1328591614-Quanitifiers Practice-1

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Revision worksheet 15 Jan 2022 Saturday

I. We had a lot of/ much fun in the picnic.

II. There was a lot of / much people in the gallery.
III. A few / a little people were shouting there.
IV. I met with a few / a little people in the program.
V. Jim has many/much patience.
VI. Alice had a little/ a few juice and nothing else.
VII. We have much/ many time to complete the project.
VIII. David has much/ many experience.
IX. Alana was a little / a few worried.
X. Put a little/ a few salt in the curry.
XI. We’ve got lots of / much things to do.
XII. That’s a lot of / many money.
XIII. Are there a lot of / much good players at your tennis club?


Can / Could be used for both possibility and ability .

Can -- Present Tense Could -- Past Tense

I. I can/could swim when I was 5 years old.

II. When we arrived home, we can/could not open the door.
III. Can/Could you understand what he was saying?
IV. She can/could drive a car.
V. John can/can’t speak Spanish.
VI. I can’t / couldn’t hear you. Please speak louder!

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