Strategic Management Exam Jaime

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2. My courses
3. 20-1B-DES6101-100-05-BIC
4. April 27 - May 3
5. Exam

Monday, May 4, 2020, 5:28
Started on
State Finalized
Monday, May 4, 2020, 6:38
Finished in
Time spent 1 hour 10 minutes
Points 10,00/20,00
Qualification 50.00 out of 100.00
Question 1
CASO Juan is the owner of the Dulce Deseo company dedicated to selling sweets for
diabetics for 15 years, whose mission is “To sweeten the life of diabetic patients by
providing an alternative in specialized homemade sweets for their health and quality of
life.” He has always built his company's competitive strategy alone and never accepts
suggestions from his administrative team, who have suggested opening the strategy to other
markets and incorporating a new line of products, for example for celiacs or food allergies.
However, Juan refuses to change his strategy, since he is satisfied with the results obtained
to date. However, the growth rate has been low, the past performance of the business has
been characterized by ups and downs in profits and large differences between plans and
what is actually done. The segment in which the Dulce Deseo company competes is:
Select one:
to. Narrow
b. Covers all segments
c. Average
d. Broad

Feedback: The correct answer is: Narrow

Question 2
CASE Good design clothing until recently was dominated by well-known brands, which
were associated with quality clothing, but at a high cost, which was inaccessible to a large
mass of potential consumers. The ZARA brand from INDITEX revolutionizes the trend
worldwide, as it introduces designer clothing with the same quality as prestigious brands,
but at popular prices, in other words, “popularizes fashion.”
ZARA's Vision is "To be a leading company in the manufacturing, marketing and
distribution of clothing that can reach any area where there is a niche of customers, so that
they can obtain different designs and fashions."
Its Mission is “The INDITEX business group, through its company ZARA, develops
fashion clothing of average quality, meeting customer expectations and at an excellent price
for young people and adults. Our stores are located in major cities around the world. With a
new collection every two weeks due to our excellent management of the logistics of our
warehouse chain to keep our customers fresh in the world of fashion.”
Compared to the traditional model of two collections, with their respective discounts,
ZARA introduces the concept of living collections, manufactured, distributed and sold
practically with the same speed with which customers modify their tastes, transmitting a
climate of scarcity and opportunity, since customers They know that next week they may
not find what they like, much less if they wait for sales, so they must react quickly. In fact,
ZARA's design is characterized by constant innovation, since the company focuses on the
rotation of new products in stores, while most of its competitors are governed by having the
same models throughout the campaign. ZARA can take 15 days to have a new design and
for it to arrive materialized in a product at the store. However, most brands plan these
designs by campaigns and send them to production, achieving better costs based on
quantity, ZARA bases its manufacturing on demand.
Regarding Manufacturing, most competitors usually look for better prices for both raw
materials and labor by outsourcing it, such as Gap, H&M and Next, however ZARA,
although it also outsources, produces 60% in its facilities. and uses nearby companies to
outsource jobs; This way you achieve better logistics and above all give importance to your
product to provide it with added value.
ZARA places emphasis on its logistics, in fact it is the area of greatest investment of the
company, with a single logistics center, fully automated with very fast delivery times, while
the majority of its competition receives the merchandise in stores directly from the
subcontracted manufacturer. . Distribution is based on the stores it has around the world
(business units), which are managed directly by the company, which allows it to work with
reduced costs, as it is instantly renewed and has zero storage.
ZARA gives utmost importance to the Customer's opinion since this will help it follow its
speed strategy for creating new products. Having as a pillar of its strategy that the feeling of
speed is the formula for its success, SPEED to capture the trend, SPEED of design, speed
of manufacturing, SPEED so that the product reaches the Store as soon as possible, and
SPEED in the sale with the customer's feeling that if they don't take it today, possibly
tomorrow when they return it will no longer be there.
Which of the following elements possesses ZARA's vision:
Select one:
to. It has to do with the future path of business
b. Present the type of company you seek to be
c. It refers to a current condition that is intended to be improved.
d. Presents customer needs to be satisfied in the future

Feedback: The correct answer is: It presents the type of company it seeks to be.

