamil Nadu Highways Department with Digital Signature Certificate
with experience in similar Nature of works.

5. The Tenderers have to upload the scanned signed documents for pre qualification
details along with a scanned copy of notified EMD in Technical cover and BOQ
with Price Bid documents in Financial cover.

6. Each tenderer must pay the Earnest Money Deposit in the prescribed form for the
stipulated amount drawn in favour of the Divisional Engineer (H), CMDP
Division-III, Guindy, Chennai– 600025 and upload the scanned copy of the same
as proof while uploading the tender. Otherwise the tender will be summarily

7. Each tenderer must upload all the prequalification documents duly signed as
prescribed in the tender documents without fail. Otherwise the tender will be
summarily rejected.

8. In case of any changes / corrections / amendments in the Tender Notice, it will be

intimated in the above web site only.

9. A pre-bid meeting will be held by the Superintending Engineer (H) Chennai

Metropolitan Development Plan Circle, No.1A, Brahmin Street, Saidapet
Chennai-15 at 11.00 Hours on 16.10.2023

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
10. The Earnest Money Deposit in original and the uploaded technical tender
documents will be received upto 15.00 Hours on 08.11.2023 by the
Superintending Engineer (H), Chennai Metropolitan Development Plan Circle,
No.1A, Brahmin Street, Saidapet Chennai-15. Otherwise the tender will be
summarily rejected.

11. The Technical cover containing the Pre-qualification documents as prescribed in

the tender documents and the EMD will be opened by the Tender Opening
Committee, Chennai Metropolitan Development Plan Circle electronically after
15.00 Hours on 09.11.2023 in the office of the Superintending Engineer (H).if the
date specified will happen to be a Holiday, the tenders will be opened on the next
working day.The tenderers or their authorized agents may be present at the time of
opening of tender.

12. The Financial Bid will be electronically opened on a later date after
pre-qualification process with due intimation to the pre-qualified bidders.

13. The contractor should produce the documents for own possession of sufficient
Plants & Machineries to complete the work in time with quality.

14. Further clarification if any required, can be ascertained during office hours from the
office of the Superintending Engineer (H), Chennai Metropolitan Development Plan
Circle, Chennai-15.

Superintending Engineer (H),
CMDP Circle,
Saidapet Chennai-15

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:




The contract envisages the nature of work outlined in the tender notice inviting bid,
the detailed item have been described under Bill of quantities (BOQ) of bid


The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of
his bid and the Superintending Engineer (Highways), CMDP Circle, Saidapet
Chennai-15, Tamil Nadu State hereinafter referred to as “The Employer” will in no
case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome
of the bidding process.


3.1 The bidder is advised to examine the Site of works, Quarries , the source of
materials & its surroundings and obtain for himself on his own responsibility, all
information that may be necessary for preparing the bid and entering into a
contract. The cost of the site visit shall be at bidder’s own expense.

3.2 The bidder and any of his personnel or agents will be granted permission by the
Employer to enter upon his premises and lands for the purpose of such inspection.
But only upon the express condition that the bidder, his personnel or agents, will
release and indemnify the Employer and his personnel and agents from and
against all liability in respect thereof and will be responsible for personnel injury
(whether fatal or otherwise), loss or damage, to property and any other loss,
damage costs and expenses however caused, which, but for the expensive of such
permission would not have arisen.

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:


4.1 The complete set of bidding documents for the purpose of bidding includes the
following together with any Addenda there to be issued in accordance with
Clause 6.


Volume I

Pre-Qualification Document

Volume II

Notice of Invitation of Bid

I. Instruction to Bidders

II. General Conditions of Contract

III. Schedule A – Bill of Quantities

Schedule B – Drawings (enclosed as Additional


IV. Schedule C

1.Special Conditions of Contract

2.Descriptive Specification report

3.Commercial Condition

4.2 The bidder is expected to examine carefully all instructions, conditions, terms,
forms, specifications and drawings in the bidding documents. Failure to comply
with the requirements of bid submission will be at the bidder’s own risk. Bids which
are not substantially responsive to the requirements of the bidding documents may
be rejected.

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:

A prospective bidder requiring any clarification of the bidding documents may notify
the Employer in writing and for further information or any clarification on major
issues can be referred to clause 19 of pre-bid meeting. For any request for
clarification in writing which he receives, the Employer’s response (including a
description of the enquiry but without identifying its source) will be uploaded in the
tender website only.


6.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids the Employer may, for any
reason, whether at his own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a
prospective bidder modify the bidding documents by the issuance of an
Addendum. The addendum will only be uploaded in the tender website.

6.2 In order to afford prospective bidders reasonable time to which to take an

Addendum into account in preparing their bids, the Employer may at his discretion,
extend the deadline for the submission of bids in accordance with Clause 22.



The bid prepared by the bidder and all correspondence and documents relating to
the bid exchanged by the bidders and the Employer shall be written in the English
Language. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the bidder
with the bid may be in any other language provided they are accompanied by an
appropriate translation passages in the above stated language. For the purpose of
interpretation of the bid, the English language shall prevail.


The bid to be prepared by the bidder shall comprise all the documents as per
Clause 4 of Section – 1, the Bid Security ; the Bill of Quantities ; Qualification
Documents and any other materials required to be completed and submitted in
accordance with the instructions to bidders embodied in these bidding documents.
The forms & Bill of Quantities provided in these bidding documents shall be used
without exception.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:

9.1 Unless stated otherwise in the bidding documents, the Contract shall be for the
package as a whole as described in the notice inviting tender based on the
schedule of unit rates and prices submitted by the bidders.

9.2 All duties, Taxes and other levies payable by the Contractor under the Contract,
and all expenses incidental to the performance of the Contract like insurance
coverage and all other requisites expected of the Contractor under the Conditions
of Contract, shall be included in the rates and prices and total Bid Price submitted
by the bidder, and the evaluation and comparison of bids by the Employer shall be
made accordingly.


The unit rates and prices are in Indian Rupees.


11.1 Bid shall remain valid and open for acceptance for a period of 90 days after the
date of bid opening prescribed in clause 23.

11.2 In extraordinary circumstances, prior to expiry of the validity period, the Employer
may request the bidder for a specified extension of the period of validity, the
request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing. A bidder may refuse
the request without forfeiting his bid security. A bidder agreeing to the request will
not be permitted to modify his bid. But will be required to extend the validity of his
bid security correspondingly. The provisions of clause 12.6 regarding discharge
and forfeiture of bid security shall continue to apply during the extended period of
bid validity.


12.1 The bidder shall furnish as part of his bid, a bid security of
Rs.10,60,000/- and upload the scanned copy of the same as proof while
uploading the tender. Otherwise, the tender will be summarily rejected.

12.2 The bid security at the bidder’s option, be in any one of the following :


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
a. A Term deposit receipt pledged to Divisional Engineer (H), CMDP
Division-III, Guindy, Chennai-25

b. A Demand Draft payable at Chennai and drawn in favour of Divisional

Engineer (H), CMDP Division-III, Guindy, Chennai-25

(The amount of DD, shall be credited to the Government Deposit and in case
if reimbursement is required, it would be released only after following the

c. National Savings Certificates pledged in favour of Divisional Engineer (H),

CMDP Division-III, Guindy, Chennai-25

d. Kisan Vikas Patras pledged in favour of Divisional Engineer (H), CMDP

Division-III, Guindy, Chennai-25

e. Bid security in the forms (a), and (b) should be from a Nationalized or
Scheduled Indian Bank approved by the Reserve Bank of India.

12.3 Bid security shall be valid for Ninety (90) days.

12.4 Any Bid not accompanied by an acceptable bid security as indicated above will be
rejected by the Employer as non-responsive.

12.5 The Bid securities of unsuccessful bidders will be discharged / returned as

promptly as possible.

12.6 The bid security may be forfeited :

a) If a bidder withdraws or modifies his bid after opening the financial bid

b) In the case of a successful bidder, if he fails within the specified time

limit to Sign the agreement OR Furnish the required Further Security.


13.1 For the due performance of the contract within Fifteen days from the date of
receipt of the letter accepting his tender, the contractor shall furnish a Security
Deposit (FSD) amount of 2% of awarded contract value in any one of the
following terms:

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
a) A Term deposit receipt pledged to Divisional Engineer (H), CMDP
Division-III, Guindy, Chennai-25

b) National Savings Certificates pledged in favour of Divisional Engineer

(H), CMDP Division-III, Guindy, Chennai-25

c) Kisan Vikas Patras pledged in favour of Divisional Engineer (H),

CMDP Division-III, Guindy, Chennai-25

d) Irrevocable Bank Guarantee in the prescribed form in favour of The

Divisional Engineer (H), CMDP Division-III, Guindy, Chennai-25 from
Nationalised bank or scheduled Bank in India.
Bid security in the forms (a) and (d) should be from a Nationalized or
Scheduled Indian Bank approved by the Reserve Bank of India.

13.1.1 The initial security (E.M.D.) will be refunded on furnishing of the above Security
Deposit and acceptance of Agreement for the work if not adjusted towards the
above Security Deposit.


On evaluation of the tender, if it is found that if tender Percentage is less than 5

to 15% of the estimated amount, the contractor shall pay an additional security at
2% of the estimated value. If the tender discount exceeds 15% of the estimated
amount the contractor shall pay an additional security at 50% of the difference
between the quoted amount and estimated amount. “Failure to furnish the
additional security deposit and execute the agreement shall entail cancellation of
award of contract and forfeiture of E.M.D. furnished”.


If the bid of the successful bidder is unbalanced, the bidder shall pay an additional
amount of security set forth below at the expense of the successful bidder to a
level sufficient to protect the Employer against financial loss in the event of
subsequent default of the successful bidder under the Contract.

For variation in rates of individual items more than 15% than the average tender
premium, the contractor shall pay an additional security of 50% of the variation
amount. “Failure to furnish this additional security deposit and execute the

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
agreement shall entail cancellation of award of contract and forfeiture of E.M.D.

13.4 In addition to the above Security Deposits , the Engineer shall deduct from the
running account bills, an amount at the rate of 5% percent of the total value of
each bill as Retention money towards securities.

13.5 The validity period of the total Security Deposit shall be valid 90 days beyond the
end of Defect Liability Period (DLP). Periodic extensions of Security Deposit shall
have to be done in case of Extended Period beyond the Agreement period.

14. Tamil Nadu Highways Manual & MORT&H Specification

Preliminary Specifications to the Standard Specification for Roads and Bridges &
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways Specifications for Road and Bridge Works,
IS Specifications, IRC Specifications and the Special Conditions furnished in this
document shall form an inseparable Condition of the Contract in all agreement
entered into by the Contractor for execution of work for the Tamil Nadu Highways

14.1 For items of work in buildings and structure not covered by the above specification,
relevant items from Tamil Nadu Building Practice, National Building Code as
amended from time to time shall apply.

14.2 The Tenderer shall examine closely the SSRB, MORTH, IRC , IS and TNBP and
also the Standard Preliminary Specification to SSRB and the Special Condition of
this document contained therein before submitting his tender which shall be for
finished work in situ. He shall also carefully study the drawings and descriptive
specifications & documents related to the tendered work which will form part of the
agreement to be entered into by the accepted Tenderer. It shall not be necessary
to append these documents with the bid documents and they shall be deemed to
be inseparable part of bid document and agreement to be entered into.

14.3 The tenderer’s attention is directed to the requirements of materials under the
clause “Materials and the Workmanship” in the Preliminary Specifications to SSRB.
Materials confirming to the Bureau of Indian Standards and Indian Roads
Congress shall be used in the work and the tenderer shall quote his tender
percentage / Item rate accordingly. The approved quarries mentioned in the


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
documents are only for estimate purpose. It is the responsibility of the Tenderer to
ensure the availability of materials, material collection and execution with quality
and workmanship as per IS and IRC codes and accordingly he/she has to quote
the tender.

15. Interpretation of estimates

Interpretation of quantities of work done or materials in the estimate are to be

followed as per clause 103.02 of PS to SSRB.

16. Examination of Plans, Specifications, Special Provisions and site of work :-

Examination of Plans, Specifications, Special Provisions and site of work are to be

followed as per clause 103.03 of PS to SSRB.

17. Scope of Contract Unit Prices:-

Scopes of Contract Unit Prices are to be followed as per clause 103.04 of PS to



Bidders shall submit the bid which comply fully with the requirements of the bidding
documents, including the basic technical design as indicated in the Drawings and


a. The Tenderer or his accredited representative is advised to attend a Pre

bid meeting which will be convened in the office of the Superintending
Engineer (H), CMDP Circle, Saidapet Chennai-15 on 16.10.2023 at 11.00
hours (office clock) in order to clarify issues and to answer questions on
any matter that may be raised at that stage.

b. The Tenderer is required to submit any questions in writing so as to reach

the office of the Superintending Engineer (H), CMDP Circle, Saidapet
Chennai-15 not later than Two Days before the meeting.

c. Minutes of the meeting, including copies of the questions raised and

responses given, will be uploaded in the tender website only. Any


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
modification of the tender documents listed in clause 4.1 which may
become necessary as a result of the pre-tender meeting, shall be made by
the Employer exclusively through the issuance of an Addendum pursuant
to clause 6.1 and not through the minutes of the pre-bid meeting.



20.1 The bidder shall upload the bid through ONLINE only in the tender portal
“” .

20.2 Schedule of quantities with estimate rates accompanies the tender document for
percentage tender and the tenderer will quote his/her overall percentage. For item
rate tender, schedule of quantities will only be accompanied with the tender
document. The tenderer will quote his / her rate for each item with reference to the
specifications and drawings. It shall be definitely understood that the Government
does not accept any responsibility for the correctness or completeness of
quantities in the BOQ and that this schedule of quantity is liable to alterations,
omissions, deductions, additions at the discretion of the Competent Authority as
set forth in the condition of contract.

20.3 Each tenderer must upload the scanned copy of Earnest Money Deposit in the
prescribed form for the stipulated amount.

20.4 The Bidders must also upload the Contractor Registration Certificate & upto date
renewal Certificate in Tamilnadu Highways Department, certified copy of Income-
Tax clearance certificate from the Income Tax Office of the Circle for the previous
year, and also upload either last Annual Return or last quarter return document for
GST. Tenders received without the above documents are liable to be rejected.

20.5 Each tenderer must upload all the prequalifications documents duly signed as
prescribed in the tender documents

20.6 If the bid is made by an individual, the same shall be uploaded with his / her
Digital Signature Certificate. If it is made by a proprietary firm, it shall be uploaded
with the DSC of the authorised member of the firm. If the bid is made by a
Company/Corporation, it shall be uploaded with the DSC of the authorized person


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
holding the power of attorney for signing the bid in which case a certified copy of
the power of attorney shall be uploaded with bid. Such limited company or
corporation may be required to furnish satisfactory evidence of its existence before
the contract is awarded.

21 Submission of Hard Copies.

21.1 The bid security shall be furnished in a separate sealed cover superscribing ‘BID

21.2 Pre-Qualification Details shall be furnished in a cover, superscribbing ‘Qualification


21.3 Alternative Design proposal if any shall be furnished in a separate sealed cover
superscribing ‘ALTERNATIVE DESIGN’ excluding price bid.

21.4 Price bid for the Alternate design shall be submitted in a Separate sealed cover

21.5 All the above envelopes shall then be put in a cover and sealed duly indicating the
Name of Work.

21.6 All the envelopes shall indicate the name and address of the bidder to enable the
bid to be returned unopened in case it is declared late or is otherwise unacceptable


22.1 The Last date for submission of bids through Online in

“” is 08.11.2023 up to 15.00 Hours.

22.2 The Earnest Money Deposit in original and the uploaded technical tender
documents and the Alternate Design if any shall be received by the Superintending
Engineer (H), Chennai Metropolitan Development Plan Circle on or before
08.11.2023 up to 15.00 Hours and failing which, the tender will be summarily

22.3 The Employer may, at his discretion, extend the deadline for submission of bids by
issuing an amendment in accordance with Clause 6 in which case all rights and
obligations of the Employer and the bidders, previously subject to the original
deadline shall thereafter be subject to the new deadline as extended.

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:


23.1 The original Bid Security cover will be opened by the Tender Opening Committee,
Chennai Metropolitan Development Plan Circle after 15.00 Hours on 09.11.2023
in the office of the Superintending Engineer (H). The tenderers or their authorized
agents may be present at the time of opening of tender.

23.2 The Technical details containing the Pre qualification documents as prescribed in
the tender documents will be opened by the Tender Opening Committee, Chennai
Metropolitan Development Plan Circle Electronically after 15.00 Hours on
09.11.2023 in the office of the Superintending Engineer (H).

23.3 If the opening date specified will happen to be a Holiday, the tenders will be
opened on the next working day.

23.4 After evaluating of the Qualification details, the Financial Bid will be electronically
opened by the Tender Opening Committee on a later date after prequalification
process of such of those tenders found responsive and qualified. The date of
financial bid opening will be uploaded in the website.


24.1 After the public opening of bids, information relating to the examination,
clarification, evaluation and comparison of bids and recommendations concerning
the award of contract shall not be disclosed to bidder or persons not officially
concerned with such process.

24.2 Any effort by a bidder to influence the Employer in the process of examination,
clarification, evaluation and comparison of bids, and in decisions concerning
award of contract may result in the rejecting of the bid.


To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Qualification Details

(or) Price bids, the Employer may ask bidders individually for clarification. The
request for clarification and the response shall be in writing including deduction in
the price of the bid required to confirm the correction discovered by the Employer
during the evaluation of the Qualification Detail (or) Price bids.

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:

26.1 Prior to the opening of detailed bids, “The Employer” will determine whether each
of the Qualification details is substantially responsive to the requirements.

26.2 For the purpose of this clause a substantially responsiveness is determined based
on the required capacity, capability and financial resources as enumerated in
Voume-I, Pre-Qualification documents and confirming to all the terms,
conditions and specifications of the bidding documents without material deviation
or reservation is one which affects in any substantial way the scope, quality or
performance of the works, or which limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with
the bidding documents, the Employer’s rights or the Bidder’s obligations under the
contract and the rectification of which deviation or reservation would affect unfairly
the competitive position of other bidders.

26.3 If Qualification Details is not substantially responsive to the requirements it will be

rejected by the Employer, and may not subsequently be made responsive by the
bidder having corrected or withdrawn the non-confirming deviation or reservation.


