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Term Paper


How to solve corruption issues in politics?

Submitted to

Brigadier General Shafaat Ahmad

Lecturer, Department of Business Administration in Bangladesh Studies

Faculty of Business Studies (FBS)

Bangladesh University of Professionals

Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka-1216

Submitted by

Khondokar Kaif Noor Hassan, ID:2225171133

Muntasir Haque, ID:2225171017

Naqvi Munir Meemo, ID;2225171007

Mumtahina Rahman, ID:2225171009


First and foremost, we would like to thank the Almighty Allah for blessing us with the ability to
successfully complete the task in the time which has been given to us and we were able to submit

Completing this paper would not have been possible without the participation and assistance of
our fellow group members who dedicated their time and concentration to the paper. Their
contributions are sincerely appreciated and acknowledged. Our Unity and combined effort made
it possible.

Last but not the least, our heartfelt gratitude goes to our course instructor, Brigadier General
Shafaat Ahmad, who guided and mentored our group in achieving our goal. We would like to
thank him for presenting us with this opportunity to go deep within this topic as it helped us to
have insight and a deep understanding about the corruption of politics in Bangladesh and the
ways to solve it.

We hereby declare in the name of Almighty that this term paper is the work of our
day and night effort under the guidance of our beloved course instructor, Brig. Gen
Shafaat Ahmad. This time the bond that has been submitted to the department of
business administration in marketing, the faculty of business studies, at Bangladesh
University of Professionals. With this paper, we shall complete our term paper for the
course in Bangladesh Studies (GED 1105).

We declare that this work of the term paper has not been submitted previously in this
or any other university.

Place: Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka


Signature Signature Signature Signature

Kaif Naqvi Fayez Mumtahina



1. Executive Summary……………………………………………………5
1.0 Introduction ………………………………………………………………7
1.1 Origin of the Study………………………………………………………………. 7
1.2 Literature Review………………………………………………………................7

1.3 Scope of the Study……………………………………………………….............. 8

1.4 Methodology of the Study…………………………………………………………. 9
1.5 Limitations of the Study…………………………………………………………… 9
2.0 Aim of the Paper………………………………………………………. 10
3.0 Corruption in General………………………………………………….11
3.1 Causes of Corruption……………………………………………………………….11
3.2 Consequences of Corruption………………………………………………………. 13
3.3 Types of corruption……………………………………………………………… 15
4.0 The corruption in Bangladesh………………………………………….18
4.1 History of Corruption in Bangladesh……………………………………………… 18
5.0 Solutions ………………………………………………………….......... 21
6.0 Conclusion…………………………………………………………25


Executive Summary

Corruption is an act of dishonesty and greediness that is widely used for one's personal gain
while making the majority suffer the consequences of lacking necessities to suffer.

In politics, this is an issue which widely known throughout the world. Corruption in politics has
existed for a very long time. History has countless accounts of corruption in politics and the
consequences the general public always had to suffer. In this paper, we will talk about corruption
in politics in general and the history of corruption in the politics of Bangladesh and the solutions
to solve it.

Bangladesh has seen massive corruption in its politics even after getting independence. After the
death of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman corruption in politics escalated at a tremendous
rate. Awami League, BNP, and Jamaat E Islami have conducted various sorts of acts of
corruption for the sake of power. In the end, people had to suffer.

This paper aims to show why it is important to stop corruption in politics.


Brigadier General Shafaat Ahmed

Bangladesh University of Professionals

Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka- 1216

Subject: Term Paper on “How to solve corruption issues in politics?”

Dear Sir,

It is indeed a great pleasure for us to hand over our term paper on “How to solve corruption
issues in politics?”. This paper represents our hard work, perseverance, and the knowledge we
have acquired throughout our entire work.

We have done our utmost best into preparing this term paper for you. The information presented
here is mostly from the Internet. Some of it was from newspaper outlets. Using the resources, we
have managed to compile them into making this paper.

We, sincerely hope that you will find our term paper worth your time. If there is any query or
clarification you wish to know please feel free to ask us at any time. We hope that you will
appreciate our hard work and ignore minor errors. Thank you for your cooperation.