Question 3
CASE For a few years now, the milk war has been brewing in the country, where the main
competitors in the market are: Soprole/Prolesur, owned by the New Zealand company
Fonterra; the international Nestlé; Watts; and the Agricultural and Dairy Cooperative of La
Unión, Colun. The dairy market suffered from some stagnation since 2010, growing only
5%. Complicated situation, since there were projections of turning Chile into a dairy
exporter, which made most of the dairy companies invest.
However, domestic consumption is growing steadily. Chileans already consume 150 liters
of dairy per year, 12 more than at the beginning of the decade, although with a disturbing
stagnation in recent years. This has not gone unnoticed outside the country's borders, for
example the French Lactalis bought the La Vaquita group and are today responsible for 7%
of the milk received in Chile.
The biggest player in this fight is Colun. The La Unión cooperative is growing at a much
higher rate than the rest of the producers: it received 541 million liters in 2016, 21% more
than at the beginning of the decade, it is the best positioned in the minds of consumers and
many of Primary or direct companies are copying their cooperative model. Colun, being a
cooperative, has its milk suppliers incorporated, since its members are the owners of the
cows and it is processed directly in their factories, which ensures continuity of supply and
quality of the products, in addition to being able to be more efficient and effective in
distribution, since they do not depend on the negotiating power of their suppliers, who are
in turn the owners.
Colún has a direct conflict with Soprole/Prolesur, who lobbied for Colun to lose all tax
benefits in Chile for being a farmers' cooperative and not a single company. The incident
was viewed very poorly, particularly because the person attacking was a company whose
parent company is also a farmers' cooperative.
This year Soprole/Prolesur reduced the price per liter it paid to its local producers by 16
pesos and most of them began a flight to other plants, which greatly affected its
management. Then Colún took the opportunity to attack, but at the consumer level,
presenting a study carried out by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Valparaíso
that indicates that Colun milk does not have, unlike other brands, starch in its composition
and is not reconstituted. which led them to conclude that it was objectively of higher quality
than its competition. Likewise, the company emphasizes that it is the only company with
100% Chilean capital in this condition, since in the study Surlat from the Swiss
international Emmi y Watts was also well evaluated, although the latter did have a
percentage of reconstituted milk, but less than the rest.
The study highlights that Chilean milk is not used in the preparation of the products
translated into liters and that almost all of these - not also counting the cheeses that are
brought from abroad - are manufactured with reconstituted Chilean milk (powdered milk
which water is added), due to the inability of its plants in the south to process fluid milk
and because what comes from abroad, outside of cheeses, also arrives in powder form.
Chile managed to have an incipient dairy export that ended abruptly in 2008, that is, it did
not last at all. Since then, national production stagnated, the conversion of fields to more
profitable areas such as fruit production began, and the country became deficient in milk,
which resulted in more imports of cheese and cheap powdered milk, generating a vicious
circle of ups and downs in price for producers and thus, to the Chilean milk that was dried
to go outside, but remained “stuck” inside, was added the dried milk that arrived from
outside along with cheeses ready to be marketed. Only Colun persevered with trust in the
producers and the milk packaged at origin and thus, the “Magic of the South” became an
exclusive attribute of what is today the number one brand valued by Chileans.
This consumer assessment has been strengthened with the study and dissemination through
social networks and the media, who call to consume and prefer only Colun products.
As another precedent for the Milk War, there is the incorporation of “vegetable milks” that
have had significant growth in the national market, despite the fact that the European Union
has prohibited the use of the word “milk” to refer to milk. milks of plant origin and only
milks of animal origin can be designated as such (EC Regulation 1308/2013). In America
and other continents there is no problem (at the moment) in labeling a vegetable milk as
“soy milk” or “almond milk”, which is seen as a danger by the sector of traditional dairy
producers, which is another threat. to the industry.
In the coming months it is expected that the market will begin to express itself and the
strategies of the main competitors will begin to change.
It can be inferred from the case that Colún in the Milk War is betting on its competitive
advantage by:
Select one:
to. Superior innovation achievement
b. Superior quality achievement
c. Superior customer satisfaction achievement
d. Superior efficiency achievement