The Tender evaluation shall be as per the evaluation Criteria given in rule 25 to 30
of tender evaluation (Chapter-VI) of Tamil Nadu Transparency in Tender Rule



Subject to Clause 27 the Employer, will award the contract to the bidder whose
bid has been qualified and who had offered the lowest evaluated bid price
pursuant to Clause 27.


Notwithstanding clause 28 the Employer reserves the right to accept or reject

any bid, and to abandon the bidding process and reject all bids, at any time prior
to award of Contract without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
or bidders or any obligation to inform the affected bidder or bidders of the
grounds for the Employer’s action.


30.1 Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity prescribed by the Employer, the
Employer will notify the successful bidder in writing by registered letter that his
bid has been accepted. This letter “communication notification of award” shall
name the sum which the Employer will pay to the Contractor in consideration of
the execution, completion and maintenance of the works by the Contractor as
prescribed by the Contract (hereinafter and in the Conditions of Contract called
the contract price).

30.2 The notification of award will constitute the formation of the Contract.

30.3 Upon furnishing by the successful bidder of a Performance Security in

accordance with the provisions of Clause 13 the Employer will promptly notify
the unsuccessful bidders that their bids have been unsuccessful.


Execution of Contract shall conform to cl.104.04 of PS to SSRB. The written

agreement to be entered into, between the Contractor and Government shall be
the foundation of all rights of both the parties and the contract shall not deemed
to be complete until the agreement has first been signed by the Contractor and
then by the proper Officer authorized to enter into Contract on behalf of the
Government of Tamil Nadu.


The successful bidder within 15 days on receipt of intimation of award of work

shall sign the agreement in the proper departmental form.


Failure of the successful bidder to comply with the requirements of clause 31 or

clause 32, shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and
forfeiture of the bid security as per clause 104.05 of PS to SSRB.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:

34. Alternate designs offered by the tenders will be considered.

In addition to Department Design, the Bidders are also permitted to furnish
tenders based on their own alternative design conforming to the design criteria
and conditions prescribed in Clause 3, Special Conditions of the document.

Superintending Engineer (H),
CMDP Circle,
Saidapet Chennai-15


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:



In the contract, as hereinafter defined, the following words and expressions shall
have the meanings here by assigned to them, except where the context otherwise
requires :-

1.1 ‘Employer’ means the Governor of Tamil Nadu State and the legal successors in
title to the Employer represented by the Superintending Engineer (H), CMDP
Circle, Saidapet, Chennai - 600 015 or his Authorised representative (or) the
tender inviting authority.

1.2 ‘Contractor’ means the person or persons, firm or company whose tender has
been accepted by the Employer and includes the Contractor’s personal
/authorised , representatives / successors and permitted assigns.

1.3 ‘Engineer’ means the Divisional Engineer (H), or the Engineer appointed from
time to time by the Employer to perform the duties set forth in the contract as per
clause 101.03 of PS to SSRB.

1.4 ‘Engineer’s representative’ means any Assistant Divisional Engineer (H) or

Assistant Engineer (H) or Junior Engineer (H) of works appointed from time to
time by the Employer or the Engineer .

1.5 ‘Works’ shall include both Permanent works and Temporary works.

1.6 ‘Contract’ means the Conditions of Contract, Specification, Drawings, Priced Bill
of Quantities, Schedule of Rates, and Prices, if any, Tender Letter of Acceptance
and the Contract Agreement, if completed.

1.7 ‘Contract Price’ means the sum named in the Letter of Acceptance.

1.8 ‘Constructional Plants’ means all appliances or things of whatsoever nature

required in or about the execution or maintenance of the works but does not
include materials or other things intended to form or forming part of the permanent


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
1.9 ‘Temporary Works’ means all temporary works of every kind required in or about
the execution or maintenance of the work.

1.10 ‘Permanent Works’ means the permanent works to be executed and maintained
in accordance with the contract.

1.11 ‘Specification’ means P.S. to SSRB and MORT&H specification for Roads and
Bridges and the Special Condition furnished in this document which are part and
parcel of this Contract and the specification referred to in the Tender and any
modification thereof or addition thereto as may from time to time be furnished or
approved in writing by the Engineer.

1.12 ‘Drawings’ means the drawings referred to in the specification and any
modification of such drawings approved in writing by the Engineer and such other
drawings as may from time to time be furnished or approved in writing by the

1.13 ‘Site’ means the land and other places on under, in or through which the
permanent works or Temporary works designed by the Engineer are to be
executed and any other lands and places provided by the Employer for working
space or any other purpose as may be specifically designate in the Contract as
forming part of the site.

1.14 ‘Approved’ means approved in writing, including subsequent written confirmation

of previous verbal approval and ‘Approval’ means approval in working, including
as aforesaid.

1.15 ‘Government’ means Government of Tamil Nadu State, India.

1.16 ‘I.S.S.’ means Indian Standard Specifications.

1.17 ‘Day’ Mean of day from midnight to midnight.

1.18 ‘Week’ means seven consecutive days.

1.19 ‘Month’ means from the beginning of a given date of a calendar month to the end
of the preceding date of the next calendar month.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
1.20 ‘Quarter’ means a period of 3 months reckoning from the 1st date of January,
April, July and October and counted the last date of March, June, September and
December respectively.

1.21 ‘Rupees’ means Rupees of Indian Currency.

1.22 ‘Security for Performance’ includes bid security and Further Security Deposit
amount of 2% of awarded contract value minus initial security amount (Total 2%
of Value of Work) and Retention money by deduction from interim bills in cash at
5% of value of work done. A total of 7% of contract value plus additional
performance security to be obtained as per provision of clause 13 of Section 1.


2.1 Words importing the singular only also include the plural and vice versa where the
context so requires, ‘he’ includes ‘she’ and vice versa unless this is repugnant to
the context.

2.2 Wherever the term ‘Specification’ is used apart from a specified standard
specification, it shall mean the specification or plan prepared for a particular site as
instructions to the Contractor in executing that of work.

2.3 The headings in this condition of Contract shall not be deemed to be part thereof or
be taken into consideration in the interpretation or construction thereof or of the

2.4 The word ‘Cost’ shall be deemed to include over head costs whether on or off the

2.5 For the purpose of these documents the term ‘Bid/Tender’, ‘Bidder/Tenderer’
‘Bidding/Tendering’ and other similar expressions are synonymous.


Progress schedule shall be as per clause 103.06 of PS to SSRB.


The total period of completion is Eighteen (18) months from the date of notice to
proceed with the work in accordance with Cl. 3.2 including rainy season . Keeping


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
in view of the schedule of handing over of site, the work should be Programmed as
to achieve the milestones as under:




Sl.No. Period (Cumulative from the Milestone fixed for completion

date of handing over the site)
1 First Quarter (I) Site clearance, Preliminary
arrangements, Earthwork excavation.

Foundation Work – 10%

2 Second Quarter (II) Foundation work: 40%

Substructure : 20%

3 Third Quarter (III) Foundation work : 80%

Substructure : 50%

4 Fourth Quarter (IV) Foundation work : 100%

Substructure :80%

Wearing Coat : 50%

Collection Well : 50%

5 Fifth Quarter (V) Substructure :100%

Wearing Coat : 100%

Collection well : 100%

Drain work, Service road : 50%
6 Sixth Quarter (VI) Drain work, Service road -100%

Miscellaneous works, Painting,

Finishing Activities and Completion of

3.2 The Contractor shall commence the works on site within 10 Calendar days from
the date on which notice “That the site is thereby handed over to him” is served on


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
the contractor, he shall commence the work. The contract time shall start on the
date on which the contractor shall start construction operations or preparatory work
and in any event, not later than the 10th day from the date on which the above
notice is served on the contractor as per P.S. to SSRB clause 109.01.

3.3 Save in so far as the Contract may prescribe, the extent of portion of the site of
which the Contractor is to be given possession from time to time and the order in
which such portions shall be made available to him and subject to any requirement
in the contract as to the order in which the works shall be executed, , with the
Engineer’s written order to commence the works, will be given to contractor
possession of so much of the site as may be required to enable the Contractor to
commence and proceed with the execution of the works in accordance with the
Programme referred to in Clause 3.1 hereof, if any, and otherwise in accordance
with such reasonable proposals of the Contractor as he shall, by written notice to
the Engineer, make and will, from time to time as the works proceed, give to
Contractor possession of such further portion of the site as may be required to
enable the Contractor to proceed with the execution of the works with due dispatch
in accordance with the said Programme or proposals as the case may be, if the
Contractor suffers delay on the part of the Employer to give possession in
accordance with the times of this clause, the Employer shall grant an extension of
time for the completion of the works.

3.4 The Contractor shall bear all costs and charges for special or temporary way
leases required by him in connection with access to the site. The contractor shall
also provide at his own cost any additional accommodation outside the site
required by him for the purposes of the works.



The contract documents shall be drawn up in English Language.


Local regulations and attachments.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
a) The law to which the Contract is to be subjected and according to which the
Contract is to be constructed shall be the law for the time being in force in the
Union of India and State of Tamil Nadu.
b) The Contractor shall conform to all laws of the land, and the regulations and
by-laws of any local authority, and of any water or lighting companies with
whose systems the structure is proposed to be connected.The Contractor shall
give all notice required by the said Acts, regulations or by-laws and pay all
fees in connection therewith. He shall also ensure that no attachment are
made against all claims or liabilities arising from or based on the violation of
such laws, ordinances, regulations, bye-laws, decrees or attachments by him
or by his employees.
c) P.S. to S.S.R.B. and MORT&H specification for Road and Bridges are
inseparable part of this contract.
The documents forming the contract shall take precedence in the order in which
they are set out in the form of the Agreement. Subject to the foregoing, the several
documents forming the contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one
another, but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies the same shall all be explained
and adjusted by the Engineer who shall thereupon issue to the Contractor
instructions thereon and the same is binding the contractor.


5.1 In addition to the Security Deposits , the Engineer shall deduct from the running
account bills, an amount at the rate of 5% percent of the total value of each bill as
Retention money towards securities.

5.2 The Security Deposit will be released along with the release of final withheld

5.3 All Security Deposits under this contract or so much of it shall not have become
forfeited to Government, shall be returned to the contractor as stipulated in

Payment will be made only in Indian Rupees in which the price has been stated in
the bid.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
7.1 Assignment of the Contract is not permissible.

7.2 Subletting of the Contract is not permissible.


The contractor shall provide at his own expenses all tools, plants and equipments
required for the execution of the work.


9.1 Increased or Decreased Quantities:-

Increased or Decreased Quantities shall be as per clause 105.05 of PS to


9.2 Detours:-

Detours shall be constructed as per clause 105.06 of PS to SSRB.

9.3 Removal and Disposal of Structures and Obstructions:-

Removal and Disposal of Structures and Obstructions shall be carried out as

per clause 105.07 of PS to SSRB.

9.4 Final Cleaning Up:-

Final Cleaning Up shall be carried out as per clause 105.08 of PS to SSRB.

10. General obligation of the Contractor

10.1 General Responsibilities:-

10.1.1 The Contractor shall, subject to the provisions of the contract, and with due care
and diligence, execute and maintain the works and provide all labour, including the
Supervision thereof, materials, constructional plant and all other things, whether of
a temporary or permanent nature required in and for such execution and
maintenance, so far as the necessity for providing the same is specified in or is
reasonably to be inferred from the contract.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
10.1.2 The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the adequacy, stability and safety of
all site operations and methods of construction.

10.1.3 The Contractor shall promptly inform the Engineer of any error, omission, fault and
other defect in the design of or specifications of the works are discovered when
reviewing the contract documents or in the process of execution of the works.

10.1.4 All certificates, notices or written orders to be given by the Employer or by the
Engineer to the Contractor under the terms of the Contract shall be served by
sending by post to or delivering the same to the contractor’s principal place of
business, E-mail or such other address the Contractor shall nominate for this

10.1.5 The Employer’s address is the Superintending Engineer (H), CMDP Circle,
Saidapet, Chennai - 600 015.

10.1.6 The Engineer’s address is the Divisional Engineer (H), CMDP Division-III,

10.1.7 Either party may change a nominated address to another address in the
country where the works are being executed by prior written notice to the other
party and the Engineer may do so by prior written notice to both parties.


As per clause 1.9 of Highways manual volume-II Part-I.


The Employer shall have made available to the Contractor with the Tender
documents such data on hydrological and sub-surface conditions as obtained by or
on behalf of the Employer from investigations undertaken relevant to the works and
the Tender shall be deemed to have been based on such data, but the contractor
shall be responsible for his own interpretation thereof.

The contractor shall also be deemed to have inspected and examined the site and
its surroundings and information available in connection therewith and to have
satisfied himself, so far as is practicable before submitting his bid, as to the form
and nature thereof, including the subsurface conditions, the hydrological and
climatic conditions, the extent and nature of work and material necessary for the


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
completion of the works, the means of access to the site and the accommodations
he may require and in general shall be deemed to have obtained all necessary
information, subject as above mentioned, as to risks, contingencies and all other
circumstances which may influence or affect his tender.


The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before quoting rates as
to the correctness and sufficiency of his tender for the works and of the rates and
prices stated in the priced Bill of Quantities and the schedule of rates and prices, if
any, which tender rates and prices shall, except in so far as it is otherwise provided
in the Contract cover all his obligations under the contract and all matters and
things necessary for the proper execution of the works.


Save in so far as it is legally or physically impossible, the Contractor shall execute
and maintain the works in strict accordance with the contract to the satisfaction of
the Engineer and shall comply with and adhere strictly to the Engineer’s
instructions and directions on any matter whether mentioned in the contract or
not, touching or concerning the works. The Contractor shall take instructions and
directions only from the Engineer / Engineer’s Representative .


The Contractor shall in connection with the works provide and maintain at his own
cost all lights, guards, fencing and watching when and where necessary or
required by the Engineer or the Engineer’s Representative, or by any duly
constituted authority, for the protection of the works, or for the safety and
convenience of the public or others and in addition to the provision made for the
specific purpose in the BOQ.


Without limiting his obligations and responsibilities under clause 43 hereof, the
Contractor shall prior to the commencement of works insure in the joint name of
the Employer and the Contractor against all loss or damage from whatever cause
arising, other than the risk for which he is responsible under the terms of the
contract and in such manner that the Employer and Contractor are covered for the
period stipulated in clause 3 hereof and are also covered during the period of


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
maintenance for loss or damage arising from a cause, occurring prior to the
commencement of the period of maintenance, and for any loss or damage
occasioned by the Contractor in the course of any operations carried out by him for
the purpose of complying with his obligations under clause 18 hereof as detailed
below :

10.7.1 The works for the time being executed to the estimated current contract value
thereof plus 10 percent there on to allow for any additional costs and professional
fees resulting from the loss or damage.

10.7.2 The constructional plant and other things brought on to the site by the Contractor
to the replacement value of such constructional plant and other things.

10.7.3 It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to notify the insurer of any change in
nature and extent of the works and to ensure the adequacy of the insurance cover
at all times in accordance with the provisions of this clause.

10.7.4 Such insurance shall provide for compensation to be payable in the types and
proportions of currencies needed to cover the loss or damage incurred.

Such insurance shall be effected with an insurer and in terms approved by the
Employer, and the Contractor shall whenever required, produce to the Engineer or
the Engineer’s Representative the policy or policies of insurance and the receipts
for the payment of the current premiums.


10.8.1 As per cl.108.05 (a) of PS to SSRB, the Employer shall not be liable for or in
respect of any damages or compensation payable at law in respect of in
consequence of any accident or injury to any workman or other person in the
employment of the Contractor or any Sub-contractor. The Contractor shall
indemnify and keep indemnified the Employer against all such damages and
compensation and against all claims, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses
whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto.

10.8.2 On the occurrence of an accident arising out of the works which results in death or
which is so serious as to be likely to result in death, the Contractor shall within
twenty four hours of such accident, report in writing, to the Engineer the facts
stating clearly and in sufficient details, the circumstances of such accident and the

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
subsequent action. All other accidents on the works involving injuries to persons,
damage to property other than that the Contractor shall be promptly reported to
the Engineer stating clearly and in sufficient details, the facts and circumstances
of the accident and the action taken. In all cases, the Contractor shall indemnify
the Employer against all loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the
Contractor’s failure to report in the manner aforesaid. This includes penalties or
fines if any, payable by the Employer as a consequence of failure to give notice
under the Workmen’s Compensation Act or failure to conform to provisions of the
said Act in regard to such accidents.

10.8.3 In the event of an accident in respect of which compensation may become

payable under the Workmen’s Compensation Act – VIII of 1923 including all
modifications thereof, whether such compensation may become payable by the
Contractor or by the Government as Principal Employer, the Engineer may retain
out of moneys due and payable to the Contractor such sum of sums of money as
may, in the opinion of the Engineer, be sufficient to meet the liability. On receipt
of award from the Labour Commissioner in regard to quantum of compensation,
the difference of amount will be reimbursed to or recovered from the Contractor.

10.8.4 The Contractor shall insure against such liability with an Insurer approved by
the Employer and shall continue the Insurance during the whole of the time that
any persons are employed by him on the works and shall, when required, produce
to the Engineer or the Engineer’s representatives such policy of insurance and the
receipt for the payment of the current premium. Provided always that, in respect
of any persons employed by any sub-contractor and contractor’s obligation to
insure as aforesaid under this sub-clause shall be satisfied if the sub-contractor
shall have insured against the liability in respect of such persons in such manner
that the Employer is indemnified under policy, but the Contractor shall require
such sub-contractor to produce to the Engineer or the Engineer’s Representative,
when required, such policy of insurance and the receipt for the payment of the
current premium.


10.9.1 The Contractor shall, except if and also as far as the contract provides
otherwise, indemnify the Employer against all losses and claims in respect of


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
injuries or damage to any persons or material or physical damage to any property
whatsoever which may arise out of or in consequence of the execution and
maintenance of the works and against all claims, proceedings, damages, costs,
charges and expenses, whatsoever in respect of or in relation thereto.

a) Before commencing the execution of the works, the Contractor, but

without limiting his obligations and responsibilities under sub-clause (1)
hereof, shall insure against his liability for any material or physical
damage, loss or injury which may occur to any property, including that of
the Employer, or to any person, including any employee of the Employer,
by or arising out of the execution of the works or in the carrying out of
the contract.

b) Such insurance shall be effected with an insurer and in terms approved

by the Employer.The Contractor shall, whenever required, produce to
the Engineer or the Engineer’s Representatives the policy or policies of
Insurance and the receipts for payment of the current premiums.

c) The terms shall include a provision whereby, in the event of any claim in
respect of which the Contractor would be entitled to receive indemnity
under the policy being brought or made against the Employer, the
insurer will indemnify the Employer against such claims and any costs,
charges and expenses in respect thereof.

d) Minimum amount of third party insurance shall be Rs. 5.00 lakhs(Rs.