Naqvi Munir Meemo (2225171007)

Muntasir Haque (2225171017)

Khondokar Kaif Noor Hasan (2225171133)
Mumtahina Rahman (2225171009)

1.1 Origin of the Study:

Under the guidance of the course instructor Brig. Gen. Shafaat Ahmad, Professor in the
Department of Business Administration in Marketing under the Faculty of Business Studies at
Bangladesh University of Professionals, this paper was created as part of the course's academic
requirements for "Bangladesh Studies."

1.2 Literature review:

By definition “Corruption” means when someone abuses the authority given to them for their
own benefit. This abuse of power weakens a democracy by undermining trust between two or
more parties. Additionally, corruption can exacerbate poverty and inequality while impeding a
country's ability to prosper economically. Understanding how corruption operates is crucial to
exposing it and holding the dishonest accountable for establishing a corrupt system. On the other
hand, Politics refers to the actions taken by the government or by those attempting to change
how a nation is governed. Politics also refers to the study of how a nation is governed. Making
decisions that affect the constituents of a group is the process of politics. Obtaining and using
positions of governance-organized authority over human society, especially a state, is referred to.
Therefore, Political corruption is the illegal use of authority for personal benefit by government
officials or those connected to them through their networks.

Now political corruption in Bangladesh is a common practice. In practically every aspect of

Bangladeshi life, corruption is rife. However, a string of high-profile corruption scandals,
including those involving high-ranking ministers and officials in the Padma Bridge project, the
Railway Scandal, the Hall Mark Group scam, the Destiny Group, and last year's stock market
scam, have cast doubt on the legitimacy of the current Sheikh Hasina administration. The public
is now questioning the intentions of the government that was elected under the guise of taking

tough action against corruption in the midst of ongoing political unrest and with elections just
around the corner. In addition, the government's dismissive and defensive posture has only made
matters worse. In Bangladesh, where politics and corruption are linked, the cycle of finger-
pointing begins when each party alternately forms the government in an effort to gain political
benefit in their struggle for control. The ongoing political squabbling over corruption issues in
Bangladesh has persisted over the years, with each party in power looking into scandals
involving opposition party officials and then dismissing its own cases that the previous
administration was pursuing. Now, it’s really hard to solve all the problems regarding corruption
in politics but it’s important to take the necessary steps to solve the corruption problem of
politics in Bangladesh.

1.3 Scope of the study:

After a thorough analysis of the collected information, we can find out the important fact of
corruption in politics in Bangladesh and gain knowledge about the steps that can be taken to
reduce such corruption.

1.4 Methodology of the study:

Research design: The report is mainly descriptive research. The main focus of this
paper is to solve the corruption issues of politics in Bangladesh.

Sources & Collection of Data: Secondary data is the primary source of

information in this essay. All information was gathered through online research,
from books, articles by well-known authors, and various reputable websites.

1.5 Limitations of the study:

Any study project has a time limit that has been set by the system in advance.
However, effective group management makes it possible to satisfactorily finish the
paper task within the allotted time. However, there were certain access issues to
contacting the general public and organizations to gather further information for
the publication as a result of the current crisis.

2.0 Aim of the paper:
This paper will provide insight into how corruption in politics is still a constructive solution and
also will thoroughly discuss the causes, the roles of individuals in corruption, the types of
corruption, and its effect on the people. The definition of corruption will be provided in the
introduction section. This paper will also discuss corruption in Bangladesh and corruption in the
general world.

However, the principal aim of the paper is to provide a solution on the issue of corruption in

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3.0 Corruption in General:
Corruption can be defined in several ways but in simple terms, it can be portrayed as an act of
dishonesty or a criminal offense that is followed by a person or a group of people who are in a
position of higher authority. So that they can acquire illicit benefits or abuse power for personal
desire. This behavior includes bribery, nepotism, extortion, embezzlement, patronage, lobbying,

3.1 Causes of Corruption: There are several factors or causes which make corruption
advantageous in various fields. The causes which make it possible are as follows:

3.1.1 The deficiency of information:

In this field, there is a lack of freedom of information legislation. This causes corrupt
bureaucracy at a disadvantage point and also endangers mass movements in countries which
makes it lethargic. There is also the issue of a lack of proper reporting with evidence in local
media, which causes misinformation to spread out to the public. Officials also possess
accounting practices and mostly fail to act on timely financial management. The freedom of the
press and speech of the people are neglected. Lack of measurement of corruption is also a reason
for it as government officials often fail to regularly or use regular surveys of businesses and
households. So, they can’t quantify that exact perception of corruption in the various parts of the
country. Tax havens are also a major cause as this system only makes the respective countries
tax their own citizens and companies but not from other nations and refuse to disclose any
important information for foreign taxation. Because of this, it allows large-scale political
corruption to occur in foreign nations.

