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People have a tendency to participate in a certain pattern of activity for a variety of reasons.

It is
possible for other individuals or external factors, such as prizes, to act as motivators. A distinct kind
of inspiration, known as intrinsic inspiration, arises from inside an individual. People that are
naturally motivated will put in more effort and take greater pleasure in their achievements. People
have a natural desire to improve themselves and attain a state of self-actualization, which, according
to Maslow, may be accomplished by progressively satisfying a broad variety of wants, beginning with
more complicated needs such as self-esteem, love, and belonging and working down to more basic
needs such as food and safety. Maslow expanded on the concept by adding a desire for self-
transcendence. People may achieve their greatest potential for development and discover the
purpose of their lives by centering their attention on issues that are more transcendent than
themselves. Even though it has been argued that Maslow's theory isn't particularly helpful, a large
number of individuals continue to believe that it clarifies a number of fundamental aspects of human

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