Five lakhs only) per occurrence with the number of occurrences


10.10.1 The contractor shall at all times, maintain on the works, staff of qualified
Engineer, and Supervisors of sufficient experience of similar other jobs to
assure that the quality of work turned out shall be as intended in the
specifications. The Contractor shall also maintain, at the work, a Works
Manager of sufficient status, experience and office and duly authorise him to
deal with all aspects of the day-to-day work. All communications to any
commitments by the Works Manager shall be considered as binding on the


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
10.10.2 The Contractor shall at all times submit details of skilled and unskilled labour
and equipment employed, to the Engineer in the prescribed proforma as he may
require to assess and ensure the proper progress of work.

a. The Contractor shall provide all necessary superintendence during the

execution of the works and as long thereafter as may be necessary for
the proper fulfilling of the Contractors obligations under an authorised
agent or representative approved of in writing by the Engineer which
approval may at any time be withdrawn, is to be constantly on the work
and shall give his whole time to the Superintendence of the same.

b. The Contractor shall provide and employ sufficient number of qualified

men indicated for supervision on all aspects of work.

I. Only such technical assistants skilled and experienced in their

respective calling and such sub-agents, foremen and leading hands
competent to give proper supervision to the work are required to
supervise and,

II. Such skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labour as in necessary for

the proper and timely execution and maintenance of the works.


If approval as per clause 10.12 (a) shall be withdrawn by the Engineer, the
Contractor shall, as soon as in practicable, having regard to the requirement of
replacing him as hereinafter mentioned, after receiving written notice of such
withdrawal remove the agent from the works and shall not thereafter employ
him again on the works in any and shall replace him by another agent approved
by the Engineer.

The Engineer shall have the right to object to the employment or presence of
any representative or other persons, labour employed by the Contractor on the
works, for incompetence, negligence, misconduct, or being considered
undesirable in the interest of work and on receipt of such objections in writing
from the Engineer-in-Charge, the Contractor shall be bound to remove such
person or persons as may have been pointed out in the written objection raised


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
by the Engineer-in-charge.The contractor shall not be entitled to any damages
or Loss that may be caused by removal of the persons as aforesaid.


The Contractor shall provide and install all necessary construction plant and
shall use such methods and appliances for the performance of all the
operations connected with the work embraced under the Contractor as will
secure a satisfactory quality of work and rate of progress which will ensure the
completion of the work within the time specified.



The Contract drawing read together with the contract specifications are
intended to show and explain the manner of executing the work and to indicate
the type and class of materials to be used.

The works shall be carried out in accordance with the directions of Engineer in
accordance with the drawings and specifications which form part of the
Contract and in accordance with such further drawings, details and instructions
as any from time to time, be given by the Engineer.

Only stated dimensions are to be taken and not those obtained from scaling the
drawings. In case of any discrepancy between the description of items in the
schedule of quantities and the specifications the latter shall prevail. In case any
feature of the work is not fully described and set forth in the drawings and
specifications, the contractor shall forthwith apply to the Engineer for further
instructions, drawings or specifications.


Signed drawings alone shall not be deemed to be an order for work unless they
are entered in the agreement or schedule of drawings under proper attestation of
the Contractor and the Engineer or unless they have been sent to the Contractor
by the Engineer with a covering letter confirming that the drawing is an authority
for work in the Contract.



Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
Copies of the drawings, any modified or supplementary drawings, and the
specifications are furnished in e-portal and same can be downloaded at free of
cost by the contractor.

13.1 The Contractor shall provide and make at his own expense any further copies
required by him.

13.2 One copy of the Drawings, furnished to the Contractor as aforesaid, shall be kept
by the Contractor on the site and the same shall at all reasonable time be
available for inspection and use by the Engineer and the Engineer’s
Representative and by any other person authorized by the Engineer in writing.

13.3 The Engineer shall have full power and authority to supply to the contractor from
time to time, during the progress of the works, such further drawings and
instructions as shall be necessary for the purpose of the proper and adequate
execution and maintenance of the works. The Contractor shall carry out and
abide by the same.


The Contractor shall submit the following information in triplicate, to the Engineer
for approval within the time stipulated against each item below :

14.1 A general layout plan of construction plant and equipment for the execution of
work within fourteen days from the date of notice to proceed with the work.

14.2 Drawings or prints showing the location of major plant and other facilities which he
proposed to put up at the site, including any changes in the general layout, at
least fourteen days prior to the commencement of the respective work.


15.1 The contractor shall submit within 30 days after the date of notice to proceed with
the work a detailed quarterly construction Programme to suit the Programme of
completion given in clause 3 of General Conditions of Contract (Section – II) for
the entire contract period together with bar chart, PERT chart, proposed
deployment of machinery etc., showing the order of procedure in which he
proposes to carry out the works. The contractor shall provide in writing general
description, the arrangements, deployment of equipment, work planning and

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
methods which the contractor proposes to adopt for the execution for the works.
The contractor shall commence and complete such works as clearing site, forming
diversion road, construction of QC office with lab facility etc., initially and take up
other works subsequently.

15.2 If at any time it should appear to the Engineer that actual progress of the work
does not conform to the approved Programme referred to in sub-clause (1) of this
clause, the Contractor shall produce, at the request of the Engineer, a revised
Programme showing the modifications to the approved Programme necessary to
ensure completion of the works within the time for completion as defined clause 3

15.3 The submission to and approval by the Engineer of such Programme or the
furnishing of such particulars shall not relieve the contractor of any of his duties or
responsibilities under the contract.

15.4 The programme should also include schedule of payments expected to be made
by the Employer.


16.1 The basic details center lines, reference points and bench marks shall be
obtained from the Department. The contractor shall establish at his cost, at
suitable points, Centre lines,reference lines and bench marks as may be
necessary. The Contractor shall remain responsible for the sufficiency and
accuracy of all his bench marks and reference lines. He shall take precautions to
see that the lines, points and bench marks fixed are not disturbed by his work and
shall make good any such damage.


As per Cl.107.11 of PS to SSRB, the Contractor shall be responsible for the

correct setting out of all works at his cost. The contractor shall execute the work
true to alignment, grade and levels as shown in the drawings and as directed by
the Engineer and shall check these at frequent intervals. The Contractor shall
provide, all facilities like labour and instruments and shall co-operate with the
Engineer to check all alignments, grades, levels and dimensions. Such checking


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
shall not absolve the Contractor of his own responsibility of maintaining the
accuracy of the work.


All construction materials including Cement, steel and Bitumen required for use in
the work will not be supplied by the Department. The Contractor has to procure
the same and use it on the work.




As per clause 106.01 of PS to SSRB, it is intent of these specifications that

materials conforming to standard specifications only shall be used throughout the
work and that they shall be incorporated in such manner as to produce completed
construction which is work manlike and acceptable to the Engineer in every detail.
Only materials which conform to the requirements of these specifications shall be
furnished or incorporated in the work. The Contractor shall upon the request of
the Engineer furnish him with the vouchers to prove that the materials are such as


The best class of materials to be obtained from the quarries and other sources
approved shall be used on work. In every case the materials must comply with the
relevant Standard Specifications. Samples of Materials as called for in the
Standard Specifications or in the tender notice or as required by the Engineer and
in any case shall be submitted for the Engineer’s approval before the supply to the
site of work is begun.

The Government will not however, after acceptances of the tender, pay any extra
for lead or for any other reasons in case the Contractor is found later on to have
misjudged the quality or quantity of materials available. Attention of the Contractor
is directed to the Standard Preliminary specifications regarding payment of
seigniorage tolls etc.,


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
18.3 Furnishing Samples
Furnishing Samples as per clause 106.05 of PS to SSRB.
18.4 Tests
1) As per clause 106.06 of PS to SSRB, the contractor shall provide proper
facilities at all times for the inspection and testing of materials and the
Engineer shall have access at all times to the places of storage or source.
The Contractor shall give sufficient advance notice of placing orders so as
to permit tests to be completed before the materials are incorporated in the
work and he shall afford such facilities as the Engineer may require for
collecting and forwarding samples and making inspection. The Contractor
shall not make use of or incorporate in the work the materials represented
by the samples, until tests have been made and the materials found to be in
accordance with the requirements of the specifications.

2) All tests of materials furnished by the Contractor shall be made in

accordance with commonly recognized methods of Indian procedures and if
such test procedure is not available in the approved Indian specifications
procedures the international practice may be followed. Test charges should
be borne by the Contractor.

3) Field tests of materials and work will be made by the Engineer when
deemed necessary and these tests shall be made in accordance with the
standard practices of the Department. The cost of test charges involved in
all such field tests will be borne by the Contractor.

4) The Contractor shall upon demand, forward for the Engineer’s inspection,
test certificates rendered by the suppliers for all materials furnished by the

5) The cost of materials consumed in tests shall be borne by the Contractor in

all cases.

6) If any tests other than those specified in the Contract are required by the
Engineer, the Contractor shall provide all facilities required for the purpose
and the charges including cost of materials for such tests shall be borne by
the Department.

7) The Quality test shall be as per GO Ms. No. 323/Highways & Minor Ports

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
(HK3) Dept Dated. 24.12.2010.


As per clause 107.13 of PS to SSRB


The Contractor shall perform all work in an acceptable manner in accordance with
the plans and specifications and in accordance with such further explanatory
drawings, details and instructions as may from time to time be given by the


The finished work shall conform to the approved plans with the exception of such
deviations as may be authorized by the Engineer in writing, as per clause 107.04
of PS to SSRB.

18.8 Co-ordination of plans and specifications, tender documents and special

As per clause 107.05 of PS to SSRB

18.9 Removal of Defective and unauthorized work:-

As per clause 107.15 of PS to SSRB


No works shall be covered up or put out of view without the approval of the
Engineer and the Contractor shall afford full opportunity for examination and
measurement of such work before it is covered up or put out of view. The
Contractor shall give due notice to the Engineer. Whenever such work is ready
for examination and the Engineer shall within a reasonable period, arrange for
examining and measuring such work, unless he considers it unnecessary and
advises the Contractor accordingly.


The Contractor shall at the request of Engineer uncover for inspection any work
covered up. In the case of work so opened up, the Engineer shall promptly, after
the receipt of a notice from the Contractor that the work has been opened, make


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
or cause the inspection thereof to be made. Should the Contractor refuse or
neglect to comply with such a request, the Engineer may cause such work to be
opened up, the expenses of opening and replacing it shall be borne by the


The Contractor shall not demolish, remove or alter the structures, trees or other
facilities on the site without prior approval of the Engineer.

All rubbish shall be disposed from the site as it accumulates. All surface and soil
drains shall be kept in a clean, sound and workmen like state. All the areas of
the contractor’s operations shall be cleared before returning them to the
Employer. The Contractor make good any damage or alternations made to
areas, property or land handed over to him before these are returned.


As per clause 108.03 of PS to SSRB, the contractor shall protect adjoining sites
against structural destructions and other damages that could be caused by the
execution of these works and make good at his cost, any such damages.


a. In addition to existing public roads and constructed by the Government if

any, in work area all additional approach roads and roads inside the work
area and camp required by the Contractor shall be constructed and
maintained by him at his own cost. The lay out, design, construction and
maintenance etc. of the road shall be subject to the approval of the

b. It is possible that work at, or in the vicinity of the work site will be performed
by the government or by other contractors engaged in work for the
Government during the contract period. The Contractor shall without charge
permit the Government and such other contractors and other workmen to
use the access facilities including roads, any other facilities, constructed and
required by the Contractor for use in the performance of the works.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
c. The contractor’s heavy construction tracked equipment shall not traverse
any public roads or bridges unless the contractor has made arrangement
with the authority concerned and the approval of the Engineer to such
arrangement has been obtained. Incase Contractor’s heavy construction
traffic or tracked equipment is not allowed to traverse any public roads or
bridges and the Contractor is required to make some alternative
arrangements, no claim on this account shall be entertained.


When the whole of the works have been completed and have satisfactorily
passed any final test that may be prescribed by the contract, the Contractor may
give a notice to that effect to the engineer. Such notice and undertaking shall be
in writing and shall be deemed to be a request by the Contractor for the Engineer
to issue a certificate of completion in respect of the works. The Engineer shall
also notify the Contractor of any defects in the works affecting completion of the
works specified therein. The Contractor shall be entitled to receive such
certificates of completion on completion of the works so specified to the
satisfaction of the Engineer. The final completion certificate will be issued by the


The Contractor shall be responsible to make good within such period as may be
stipulated by the Engineer any defect which may develop or may be noticed
during period of Defects Liability of 60 months. The Retention Money 2 ½%
of total value of contract will be retained for a period of 24 months, reckoned
from the date of completion of the work and will be released after the 24
months duly obtaining term deposit receipts pledged in favour of the concerned
Divisional Engineer for further period of 36 months to establish the quality of
work executed. All notices of such defect shall be given to the Contractor
promptly. In case the Contractor fails to make good the defects, the Engineer
may himself or by employing other persons to make good such defects, and all
expenses consequent thereof and incidental there to shall be borne by the


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:

The Contractor shall, unless otherwise specifically provided in the contract, pay all
duties, tolls, quarry fees, royalties and other taxes on all materials and articles he
may use.


All old curiosities, relics, coins, minerals and any other item of archeological
importance found at the site shall be the property of the Government and shall be
handed over to the Engineer. Should any structure be uncovered, the Engineer’s
instruction shall be obtained before its demolition or removal.


As per clause 107.03 of PS to SSRB, it shall be accepted as an inseparable part

of the contract that in matter regarding materials, workmanship, removal of
improper work, interpretation of the contract drawings and contract specification,
mode of procedure and the carrying out of the work, the decision of the Engineer
shall be final and binding on the Contractor.


When two or more contractors are engaged on work in the vicinity, they shall work
together in a spirit of co-operation and accommodation. The Contractor shall not
take or cause to be taken any steps or actions that may cause disruptions,
discontent or disturbance to the works, labour and arrangements of other
contractors in the neighboring and the project localities. In case of any difficulties
amongst the contractors, the Engineer shall direct the manner in which each
contractor shall conduct his work so far as it affects the others.


The Engineer shall have full authority to depute workmen on the work site to
execute other works not included in the contract. The Contractor shall afford
every reasonable facility to enable such workmen to carry out other works
provided that such works shall be carried out in such a manner as not to impede
the progress of the work included in the contract. The Contractor however, shall
not be liable for any damage which may happen to or be occasioned by such

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
other works, provided he complies with the instructions in connection therewith
and provided that the damage is not caused by the Contractor or his workmen.


Measurement of quantities as per Clause.110.01 of PS to SSRB


Scope of Payment as per Clause.110.02 of PS to SSRB.


Final Payments as per Clause.110.03 of PS to SSRB ALTERATIONS,



As per Clause.105.05 of PS to SSRB, the right is reserved at any time during

which the contract is in force to make any alterations in the work, that may in the
opinion of the Engineer be necessary and for that purpose he shall have power to
order that Contractor to do and the Contractor shall do any of the following.

1. Increase or decrease in quantities of any item of work included in

the contract.

2. To omit any portions of work

3. Change the specification for any item of work.

4. Change the lines, levels, positions and dimensions of any part of

the work.

5. Execute additional work necessary for the completion of the work


6. Alterations in the plans.

Such alterations shall be ordered in writing before starting the work on such
alterations. No signed drawing shall be taken as in itself as an order for
variation, unless accompanied by a covering letter from the Engineer
confirming that the drawing is an authority for variation. Alterations as referred


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
to above shall not be considered as a waiver of any condition of contract nor
invalidate any of the provisions thereof. The Contractor shall execute the work
at the same rates as in the agreement for quantities upto 25 % increase or
decrease of the agreement quantity of the relevant item listed Bill of Quantities
(BOQ). But a supplemental agreement with the Contractor for the item or items
involved will be necessary when the alternations involve an increase or
decrease of more than 25% in the quantity of any item listed in the BOQ.
Settlement of a new rate and supplemental agreement would arise if only the
variation is more than 25% of the agreement quantity of the relevant item listed.
In respect of substituted items and new items the rates shall be settled as per
clause 110.04 of PS to SSRB. The supplemental agreement would cover
quantities varying beyond 25% of the quantities for the respective items listed.
In the event of decrease in quantities beyond 25% Payment would have to be
assessed for the difference exceeding 25% of the quantity for the respective
item listed. In such cases suitable rates would have to be mutually agreed upon
in accordance with clause 110.04 of PS to SSRB and the rates for
compensation arrived at supplemental agreement drawn and payment made.

For the purpose of determining increased or decreased quantities of work as

herein before set forth such determination shall be made on the basis of
original contract quantities for the respective items.

The Contractor shall not start work on any alteration requiring a supplemental
agreement until the agreement setting forth an equitable adjustment of
compensation shall have been executed. The Contractor shall perform the
alternations deviations as herein before set forth under the supervision of the
Engineer and his decision shall be final and binding. Claims for compensation
for alternations or deviations performed which have not been authorized shall
be rejected. The plan of works to be followed, the equipment to be used and
the amount and character of labour to be employed shall be approved by the

The unit price for alterations and or deviations which in the opinion of the
Engineer shall constitute an extra work shall be deduced as per clause 110.04
of PS to SSRB.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
WORK:- (Clause 110.04 of P.S. to SSRB)

Increased or decreased quantities shall be paid for at the contract unit prices
listed in BOQ, if no supplemental agreement are required and at the unit prices
in the supplemental agreement if such an agreement is required in confirmative
with Clause105.05 of PS to SSRB.

Extra work shall be paid for in accordance with the Supplemental Agreement
covering the extra work required in conformity with Clause 105.05 of PS to
SSRB. The unit price for extra work shall be deduced from the unit price for
similar items listed BOQ.

If the rate for additional, altered or substituted item of work is specified in the
contract, the Contractor shall carry out the additional, altered or substituted item
at the rate stipulated for such additional altered or substituted items.