Feedback: The correct answer is: Superior quality achievement

Question 4

CASE Good design clothing until recently was dominated by well-known brands, which
were associated with quality clothing, but at a high cost, which was inaccessible to a large
mass of potential consumers. The ZARA brand from INDITEX revolutionizes the trend
worldwide, as it introduces designer clothing with the same quality as prestigious brands,
but at popular prices, in other words, “popularizes fashion.”
ZARA's Vision is "To be a leading company in the manufacturing, marketing and
distribution of clothing that can reach any area where there is a niche of customers, so that
they can obtain different designs and fashions."
Its Mission is “The INDITEX business group, through its company ZARA, develops
fashion clothing of average quality, meeting customer expectations and at an excellent price
for young people and adults. Our stores are located in major cities around the world. With a
new collection every two weeks due to our excellent management of the logistics of our
warehouse chain to keep our customers fresh in the world of fashion.”
Compared to the traditional model of two collections, with their respective discounts,
ZARA introduces the concept of living collections, manufactured, distributed and sold
practically with the same speed with which customers modify their tastes, transmitting a
climate of scarcity and opportunity, since customers They know that next week they may
not find what they like, much less if they wait for sales, so they must react quickly. In fact,
ZARA's design is characterized by constant innovation, since the company focuses on the
rotation of new products in stores, while most of its competitors are governed by having the
same models throughout the campaign. ZARA can take 15 days to have a new design and
for it to arrive materialized in a product at the store. However, most brands plan these
designs by campaigns and send them to production, achieving better costs based on
quantity, ZARA bases its manufacturing on demand.
Regarding Manufacturing, most competitors usually look for better prices for both raw
materials and labor by outsourcing it, such as Gap, H&M and Next, however ZARA,
although it also outsources, produces 60% in its facilities. and uses nearby companies to
outsource jobs; This way you achieve better logistics and above all give importance to your
product to provide it with added value.
ZARA places emphasis on its logistics, in fact it is the area of greatest investment of the
company, with a single logistics center, fully automated with very fast delivery times, while
the majority of its competition receives the merchandise in stores directly from the
subcontracted manufacturer. . Distribution is based on the stores it has around the world
(business units), which are managed directly by the company, which allows it to work with
reduced costs, as it is instantly renewed and has zero storage.
ZARA gives utmost importance to the Customer's opinion since this will help it follow its
speed strategy for creating new products. Having as a pillar of its strategy that the feeling of
speed is the formula for its success, SPEED to capture the trend, SPEED of design, speed
of manufacturing, SPEED so that the product reaches the Store as soon as possible, and
SPEED in the sale with the customer's feeling that if they don't take it today, possibly
tomorrow when they return it will no longer be there.
According to the story of the case. The bargaining power of ZARA buyers is:
Select one:
to. Low and with no sensitivity to price
b. Low
c. Very high as in any retail
d. High but with low price sensitivity

Feedback: The correct answer is: Low

Question 5

CASO Juan is the owner of the Dulce Deseo company dedicated to selling sweets for
diabetics for 15 years, whose mission is “To sweeten the life of diabetic patients by
providing an alternative in specialized homemade sweets for their health and quality of
life.” He has always built his company's competitive strategy alone and never accepts
suggestions from his administrative team, who have suggested opening the strategy to other
markets and incorporating a new line of products, for example for celiacs or food allergies.
However, Juan refuses to change his strategy, since he is satisfied with the results obtained
to date. However, the growth rate has been low, the past performance of the business has
been characterized by ups and downs in profits and large differences between plans and
what is actually done.
What type of strategy does the Dulce Desire company compete with? :
Select one:
to. Generic Strategy
b. Differentiation Strategy
c. Cost Strategy
d. Focus Strategy

Feedback: The correct answer is: Approach Strategy

Question 6

In the event that there are interrelationships between different business units or sister
companies, in terms of image, marketing, access to financial markets or shared facilities;
The company questions the strategic importance of withdrawing from the industry. The
previous text corresponds to the exit barrier of:
Select one:
to. Economic dependence
b. Specialized assets
c. Strategic Interrelationships
d. Fixed exit costs

Feedback: The correct answer is: Strategic Interrelationships

Question 7

Which of the following examples does NOT correspond to the Strategic Objectives of a
wholesale company that sells computer products?:
Select one:
to. Constantly pay attention to new advances in the field of personal computers so that
our products are always cutting-edge.
b. Obtain higher margins on the sale of cables and chips.
c. Regular introduction of new cable sets and chips in collaboration with
d. Focus on small and medium-sized industries.

