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People frequently engage in a certain behaviour for a number of reasons.

Motivators can be other

people or outside sources, such as rewards. Intrinsic inspiration is a different kind of drive that
comes from inside. People who have an innate drive will work harder and enjoy their successes
more. People naturally want to get better and reach self-actualization, which Maslow says happens
by gradually meeting a wide range of needs, from more complex ones like self-esteem, love, and
belonging to simpler ones like food and safety. Maslow added the wish for self-transcendence to the
idea. This is the idea that focusing on things bigger than oneself can help people reach their best
level of growth and find their life's meaning. Some people have said that Maslow's theory isn't very
useful, but a lot of people still think that it explains some basic things about human drive.

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