In case the rates cannot be derived from the original agreement in the case of
works for which supplemental Agreement is to be entered into during the period
when the schedule of rates has not changed from the date of execution of the
original agreement, then the rates for supplemental agreement may be
prevailing schedule of rates plus or minus tender premium in case the rate
cannot be derived. In other cases where the schedule of rates has changed in
either directions upward or downward in the intervening period, the rate
prevailing as per schedule of rates at the time of execution of supplemental
items will be adopted with no tender percentage plus or minus over this rate.

If the extra work is not susceptible of measurement extra work may be paid for
on the basis of an agreed lumpsum.

If the Engineer and the Contractor fail to agree on a lumpsum payment for extra
work, payment will be made on the basis of the actual cost of labour of
materials including conveyance and of local supervision solely engaged on the
extra work, together with 10 percent of the total of these items as certified by
the Engineer. To enable the Engineer to evaluate the extra work the Contractor
shall furnish the Engineer with all connected books of account, vouchers and
other documents in support of the claim within seven days after such extra work
is completed. Reasonable compensation shall also be allowed for the use of

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
Contractors tools and plants on the extra work and for such materials as are
used for staging, formwork & centering, curing etc. If the Engineer considers
that payment for such work on the basis of the vouchers presented is unduly
high, he shall make payment in accordance with such valuation as he considers
fair and reasonable and his decision in the matter shall be final.

If in the opinion of the Engineer a unit price or lumpsum compensation for the
extra work cannot be arrived at prior to execution of the work, the payment
thereof shall be dealt with as provided for in the preceding paragraph.


As per Clause.110.05 of PS to SSRB, the Department shall have the right to

cancel the portions of the contract relating to the construction of any item
therein by payment to the Contractor of a fair and equitable amount to be
agreed upon by Supplemental Agreement covering all items of cost incurred
prior to the date of completion of the work by order of the Engineer.

Payment will be made at the actual cost to the Contractor for all acceptable
materials ordered by the Contractor or delivered on the work prior to the date of
cancellation of the work by order of the Engineer and shall thereupon become
the property of the Government.

He shall be reimbursed for any money expended in preparation for work on any
omitted item when such preparation has no value to the remaining items of the
contract or for a proportionate amount based on the total contract price over
which such preparation would ordinarily be distributed when other items are
included in such preparation.

The Contractor shall for the purpose of the Article keep such books of account,
vouchers and other documents as are necessary to ascertain the sums payable
hereunder he shall at the request of the Engineer furnished to him (Verified in
such manner as he may required) any documents so kept and such other
information as he may reasonably required in connection with matters arising
out of this condition.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:

As per Clause.110.06 of PS to SSRB


33.1 The Contractor shall submit an application for interim payment in quadruplicate
to the Engineer in respect of works carried out. The application shall include
following items, as applicable, giving all detailed calculation required for the
scrutiny of application which shall be in the sequence listed below :

i. The estimate value at contract rates of the permanent works

executed up to the end of the period in question, obtained in
accordance with the bill of quantities in relation to the quantum of
work measured by the Engineer.

ii. The estimated value of the permanent work obtained as in (i) above
executed up to the end of the previous bill, as given in the previous
application by the contractor or as approved by the Engineer in the
last interim payment certificate whichever is the latest .

iii. The estimated values of the permanent works for the months in
question obtained by deducting (ii) from (I) ;

iv. Any other sum to which contractor may be entitled under the
contract ;

v. Any amount to be withheld under the retention provisions ;

vi. Any amount to be deducted on account of the Advance loan


vii. An amount to be deducted for all taxes in accordance with clause

10 of Commercial Conditions .

33.2 The works shall be measured not withstanding any general or local custom
except where otherwise specifically described or prescribed in the contract.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
33.3 The Engineer shall thereafter verify the claims in the bill and as far as possible,
arrange for payment to be made within fourteen days of presentation of bill in
accordance with clause 110-09 of P.S. to S.S.R.B.

33.4 On completion of entire work, the contractor will submit his final bill. Payment
of this bill shall not be considered conclusive evidence as to the sufficiency of
any work of materials or correctness of measurements to which it relates, nor
shall it relieve the Contractor from his liabilities arising from any defects.

33.5 All interim payments shall be treated as advance payments.


In every case in which provision is made for recovery of money from the
Contractor, the Government shall be entitled to retain or deduct the amount
thereof from any moneys that may be due or may become due to the
Contractor under this or under any other contract or contracts or on any other
account whatsoever and or under the Revenue Act after serving a notice to the


After completion of work and prior to final payment, the contractor shall furnish
to the Engineer a release of claims against the Employer arising out of the
contract, other than claims specifically identified, evaluated and exempted from
the operation by the Contractor.


As per Clause 107.08 of PS to SSRB, the Contractor shall co-operate with the
authorities responsible for water mains, gas mains, sewers, electric lines and
cables, telegraph and telephone lines, service connection and all other utility
appurtenances which are to be relocated or moved in accordance with the
special provisions. The Contractor shall have considered in his bid all the
permanent and temporary utilities in their present or re-located positions, and
no additional compensation will be allowed for any delays, inconveniences or
damage sustained by him due to any interference from the said utility
appurtenances or the operations of moving them.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
As per Clause.107.09 of PS to SSRB, the Engineer during his absence on the
work shall be represented by one of his subordinates whose duties in relation to
the Contractor shall be confined to ensuring that the work is performed in
conformity with the plans and specifications in all respects. He shall
communicate to the Contractor the instruction and directions of the Engineer on
all questions relating to the work and the Contractor shall comply with such
instructions and directions. He shall request the Contractor in writing to
suspend the performance of any part of the work, if in his judgment, the
Contractor is deviating from the plans and specifications in – spite of his
instructions and the Contractor shall comply.

The Departmental representative shall have no authority to relieve the

Contractor of any of his duties or obligations under the Contract not except as
expressly provided hereunder to order any work involving delay or any extra
payment by the department not to make any variation of or in the works.

The Engineer may from time to time in writing delegate to the Engineer’s
representative any of the powers and authorities vested in the Engineer and
shall furnish to the Contractor a copy of all such written delegations of powers
and authorities. Any written instruction or written approval given by the
Engineer’s representative to the Contractor within the terms of such delegation
(but not otherwise) shall bind the Contractor and the Engineer as though it had
been given by the Engineer provided always as follows.

a) Failure of the Engineer’s representative to disapprove any work or material

shall not prejudice the power of the Engineer thereafter to disapprove such
work or material and to order the pulling down and removal or dismantling

b) If the Contractor shall be dissatisfied by reason of any decision of the

Engineer’s representatives, he shall be entitled to refer the matter to the
Engineer who shall thereupon, conform reverse or vary such decision.


As per Clause 107.15 of PS to SSRB, the Engineer may reject at any stage
before final acceptance any work that he considers to be not in conformity with

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
the plans and specifications or any extra work done without authority and such
work will not be measured and paid for.

All work which has been rejected shall be remedied or removed and replaced
promptly in an acceptable manner by the Contractor at his own expense. Upon
failure on the part of the Contractor to comply with any order of the Engineer
under the provisions of this article a written notice shall be issued by the
Engineer to the Contractor demanding compliance with a stipulated time. If the
Contractor continues to default till the expiry of the period of notice, the
Engineer shall have the authority to cause defective work to be remedied or
removed and replaced or to cause unauthorized work to be removed through
other agencies and to recover the cost thereof from the Contractor.

In lieu of rejecting work done or materials furnished not in conformity with the
Contract, the Engineer may allow such work or materials to remain provided the
Engineer is satisfied with the quality of the materials or the strength and
structural safety of work and in that case shall make such deduction for the
difference in value as in his opinion may be reasonable on the written certificate
of the Engineer.


As per Clause 107.16 of PS to SSRB, the Engineer shall make final inspection
of all work included in the Contract or any portion thereof or any completed
structure forming part of a project as soon as practicable after notification by
the Contractor that the work is completed and ready for acceptance. If the work
is not acceptable to the Engineer at the time of such inspection he shall inform
the Contractor in writing as to the particular defects to be remedied before final
acceptance can be made.


As per Clause.107.18 of PS to SSRB, any defect which may appear within the
observation period and arising in the opinion of the Engineer from lack of
conformance with plans and specification shall if so required by the Engineer in
writing be remedied by the Contractor at his own cost within the time stipulated
by the Engineer. If the Contractor fails to comply the Engineer may employ


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
other agencies to remedy the defects and recover the cost thereof from the
dues of the Contractor.


41.1 Interference with traffic and adjoining property as per Clause.108.03 of PS of



As per clause.108.04 of PS to SSRB.


As per clause108.06 of PS to SSRB


As per clause 108.08 of PS to SSRB


As per clause 108.10 of PS to SSRB


As per clause108.16 of PS to SSRB



The Contractor should arrange to insure the work as risk insurance of their cost
against any losses due to damage of nature calamities like unprecedented
floods, cyclone, fire, lighting, earth quakes, volcanic eruption and other
convulsion of nature.

The Government will not be responsible for such losses and the Government is
not liable to pay any compensation towards such losses sustained by the

From commencement to completion and upto the expiry of observation period,

the work shall be under the charge and care of the Contractor and the

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
Contractor shall take full responsibility for the care thereof and for taking
precautions to prevent loss or damage and shall be liable for any damage or
loss that may happen to the works or any part including the departmental tools
and plant thereof from any cause whatsoever and shall at his own cost repair
and make good the same so that at completion and expiry of observation
period, the work shall be in good condition and in conformity in every respect
with the requirements of the contract and instructions of Engineer.

(Vide G.O.Ms. No / 620 / TD / dated 22.07.1978 and amendment issued in

G.O.Ms. No.742/TD/Dt.27.06.1983)


The Contractor / Party entrusted with the work should make his own
arrangement for the safety and security of the labourers and materials at his
own risk and cost and he is requested to insure for the labourers and cost of
materials. The department cannot be held responsible for the accidents if any
occurred during the course of clearing away works and compensation will not
be paid for such accidents.



44.1 The Contractor shall employ with the provision of the apprentice act 1961 and
the rules and orders issued there under from time to time. If he fails to do so
his failure will be a breach of the contract and the competent authority may at
his discretion cancel the contract or invoke any of the parties or breach of
contract provided in the agreement. The contractor shall also be liable for any
precautionary liability arising on account of any violation by him of the provision
of the act.

44.2 Contractor shall during the currency of the contract ensure engagement of the
Apprentices in the categories mentioned below who may be assigned to him by
Director of Employment and Training / State Apprenticeship Advisor, Tamil
Nadu. The contractor shall train them as required under the Apprentices Act
1961 and the rules made there under, and shall be responsible for all
obligations of the employer under the said item including the liability of make
payment to the Apprentices as required under the said Act.

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
Value of Contract Category To be appointed
Above Rs. 100 Work Assistance - Industrial
Lakhs Trade Certificate
- 1

Work Supervision :

Diploma in Civil Engineering - 1

Degree holder in Civil Engineering - 1

44.3 Unless the Contractor has been exempted from the engagement of apprentices
by the Director of Employment and Training / State Apprenticeship Advisor, a
certificate to the effect that the Contractor has discharged his obligation under
the said act satisfactory should be provided by the Contractor, for final
payment in the settlement of the Contractor.

(Authority: - G.O.Ms. No. 866 / Transport Department / Dt. 02.08.1970)


The contract shall be constructed according to and subject to the laws of India
and jurisdiction of courts of Chennai.


The contractor shall save harmless and indemnify the Employer from and
against all claims and proceedings for or on account of infringement of any
patent rights design trade work or name or other protected rights in respect of
any constructional plant, machine work or material used for or in connection
with the works or any of them and from and against all claims, proceeding,
damages, costs, charges and expenses whatever in respect there of or in
relation there to except where otherwise specified, the contractor shall pay for
all image and other royalties, rent and other payments or co-operation, if any
getting stone, sand gravel clay or other materials required for the works or any
of them.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:

47.1 Rates and Wages

No labour below the age of 16 years shall be employed on the work. Fair
wages not less than minimum wages that may be fixed from time to time in
accordance with the law or act or rules there under applicable to the area
covered by the works shall be paid by the Contractor to all labour and their
wages rates shall be prominently displayed in the labour camp written in Tamil
and English Script.

The payment of wages to the labourers shall be governed by the contractors

labour regulations from time to time. Proper acquaintance records for such
payment shall be maintained by the Contractor. In the event of there being a
complaint from the labourers, the matter will be investigated by the Engineer
and if found to be correct, the dues shall be recovered from the Contractor’s
bills and paid to the labourers.

47.2 Labour Statistics

The Contractor shall report monthly and shall cause all sub-contractors to
report in the like manner within five days after the close of each calendar month
on forms to be approved by the Engineer the number of persons on their
respective pay rolls and such other information as may be required by the
Engineer e.g. the names and addresses of all such persons on the work.

47.3 Employment of Offenders

In connection with performance of work under this contract, the Contractor will
not employ any person being tried in a court of law for any criminal offence.

47.4 Employment of labour brought by other Contractor

If the Contractor takes away any labour brought and employed by other
contractor of the Government working on the Project, he shall be liable to pay
compensation equal to the project the original Contractor would have made, if
the labour would have continued with him and he will also have to return the
labour thus employed. The decision of the Engineer shall be final and binding
on the Contractor.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
47.5 The Contractor shall in respect of labour employed by him comply with or cause
to be complied with the provisions of the various labour laws and rules and
regulations as applicable to them in regard to all matters provided therein and
shall indemnify the Employer in respect of all claims that may be made against
the Employer for non-compliance thereof by the Contractor,

47.6 Notwithstanding anything contained herein the Engineer may take such actions
as may be necessary of compliance of the various labour laws and recover the
costs thereof from the contractor.

47.7 The Contractor should Register their contract workers and Migrant workers
under the following Acts.
• The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 and the Tamil
Nadu Contract Labour Rules 1975.
• The Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and
conditions of service) Act 1979 The Inter-State Migrant Workmen
Regulation of Employment and conditions of service) Tamil Nadu Act

• All contractors and Sub-Contractors hired by main contractors shall

engage construction workers registered with Construction Workers
Welfare Board as required under the Building and other Construction
Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996
(Central Act 27 of 1996)

(G.O.Ms.No.309, Finance (Salaries), 17th October 2017)

(vide Tamil Nadu Government Gazette No.332, 17 th October 2017)


Unless otherwise provided, the permanent works shall be carried out during
day as well as nights .None of the permanent works shall be carried out during
Sundays or authorized holidays without the permission in writing. However,
when work is unavoidable or necessary for the safety of life, property or works,
the Contractor shall take necessary action immediately and advise the
Engineer accordingly.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:

In the event of the death or insanity of the contractor, the Contract may be
terminated by notice in writing, posted at the site and advertised in the issue of
the local newspaper. All acceptable works shall thereafter, be paid at
appropriate rates after recovering all the contractor’s dues to EMPLOYERS, to
the persons entitled to receive and give a discharge for such payments.




As per clause.109.02 of PS to SSRB


As per clause.109.04 of PS to SSRB



As per Clause.109.05 of PS to SSRB.

51.1 If the Contractor shall become bankrupt, or have a receiving order made
against him or shall present his petition in bankruptcy, or shall make an
arrangement with or assignment in favour of his creditors, or shall agree to
carry out the contract under a committee of inspection of his creditors, or being
a corporation, shall go into liquidation (other than a voluntary liquidation for the
purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction), or if the Contractor shall assign
the contract, without the consent in writing of the Employer or shall have an
execution levied on his goods or if the Engineer shall certify in writing to the
Employer that in his opinion the Contractor;

a) has abandoned the contract, or

b) without reasonable excuse has failed to commence the works or has

suspended the progress of the works for twenty eight days after
receiving from the Engineer written notice to proceed, or

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
c) has failed to remove material from the site or to pull down and
replace work for twenty – eight days after receiving from the Engineer
written notice that the said materials or work had been condemned
and rejected by the Engineer under these conditions, or

d) despite previous warnings by the Engineer in writing in not executing

the works and achieving the mile stones as stipulated in clause 3 in
accordance with the contract, or is persistently or flagrantly
neglecting to carry out his obligations under the contract, or

e) has to the detriment of good workmanship, or in defiance of the

Engineer’s instructions to the contrary, sublet any part of the contract.

f) If the Contractor’s name be removed from the register of Contractors,

whether temporary or permanently

g) If the Contractor shall have failed to comply with Clause 108.16 of PS

to SSRB and if the Engineer shall decide that such failure is
prejudicial to the interest of the Government.

51.2 Then the Employer may, after giving fourteen days notice in writing to the
contractor, absolutely determine the contract there from without whereby
voiding the contract, or releasing the Contractor from any of his obligation or
liabilities under the contract, or affecting the rights and powers conferred on the
Employer or the Engineer by the contract, and may himself complete the works
or may any other contractor complete the works. The Employer or such other
contractor may use for such completion so much of the constructional plant,
temporary works and materials, which have been deemed to be reserved
exclusively to the execution of the works, under the provisions of the contract,
as he or they may think proper, and the Employer may, at any time, sell any of
the said constructional plant, temporary works and unused materials and apply
the proceeds of sale in or towards the satisfaction of any sums due to which
may become due to him from the Contractor under the contract.

51.3 The Engineer on absolute determination of contract as above shall proceed as

per the provisions of the Clauses 109.07,109.08,109.09 and 109.10.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
51.4 If, by reason of any accident, of failure, or other event occurring to in or in
connection with the works, or any part thereof, either during the execution of
the works, or during the period of maintenance, any remedial or other work or
repair shall in the opinion of the Engineer or the Engineer’s representative, by
urgently necessary for the Safety of the works and the Contractor is unable or
unwilling at once to do such work or repair, the employer may employ and pay
other persons to carry out such work or repair as the Engineer or the
Engineer’s representative may consider necessary. If the work for repair so
done by the Employer is work which in the opinion of the Engineer, the
Contractor was liable to do at his own expense under the contract, all expenses
properly incurred by the Employer, or may be deducted by the Employer from
any moneys due or which may become due to the Contractor provided always
that the Engineer or the Engineer’s representative, as the case may be shall
soon after the occurrence of any such emergency as may be, reasonable
practicable, notify the Contractor thereof in writing.