Feedback: The correct answer is: Obtain higher margins on the sale of cables and

Question 8

Score 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

CASE Good design clothing until recently was dominated by well-known brands, which
were associated with quality clothing, but at a high cost, which was inaccessible to a large
mass of potential consumers. The ZARA brand from INDITEX revolutionizes the trend
worldwide, as it introduces designer clothing with the same quality as prestigious brands,
but at popular prices, in other words, “popularizes fashion.”
ZARA's Vision is "To be a leading company in the manufacturing, marketing and
distribution of clothing that can reach any area where there is a niche of customers, so that
they can obtain different designs and fashions."
Its Mission is “The INDITEX business group, through its company ZARA, develops
fashion clothing of average quality, meeting customer expectations and at an excellent price
for young people and adults. Our stores are located in major cities around the world. With a
new collection every two weeks due to our excellent management of the logistics of our
warehouse chain to keep our customers fresh in the world of fashion.”
Compared to the traditional model of two collections, with their respective discounts,
ZARA introduces the concept of living collections, manufactured, distributed and sold
practically with the same speed with which customers modify their tastes, transmitting a
climate of scarcity and opportunity, since customers They know that next week they may
not find what they like, much less if they wait for sales, so they must react quickly. In fact,
ZARA's design is characterized by constant innovation, since the company focuses on the
rotation of new products in stores, while most of its competitors are governed by having the
same models throughout the campaign. ZARA can take 15 days to have a new design and
for it to arrive materialized in a product at the store. However, most brands plan these
designs by campaigns and send them to production, achieving better costs based on
quantity, ZARA bases its manufacturing on demand.
Regarding Manufacturing, most competitors usually look for better prices for both raw
materials and labor by outsourcing it, such as Gap, H&M and Next, however ZARA,
although it also outsources, produces 60% in its facilities. and uses nearby companies to
outsource jobs; This way you achieve better logistics and above all give importance to your
product to provide it with added value.
ZARA places emphasis on its logistics, in fact it is the area of greatest investment of the
company, with a single logistics center, fully automated with very fast delivery times, while
the majority of its competition receives the merchandise in stores directly from the
subcontracted manufacturer. . Distribution is based on the stores it has around the world
(business units), which are managed directly by the company, which allows it to work with
reduced costs, as it is instantly renewed and has zero storage.
ZARA gives utmost importance to the Customer's opinion since this will help it follow its
speed strategy for creating new products. Having as a pillar of its strategy that the feeling of
speed is the formula for its success, SPEED to capture the trend, SPEED of design, speed
of manufacturing, SPEED so that the product reaches the Store as soon as possible, and
SPEED in the sale with the customer's feeling that if they don't take it today, possibly
tomorrow when they return it will no longer be there.
In the case, it can be inferred that ZARA has functional and operational strategies, both to
support the company's business strategy and to complete the business plan. What areas are
they associated with? :
Select one:
to. Logistics, design and cost
b. Logistics, design and manufacturing
c. Logistics, cost, manufacturing, design and customer service
d. Logistics, manufacturing, design and customer service


The correct answer is: Logistics, manufacturing, design and customer service

Question 9

Score 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

CASO Juan is the owner of the Dulce Deseo company dedicated to selling sweets for
diabetics for 15 years, whose mission is “To sweeten the life of diabetic patients by
providing an alternative in specialized homemade sweets for their health and quality of
life.” He has always built his company's competitive strategy alone and never accepts
suggestions from his administrative team, who have suggested opening the strategy to other
markets and incorporating a new line of products, for example for celiacs or food allergies.
However, Juan refuses to change his strategy, since he is satisfied with the results obtained
to date. However, the growth rate has been low, the past performance of the business has
been characterized by ups and downs in profits and large differences between plans and
what is actually done.
What type of management style for strategy formation does the Dulce Deseo company
have? :
Select one:
to. Delegation Approach
b. Champion's Approach
c. Master Strategist's Focus
d. Collaborative Approach