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3.1.2 Insufficient control of the government:

In countries where corruption is at its highest the reason, being is that the government of those
countries fails to regulate in searching for important aspects. This causes corruption to bloom.
For instance, the government is not monitored by civic society and an NGO [Non-Governmental
Organization]. The other reason being is an individual voter can neglect nationwide elections or
completely ignore anything related to politics. Per person’s vote carries a little weight. There is
also the issue of weak civil service, weak rule of law, the weak legal profession, and finally weak
judicial independence. These factors allow corruption to be implemented in a country. It is,
therefore, important for the government of any country always has a strong judicial system and a
strong foundation for its people. So that, they can live accordingly to the law.

3.1.3 Social conditions:

Corruption also occurs in the families of the people. There is the tradition of nepotism or
favoritism of being accepted into clans or family-centered societies. There is also a lack of
education and literacy among the population. There is a lack of strong laws which forbid
members of the same family from contesting elections and being in the office of power. This
causes misuse of power and forms a family-based hereditary position in the democratic system,
which is similar to a monarchy system. There is also a certain bias for certain tribal people. In
some areas, the leadership of the region is passed from generation to generation. Thus, it creates
a family monarchy where the central power is held by certain families. For instance, the Nehru-
Gandhi family of the Congress party can be portrayed as such a party. The existence of weak
laws makes it possible for the same family to contest for a political position in the elections. So,
most of the elections of so-called democratic countries are held among certain families who are
benefited tremendously.

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3.2 Consequence of Corruption:

3.2.1 Effects on health:

In the healthcare system, the influence of corruption is significant from the hospital, the
government, and other institutions that can promote quality and sustainable healthcare. The
efficiency of healthcare hugely depends on accountability, transparency of the system, proper
management, and timely supply of service to the patients. The corruption of the system causes
mismanagement and misappropriation of government funds. This type of scenario is very
common in those types of countries. The healthcare service can be undermined by corruption
which in turn will harm the lives of the people who are in dire need of it.

3.2.2 effects on the economy:

The cost of businesses only increases due to corruption in the admission of the sector of
government. By the illicit hybrid payment to government officials, the businesses incur huge
costs that are unnecessary. Some might say that corruption reduces the bureaucratic complexities
of development but the availability of bribery causes the officials to make much more complex
rules and regulations. This wastes the time and money of the general people for their necessary
documentation with government officials. In the name of patents, licenses, trademarks, etc.
government officials take a huge sum of money from the businessman. Or else they might
confiscate their daily business operations. These acts reduce the competitiveness of the
businesses and cut profits which are the driving force of the business. The presence of corruption
inflates the business cost, it also hinders the free economy by shielding the businesses with
connections, that bypass the legal restrictions or bureaucratic complexities through bribes. Thus,
inefficient firms survive in the long run. The corruption also hinders the infrastructure of the
country as the contractors get to contact with bribes, resulting in a lackluster architectural
foundation. Therefore, these infrastructures crumble within a short time and follow the death of
many people. Many of the political leaders move down the capital from the fund to overseas
banks like the Swiss Bank, a famous bank for embezzlement. This happens due to the

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confiscation of the asset by the opposing party. This encourages those political leaders to stash
their wealth abroad for future exploitation.

3.2.3 Effects on the Environment and Society:

The evidence of corruption can be found in the country which has the smallest per capita income,
who relies on foreign aid for healthcare. As the donated money is embezzled by the government
and never invested in the health sector for medical needs. Environmental destruction is aided by
corruption. The court societies might form registration for the protection of the environment but
these are not enforced as the officials can easily be bribed. The same can be said of the social
activist who is for labor protection, child labor, etc. In the national market, the corrupt countries
get an economic advantage for the violation of these laws. The government has the tendency to
undermine food security in places of good harvests. The officials steal properties and food
subsidies which are supposed to aid the poor. Most often food aids are sold for profit.