If for any reason, which does not entitle the Contractor to an extension of time,
the rate or progress of the works or any section is at any time, in the opinion of
the Engineer, too slow to ensure completion by the prescribed time or extended
time for completion, the Engineer shall so notify the Contractor in writing and
the Contractor shall thereupon take such steps as are necessary and the
Engineer may approve to expedite progress so as to complete the works or
such section by the prescribed time or extended time. The Contractor shall not
be entitled to any additional payment for taking such steps. If as a result of any
notice given by the Engineer under this clause, the Contractor shall seek the
Engineer’s permission to do any work at night or on Sundays, if locally
recognised as days of rest, or their locally recognized equivalent, such
permission shall not be unreasonably refused.


As per Clause 109.03 of PS to SSRB, the time for completion of the work
contemplated will be specified in the proposal and contract and it is understood
that the completion of the work within the time specified is an essential part of


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
this contract. If any delay in the completion of the works is likely to be caused
by reason of any of the following circumstances. Viz.

a) The execution of any modified or additional work.

b) Delay caused by any written instructions issued by the Engineer.

c) Any act or default of the Engineer including failure to issue necessary

instructions upon written request from the Contractor.

d) Any excepted risks under P.S. 108.10

e) Any circumstances which are wholly beyond the control of the

Contractor and unavoidable.

The Contractor shall immediately upon the occurrence of the alleged cause of
delay give notice thereof in writing to the Engineer and he shall be allowed a
reasonable extension of time for completion in respect of any delay caused by
any above mentioned circumstances. In assessing any extension of time, account
shall be taken of the effect of the omission of any work.

Any extension of further extension of time under the provisions herein force
contained may be allowed not withstanding that the Contractor has failed to give
notice of the cause therefore or that the date for completion may have passed or
that the work may have been completed.

In case where the Engineer under the terms of the contract with the Contractor is
liable to supply any materials articles or things to the Contractor for the
performance by him of his part of the contract, the Engineer may at his absolute
discretion extend the time within which such materials or articles or things may be
supplied by the Engineer and the Engineer may supply to the Contractor such
materials articles or things within the time so extended without any liability on
Engineer’s part to compensate the contractor by reason of the extension of time
for the supply of the materials, articles or things.

54 Forfeiture and Partial Determination

Amendment issued vide G.O. Ms. No. 281/Highways & Minor Port (HF1) /
Dept. dt.31.09.2010 for Clause 109.06 of PS to SSRB.

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
Notwithstanding the failure of the Contractor to comply with the notice served
on him under clause 109.05 (a) of PS to SSRB herein, the Engineer shall
permit the Contractor to proceed with the work in conformity with the contract.
Such permission shall carry with it the forfeiture of a sum of money as penalty,
calculated at 5% of shortfall of that particular mile stone. If the shortfall of work
in a particular mile stone if further extended to further mile stones, the lapse
shall be counted again for each mile stone provided however that this forfeiture
shall be modified or revoked by a superior authority if the Contractor happens
to show substantial progress compensating the loss of time already committed.

Such permission with levy of forfeiture, will not amount to rendering any delay
on the part of the Contractor nor invalidate any of the provisions of the contract.

It shall be the right of the Engineer under this paragraph to determine any part
of the contract and proceed with the execution of the relative portion of the work
through any other agency in order to maintain the rate of progress stipulated in
the contract. Such omission shall not be waiver of any condition of the
Contractor nor invalidate any of the provisions thereof. The Contractor shall
diligently proceed with the portions of work left to him and payment of money
due or may become due shall only be made after deducting there from the
extra cost as ascertained by the Engineer that may be involved in executing
parts of the work through other agency. The decision of the Engineer in this
respect will be final and conclusive.

If the Contractor shall fail to achieve completion of the works within the time
prescribed by clause 3, hereof, Liquidated Damages will be imposed on the
contractor for the delay in completion at the rate of ½ % of the contract sum for
every month of delay till its completion not as a penalty but as compensation for
the extended period on the fault of the Contractor without prejudice to any other
remedy available to the Government for such breach. If the delay is less than a
month, the liquidated damages payable shall be proportional to the number of
days involved. Such liquidated damages will be limited to 5% of the contract
sum and that itself will become the sufficient cause for the termination of


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:

From the commencement of the works until the date stated in the certificate of
completion for the whole of the works including defect liability period as defined
in clause 23 there from pursuant to clause 3 hereof the contractor shall take full
responsibility for the care thereof.

In case any damage, loss or injury shall happen to the works, or to part thereof,
from any cause whatsoever, , the Contractor shall, at his own cost, repair and
make good the same, so that at completion the permanent works shall be in
good order and condition and conforming in every respect, with the
requirements of the contract and the Engineer’s instructions. The Contractor
shall also be liable for any damage to the works occasioned by him for the
purpose of completing any outstanding work or complying with his obligations .


(a) Settlement of Disputes / Claims by a Civil Court:-

In case of any dispute of difference between the parties to the contract either
during the progress or after the completion of the work or after the
determination/ abandonment of the contract or any matter arising there under
and if the monetary value of the disputed claims exceeds Rs.2.00 Lakhs
(Rupees Two Lakhs only) the same can be claimed by filing a Civil Suit under
Code of Civil Procedure before a Civil Court having Jurisdiction.

(b) Settlement of claims by Arbitration

All disputes or difference in respect of which the decision is not final and
conclusive, if the claim’s monetary value is less than Rs.2.00 lakhs (Rupees
Two Lakhs) shall be referred for arbitration to a sole arbitrator; the
Superintending Engineer (H) C &M, Combatore Circle or his successor in
his office.

The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Indian

Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996 or any statutory modifications thereof. The
decision of the sole arbitrator shall be final and binds on the parties thereto.
The arbitrator shall determine the amount of arbitration to be awarded to either

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
Performance under the contract shall continue during arbitration proceedings
and payments due to the contractor by the owner shall not be withheld, unless
they are the subject matter of the arbitration proceedings.

All awards shall be in writing and such award shall state reasons for the
amounts awarded.



All documents, correspondence, decisions and orders concerning the contract

shall be considered as confidential and or restricted in nature by the Contractor
and he shall not divulge or allow access to any unauthorised person.


The Employer shall be entitled to terminate the contract and recover from the
Contractor the amount of any loss resulting from such termination if the
contractor shall have offered or given to any person any gift or consideration of
any kind as an inducement or regard for doing, or for bearing to do, any action
in relation to obtaining, or in the execution of the contract or any other contract
with the Employer, or if any of the like acts shall have been done by any
person employed by the Contractor or acting on his behalf (whether with or
without the knowledge of the Contractor), or if the Contractor or number of
contractors whereby an agreed quotation or estimate shall be offered as a bid
to the Employer by one or more contractors.

The Contractor has to make his own arrangements for drawing electric power



Contractor has to make his own arrangements for acquiring and cleaning the
site, levelling, providing drainage and other facilities for labour, staff colonies,
site offices, work shops or stores and for related activities, and no claim shall
be admissible to him on this account.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:


The Contractor shall provide, maintain and operate under competent

directions, camp and facilities convenient to the works sufficient for the
housing and accommodation of all his employees including labour. He shall
also provide facilities for community latrines, bathrooms, kitchens, dining halls,
etc. and recreation facilities for labourers. The location, operation and
maintenance of such camps and facilities shall be subject to the approval of
Engineer. No camp construction of any kind, other than of the most temporary
nature, shall be undertaken unless drawings and specifications have been
approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall perform such grading,
surfacing and maintenance of the streets in camp sites as in the opinion of the
Engineer may be required to provide for safe and satisfactory use by the public
and shall construct suitable guide walls to serve all parts of the camp site.

The Government will assume no responsibility for damage to or interference

with Contract of camp due to any operations under the contract or due to
flooding by the construction of the work or otherwise.


The Contractor shall have an office at the work site where notices or directions
and instructions from the Engineer may be served. The Contractor shall have a
clerk or some authorized person, always present in his office who shall receive
such notices or directions and instructions on behalf of the Contractor. The
name of such authorized person or persons shall be intimated in writing to the


The contractor shall provide and maintain all camp sites water system for
supplying water for domestic purpose and fire protection at his cost. The
capacity, design, construction, operation and maintenance of all water supply
system shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall
be prepared to furnish adequate water for fire protection either by storage tank
capacity, pump capacity or both and an adequate water at the site of work.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
Samples of the domestic water shall be taken at regular intervals at different
points of the camp and tested to ensure the portability of the water. If the
domestic supply and the fire protection supply are from different sources, there
shall be no inter-connection and only pure water shall be piped into houses for
drinking and domestic purposes.


The Contractor has to provide at his own expenses the following amenities to
labour to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

62.4.1 FIRST AID

At the work site there shall be maintained in readily accessible place first – aid
appliance and medicines including an adequate supply of sterilised dressings
and sterilised cotton wool. The appliances shall be kept in good order. They
shall be readily available during working hours.


a) Water of good quality fit for drinking purposes shall be provided for the
workers on a scale of not less than 14 litres per head per day.

b) Where drinking water is obtained from an intermediate public water

supply, each work shall be provided with storage tank where such
drinking water shall be stored.

c) Every water supply storage shall be at a distance of not less than 50

metres away from any latrine, drain or other sources of pollution, where
water has to be drawn from an existing well which is with such proximity
of any latrine, drain or other sources of pollution it shall be entirely
closed in and be provided with a trap door which shall be dust and water

d) A reliable pump shall be fitted to each well. The trap door, shall be kept
locked and opened only for inspection or cleaning which shall be done at
least once in a month.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:

Adequate washing and bathing places shall be provided separately for men and
women. Such places shall be kept clean and well drained. Bathing or washing
should not be allowed in or near any drinking water well.


They shall be provided within the premises of ever work site, latrines and
urinals in accessible place and the accommodation separately for each of them
shall be on the following scale or on the scale directed by the Engineer- IN ANY


1 Where the number of persons employed does not - 5

exceed 50.

2 Where the number of persons employed exceeds 50 - 10

but does not exceed 100

3 For every additional 100 - 5

If women are employed, separate latrines and urinals, screened from those for
men, shall be provided on the same scale. Except in work sites provided with
water flushed latrines connected with a water borne sewage system, all latrines
shall be provided with receptacle and dry earth system which shall be cleaned
atleast four times daily and atleast twice during working hours and kept in a
strictly sanitary condition. The receptacle shall be tarred inside and outside
atleast once a year.

The excreta from the latrines shall be disposed off at the Contractor’s expense
in outway pits approved by the local public health authority. The Contractor
shall also, employ adequate number of scavengers and conservancy staff to
keep the latrines and urinals in a clean condition.


At the work site, there shall be provided, free of cost, two suitable sheds one for
meals and the other for rest, for the use of the workers.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
62.4.6 CRECHES

At every work site at which 50 or more women workers are ordinarily employed,
there shall be provided two huts of suitable size for the use of children under
the age of six years, belonging to such women. One hut shall be used for
infants games and play and the other as their bed room. The huts shall be
constructed on a standard not lower than the following :

1. Asbestos roof

2. Mud Floors and Walls

3. Planks spread over the mud floor and covered with matting.

The use of the huts shall be restricted to children their attendants and mothers
of the children.


A cooked food canteen on a moderate scale shall be provided for the benefit of
workers if it is considered expedient.


The Contractor shall provide at his own expense sheds for housing the
workers. The sheds shall be on a standard not less than the cheap shelter type
to live, in which the workers in the locality are accustomed. A floor area of
about 5 sqm.for two persons shall be provided. The sheds are to be in rows
with 1.5m clear spaces between sheds and 10m clear space between rows if
conditions permit. The workers camp shall be laid out in units of 400 persons
per each unit to have a clear space of 12m. on each side.


a. The contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of workers and
preserving their health while working in such jobs as required special protection
and precautions. The following are some of the measures listed out. The same
are not exhaustive and contractor shall attend and augment these precautions


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
on his own initiative where necessary and shall comply with directions issued by
the Engineer in this behalf from time to time and at all times.

b. Providing protective foot wear to workers in the situations like mixing and placing
of mortar or concrete and in quarries, shaft shift and places where the work is
done under too much wet conditions.

c. Providing protective head gear to workers, in the works like underground

excavation to protect them against rock falls.

d. Providing masks to workers at granulators or at other locations where too much

fine dust is floating about and sprinkling water at frequent intervals by water hoses
on all stone crushing area and storage binds to abate dust.

e. Getting the workers in such jobs periodically examined for chest trouble due to too
much breathing in fine dust.

f. Taking such normal precautions like fencing and lighting excavations of trenches,
not allowing rails or metal parts or useless timber spread around marking danger
areas for blasting whistles etc.

g. Supporting workmen with proper belts, ropes when working in shafts, precipitous
slopes etc.,

h. Avoiding naked electric wires, etc. which would electrocute the workers.

i. Taking necessary steps towards training the workers concerned on the machinery
before they are allowed to handle them independently and taking all necessary
precautions in and around the areas where machines hoist and similar units are


A. The contractor shall pay not less than fair wages to labourers engaged
by him on his work.

B. ‘Fair Wage’ means wage whether for time or piece work notified by the
Government from time to time in the area where the work is situated.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
C. In respect of the labour directly or indirectly employed on the work for the
purpose of contractor’s part of the agreement, the Contractor shall
comply with the rules and regulations for the maintenance of suitable
records prescribed for this purpose from time to time by the Government.
He shall maintain his accounts and vouchers on payment of wages to
the labourers to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

D. The Engineer shall have the right to call for such record as required to
satisfy himself on the payment of fair wages to the labourers and shall
have the right to deduct from the contract amount a suitable amount for
making good the loss suffered by the workers by reason of the fair
wages clause.

E. The Contractor shall be primarily liable for all payments to be made and
for the observance of the regulations framed by the Government from
time to time without prejudice, to his right to claim indemnity from his

F. The Contractor shall notwithstanding the provision of any contracts to

the contrary, cause to be paid to the labour indirectly engaged on the
work, including any labour engaged by the sub-contractor in connection
with the said works as if the labourers had been directly employed by
G. Any violation of the conditions above shall be deemed to be a breach of
this Contract.


a. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining good order in his

camp and on the work and to that and shall employ such officers,
watchmen or other persons as may be required. Unauthorised persons
shall be excluded from the camp and from the work. If in the opinion of
the Engineer, any employee or agent of the Contractor misbehaves or
causes obstruction in the proper execution of the work or otherwise
makes himself undesirable, the Engineer may ask the Contractor to
remove such employee or agent from his camp at once and Contractor


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
shall promptly carry out such orders. No claims on this account shall be

b. The Contractor shall not, otherwise than in accordance with the Statues,
Ordinances and Government Regulations or orders for the time being in
force, import, sell, give, barter or otherwise dispose off any alcoholic
liquor, or drugs or permit or suffer any such importation sale, gift, barter
or disposal by his sub-contractors, agents, or employees.

c. The Contractor shall not give barter or otherwise dispose of to any

person or persons, any arms or ammunitions of any kind or permit or
suffer the same as aforesaid.

d. The contractor shall in all dealings with labour in his employment have
due regard to all recognised festivals, days of rest and religious or other

e. In the event of any outbreak of illness of an eipidemic nature, the

Contractor shall comply with and carry out such regulations, orders and
requirements as may be made by the Government, or the local medical
or sanitary authorities for the purpose of dealing with and overcoming
the same.

f. The contractor shall be responsible for observance by his sub-

contractors of the foregoing provisions.


a. The contractor has to make his own arrangements for the supply of
electric power for domestic purposes and the charges for this purpose
have to be paid by him at the rates as fixed by the Tamil Nadu State
Electricity Board from time to time.

b. The Contractor will have to make his own arrangements to lay and
maintain the necessary distribution lines and wiring for the camp at his
own cost. The layout and the methods of laying the lines and wiring
shall have the prior approval of the Engineer. All camp area shall be
properly electrified. All lines, streets, approaches of the camp etc. shall


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
be sufficiently lighted for the safety of staff and labour of the Contractor,
at the cost of the Contractor and it will be subject to the approval of the

62.7 ROADS

All approach roads and roads inside the camp shall be constructed and
maintained by the Contractor at his own cost. The layout, design, construction
and maintenance etc. of the roads shall be subject to the approval of the
Engineer. The contractor shall permit the use of those roads by the
Government free of charge.


No payment will be made to the Contractor for construction, operation and

maintenance of camp and other camp facilities and the entire cost of such
work shall be deemed to have been included in the tender cost quoted.


No explosive shall be stored within (500 meters) of the limit of the camp sites.
The storage of gasoline and other fuel oils or of butane, propane and other
liquefied petroleum gases shall conform to the regulations of Tamil Nadu
Government and the Government of India. Any tank above ground having a
capacity in excess of 2,000 litres shall not be located within the camp area not
within 100 metres of any buildings.

63 Use of Explosives

As per Clause.108.07 of Ps to SSRB.


a. Security requirements for the work shall be in accordance with the

Governments general requirements including provisions of this clause
and the Contractor shall conform to such requirements and shall be held
responsible for the actions of all his staff, employees and the staff and
employees of his sub-contractors.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
b. All Contractor’s employees, representatives and sub-contractor’s
employees shall wear identification badges provided by the Contractor.
Badge shall identify the Contractor, show an employee’s number and
shall be worn at all times while at the site. Individual labour will not be
required to wear identification badges.

c. All vehicles used by the Contractor shall be clearly marked with

Contractor’s name.

d. The Contractor shall be responsible for the security of the works for the
duration of the contract and shall provide and maintain continuously
adequate security personnel to fulfill these obligations. The
requirements of security measures shall include but not limited to
maintenance of order on the site, provision of all lighting, fencing guard,
flagman, and all other measures necessary on the protection of works
within the colonies, camps and elsewhere on the site.

e. Materials delivered to the site, all persons employed in connection with

the works continuously throughout working and non-working period
including nights, Sundays and holidays for duration of the contract.

f. Other contractors working on the site concurrently with the Contractor

will provide security for their own plant and materials. However their
security provisions shall in no way relieve the Contractor of his
responsibilities in this contract.

g. Separate payment for provision of security services will not be made and
the cost of this work shall be deemed to have been included in the unit
rates and prices included in the contract.


a. The Contractor shall provide and maintain adequate firefighting

equipment and take adequate fire precaution measures for the safety of
all personnel and temporary and permanent works and shall take action
to prevent damage to destruction by fire of trees, shrubs and grasses.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
b. Separate payment will not be make for the provision of fire prevention
measures and all cost of such work shall be deemed to have been
included in the unit rates and prices included in the contract.

