Effect of Heating Temperature On Electrical Properties and Gel Properties of Carp Surimi

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Physical chemistry

Name: Taghreed Hassanin Ibrahim Mohammed

Matric number: MSC222036

Assoc.prof.Dr.Che Rozid Mamat

Activity 1
Effect of heating temperature on electrical
properties and gel properties of carp surimi

The study aimed to investigate the impact of temperature on the

electrical properties of rinsed and unrinsed carp surimi by employing
various initial heating temperatures. To measure the electrical
parameters of carp surimi, an impedance analyzer was utilized within
the frequency range of 20 ~ 120 MHz. The results obtained illustrate
that with an escalation in the internal temperature of the surimi, there
was a reduction in the parallel inductance (Lp), parallel capacitance
(Cp), parallel resistance (Rp), and impedance (Z) of the surimi.
Moreover, it was observed that the parameter values were lesser for
unrinsed surimi when compared to rinsed surimi. The gel properties
of the surimi were found to be affected by both the heating and
cooling processes. This was further evidenced by the different
parameter values observed at the same temperature, which could be
attributed to the different states of the surimi gel. Moreover, rinsing
was identified as a factor that enhanced the gel properties of the
surimi. However, it was noted that extended durations within the
temperature range of 60 ~ 70°C may potentially result in the
deterioration of the gel. In summary, the main aim of this
investigation was to offer a dataset for the thermal processing of
surimi utilizing ohmic heating and to advocate for its implementation
in the surimi production process.
Thank you

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