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The divide and rule policy was adopted by the british in mid 18 th century during
their colonial rule in India and this rule came to an end in 1947.The main goal of
the Britishers was to create disturbance and divisions among the different ethinic
and religious groups , they highlighted the religious and political differences
between them which led to extreme chaos in the subcontinent.
Muslims and the Hindus were entirely different from each other on the basis of
their of religion,culture,language and due to these factors creating mutiny
between them wasn’t a great deal for the Britishers.This plan was carried
carefully and at last they succeded in dividing both groups even after they co
existed for many years.The British had everything under their control including
Indian media which allowed them to control and manipulate the minds of the
common people.The Indian people were discriminated and they had no status in
comparsion with the British.The Indians had no access to good jobs and they were
given low wages.Other than this the education system was also in control of the
British,majority of the hindus accepted this modern education system while the
Indian muslims were in favour of deeni madrasas.
Despite Indians being larger in quantity they still couldn’t freed themselves
because they had no leader to lead them.Even after facing so much difficulties the
Indian people stood together ,quit India movement brought many Indians
together.The British had an advantage because of many religions in the
subcontinent it would be easy for them to plant evil in the minds of the people
and turn them against each other.Another example is of the languages,the
Indians wanted Hindi to be the official language used in every procedure.As the
Muslims normally spoke Urdu, this was very upsetting to them making the
matters more bitter.

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