66. COVID – 19 and its variants:

The Standard Operation Procedure outlined in Tamil Nadu Covid-19
Regulations , 2020 for the prevention and containment and prevention of
the spread of COVID -19” and other circulars and instructions amended
by Government from time to time shall be followed by the contractor
during execution of work.

Superintending Engineer (H),
CMDP Circle,
Saidapet Chennai-15


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:



1. The quantities herein given are there upon which the estimate cost of the work
is based, but they are subject to alterations, omissions, deductions or additions
as provided for in the conditions of this contract and do not necessarily show
the actual quantities of work to be done. The Schedule - A indicated will be
modified after applying the tender percentage either above or below estimate
rates and shall govern payment for the quantities in the Schedule-A and for
extras or deductions or omissions according to the conditions of the contract,
as set forth in the Preliminary Specifications to Standard Specifications for
Roads and Bridges and the MORT&H specifications or other conditions and
specifications of this contract.

2. It is to be expressly understood that the measured work is to be taken net (not

withstanding any custom or practice to the contrary) according to the actual
executed quantities. The rates quoted are for works in situ and complete in
every respect.

3. The descriptions given in Schedule-A are to indicate the item of work only and
need not be construed as full specification. The quoted rate shall be for
carrying out the item as per standards and specifications described in the
relevant MORT&H specifications. The tenderer shall take no advantage of any
apparent error or omission in the Schedule-A description.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:


1. List of Drawings:- 19 drawings(Included as Additional document and

uploaded online as separate document)



1. Special Condition of Contract

2. Descriptive Specification Report.

3. Commercial Conditions


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:




Confirmatory bores for each foundation shall be taken by the contractor at

their cost, to confirm the design SBC.


2.1 According to the contract, the Contractor is responsible for the quality of the
entire construction work and for this purpose he is required to have his own
independent and adequate set up to meet this requirement.

2.2 The contractor shall set up his own laboratory at location(s) approved by the
Engineer. The laboratory with sufficient stand byes suitable to carry out the
tests prescribed for different materials and work according to the specifications.
The list of equipment to be provided shall be got approved by the Engineer.
The equipment should be maintained in a workable condition to the satisfaction
of the Engineer.

2.3 Sampling and testing procedure shall be in accordance with the relevant
standards of BIS (Previously called (ISI)) / IRC. Frequency of testing shall be
as laid down in the Ministry’s specifications for roads and Bridge work. In the
absence of relevant Indian Standard, sampling and testing procedures shall be
as approved by the Engineer.

2.4 The laboratory should be manned by a qualified materials Engineer assisted by

Materials Inspectors / Technicians, and the set-up should be got approved by
the Engineer.

2.5 The Contractor should prepare printed proforma for recording readings and
results of each type of test, after getting the formats of the performance
approved from the Engineer. He should keep a daily record of all the tests
conducted by him. Two copies of the tests results should be submitted to the


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
Engineer for his examination and approval of which one copy will be returned to
the Contractor for being kept at site of work.

2.6 The Materials Engineer of the Contractor should keep close liaison with the
quality control unit of the Engineer and kept the later informed to the sampling
and testing programme so that the Engineer’s representative could be present
during this activity, if considered necessary.

2.7 All the requisite tests to ensure quality of water for mixing and curing have to be
carried out before acceptance and certified.

2.8 The Engineer, for satisfying himself about the quality of the materials and work
will also have tests conducted by quality control units or by any other agency,
generally to the frequency set out in the Specification. For test to be done by
the Engineer, the Contractor is to render all necessary co-operation and
assistance including the provision for labour, assistance in packing and
dispatching samples, etc.,

2.9 The contractors have to produce the Test Certificate confirming to IS and other
accepted Codes and Standards in support of the quality of materials procured.
If the materials are found to be substandard or not confirming to the prescribed
test standards, the same will be rejected.

2.10 For the work of embankment, subgrade and pavement, construction of

subsequent layer of the same or other materials over the finished layer shall be
done only after obtained approval from the Engineer.

2.11 The Contractor shall be responsible for rectifying / replacing and work falling
short of quality requirements as directed by the Engineer.

2.12 Set-out data for horizontal and vertical curves should be got worked out by the
Contractor, and the calculations should be examined by the Engineer for
approval before field operations starts. Similarly, elevations at super elevated
sections and verticals curves should be got worked out by the Contractor at
10m / or less than intervals for the approval of Engineer. It may be pointed out
that the contract drawings show the final road levels, and the levels at the top of
sub-grade, sub-base, base and binder course should be got worked out from
the thickness of the various pavement course for control in the calculations.

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
Cross falls for the various pavement layers and sub-grade should also be
clearly indicated.

2.13 The Contractor shall be required to give a trial run of the equipment for
establishing capacity to achieve the laid down specifications and tolerance to
the satisfaction of the Engineer before commencement of the work.

2.14 All equipment provided shall be of proven efficiency and shall be operated and
maintained at all times in a manner acceptable to the Engineer.

2.15 No equipment or personnel will be removed from the site without the
permission of the Engineer.

2.16 All materials and workmanship shall be of the respective type described in the
contract and in accordance with the Engineer’s instructions and shall be
subjected from time to time to such tests as the Engineer may direct at the
place of manufacture of fabrication, or on the site. All samples shall be
supplied by the Contractor.

2.17 No work is to be covered up or put of view without the approval of the Engineer
for his examination and measurement.

2.18 During the progress of works, the Engineer shall have the power to order the
removal from the site of any unsuitable materials, substitution of proper and
suitable material.

2.19 The job mix formula for Dense graded Bituminous Macadam and Bituminous
Concrete shall be got designed and approved by the Highways Research
Station before commencement of the work at the cost of the contractor. The
variance in actual percentage of bitumen used has to be borne by the

2.20 The design mix formula for Concrete works shall also be got designed and
approved by the Highways Research Station before the commencement of the
work at the cost of the contractor and the Contractor shall quote his tender
percentage / item rate accordingly.

2.21 All the requisite tests to ensure quality and grade of bitumen have to be carried
out before acceptance and certified.

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
2.22 Filling Soil in between RE wall / Retaining wall and forming embankment in
approaches / Bypasses Sub Grade Soil / Granular Sub Base and WMM
materials should be tested for its suitability in accordance with MORT&H latest
revision from Highways Research Station only before execution by the
contractor at his cost. If there is any change in materials on composition, no
extra cost will be paid.

2.23 The Contractor have to produce the calibration certificate for calibration of
central mix plants/Batching Plants and calibration of plants used at site for the
bituminous work which should be certified. (AUTHORITY Director General,
Highways Department, Chennai-5Memo.No.4684/DG/Quality Assurance/2011-
4/ Dated: 07.04.2011)



3.1 The Bidders shall furnish their Alternative Design to the departmental approved
site plan, alignment and GAD. As per their Alternative Design the total length
of the Bridge including Retaining wall portion should not be changed. The
Departmental Specification report accompany with this document should be

3.2 Bidders are permitted to furnish tenders based on their own Alternative
Designs for the Main Bridge work as per department approved GAD without
reducing the trestle portion.

3.3 The bidder has to prepare most suitable and economical structure giving
detailed designs and drawings in accordance with the design criteria laid down
and obtain approval before execution. The field hydraulic and geotechnical
particulars, brief investigation report and general proposal of the department
and drawings.

3.4 The documents submitted by the tenderers shall be comprehensive enough in

themselves containing sufficient drawings, design calculations and their
specifications and as contained in the special conditions to enable the
department to appreciate the proposals in all aspects. If the details are not
complete or if a bidder's design violates the basic design data supplied with the
bid documents, the bid shall be liable for rejection.

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
3.5 The alternative design proposal shall interalia include the following:

a. Site clearance and dismantling of obstructions, Utilities etc., before

commencement of work or as specified or as directed.

b. True and proper setting out and layout of the works, bench marks and
the like including provision of all necessary labour instruments and
appliances in connection with all as specified or as directed.

c. Carrying out soil investigations under each pier/abutment and

Retaining wall on approaches of high embankments.

d. Carrying out detailed designs and preparation of detailed drawings for

all the components of the bridge structure. Preparation of working
drawings and getting them approved by the department before
execution as directed.

e. Construction of foundations for piers and abutments as specified or


f. Provision of piers and abutments, including bearings, as specified or

as directed.

g. Provision of a prestressed / reinforced cement concrete

superstructure for the complete length of the bridge as specified or as

h. Providing kerbs / footways, wearing coat, hand railing, expansion

joint, approach slabs, drainage / downtake pipes, as specified or as

i. Providing wings or returns beyond the ends of the bridge on either

side beyond the outer face of the dirt walls including necessary back
fill, filter media weep holes etc., as specified or as directed.

j. Provision of suitably designed protective works for road / bridges as

specified or as directed.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
k. Suitable provision for inspection of bearings, expansion joints and
underside of bridge deck at a later date after completion of the bridge
as specified or as directed;

l. All aspects of quality assurance including load test of various

components of the work as specified or as directed.

m. Providing suitable approaches on either side of the bridge as

required, and in accordance with specifications, stipulated in the
Tender Documents including earthwork, other anti-erosion works and
highway appurtenances all as specified or as directed.

n. Provision of temporary diversion road as specified or as directed:

o. Clearing of site and handing over of the works as specified or as


p. Setting up of adequate Field laboratories for conducting all field tests

testing of materials and works.

q. Maintenance of the completed work during the period all as specified

or as directed.

r. Submission of completion drawings and other related documents as


s. Any other item of work as may be required to be carried out for

completing the bridge in all respects in accordance with the provisions
of the contract and / or to ensure structural stability and safety of the
bridge during and after construction.

3.6 The bidder shall furnish item wise bill of quantities with unit rates similar to the
BOQ for all the items of work covered in his alternative design. If Alternative
design BOQ decreases on approval of alternative design, payment will be
reduced for actual execution quantity as per approved alternative design


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
3.7 If alternative design BOQ quantity increases on approval of alternative design,
payment will not be made for increase in quantity executed as on approved
alternative design drawing.

3.8 For scrutiny and approval of alternative design and drawing, ½% of quoted
value of contract for the alternative design tender will be recovered from the bill
on approval of alternative design.


Basic Design Criteria for the proposed works and shall be read in conjunction with
the various documents forming the contract namely Notice inviting Tenders,
instructions to Tenderers, Condition of Contract, Contract drawings and other related
documents mentioned in these Tender Document together with any Addenda thereto
issued and any minutes of pre-tender meetings issued.


The design of bridge structure shall conform to the codes and specifications listed in
there under unless specified otherwise elsewhere in the Tender Documents.

The following abbreviations hereinafter shall have the meaning as indicated against
them. IRC / Codes / Design criteria/Recommendation/Special Publications
Guidelines published by Indian Road Congress.

IS-Indian Standard specification codes of practice /published by Bureau of Indian


Items not covered in IRC / IS code of Practice shall be based on B.S./STM


Any Code of specification cited shall mean the version reprinted latest before one
month of submission of tender.


If design and construction of any particular item of work are not covered by the
Codes and specifications listed above or deemed so by Engineer, the same shall
comply with Special Specifications, Such special specifications shall be framed by
the contractor with the support of specialized literature including IS and other


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
national or international codes of Practice where relevant. These Special
specifications shall be submitted to Engineer for his approval. Contractor shall also
furnish literature reference, bibliography and copies of relevant extracts as may be
deemed necessary by Engineer for scrutiny and approval of such special
specifications. The decision of Engineer in respect of such special specifications
shall be final and binding on Contractor.

3.12 Site Information

The following available data shall be taken into consideration.

1) Key Map

2) Index Map

3) Classification of Road

4) Site Plan showing the approved alignment indicating

a) Starting chainage

b) Ending chainage

c) Details of Bench Mark connected to permanent structure


5) LS along the alignment

6) CS along the alignment

7) Horizontal intersection angles

8) Proposed foundation level

9) Proposed sill level

10) Proposed bottom level of Deck

11) Tentative top of road level

12) Gradient on approaches

13) Bore log with reduced level and soil classification.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
3.13 Design Loading

The bridge structure shall be designed for the loads and combination stipulated
in the IRC Code 6 and 78 (latest edition) unless specified otherwise herein. In
addition, the following load shall be considered whenever necessary.

Unit weight of RCC = 25 KN/m3

Unit weight of CC = 25 KN/m3
Weight of Kerb + Parapet / Rm = 7 KN/m
Weight of wearing coat = 2 KN/sqm
3.14 Foundation

The type of foundation suggested shall suit the site condition, and shall be
designed based on codal requirements and the founding levels shall not be
higher than those levels indicated in the departmental drawing during

The bore log available are only for the guidance of the Tenderer. Hence
confirmatory borings shall be taken at the time of execution of each abutment
and pier location before fixing up the foundation on level.

Based on chemical properties of the subsoil and subsoil water, appropriate type
of cement shall be used (e.g Sulphate Resistant cement).

Only Open foundations shall be adopted in the case of footings.

3.15 Sub Structure

Any type of sub structure that will suit the site conditions may be proposed and
designed as per codal requirements. They should be economically viable and
due consideration may be given to aesthetics aspects also. Approach slab shall
be provided in Accordance with MORT&H guidelines. The following points shall
be taken into consideration.

• Abutment resting on embankment shall not be acceptable

• 600mm thick filter media shall be provided behind the abutment and
wings as per codal requirement.

• Sub-structure foundation with single column bridge structure


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
The substructure shall be checked for deflections under the action of
wind and eccentric loads. Deflection shall be calculated for (a)
instantaneous (b) Time dependant conditions due to referred strains.

3.16 Superstructure

A. Superstructure of Vibrated RCC slab/ Vibrated RCC T Beam cum slab/

Prestressed concrete may be proposed.

B. Pre-cast superstructure can be considered provided that the effect of

precasting on the design, manufacture of precast parts and erection are
all detailed properly. Place of precasting and method of launching shall
be furnished.

C. Concrete in superstructure shall not be less than Design mix M 35 grade

for any of the components.

D. The climatic environmental and atmospheric condition of the region will

affect the long term durability and stability of the structure shall be
ascertained by the tenderer and shall be taken care of in the design of
component of the structure.

E. Notwithstanding what is contained in IRC and IS codes listed herein the

following shall be kept in view while designing Box Girder Bridge.

i. Temperature analysis and distortional analysis shall be made in the case

of box girder and reinforcement detailed depicted clearly.

ii. Box girder can be designed either in reinforced concrete or prestressed

concrete. The box girder shall be cast either as precast member or cast
in situ over steel scaffolding.

iii. Box girder shall be supported on fully moulded Elastomeric/Pot bearings

placed under end diaphragm.

iv. Each box girder shall be provided with a man hole in the deck slab very
close to ends for access inside for purpose of inspection and
maintenance. This should be covered with cast iron cover with locking


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
v. Arrangement for proper ventilation inside box girder shall be made with
vent holders at suitable places.

F. Following type of structural arrangement shall not be permitted.

i. Structures sensitive to unequal settlement of foundations like continuous

spans, rigid frames shall be permitted if due consideration is given for
unequal settlement.

ii. A structure with single articulation in a span

iii. Structures with hinges

iv. Superstructure with articulated supports including pendulum type


v. Deck slab with transverse prestressing

vi. Steel Bridges

vii. Stone/Brick masonry structures.

G. The design of prestressed concrete shall be as per relevant IRC Code.

H. Prestressing system to be used shall be a well established one such as

Freyssinet. CCL BBR. The jacks must be capable of stressing all strands
in tension uniformly by a single operation.

I. Concrete shall be of design mix not less than M 35 for pre stressed
beams and deck slab.

J. Concrete for slab bridges shall be of design mix not less than M 35.

K. For shorter spans RCC slab can be provided.

3.17 Bearings

Bearings as per IRC – 83/ (latest edition) shall be adopted.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
3.18 Expansion Joints:

Expansion joints shall be of Strip seal expansion Joint of confirming to

MORT&H specification shall be provided for the full width of Deck.

3.19 Crash Barrier (Design Mix)

Crash barrier in vib RCC. M40 shall be proposed on deck slab and Retaining
wall portion.

3.20 Wearing Coat

Bituminous wearing coat shall be adopted Mastic asphalt (25mm thick) with
Bituminous Concrete (40mm thick)

3.21 Cross Camber

Camber of 2.5% shall be provided in deck slab itself.

3.22 Footpath

Where footpath is provided Public Utility services (except water supply and
sewerage) shall be carried over the bridge through 150mm dia metre ducts in
foot paths 3 such ducts shall be provided on each side. Inspection chambers
shall be provided at suitable intervals and drawings for the same shall be

This may be with reference to MOST drawings.

3.23 Pylons

Pylons shall be proposed for Major Bridges.

3.24 General

The bridge shall be designed giving due consideration for aesthetic look to suit
the surroundings and other requirements.


3.25.1 The field particulars, such as sub soil particulars, hydraulic particulars etc.,
furnished by the department are to be taken for the formulation of
alternative proposal.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
3.25.2 However, the contractor shall inspect the site of the bridge to satisfy himself
on the correctness of the field particulars and hydraulic particulars furnished
by the Department. If found to be differing, this may be brought to the
notice of the Department during the pre bid meeting for clarification or

3.25.3 The proposals formulated by the Department are tentative. The contractor
has the liberty to have different proposals without detrimental to the general
features of the Departmental proposal.

3.25.4 Road level and Gradient of Grade Separator should be as per approved

3.25.5 Length of trestle portion should be as per approved GAD.

3.25.6 Width of the bridge (Distance between outer faces of the railing kerbs)
should be as per approved GAD.

3.25.7 Open foundation should be covered as per the design recommended by the

However, the Department reserves the right to add or delete any items
to the above list, which will be intimated to the bidders in advance.

3.26 The alternative design (preliminary design) shall contain the following

1. Design note

2. Preliminary design calculations

3. Drawings.

3.26.1 Design note:

A detailed design note covering all the design aspects, clearly indicating the
design methodology adopted in the alternative design

3.26.2 Preliminary Design:

a. Preliminary design shall be self explanatory. Though detailed calculations
are not necessary, a typical calculation covering all the major structural

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
components involved is to be furnished for verifying the procedure adopted
therein for arriving at the design moments, shear force and there by arriving
at the sizes of structural members.

b. If computer outputs are furnished a model long hand calculation tallying the
computer outputs is to be furnished. The design calculations are to be
accompanied by neat and self explanatory reference sketches such as
stress diagrams, sectional details.

c. All the designs are to be prepared based on relevant codes. If the

departmental proposal happens to differ from the codal provisions, this may
be got clarified in the pre bid meeting and the alternative proposal is to be
formulated accordingly.