The correct answer is: Master Strategist Approach

Question 10

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

CASO Juan is the owner of the Dulce Deseo company dedicated to selling sweets for
diabetics for 15 years, whose mission is “To sweeten the life of diabetic patients by
providing an alternative in specialized homemade sweets for their health and quality of
life.” He has always built his company's competitive strategy alone and never accepts
suggestions from his administrative team, who have suggested opening the strategy to other
markets and incorporating a new line of products, for example for celiacs or food allergies.
However, Juan refuses to change his strategy, since he is satisfied with the results obtained
to date. However, the growth rate has been low, the past performance of the business has
been characterized by ups and downs in profits and large differences between plans and
what is actually done.
According to the data, in the evaluation of strategic options the company Dulce Deseo has:
Select one:
to. A strategy with a relative competitive advantage
b. A strategy with great economic value
c. A failed strategy destined to get caught in the middle or die
d. An intrinsically risky current strategy


The correct answer is: An inherently risky current strategy

Question 11

Score 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

CASE For a few years now, the milk war has been brewing in the country, where the main
competitors in the market are: Soprole/Prolesur, owned by the New Zealand company
Fonterra; the international Nestlé; Watts; and the Agricultural and Dairy Cooperative of La
Unión, Colun. The dairy market suffered from some stagnation since 2010, growing only
5%. Complicated situation, since there were projections of turning Chile into a dairy
exporter, which made most of the dairy companies invest.
However, domestic consumption is growing steadily. Chileans already consume 150 liters
of dairy per year, 12 more than at the beginning of the decade, although with a disturbing
stagnation in recent years. This has not gone unnoticed outside the country's borders, for
example the French Lactalis bought the La Vaquita group and are today responsible for 7%
of the milk received in Chile.
The biggest player in this fight is Colun. The La Unión cooperative is growing at a much
higher rate than the rest of the producers: it received 541 million liters in 2016, 21% more
than at the beginning of the decade, it is the best positioned in the minds of consumers and
many of Primary or direct companies are copying their cooperative model. Colun, being a
cooperative, has its milk suppliers incorporated, since its members are the owners of the
cows and it is processed directly in their factories, which ensures continuity of supply and
quality of the products, in addition to being able to be more efficient and effective in
distribution, since they do not depend on the negotiating power of their suppliers, who are
in turn the owners.
Colún has a direct conflict with Soprole/Prolesur, who lobbied for Colun to lose all tax
benefits in Chile for being a farmers' cooperative and not a single company. The incident
was viewed very poorly, particularly because the person attacking was a company whose
parent company is also a farmers' cooperative.
This year Soprole/Prolesur reduced the price per liter it paid to its local producers by 16
pesos and most of them began a flight to other plants, which greatly affected its
management. Then Colún took the opportunity to attack, but at the consumer level,
presenting a study carried out by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Valparaíso
that indicates that Colun milk does not have, unlike other brands, starch in its composition
and is not reconstituted. which led them to conclude that it was objectively of higher quality
than its competition. Likewise, the company emphasizes that it is the only company with
100% Chilean capital in this condition, since in the study Surlat from the Swiss
international Emmi y Watts was also well evaluated, although the latter did have a
percentage of reconstituted milk, but less than the rest.
The study highlights that Chilean milk is not used in the preparation of the products
translated into liters and that almost all of these - not also counting the cheeses that are
brought from abroad - are manufactured with reconstituted Chilean milk (powdered milk
which is added water), due to the inability of its plants in the south to process fluid milk
and because what comes from abroad, outside of cheeses, also arrives in powder form.
Chile managed to have an incipient dairy export that ended abruptly in 2008, that is, it did
not last at all. Since then, national production stagnated, the conversion of fields to more
profitable areas such as fruit production began, and the country became deficient in milk,
which resulted in more imports of cheese and cheap powdered milk, generating a vicious
circle of ups and downs in price for producers and thus, to the Chilean milk that was dried
to go outside, but remained “stuck” inside, was added the dried milk that arrived from
outside along with cheeses ready to be marketed. Only Colun persevered with trust in the
producers and the milk packaged at origin and thus, the “Magic of the South” became an
exclusive attribute of what is today the number one brand valued by Chileans.
This consumer assessment has been strengthened with the study and dissemination through
social networks and the media, who call to consume and prefer only Colun products.
As another precedent for the Milk War, there is the incorporation of “vegetable milks” that
have had significant growth in the national market, despite the fact that the European Union
has prohibited the use of the word “milk” to refer to milk. milks of plant origin and only
milks of animal origin can be designated as such (EC Regulation 1308/2013). In America
and other continents there is no problem (at the moment) in labeling a vegetable milk as
“soy milk” or “almond milk”, which is seen as a danger by the sector of traditional dairy
producers, which is another threat. to the industry.
In the coming months it is expected that the market will begin to express itself and the
strategies of the main competitors will begin to change.
It can be inferred from the text that Colún is strong in the industry because he works:
Select one:
to. With forward vertical integration and this is an opportunity
b. With backward vertical integration and this is a strength
c. With forward vertical integration and this is a strength
d. With a vertical integration backwards and this is an opportunity