3.2.4 Effects on Education:

Education is the basis on which society can be transformed or shaped for further advancement.
Increased corruption in higher education is something to be concerned about. Corruption in
education can have higher stakes. The personal effort and reward anticipation may face
disconnection due to corruption. This way the students believe that personal success does not
stem from hard work or merit but rather through forming connections and taking shortcuts.
Corruption can also hinder academic promotion in higher education. Presently, promotion is
based on personal connections. This flawed process of academic institutions has made unfit
graduates in the job market. Moreover, plagiarism is a type of practice that copies the research
paper of others destroys learning, and discourages originality. As a result, money, power, and
influence can compromise the standard of education. Within a short span, a student might come
out as a fresh graduate but will always remain unfit or unbaked for a job.

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3.2.5 Effect of Corruption on Other Sectors:

Corruption can be done in many forms. For instance, under table payments to doctors in order to
be at the top of the list in surgery, suppliers pay bribes to the industries for selling low-quality,
bribes paid to obtain advantages, etc. there is various manifestation of corruption found at
present. It presents a danger to public safety. There is also corruption prevalent in the police
sector where police take bribes even when a person is forcefully accused. They even take bribes
to break the law. For instance, police take bribes for traffic rules breaking instead of reporting
them. This result in an increase in unlicensed vehicles which increases the traffic jam and
accidents in the process. It also threatens public safety. Some of the most heinous lawbreakers
are set free because of their political influence and connections. This empowers a lack of
accountability and misuse of power. As a result, the public safety of the people in a society
becomes nonexistent.

3.3. Types of Corruption:

Corruption can be done in several ways. There are a number of types of corruption. These types
are present in society in one form or another.

3.3.1 Bribery:

Bribery mainly involves payment given to government officials in exchange for their authority in
certain works. It is a form of informal transaction which disrupts the smooth flow of society.
Through bribery, the rich get the upper hand for priority against the poor from government
officials. The bride can be initiated in either way. For instance, a customs official might demand
a bride to permit illegal goods or the smuggler might offer bribes in order to gain passage.
Corruption in some of countries extends beyond the public sector to all over the country. It might

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be difficult for a normal person to persist in that type of society where money is the priority over
what is right.

3.3.2 Patronage.

The term patronage means the supporter who favors. For instance, in the case of government
employment, the changes in the top administration may be perceived as effective. But if the
replacements are unfit as they are fully chosen as the supporters of the regime and for the
implementation of its agendas. They might be selected for a particular clique of people.

3.3.3 Nepotism

The biased favors toward family, friends, and relatives of an official. It also incentivizes illicit
gains. This type biased in favor is done at a selection of employees in both government and
private sectors. This put the general people at a disadvantage because of their lack of background
and connections. It might not be limited to business, politics, University, independence, sports,
religion, and fitness, etc.

3.3.4 Electoral fraud:

Election symbolizes the democracy of the country and the freedom of the people to select their
own leader. But there might be illegal interference in the election process. This type of act of
fraud affects the actual vote count and changes the results of the election. Through this
hindrance, the favored political candidate gets more votes than they actually got. On the other
hand, decreasing the vote amounts of the opposite candidates. This time is also coined as voter
fraud. The factors by which Electoral fraud is done are intimidation during voting, hacking the
voting computer and improper counting, etc.

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3.3.5 Embezzlement:

The misappropriation of government or the public fund or any type of entrusted funds. It is
considered political when the public money for the citizens is involved. The personal use of the
unauthorized public fund not only wastes the hard-earned money of the people but put the
country at an economic downfall. For instance, public employees are assigned by government
officials to renovate their own homes instead of the public interest.

3.3.6 Kickbacks:

When the public funds of the government are given to an unrelated organization that involved
corrupt beating is called kickbacks. The initial gets a portion of the sum company receives as a
return from the bidding. This betrays the public interest. For instance, a judge in exchange for
judicial decisions receives the personal property of the business. Kickbacks are not normally
limited to government officials but they can occur in any corporation or organization in which
the assigned persons are entrusted with fund that does not belong to them.