Whatever be the point, if the contractor finds any ambiguity on the

departmental proposal, it should not be taken for granted, but should be
referred the department and got clarified.

d. Foundation preliminary design shall contain the following.

e. A model calculation to check the sufficiency of the size of the structural


f. For open foundation, stresses developed at the bottom of footing are to be

worked out..

g. For pile foundation maximum load on pile, structural capacity of pile, design
of pile based on relevant codes to be furnished.

h. For well foundation, design shall be furnished based on IRC codes. Steining
stresses are to be worked out.

i. Preliminary design for substructure shall contain the following details:

j. Model calculations showing the sufficiency of size of the members proposed.

k. If innovative techniques are proposed the same may be brought to the notice
of the Department and clearance obtained.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
3.26.3 Drawings:

The following drawings are to be furnished along with preliminary alternative


i. General arrangement drawing showing the entire proposals

incorporating all the levels, chainages, etc. The G.A.D. shall be
complete in all respects to appreciate the contractor's scope of
the proposal.

ii. A detailed drawing showing the structural configuration.

4 In the event of the work being transferred to any other Division or Circle, the
Divisional Engineer or Superintending Engineer who will be in charge of the
Division / Circle having jurisdiction over the work shall be the Competent to
exercise all the powers and privileges reserved in favour of the Government.

5 As the work site is located in urban conditons, the possession of site will be
given in section and the contractor shall have a programme in such a way to
achieve the milestone with the possession of site.

6 Being a urban location, the hidden exhibits may give a problem, but the
Contractor shall not raise claim if any delay in shifting and only extension of
time above will be considered.

7 Substitute for clause 49 of General Conditions - Night work. As the work site is
located in urban conditons,considering the traffic point of view,Night work shall
be allowed provided after getting proper permission from Engineer.Necessary
Traffic Management Plan shall be prepared and got approved fromTraffic
Police .


8.1 The Contractor shall take into account the specification report and technical
note while quoting the tender as well as for executing the work.

Superintending Engineer (H),
CMDP Circle,
Saidapet, Chennai-15.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:





Construction of Limited Use Subway (LUS) in lieu of existing Level

Crossing No.6 at Railway km. 10/10-12 in between Thiruvotriyur and Wimco
Nagar railway stations near Wimco Nagar.


This work has been administratively sanctioned for Rs.25.50 crore vide
G.O.(D). No. 230/Highways and Minor Ports (HQ2) Department, dated

Original sanction was accorded based on the GAD concurred by the

Railways on 21.07.2008 with the provision of LUS having a width of 17.30m which
includes 7.50m carriage way, 2.5m cycle track and 1.50m footpath on both sides.
Subsequently, railways revised the GAD after reducing the width of LUS portion to
9.7m, deleting the cycle track and the same was concurred only on 01.07.2015.
Since this is LUS, Highway’s portion will be started after taking up / completion of
Railway portion. Railway started the work on January 2022.

The proposal of the above work was placed before the Technical Audit
Committee meeting held on 01.03.2023 and the recommendation of the TAC are
as follows:

• To provide carriage way width of the service road as per


• in addition to the provision of drain, footpath with paver blocks

may be provided for additional width available as per site
conditions for the improved pedestrian movements.

• Revised nomenclature may be obtained as Limited Use Subway,


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
instead of Road Under Bridge (RUB) with respect to the
Administrative Sanction.

The Revised Administrative Sanction proposal was placed in the RAS

Committee on 03.04.2023 and the same was recommended by the committee for
according Revised Administrative sanction.

Now, the Revised Administrative Sanction for this work has been accorded
for Rs.39.01 Crore vide G.O (Ms) No. 91/Highways and Minor Ports (HW2)
Department, Dated:25.07.2023.


The local street in which LC. No. 6 is located, connects Thiruvottriyur High
Road (Chennai – Ennore Road) on the eastern side and Manali – Jothi Nagar
side on the western side.


The zero chainage of alignment is located at the junction of Thiruvottriyur

High Road and market road of Wimco nagar at km.12/250 of Thiruvotriyur High
Road. The proposed LUS starts at Ch.31.420 and ends at Ch.373.875. The
alignment crosses the Railway line at an angle of 68°39’ (skew 21°21’) between
chainages Ch.176.295 – Ch 223.365.


Existing top of lowest rail level in the alignment has been taken as the
temporary Benchmark of RL 100.000.


Detailed design drawings and quantity estimate were prepared by CE (H),

Designs and received vide letter no.563/2005/JDO4/09.01.2020 and the details are
as follows.


The alignment involves three horizontal curves. But curve no 1 alone falls
within the LUS portion and the details of the curves are as follows,


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
Properties Circular cum
Curve no 1
Radius 301 m
Deviation angle 15.195 deg
HIP Ch 294.000
Beginning of curve Ch 241.339
End of curve Ch 346.161
Speed 40 kmph
Suitable vertical curves have been provided at change of grade locations
on both Thiruvottriyur side and Jothi Nagar side. The length of valley curve on
either side of the Railway span and the length of summit curve at both the ends of
the LUS are 30.0m.

The bore log details obtained by taking two bores on Thiruvottriyur side
and two bores on Jothi Nagar side for a depth of about 20m. In all bores, silty sand
is encountered for the entire depth.

The Railway proposals as per revised railway GAD vide drawing
No.CBE/M2/201/2015 is as follows:

Length of Railway portion 43.84 m (square)

47.07 m (skew)
Existing Rail level (lowest) RL (+) 100.000 m (From combined GAD)

BOD RL (+) 98.000 m (From combined GAD)

Vertical clearance for carriageway 4.00 m

Vertical clearance for footpath 2.75 m

Proposed Road level RL 94.000 (Thiruvottriyur side)

(From combined GAD) RL 93.765 (Jothi nagar side)

(longitudinal slope 1 in 200)


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
Width of carriageway 7.5 m

Width of kerb 0.25 m on both sides of the carriageway

Width of footpath 1.50 m on one side of carriageway

M.S Hand rails in footpath portion 0.2 m

Overall width excluding outer 9.7 m in staircase portion and 8.0m beyond
wall thickness staircase portion


Two lane undivided carriageway of width 7.5m, has been proposed on the
highway portion. The gradient of 1 in 25 is proposed, considering its close
proximity to the junction connecting Tiruvorttiyur high road and the same gradient
has been adopted on Jothi nagar side also.

RCC solid slab sections have been proposed for service bridge portions.
The remaining portions have been designed as open through with RCC Retaining
walls connected by RCC Raft slabs at the bottom.

The general proposal is as follows:

Sl. No Description Gradient Chainage

Thiruvottriyur side

1 Thiruvottriyur side arm 1 in 25 31.420 – 176.295 144.875

Railway portion 1 in 200 176.295-223.365 47.070

Jothi Nagar side

2 Jothi nagar side arm 1 in 25 223.365-373.875 150.510

Total length of LUS 342.455 m


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:

The top of Retaining wall is proposed a minimum of 0.3 m above the

service road level. Retaining wall and raft slab are proposed in vibrated RCC M35
(Design mix) using 20mm ISS HBG graded metal admixed with 2% of approved
water proofing compound. The maximum pressure developed at the bottom of raft
slab is 110 KN/m2. During execution, it must be ensured that the safe bearing
capacity of soil is more than the maximum pressure developed.


Kerb of 250mm width and 300mm height is proposed on either side of

carriageway in vibrated RCC M35 (Design Mix) using 20mm ISS HBG graded


Crash barrier proposed over the retaining wall portion and the
superstructure of service bridges with vibrated RCC M40 (Design mix) using
20mm ISS HBG graded metal.


Wearing Coat is of 75 mm uniform thickness in vibrated CC M30 (Design

mix) using ISS HBG graded metal, with surface reinforcement as per Cl.2702.2 of
MORT&H (V revision) over raft slab, solid slab and approach slab.


Necessary staircase arrangements on one side of the carriageway

(Chennai side) are made in the highway portion to have pedestrian access
between the LUS and service road. The width of the staircase is 1.5 m. MS
handrails of 0.2m width are proposed along the footpath and may be continued in
the staircase portion. The waist slab is 300mm thick, and the tread and rise are
300mm and 150mm respectively. Footpath and staircase are proposed in vibrated
RCC M35 (design mix) using 20mm ISS HBG graded metal.


For pedestrian and vehicle crossing, service bridges have been proposed
on either side of the railway portion between Ch.152.795 and Ch.161.295 on
Thiruvottriyur side and between Ch. 238.365 and Ch. 246.865 on Jothi nagar

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
side. The overall width is 8.5m with a carriageway of 7.5 m and 0.50 m wide crash
barrier on either side. RCC solid slab superstructure in M35 Design Mix using
20mm ISS HBG graded metal is proposed. A camber of 2.5% is proposed in the
service bridge for better drainage.

Approach slab in vibrated RCC M30 (Design mix) using 20 mm ISS HBG
graded metal is proposed for a length of 3.50m with one end seated on the dirt
wall of the service bridge. The thickness of approach slab shall vary from 300 mm
at end and 395mm at center. It shall be laid over a base course of 150 mm
thickness with vibrated CC M15 (Nominal mix) using 40mm ISS HBG metal.


The reinforcement for all the RCC items shall be of Fe 500D HYSD bars.

Mesh reinforcement of Fe 240 grade has been proposed for wearing coat. The
clear cover to reinforcements is as follows:

(i) Retaining wall and raft slab : 75mm

(ii) Staircase, Footpath, Kerb, crash barrier,

RCC Solid slab, approach slab : 50mm


Collection well is proposed outside the railway boundary near the service
bridge on Jothi Nagar side (as marked in the site plan) to collect the rain water in
LUS portion.


The methods of water proofing arrangement proposed for the Retaining

wall & Raft slab are as follows:

Raft slab

Base course in vibrated CC M15 using 20mm ISS HBG graded metal
300mm thick admixed with 2% approved water proofing compound and rendering
the surface smooth (while the concrete is still green) with cement sand mortar 1:3
admixed with water proofing compound. Application of two coats of approved
water proofing compound over the properly rendered surface of basecourse.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
Application of Atatic Poly Propylene (APP) modified polymeric water
proofing membrane (4mm thick) or equivalent of not less than 4kg / sqm
consisting of 90-micron high molecular high density polyethylene film as center
core over the coating of hot bitumen 85/25 grade at 1.2 kg/sqm applied over the
coating of water based bituminous primer and fixing the membrane with minimum
100mm overlaps, sealing the joints with LPG torch complete.

1. Providing cement sand screed 50mm thick (1:3) with suitable water
proofing compound (i.e., normal setting integral water proofing compound)
to protect the water proofing membrane.

2. Casting the RCC raft slab admixed with 2% approved water proofing
compound and rendering the sides of raft smooth.

3. Placing and fixing 12mm dia. G.I. threaded nozzles of suitable length in an
approximate grid pattern at a spacing not exceeding 1.5m c/c on the entire
raft; prior to or during concreting Similar threaded nozzles shall also be
fixed at a regular interval not exceeding 1m apart along the construction
joints. Adequate precautions shall be taken to keep the nozzles plugged at
both the ends to prevent them from getting clogged by concrete. Similar
nozzles shall also be fixed at critical joints, if required.

4. Injection of non-shrink polymer water proof grouting compound admixed

with cement milk through the nozzles under pressure by pump. The grout
should flow through all pores and cracks, and thereby sealing them.

5. Sealing off the nozzles after the injection operation is over with quick
setting cement with admixture.

Retaining Walls:

1. Casting the RCC Retaining walls admixed with 2% approved water

proofing compound and rendering the outer faces of retaining wall and
sides of raft slab smooth (while the concrete surface is still green) with
cement sand mortar (1:3) admixed with suitable water proofing compound
(i.e., normal setting integral water proofing compound)

2. Placing and fixing 12 mm dia. G.I. threaded nozzles of suitable length in an

approximate grid pattern at a spacing not exceeding 1.5m c/c on the inner
face of retaining wall; prior to or during concreting. Similar threaded


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
nozzles shall also be fixed at a regular interval not exceeding 1 m apart
along the construction joints. Adequate precautions shall be taken to keep
the nozzles plugged at both the ends to prevent them from getting clogged
by concrete. Similar nozzles shall also be fixed at critical joints, if required.

3. Injection of non-shrink polymer water proof grouting compound admixed

with cement milk through the nozzles under pressure by pump. The grout
should flow through all pores and cracks thereby sealing them.

4. Sealing off the nozzles after the injection operation is over with quick
setting cement with admixture.

5. Application of two coats of water proofing course using approved water

proofing compound over the properly rendered surface of outer face of
Retaining walls.

6. Application of Atatic Poly Propylene (APP) modified polymeric water

proofing membrane (4mm thick) or equivalent of not less than 4kg / sqm
consisting of 90-micron high molecular high density polyethylene film as
center core over the coating of hot bitumen 85/25 grade at 1.2 kg/sqm
applied over the coating of water based bituminous primer and fixing the
membrane with minimum 100mm overlaps, sealing the joints with LPG
torch complete.

7. Plastering the treated area with 12mm thick CM 1:3, admixed with suitable
water proofing compound (i.e., normal setting integral water proofing

8. Providing 115mm thick brick work in CM 1:3, to protect the water proofing



The Collection Well is proposed to collect the rain water, seepage Water and
other stagnated water in the Sub way. The pumps are provided to pump the
collected water from collection well to nearby disposal point.

During monsoon season, rain water will stagnate in the sub way which should
be disposed / collected and pumped immediately to maintain the free flow of traffic.
This collection well is provided with pump room with necessary pumps.

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
The collection well is of 7.50 m external diameter which is provided on Jothi
Nagar side for collecting the storm water from subway.

The following provisions are made in estimate for Pump room.

1. Brick work with Cement Mortar 1:4 for wall of Pump house.

2. Providing the RCC M25 (design mix) for Roof slab, lintels and Sunshade.

3. Providing Granolithic Flooring 25 mm thick with CC 1:2:4

4. Plastering the wall with Cement motor 1:4, 12 mm thick

5. Plastering the ceiling with Cement mortar 1:3, 12 mm thick

6. Color washing with two coats exterior primer and enamel paint.

7. Supplying and fixing of steel windows including one coat of primer.

8. Supplying and fixing of steel rolling shutter including one coat of primer

9. Supplying& fixing of MS grill in collection will including and coat of primer

10. Providing and applying of two coats of Ready-mix enamel paint on steel

11. Supply and fabrications of Corrosion resistant steel Fe500 for reinforced

12. Supply approved brand lock, 50 mm

The following provisions are made in estimate for Collection Well.

1. Sinking of 7.50 m external dia well in all types of soil. (Upto 3m, 3m to
10m and 10m to 20m)

2. Providing cutting edge of Mild steel.

3. Providing the RCC M35(design mix) for Well curb.

4. Providing the RCC M35 (design mix) for Well steining

5. Providing the RCC M35 (design mix) for bottom plug.

6. Providing the RCC M35 (design mix) for well cap (Top slab).

7. Providing the Mild steel ladder

8. Provision of 30 mm PVC pipes from staircase to sump.

9. Provision of 75 mm PVC pipes from Carriageway to sump.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
10. Provision of 150 mm C.I. pipes from U/s sump to L/s sump.

11. Provision of 300 mm C.I. pipes from L/s sump to Collection well.

12. Provision of 150 mm C.I. pipes from Collection well to drainage system.

13. Supply and fabrications of Corrosion resistant steel Fe500D for reinforced

14. Providing the RCC M35 (design mix) for Collection Chamber.

Provision of Motor Pump and Electrical arrangements

1. Supply and installation of 25HP Centrifugal Monoblock pump set.

2. Supply and installation of 25HP Submersible pump set.

3. Supply and installation of 12.5HP Submersible pump set.

4. Supply and installation of 32A four-way distribution board.

5. Supply and installation of 100A TPN fuse.

6. Supply and installation of 25HP 3 Phase air star delta starter for
centrifugal pump.

7. Supply and installation of 25HP 3 Phase air star delta starter submersible

8. Supply and fixing of 10 – 100A OT operator meter.

9. Supply and laying of 3 core x 1.5Sqmm cable and 2.5 motor cable.

10. Supply and fixing supporting channel with pulling capacity of 1 ton.

11. Supply and installation of 125 KVA capacity Diesel Generator.



Thiruvotriyur is within the Corporation Limit which is highly built up and water
logging area. So, it is very much essential to provide the storm water drain on both
sides of the road to collect the rain water as well as stagnated water on the road for
proper draining and to protect the road. The storm water drain of 1.2 m x 1.45m vent
is provided at the extreme end on both Thiruvotriyur and Jothi Nagar side with side
walls of 150 mm thickness and cover slab of 150 mm thick and properly connected
with the nearby existing drainage facilities.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
The LUS has to be connected with the existing road by providing approach
road to the ramp with a gradient of 1 in 25 on Thiruvotriyur side and also on Jothi
Nagar side. The LUS starts at Ch.31.420 m and ends at Ch. 373.875 m. The ramp
portions on both Thiruvotriyur side and Jothi Nagar side have to be merged with the
existing road.

The proposed LUS is in the built-up area and inhabitants along the road side
must be provided with access to the LUS. This service road will provide access to
the local streets with Thiruvotriyur High Road. Hence it is proposed to provide two
lane service roads on both sides of LUS (144.875m + 150.510m) for free movement
of local traffic, for catering

The CBR value of soil available at site is found to be 6% on Thiruvotriyur side

and 4% on Jothi nagar side. Hence the sub grade has to be formed with the quarry
fines of CBR 8% and the same has been included in the estimate.

The approach road shall be constructed upto Jothi nagar 3 rd main road on Jothi
Nagar side.

The total length is 295.385m and hence the minimum composition of pavement
design is adopted, the composition of road structure is as follows.

