Answers Module 5 Course 50 Hours Arl Sura

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During the last review by management, it was identified that the applicable legal requirements issued in the
second semester were not included in the legal requirements matrix, failing to comply with the obligation to
keep the matrix updated. Based on this scenario, you would undertake

a. to. A corrective action

b. b. A preventive action
c. c. An improvement action
d. d. None of the above


In your company, the audit of the SG-SST has been carried out
and some relevant findings have been identified that must be
intervened and they have appointed the Head of the SG-SST to
execute the pertinent actions since they consider that he is the
one who should do it because he is the of Safety and Health.
Do you consider that all findings identified in an audit should be corrected by the Head of the SG-SST?

a. to. Yes, because he is the Head of the SG-SST

b. b. No, because each area or process must define the necessary actions according to
the identified findings.


They are considered sources of information for the definition of preventive, corrective and improvement

a. to. Requirement from administrative authorities

b. b. Audit results
c. c. Indicator results
d. d. All of the above


Changes in legislation are an important source for continuous improvement

b. Fake

In the audit carried out in the company's maintenance area, it has been identified that there is no preventive
maintenance plan taking into account safety inspections and machine use manuals. Additionally, there are no
machine use manuals. the machines and equipment. Taking into account the case, consider that the finding is:

a. to. A Conformity
b. b. Non-Compliance


They are not considered sources of information for the definition of preventive, corrective and improvement

a. to. Requirement from administrative authorities

b. b. Audit results
c. c. Changes in OSH policy
d. d. Indicator results


The permanent updating of occupational risk regulations is:

a. to. A threat
b. b. An opportunity for improvement
c. c. A stronghold
d. d. A weakness


Last month, a work accident occurred, which was investigated

with the participation of the investigative team, which allowed
the identification of the main causes that generated the event
and led to determining actions to prevent the event from
occurring again.
Taking into account the scenario, the actions derived from a work accident are:

a. to. Corrective
b. b. Preventive
c. c. Of Improvement
d. d. a and c are correct

In your company there is a Joint Committee on Safety and Health at Work, which meets monthly and prepares
the minutes of the meeting. Among the issues considered are accidents and absenteeism, however, despite
there being recommendations from the workers, these are not analyzed by the team or communicated to the
employer. Taking into account this scenario that I would recommend to COPASST:

a. to. That they continue holding meetings with the topics they have raised because
these contribute to continuous improvement
b. b. That they include the recommendations of the workers as they are a fundamental
source for continuous improvement
c. c. That do not include the recommendations of the workers
d. d. None of the above


choose the correct answer

In the morning when the supplier was unloading the gas cylinders, one of the units accidentally fell to the floor
without causing damage or injuries to the personnel who were carrying out the activity or to the facilities and
equipment. This situation was reported to the OSH area by the material supplier and together they carried out
the investigation of the event, from which the following emerges:

a. to. A non-conformity
b. b. Preventive actions
c. c. Corrections
d. d. A report to the ARL


In the evaluation of the drill carried out last month, some

relevant aspects were identified in the closing meeting:
An unloaded fire extinguisher - The total evacuation time increased considerably in relation to the previous drill
- The Brigadier in charge of the first aid kit did not take it to the meeting point - There was no evidence of
communication between the Emergency Committee and the Prevention, Preparation and Response Brigade in
the event of emergencies Taking into account the above, consider that these findings require the definition of

a. to. Corrective
b. b. Preventive
c. c. Improvement
d. d. All of the above


Select the correct answer

If after carrying out the SG-SST audit, 3 non-conformities are identified, what must be guaranteed:

a. to. Identify and analyze the causes of non-conformities

b. b. Define preventive and corrective actions
c. c. Document and disseminate preventive and corrective actions
d. d. All of the above


Select the correct answer

What action would you take if it becomes evident that in the identification of hazards, evaluation and
assessment of risks, the established prevention and protection measures are no longer effective:

a. to. Correction
b. b. Corrective action
c. c. Improvement action
d. d. b and c are correct


Answer True or False as appropriate

Compliance with a requirement is a non-conformity.

a. to. TRUE
b. b. Fake


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