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People often engage in a single behaviour for a variety of reasons.

An individual may get motivation

from external factors, such as incentives or other individuals. Another kind of motivation is intrinsic,
in which the drive to do better at something originates from inside. Individuals driven by intrinsic
desire often push themselves harder and experience more satisfaction from their successes. Maslow
posits that human beings possess an innate drive to better themselves and achieve self-actualization
by gradually meeting and satisfying a range of needs, from basic needs like food and safety to more
complex needs like self-esteem, love, and belonging. Maslow eventually expanded the idea to
include the desire for self transcendence: by focusing on things that are bigger than themselves,
people may attain the maximum level of development and discover the greatest purpose in life.
While some have questioned Maslow's theory's universality, many still think it accurately reflects
certain basic facts about human drive.

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