Laboratory 2

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Lab 2.

1. It is known that the average electricity consumption in a certain province is 721 kWh. A
technology company in the region believes that its employees consume more than the
provincial average. Collect information on the consumption of 20 randomly selected
employees, and obtain the following data:

710 774 814 768 823

If the

732 675 755 770 660

654 757 736 677 797

760 718 774 747 796

distribution of monthly electricity consumption is normal:

a) Is there evidence to affirm that the average household electricity consumption of the
company's employees is higher than the average consumption at the provincial level?
Use a significance level of 10%.

b) What is the p-value of the test?


a) Define variable

The variable is:

X: monthly household electricity consumption of an employee of the technology


We know that the distribution is normal. But we do not know the mean and standard

X ∼ N (μ=? ; σ =?)
To raise hypotheses:

Hipótesis nula:
H 0 : μ=721
Hipótesis Alternativa
H 1: μ> 721
Estadístico de prueba
X –μ
∼ N (0 , 1)

But if the variable X is normal and the population standard deviation is not
known, then it is estimated using the sample standard deviation S. And the
statistic that results from substituting σ for S has Student's t distribution with n-
1 degrees of freedom:
X –μ
S ∼t n–1

10% significance level

Since the significance level is 10%, the critical value from which the values of the test
statistic are to be considered large will be that value of the Student's t-variable that
leaves an area of 0.1 to its right.

t 19; 0; 9 = 1,3277


 We reject H 0 H 0 if the test statistic is greater than or equal to 1.3277.

 We do not reject H 0 H 0 if the test statistic is less than 1.3277.

Sample mean and sample standard deviation

¯ x=745
s=49 , 63

The observed value of the test statistic is:

745 – 721
49 ,63 = 2,16
√ 20

The observed value 2.162.16 belongs to the rejection zone (1.3277; ∞).

Conclusion: With a significance level of 10% we can state that there is sufficient
evidence to reject the null hypothesis that the average monthly consumption of
electrical energy of employees is 721 kwh, in favor of the alternative hypothesis that
states that the average monthly consumption of electrical energy of employees is
higher than 721 kwh.

b). The p decision value is the probability to the right of 2.16:

is obtained:

p – valor=P (t ≥2 , 16 ) =0,0219 p – valor=P(t ≥2 , 16)=0,0219

Es decir que el p valor de la prueba es de 0,0219

TOTAL: 500

 Height: 50

3. In a sample of 105 randomly selected stores in one area, 27 of them showed losses
this month. An economic analyst in the area states that the proportion of
businesses in the area with losses is equal to or greater than 0.35. Contrast this
hypothesis at a significance level of 5%.

El contrastede una colaestablece las hipótesis :

H 0 : p ≥ 0 , 35

Frente a la alternativa
H 1 : p< 0 , 35

La proporción en la muestra, p , de comercios con pérdidas es :

P= =0.26
q=1− p = 0.74

El cuantil−zα correspondiente al nivel de significación 0.05 es igual a−zα=−1 , 65

El valor del estadıstico de contraste es

p−p 0 0 ,26 – 0 , 35

√ √
z c = ❑ p o x q o = ❑ 0 ,35 x 0 , 65 = - 1.93
n 105

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