3.3.7 Unholy alliance:

The alliance among some of the antagonistic groups of people for some type of gain. Normally,
influential nongovernment group form alliances for favorable treatment with the government
group. The government who are supplied with funds for their favoritism. The unholy alliance is
dangerous for the public interest as these people are driven by self-interest and they do as they
please without any sort of regard for the public.

3.3.8 Involvement in Organized Crime:

Organize Crime is a type of crime that is open to the public and the law enforcer put a blind eye
to their criminal activities. It is a continuing criminal enterprise that profits from illicit acts.
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Government officials are bribed by such organizations and continue their operations through
threat and intimidation. For instance, the Mexican drug Cartels are an example of organized

4.0 Corruption In Bangladesh:

Corruption is a common issue at the present time. It is a continuing problem as it has set
Bangladesh as one of the most corrupt countries in the world. According to the Corruption
Perception Index (CPI) 2021, Bangladesh is ranked 147th among 180 and scored 26 /100 which
is below the global average of 43. The bottom scale CPI countries are ranked at the bottom also
case of the Social Inclusion Index indicates that Bangladesh has marginalization and social
exclusion problems.

The Global Community Report (GCR) 2019 identified Bangladesh as a corrupt country that its
corruption is one of the most problematic factors in business operations.

4.1 History of corruption in Bangladesh:

The political history of the country is influenced by three important political parties of
Bangladesh. These three political parties are Awami League, Bangladesh Nationalist Party, and
Jatiya Party. In addition, student politics also influence its political history.

4.1.1 Awami League:

On 9 April 2012 Railway Minister Suranjit Sengupta’s assistant personal secretary, general
manager of the Eastern region and Commandant of security while driving to his residence with
7.4 million dollars. The driver Azam Khan reported them.

In 2012, Syed Abul Hossain was alleged by the world bank due to his corruption in the Padma
bridge scandal which led to his resignation from office. Abul Hasan Chowdhury, the former state
minister for foreign affairs and MP of Awami League was involved in the same corruption.
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Mujibur Rahman Chowdhury, the nephew of the prime minister, was also affiliated with the

On 29 August 2012, Syed Modasser Ali, the advisor of the prime minister was alleged for
influencing the Sonali bank authorities into granting the scam loans. The loans were granted to
the Hallmark group which is a controversial group.

On 24 April 2013, Rana Plaza, a commercial building situated in Savar, was because of
structural failure it collapsed. The main reason for this collapse is the corruption during the
building process that led to faulty instruction. The owner of the building, Sohel Rana is the
leader of the youth wing of AL.

On 15 October 2015, MP of Awami eague, Manjurul Islam Liton was arrested for shooting at
Shahadat Hossain, a nine-year-old boy.

On 10 April 2016, Mofazzal Hossain Choudhury Maja, the former Disaster Management and
Relief Minister, got his plea rejected by Bangladesh Supreme Court Appellate Division, and his 13-
year jail was upended.

In November 2016, Abdur Rahman Bodi, MP of Awami League, was fined $1 million and
sentenced to three years imprisonment because of his illicit misappropriation and hiding of $100
million in wealth.

On 13 July 2017, a civil servant of UNO named Gazi Tarique was harassed by the local
administration, the MP of the Awami League, and the police

there also has been a rise in Bangladeshi deposits in a Swiss bank and according to the data
published on 29 June 2017, it shows that the increase of Swiss Bank accounts was by 20% from
2013/to 2014.

4.1.2 Bangladesh nationalist party (BNP)

In 2007, Harris Chowdhury, former political secretary of the prime minister of BNP, was
charged by the military-backed caretaker government for the acquisition of wealth through
corruption. In 2005, he was also charged with involvement in the murder of a former finance

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minister. Furthermore, he was charged due to his involvement in Dhaka Grenade Attack in 2004
and for the corruption in Zia Charitable Trust corruption. In 2014, he was charged with an arrest
warrant, and his wealth was confiscated by Bangladesh High Court.

On 22 July 2007, Wadud Bhuiyan, because of his illegal misappropriation of wealth which is
more than $1 million of cash and property, was sentenced to 20 years of imprisonment.

On 16 October 2008, Interpol reported that there was a deposit of millions in a bank in Hong
kong. It was deposited by M Morshed Khan, a former Foreign Minister. He was convicted along
with his son in several cases of corruption.

