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Science, Technology, and

Rochelle R. Paa
Instructor I

Erwin Tamboa Molina

Instructor III

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At the end of this topic, you should be able to:
1. Articulate ways by which society is transformed by Science
and Technology;
2. Trace the history of Science and Technology in different eras
and civilization; and,
3. Enumerate scientific and technological advancement made
by people and some civilizations of the 17th century.
As discussed in the previous topic, science and
technology influenced society. Many intellectual
revolutions have come to define the present society.
But before we discuss the intellectuals behind these
revolutions, let's understand first,
What is Intellectual Revolution?
• historical changes in the thoughts, beliefs, and social institutions due
to new ideas and principles
• a period where paradigm shifts occurred and where scientific beliefs
that have been widely embraced and accepted by the people were
challenged and opposed

** When science and technology are the center of an intellectual

revolution, it can be called a Scientific Revolution

** Note: Scientific Revolution may also refer to the historical period

when science became more important and influential during the
Middle Ages
Greeks were the first to explain the world
in terms of natural laws rather than myths
about gods and heroes

- they passed on the idea of the value of

math and experiment in science
Scientific Revolution
Golden age for people
committed to scholarly line in
science yet it was also a deeply
trying moment to some
individuals that led to their
painful death or condemnation
from religious institutions who
tried to preserve their faith,
religion, and theological views
In human history, there were three intellectuals who significantly
changes the views about the world and humanity. They were
Nicolaus Copernicus, Charles Darwin and Sigmund Freud.
Copernicus was a Polish astronomer
and mathematician. His heliocentric
model of the universe proposed that
the sun is the center of the universe, It
opposed the geocentric model, which
said that the Earth is the center of the
universe, as proposed by Ptolemy and
Aristotle and supported by the
The heliocentric model states
that the Sun is the center of the
universe, and the Earth is just
one of the planets revolving
around it.

Although Copernicus’ work

lacked mathematical and
physical explanations and
evidences, it was still
considered significant for two
First, before and during the time In astrology, the Earth was considered a
of Copernicus, astrology is more powerful, extraordinary celestial body that is
important than astronomy. We the center of the universe. This was
know today that astrology is not a supported by the geocentric model of
real science. Ptolemy and Aristotle.
Also, astrologers at the
time needed to cast
horoscopes and do other
astrological activities in
order to gain acceptance
and support from the
society and the Church.
The society was
dependent on horoscopes
and astrological outputs.
When Copernicus’
heliocentric theory gained
acceptance, society started
to change.
Copernicus questioned the ideas of
Ptolemy and Aristotle. His model
suggested that the Earth is equal to
the other planets, and they all
revolve around the sun.

This debunked the astrological view.

People at that time began to question
astrology and started to embrace
more the science of astronomy.
The second significance of Copernicus’ work is that it laid the foundation for
succeeding scientists to do revolutionary things. His successors were Tycho
Brahe, Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei. These scientists made it possible to
understand and explain many phenomena in the universe in a mathematical way.

The findings of Copernicus, along with his successors, changed the society’s view about astronomy. It
became more acceptable. Galileo’s work made the telescope popular even for non-astronomers. This
marked the beginnings of popular science and science fiction.
Charles Darwin was an English
scientist whose works, Origin of
Species and Decent of Man,
discussed his ideas on the evolution
of species and mankind.

Darwin’s works were controversial

especially to creationists and to the
1) Darwin’s works suggested that humans are
natural and are subject to the laws of

During Darwin’s time, humans were treated as

very special beings as compared to other
organisms. It was as if humans were
supernatural creations.
2) Darwin’s works also
proposed that natural
selection is the main
rational behind humans’
current existence and
attributes. He
suggested that humans
evolved from pre-
existing organisms as
opposed to the
creationist view that
God created humans.
Natural selection occur because of the following reasons
3) Darwin’s works suggested that
humans are not so different
versus other organisms – that
humans, crabs, dogs, trees,
worms and other organisms are
equal. They are all species.

From this new thinking, Charles

Darwin changed how society
viewed humanity.
Even though Darwin’s works
were controversial, his
supporters increased across the
world, even among religious

Later, studies by other scientists

supported or revised Darwin’s
theory of evolution. Today,
Charles Darwin is recognized as
the pioneer of the field of
evolutionary biology.
Sigmund Freud was an Austrian
neurologist whose works in
psychology are considered

He was credited for psychoanalysis,

theory on psychosexual
development, dream
interpretation and the id, ego and
Freud proposed psychoanalysis
as a scientific method to
understand the mind.

Although today, many scientists

consider Freud’s works as
pseudoscience because of
insufficient evidence and failure
to be proven accurately.
However, he is still considered
revolutionary because he
changed how society viewed the
human self.
Freud rejected the idea from Topographical
‘Enlightenment’ that humans are Model of the
rational and can control his Mind
emotions and drives through

Freud suggested otherwise, saying

that humans have a subconscious
and unconscious mind which may
control emotions, drives and
behavior. Conscious Mind – consists of thoughts that focus on
the present state of the mind
He believed that human have the Preconscious Mind – consists of what can be
retrieved from the memory
tendency to be unaware of their
Subconscious Mind – consists of primitive desires,
behaviors and their emotions, wishes or impulse which is mediated
making them irrational. by the preconscious mind
a) Id – comprises Eros, the life or
survival instinct of man, and
Thanatos, the death or
destructive instinct of man
b) Ego – drives a socially
acceptable way to satisfy the
demands of id as it operates the
conscious and unconscious
c) Super-ego – operates based on
the principles of morality that
drive man to become socially
responsible and behave in an
acceptable manner
Another field of work of Freud is the
interpretation of dreams.

For Freud, dreams are connected to one’s

experiences. They are somehow products of the
unconscious mind that are based on unfulfilled
• Asia,
• Africa,
• North America,
• South America, and
• Europe.
• Showcase the culture of your chosen country in any way
you want (e.g. dressing up) and present any
technological advancements within that country.
• Prepare also a short welcome as if we’re on a tour as we
visit your country and how the technological
advancement you present was made possible.
• Choose 3 countries within your group continent to
• We will follow the same rubric as last time for grading.
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