Granular sub base 150 mm

Wet mix macadam 250 mm

Dense Bituminous Macadam 50 mm

Bituminous concrete 30 mm

Total Pavement Thickness 480 mm

Further, the width between the Bituminous carriageway and drain is paved with
paver blocks and bellmouth portion provided at the junctions along with Island at the
junction of the Thiruvotriyur Highroad. The following provisions are made in this

For Drain:

1. Earthwork excavation for foundation.

2. Vibrated cement concrete M15 for foundation Concrete

3. Vibrated Reinforced cement concrete M30 (Design mix) for Bottom slab.

4. Vibrated Reinforced cement concrete M30 (Design mix) for Side wall.

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
5. Vibrated Reinforced cement concrete M30 (Design mix) for Cover slab

6. Supplying of FRC Manhole slab of 600 mm dia.

7. Providing MS gratings to the drain.

8. Supply and fabrications of Corrosion resistant steel Fe500 D for reinforced


For Service Road:

1. Earthwork excavation for road box cutting.

2. Forming Embankment using quarry fines having CBR not less than 8%.

3. Providing Granular sub base to a depth of 150 mm thick

4. Providing Wet mix macadam of 250 mm thick over GSB thickness.

5. Applying Prime coat (SS1) 7 kg/10 sqm over WMM.

6. Applying Tack (RS1) coat 2.50kg/ 10 sqm using Bitumen emulsion over WMM.

7. Providing Dense Bound macadam of 50 mm thick (VG 30) for Approach Road
and Service Road.

8. Providing Bituminous concrete of 30 mm thick (VG 30).

9. Supplying and filling with sand to the required thickness for Bedding to blocks

10. Supplying and laying of 80mm thick Wet mix Vibro compacted M40 grade
heavy duty road paver interlocking concrete paving blocks (ICPB)

11. Vibrated Reinforced cement concrete M35 (Design mix) for Island formation

12. Vibrated Cement Concrete M15 (Nominal Mix) for Island formation

13. Supply and fabrications of Corrosion resistant steel Fe500 D for reinforced


In order to protect the exposed and plastered surface of the Limited use
Subway from weathering and to have an aesthetic and pleasing appearance it is
proposed to provide enamel painting over primed exposed surface of the LUS
structure. The outer surface of crash barrier is provided with alternate white and
black band using enamel paint over the primed surface for better visibility and to


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
avoid accidents. The kerbs are painted with two coats of white washing and two
coats of painting with coal tar.


The maximum vertical clearance of LUS in Box portion is 4.0 m as per the
concurred GAD. Hence the entry of heavy vehicles of height greater than 4.0 m has to
be restricted to avoid accidents/ damage in the LUS. So, it is necessary to provide
height gauges at entry and exit points of the LUS (i.e.) on Thiruvotriyur side and Jothi
nagar side approach.

The following provisions are made in this Estimate:

1. Earthwork for Pedestal.

2. Providing plain cement concrete (M15 Grade) below Pedestal.

3. Supply and fabrication of Fe 500D grade steel.

4. Providing Pedestal of M30 Grade with foundation bolts.

5. Supply, Fabrication and fixing of MS structural steel such as ISHB

Beams, ISMC Channels and other Tubular sections etc.



As the site is located within the Chennai Corporation limit, sufficient road
furniture and signage are proposed to ensure safety of the public and road traffic.

The following provision are made in this estimate:

1. Providing and laying of Thermoplastic Compound with reflectorizing

glass beads
2. Providing and fixing of retro – reflectorized cautionary, mandatory and
informatory signs.
3. Providing and erecting direction and place identification retro –
reflectorized signs.
4. Providing and fixing unidirectional or bi-directional reflective pavement
marker or road studs.
5. Supplying and installation of Delineators and Hazard markers.

Following L.S provisions are included in this estimate.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
1. Hiring 1 no of Multi Utility Vehicle on contract basis during the construction
period for the Departmental Officers.

2. Provision for land acquisition:

The Land was acquired for the Limited use Subway to an extent of 9864 sqm
and the sum of Rs.13,38,79,915/- was paid for compensation and the land
was taken in possession.

3. Provision for Inaugural function

4. Provision for Investigation charges

5. Provision for Compensatory tree plantation

6. Provision for Escalation charges at 5% per year for 1.5 years.

7. Provision for Shifting of service utilities.

8. Provision for Lighting arrangements to the LUS

9. Provision for Pylons.

10. Provision for Advertisement charges

11. Provision for Road safety audit (1.00%)

12. Provision for Labour welfare fund (1.00%)

13. Provision for Quality control charges (1.00%)

14. Provision for Petty supervision charges and contingencies (2.50%)


Rate analysis of all components of the structure have been made

adopting the Tamil Nadu State data and the Standard Schedule of rates for the
year 2023-24 with the bitumen rate as on 16.07.2023 has been adopted. For
non-schedule of rates items MoRT&H data as well as local market rates are
adopted. On sanction of this estimate, the work will be carried out as per
standard specification and other relevant specification and instructions received
from the competent authority from time to time.

Superintending Engineer (H),
CMDP Circle,
Saidapet, Chennai-15.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:

Schedule C


1. No materials will be supplied by the department. The contractors have to procure

all the materials and use it on the work.

2. All materials, including steel and cement confirming to relevant standards,

specifications and guidelines, shall be procured.

3. The Cement should be procured in lot from the authorised Dealers and should
not be purchased locally in piecemeal.

4. The steel should be procured from the authorized dealers.

5. M-Sand/River Sand should be procured from the PWD approved M-Sand

plant/Approved Depot.

6. Bitumen and Petroleum, Oil & Lubricants (POL) should be procured from BPCL /
IOCL / HPCL. Emulsion should be procured from HINCOL.

7. The contractor has to procure the bitumen of appropriate grade and emulsion as
per specification required for the items of work as per Standards and Specifications
and use it on the work as per the relevant Standards, Specifications and

8. The quoted rate shall be inclusive of cost of all materials, conveyance, handling,
storage charges and other requisites as per P.S to S.S.R.B. The Rates are
inclusive of Traffic Management & Barricading, Quality control charges, Labour
shed & site office, Supervision Charges and watch ward. The contractor is not
eligible for any separate payment for these items.

9. RCC pipes confirming to IS 458 has to be procured by the contractor and used on
the work. The quoted rate shall be inclusive of cost of pipes, conveyance, handling
and storage charges and other requisites as per PS to SSRB. The contractor has
to produce inspection and test certificate by the Government approved Institutions
for the standard and quality of pipes, otherwise, the pipes will be rejected.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:

10.1 Income – Tax

a. Deductions will be made towards Income-tax at source by the Engineer as

directed by Income – Tax Department from domestic Contractors. Income Tax
shall be recovered from all interim bills and final bill of the contractor at such rates
which the Government may by notification fix from time to time.

b. The contractor’s staff, personnel and labour will be liable to pay personnel income
taxes in the Employer’s country in respect of such of their salaries and wages as
are chargeable under the laws and regulations for the time being in force, and the
Contractor shall perform such duties in regard to such deductions thereof as may
be imposed on him by such laws and regulations.


10.2.1 As per Government of Tamil Nadu Notification (amendment) issued vide

G.O.(Ms).No.114, Commercial Taxes and Registration (B1) Department,
dated:22.07.2022, the Goods and Services Tax on Works Contract for
any Government work (whether Civil or Electrical work) is fixed at 18%
(CGST at 9% + SGST at 9%) over and above the basic rates with effect
from 18.07.2022.

10.2.2 As per G.O.(Ms).No.114, Commercial Taxes and Registration (B1)

Department, dated:22.07.2022, for Works Contract services, involving
predominantly earth works (that is, constituting more than 75% of the
value of the works contract), supplied to the Central Government, State
Governments, Local Authority, Governmental Authority for Government
Entity, the GST is fixed at 12%, over and above the basic rates with
effect from 18.07.2022.

10.2.3 As per Government of Tamil Nadu G.O.Ms.No.296 / Finance (Salaries)

Department, dated:09.10.2017, the Contract Value will include non-GST
taxes, which remain embedded in the input prices, such as taxes on
petroleum products.

10.2.4 The tenderer whose tender has been accepted will be issued with the
work order including 18% GST as stipulated in the Contract.

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
10.2.5 2% of Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) under GST will be deducted in
each bill and deposited through the GSTN Portal by the Divisional
Engineer (H) concerned as per Govt. of India Ministry Circular No.65 / 39
/ 2018-DOR (F.No.S.31011 / 11 / 2018-ST-IDOR, dated 14.09.2018).

10.2.6 GST and rate of Tax Deduction at Source under GST will be operated for
the contract as per Government Orders in force and other Circular
instructions issued from time to time.

(Price adjustment clause will be applicable as per G.O (Ms) No.60, Public
(G2) Department / dated 14.03.2008 , G.O Ms.No.101 Public works(G2)
Department dated 10.06.2009 )

11.1 Full price adjustment on all the components including Cement, Steel, Bitumen
and Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants (POL) shall be in accordance with the
following principles, procedures and as per formulae given below.

a) Price adjustment will apply only when the rates exceed or decrease by
3% or more from the one prevailing at the operative date.

b) The price adjustment shall be calculated only on the departmental

estimated cost of the work. (for working out the value of “Po” in the

c) In respect of Bitumen and POL, it may be considered on ‘pass through’

basis with payment of actual rates / price at the rates charges by Indian
Oil Corporation.

d) All works for which price variation is contemplated must have milestones
fixed in physical terms or financial value and have a prefixed time-line for
use of inputs-clearly indicating the nature and quantum of eligible inputs
to be used for the work for the relevant period between two mile stones.
Price variation will be applicable for those quantities ‘actually’ used by the
Contractor including additional quantities, if any, used or achieved ahead
of the time-line. However, if the Contractor does a certain quantity of the
work in the third quarter which ought have been done in earlier quarter,
price variation/escalation will still be applicable on that quantity at the


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
rates applicable in the relevant quarter as per time-line or period of actual
use whichever is less.

e) The price adjustment mechanism will cease to operate for value of work
executed beyond the agreement period. But agreement period shall
include the “actual period” for which the work was “suspended officially”
and extension of time permitted for any valid reasons such as, war,
natural calamities, like flood, earthquake and other risks arising out of
acts of God during the agreement period; work delayed due to the land
acquisition process; change design, change in scope of work, etc., which
is given in writing by the Employer of the respective work.

f) Price variation will be calculated once in a quarter (i) in respect of all

components except Bitumen and Petroleum, Oil & Lubricants (POL), as
per the specified formula from the last date of submission of bid
(operative date) upto the end of agreement period provided, if the
agreement is signed within the minimum specified time, failing which , the
price variation will be applicable from the date of agreement
(operative date) only, based on the wholesale price indexes of RBI.
The quarter would be reckoned with reference to the quarter of the
calendar year in which the last date on bid submission is fixed. In case of
delayed agreement, the quarter in which the agreement is signed will be
reckoned for the purpose of calculation of price adjustments.

g) Price variation will be operated by the respective Divisional Engineers /

Executive Engineers (Engineer).

11.2 In case of reduction in the original scope of the work envisaged under the
contract, the operative period shall be proportionately reduced by the Employer.

11.3 In all cases, the decision of the Employer with regard to the operative period
shall be final and binding on the Contractor.

11.4 To the extent that full compensation for any rise or fall in the costs to the
contractor is not covered by the provisions of this or other clauses in the
contract, the unit rate and prices included in the contract shall be deemed to
include amounts to cover the contingency of such otherwise or fall in costs.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:

If after the operative date and during the operative period there by any variation
in the wholesale price index for all commodities – by groups and sub-groups
(Source : office of the Economic Adviser to the Government of India published
in the Reserve Bank of India Bulletin) the price adjustment on all materials
(other than Cement, Steel, bitumen) shall be calculated in the following manner.

1W2 – 1W1
V1 = 0.85 x P0 x K1 x -----------------

V1 = The amount of Price adjustment in Rupees calculated for

the Respective calendar quarter.

P0 = The total value of work executed in Rupees during the period

under Consideration (Respective calendar quarter ) at estimate


1W1 = Average Wholesale price index for all commodities for the
respective calendar quarter in which the operative date falls.

1W2 = Average Wholesale price index for all commodities for the period
under Consideration (Respective calendar quarter).

K1 = Factor K1 will be calculated from estimate rate and amount for

the materials (other then Cement, Steel, Bitumen and POL)


If after the operative date and during the operative period, there by any
variation in the cost of cement procured by the contractor, the price adjustment
shall be calculated in the following manner.

CW2 – CW1
V2 = 0.85 x P0 x K2 x -----------------



Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
V2 = The amount of Price adjustment in Rupees calculated for the

Respective calendar quarter

P0 = The total value of work executed in Rupees during the period

under Consideration (Respective calendar quarter) at

estimate rates

CW1 = Average Whole sale price indices of RBI for the grey cement
for the respective calendar quarter in which the operative date
falls. Source office of the economic adviser to Government of
India for the specific sub group / Individual commodity

CW2 = Average Wholesale price index for grey Cement for the period
under Consideration (Respective calendar quarter). Source
office of the economic adviser to Government of India for the
specific sub group / Individual commodity

K2 = Factor K2 will be calculated from estimate rate and amount for

the material for Cement.


If after the operative date and during the operative period, there by any
variation in the cost of steel procured by the contractor, the price adjustment
shall be calculated in the following manner.

SW2 – SW1
V3 = 0.85 x P0 x K3 x -----------------


V3 = The amount of Price adjustment in Rupees calculated for the

Respective calendar quarter

P0 = The total value of work executed in Rupees during the period

under Consideration (Respective calendar quarter) at
estimate rates

SW1 = Average Whole sale price indices of RBI for the rebar steel
for the respective calendar quarter in which the operative date

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
falls. Source office of the economic adviser to Government of
India for the specific sub group / Individual commodity

SW2 = Average Wholesale price index for rebar steel for the period
under Consideration (Respective calendar quarter). Source
office of the economic adviser to Government of India for the
specific sub group / Individual commodity

K3 = Factor K3 will be calculated from estimate rate and amount for

the material for steel.


For Bitumen and POL, price adjustment will be calculated on ‘pass-through

basis’ taking sanctioned estimate rates for Bitumen and POL as base rate.


If after the operative date and during the operative period there by any variation
in the consumer price index for industrial workers at (the town nearest to the
site of the work), the source for such indices being Labour Bureau,
Government of India and published in the Reserve Bank of India Bulletin, the
price adjustment on component representing labour cost including all types of
benefits and amenities, etc., shall be calculated in the following manner :-
LC2 – LC1

V6 = 0.85 x P0 x K6 x -----------------

V6 = The amount of Price adjustment in Rupees

calculated for the Respective calendar quarter

P0 = The total value of work executed in Rupees during

the period under Consideration (Respective calendar
quarter) at estimate rates

Lc1 = Consumer price index for Industrial workers on the

operative Date (Respective calendar quarter).


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
Lc2 = Consumer price index for Industrial workers during
the period under consideration (Respective calendar
quarter ).

K6 = Factor K6 will be calculated from estimate rate and

amount for labours.

11.9 The Price variation under this clause shall not payable for the extra items
required to be executed during the completion of work, since the rates
paybale for the extra items are to be fixed as mutually agreed between the
Employer and Contractor subject to yearly variation till completion of such

11.10 This clause is operative both ways, i.e. if the price variation as calculated
above is on the plus side, payment on account of the price variation shall be
allowed to the Contractor and if it is on the negative side, the Employer shall
be entitled to recover the same from the Contractor and the amount shall be
deductible from any amount due and payable under the contract OR any
other contract.The Contractor shall for the purpose of these conditons keep
such books of account and other documents as are necessary to show the
amount of any increase claimed or reduction available and shall allow
inspection of the same by a duly authorised representativeof Employer and
further shall at the request of the Engineer may require any document so
kept and such information as the Engineer may require.

11.11 Bonus as incentive for advance completion of the work.If the work is
completed in advance by not less than 10% of the original agreement period,
a bonus of 1 % on the value of actual quantum of work executed at tendered
rate will be paid.The Bonus is not payable in case of the work is complted
beyond the original agreement period whatsoever be the reason for



The Contractor shall undertake to employ qualified technical men at their

cost to look after the work according to the scale indicated below. The
concerned Technically qualified men is always present at the site of the work

Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
while the work is in progress and personally checking all the items of works
and paying extra attention to such works as may demand special attention
(i.e) Bituminous courses, R.C.C., etc.

Project Manager with BE (Civil) 15 years experience 1 No.

Engineers with B.E. (Civil) Qualification with 5 years 2 Nos.


Engineers with DCE Qualification with 5 years 1 No.


If the tenderer fails to employ the Technical men as indicated above for the
works, Penalty shall be levied during the period of such non-employment of
technical men.

A Penalty of Rs. 5000/- per month for Diploma holder and Rs. 10,000/- per
month for degree holder be levied in case of default on the part of the
contractor in following the norms mentioned above.


It will not be incumbent on the part of the Contractor to employ Technical

Assistant / Assistants when the work is kept in abeyance due to valid reasons
and if during such period in the opinion of the Engineer the employment of
Technical Assistant / Assistant is not required for the due fulfillment of the


13.1 The Mobilization advance is considered as per section 14(4) (V) of

TamilNadu Transparency in tender rules 2000.Mobilization advance shall be
paid in the case of construction or supply and installation contractors of a large
and complex nature for the plan works for a value exceeds in Rs.5.00 crores
provided that such Mobilization advance shall not ordinarily exceed 10% (Ten
per cent only) of the value of contract, shall be secured against irrevocable
bank guarantee and shall be recovered in the subsequent bills payable along
with interest as fixed by the Government from time to time. In case of
mobilization advances for plant, machinery and equipments they are
hypothecated to the Governor of Tamil Nadu in addition to the other


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:
(Chief Engineer (H), General Memo No. 18040/Contratcs-1/2007 dated


Mobilization advance is to be drawn before the completion of 20% of value of
contract. The Contractor may furnish four bank guarantees of 2.5% each valid
for full period.


The advance loan shall be repaid with interest fixed by Government from time
to time with percentage deductions from the interim payments certified by the
Engineer under the contract. Deductions shall commence in the next interim
payment certificate following that in which the total of all such payments to the
contractor has reached not less than 20 percentage of contract price (or) 9
(Nine) months from the date payment of first installment of advance, whichever
period concludes earlier, and shall be made at the rate of 20 percent of the
amounts of all interim payment certificates until such time as the loan has been
repaid always provided that the loan shall, be completely repaid prior to 80% of
value of contract or the expiry of the original time for completion whichever is


Amount due from the contractor to the department will be recovered under the
Tamil Nadu Revenue Recovery Act (Tamil Nadu Act II of 1964).

Superintending Engineer (H)
CMDP Circle,
Saidapet Chennai– 15.


Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections:

No. of Over Writings:

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