On 3 November 2008, Tarique Rahman was believed guilty by a leaked US Embassy cable. It
was he was guilty of political corruption which had a serious effect on the United States’ national
interest. It is also believed that he was laundering money digitally with the Bangladesh Bank.

On 24 June 2011, Niko Resource, which is an oil and gas company, pleaded guilty to bribing
AKM Mosharraf Hossain the Bangladeshi minister. He was bribed with a luxury trip to New
York and Calgary.

On 16 August 2011, Hafiz and his spouse laundered $1.75 million to Singapore, and was alleged
by the anticorruption commission with Gulshan police station.

On 4 July 2014, Mir Mohammad Nasiruddin, the former minister of civil aviation, and his son
were sentenced to 13 years of imprisonment in two separate cases related to corruption.

On 15 November 2014, Anwar Hussain, leader of Judo Dal, which is a youth wing of BNP,
hacked professors AKM Shafiul Islam Lilon of Social Science of Rajshahi University.

4.1.3 Jatiya Party (Ershad)

In 1999, Kazi Zafar Ahmed of the Zatiya Party had been alleged of hijacking a multimillion-
dollar sugar aid statement and he was sentenced to 15 years in jail. Due to this incident, he is
commonly called ‘Sugar Zafar’.

In 2000, Muhammad Ershad was accused of the murder of Maj. Gen. Muhammad Abul
Manzoor. He was also convicted as well as sentenced for the Janata Tower case. As a result, in
2001, he was declared to be ineligible for the general election.

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In 2002, Golam Faruk Ovi, former student cadre and MP of the Jatiyo Party, was responsible for
the murder of Sye’s da Tania Mahbub, a model whose body dead was found under the river of
Buriganga bridge.

4.1.4 Student politics:

Politics dominate the campus of most public universities. The influence of the political leader
can be seen there. In public Universities and colleges, there are separate student wings of the
political parties. For instance, Chatro league is the student wing of Awami League. The resident
halls are managed by them for their favored members of the party. They extort the food free from
the restaurants and canteens inside the campus, take money from the vendors and job seekers,
and pressurize the administrators of the university.

5.0 The solution for corruption:

There might be a number of solutions but none of them are concrete in a sense or full proof. But
the basic takes at the root level might help tackle the solution of the problem like corruption
which affects the economy and overall well-being of the Nation as a whole.

5.1 The autonomy of the Anti-Corruption Commission

Though the ACC was formed long ago the governments could not give ACC the freedom that it
needs to conduct the operation freely in order to dominate the corrupted high officials. There had
been a lack of funding in the ACC. It makes it ineffective in the proper conduction of their
operations. No government had truly given ACC there for parts autonomy. This makes it clear
why autonomy was not given by the government.5.2

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5.2 The proper implementation of loss and regulations:
It is one of the crucial factors that the laws in the Constitution are followed and the lawbreakers
are held accountable for their actions. In Bangladesh most of the time, it’s the political leaders
who get to bypass the laws and regulations through their powers and authority. This makes a
window for all types of corruption and crimes. Lack of accountability stems from the lack of
proper implementation of laws and regulations. So, the government should take the required
steps in order to disrupt the corruption in the system which hinders not only public safety but
also the whole nation.

5.3 The implementation of the harsh punishment for corruption:

There had been less impact of the punishment for corruption nowadays. These implications made
it so people don’t have to think twice when they involve in such acts. Firstly, corruption should
not be taken lightly in a country because its impact goes far beyond the economy, society, and
security of the general masses. The corrupt alleged individuals should be treated harshly as per
their conduct. They should not get a second chance or escape punishment through the loopholes
of the law. The Constitution should be set up keeping these factors in mind. Because to have a
developed country we have to root out the weeds of corruption. Through harsh punishments and
accountability, the government can be just in conduct as well as in its actions.

5.4 Transparency of the government records:

Corruption is not mainly responsible for the negligence of the government. It occurs other times
due to lack of government control and it’s overseeing of records. When government employee
for officials gets freedom or no such need to take responsibility for their actions, this leads to
misuse of the government funds and professions. It creates loopholes in the government
hierarchy and a way to bypass the harsh punishments for laundering, embezzling, and bribing in
the government or any sort of governmental organization. So, the government should establish
its control through the effective use of management in order to establish the transparency of the

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records. If all the officials are held responsible for their actions, it will encourage them to work
properly and discourage them to follow the unsavory path of corruption.

5.5 Creation of strong political will:

The establishment of a strong political will can be made for the people. By upholding fair and
free elections where people get to elect their perspective political party or leader who is
committed to their views. This should be a system where the political leader is bound by the
promises, they made pre-election. This will increase the trust of the people as well as the political
will. So, there should be a tool for citizens to monitor the activities of the government. This will
also create transparency in the government so that mistrust can be diminished. Politicians should
be held accountable if there retract from their promises and are drawn to their personal gain.

5.6 The use of modern technologies in the government office:

The present is the age of the fourth industrial revolution as there are artificial intelligence,
blockchain technology, machine learning, etc. the government should digitalize and innovate the
government officials in order to decrease the bureaucratic complexities and simplify the
processes. Most of the corruption occurs because of the complexities of the process in the
management. It makes it easy to misuse the authority and power of officials. But if the
technology is implemented properly then it would be easy to oversee corruption in the system
before it happens. For instance, in South Korea, the government is implementing a project called
‘e- people’. It allows the general people to report corruption digitally. In Spain, they are already
testing Anti-Corruption Early Warning Scheme that detects corruption before it happens by
connecting to the government database.

5.7 Educating the masses about corruption:

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we might know that what corruption does but what is the extent of this knowledge? Most people
think of corruption as something that government official gains and it has nothing to do with
them until the directly affects them. So, it can be stated that the idea of the corruption of most
people has a bird-eyed view. The harsh implication of corruption on the economy, the lives of
the people, public safety, and the nation as a whole should discuss elaborately. Even the officials
might not think of the ramification of corruption when they do so. The mass awareness of
corruption is to be known to all. Because of the short-term benefit of corruption, we are losing
the long-term benefits of being a strong, developed, and sovereign nation.

5.8 Creation of cultural integrity:

Bangladesh as a nation was not achieved easily but through the harsh war and sacrifice of several
lives. Cultural ingenuity is the sort of cultural values, principles, and ethics of a nation that we
have. It can be created through comprehensive knowledge about our culture and our values and
conveying these to the next generation. It should not only be limited to youngsters. It should be
implemented in offices, businesses, and homes. We should have a mission and vision related to
our cultural integrity. As a nation, we should foster pride and principles so that we have such
feelings for our culture and the nation.

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The topic of corruption is broad and intricate. It refers to any unethical, impure, or illegal
activity, particularly by those in positions of power. It is a significant issue in developing nations,
but Bangladesh has long been preoccupied with this issue. Bangladesh has been at the top of the
list of nations with widespread corruption for numerous years. According to Transparency
International, it is the most corrupt nation. Corruption can be caused by a number of factors,
including need, human immorality, a lack of transparency, incomplete tasks, cruel politicians,
poor administration, and many other pertinent factors. Additionally, there is severe corruption
throughout the entire government and administrative apparatus. The characteristics of corruption
include taking bribes, favoritism, and abuse of power. No division of the government or a non-
governmental organization, such as a ministry, office, school, college, university, court, police
station, hospital, etc., is immune to corruption. Even accident victims and terminally ill patients
are not immune to corruption. In our nation, it has become commonplace for corruption to have a
role in everything that is done. Influential senior officials and their aides in our nation use these
strategies and pretexts to carry out their evil intentions, depriving regular people of their legal
rights. Every aspect of society suffers greatly as a result of corruption. It brings to anarchy in the
nation. Because of corruption, the law-and-order situation has gotten worse. The gap between the
wealthy and the poor gets wider every day. For the purpose of fighting corruption, the
government's entire development process is ineffective. But for us as a nation, this is a degrading
situation. It has damaged our reputation both at home and internationally. Above all, foreign
investors and funders become wary after watching how widespread corruption is. The time has
altered, though. All citizens should speak out against corruption during the same parade as the
current administration. Favoritism, nepotism, bureaucracy, biased attitudes, etc. should all be
dealt with harshly. The government can only be strengthened by our sincere efforts to achieve
good governance. Corruption spreads through inclusion. It needs to be stopped right away in all

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areas of our lives. Otherwise, we won't be able to develop a strong and capable generation. Both
a society and a nation devoid of corruption are goals we should strive for.

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