The correct answer is: With backward vertical integration and this is a strength

Question 12

Score 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

CASE For a few years now, the milk war has been brewing in the country, where the main
competitors in the market are: Soprole/Prolesur, owned by the New Zealand company
Fonterra; the international Nestlé; Watts; and the Agricultural and Dairy Cooperative of La
Unión, Colun. The dairy market suffered from some stagnation since 2010, growing only
5%. Complicated situation, since there were projections of turning Chile into a dairy
exporter, which made most of the dairy companies invest.
However, domestic consumption is growing steadily. Chileans already consume 150 liters
of dairy per year, 12 more than at the beginning of the decade, although with a disturbing
stagnation in recent years. This has not gone unnoticed outside the country's borders, for
example the French Lactalis bought the La Vaquita group and are today responsible for 7%
of the milk received in Chile.
The biggest player in this fight is Colun. The La Unión cooperative is growing at a much
higher rate than the rest of the producers: it received 541 million liters in 2016, 21% more
than at the beginning of the decade, it is the best positioned in the minds of consumers and
many of Primary or direct companies are copying their cooperative model. Colun, being a
cooperative, has its milk suppliers incorporated, since its members are the owners of the
cows and it is processed directly in their factories, which ensures continuity of supply and
quality of the products, in addition to being able to be more efficient and effective in
distribution, since they do not depend on the negotiating power of their suppliers, who are
in turn the owners.
Colún has a direct conflict with Soprole/Prolesur, who lobbied for Colun to lose all tax
benefits in Chile for being a farmers' cooperative and not a single company. The incident
was viewed very poorly, particularly because the person attacking was a company whose
parent company is also a farmers' cooperative.
This year Soprole/Prolesur reduced the price per liter it paid to its local producers by 16
pesos and most of them began a flight to other plants, which greatly affected its
management. Then Colún took the opportunity to attack, but at the consumer level,
presenting a study carried out by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Valparaíso
that indicates that Colun milk does not have, unlike other brands, starch in its composition
and is not reconstituted. which led them to conclude that it was objectively of higher quality
than its competition. Likewise, the company emphasizes that it is the only company with
100% Chilean capital in this condition, since in the study Surlat from the Swiss
international Emmi and Watts was also well evaluated, although the latter did have a
percentage of reconstituted milk, but less than the rest.
The study highlights that Chilean milk is not used in the preparation of the products
translated into liters and that almost all of these - not also counting the cheeses that are
brought from abroad - are manufactured with reconstituted Chilean milk (powdered milk
which water is added), due to the inability of its plants in the south to process fluid milk
and because what comes from abroad, outside of cheeses, also arrives in powder form.
Chile managed to have an incipient dairy export that ended abruptly in 2008, that is, it did
not last at all. Since then, national production stagnated, the conversion of fields to more
profitable areas such as fruit production began, and the country became deficient in milk,
which resulted in more imports of cheese and cheap powdered milk, generating a vicious
circle of ups and downs in price for producers and thus, to the Chilean milk that was dried
to go outside, but remained “stuck” inside, was added the dried milk that arrived from
outside along with cheeses ready to be marketed. Only Colun persevered with trust in the
producers and the milk packaged at origin and thus, the “Magic of the South” became an
exclusive attribute of what is today the number one brand valued by Chileans.
This consumer assessment has been strengthened with the study and dissemination through
social networks and the media, who call to consume and prefer only Colun products.
As another precedent for the Milk War, there is the incorporation of “vegetable milks” that
have had significant growth in the national market, despite the fact that the European Union
has prohibited the use of the word “milk” to refer to milk. milks of plant origin and only
milks of animal origin can be designated as such (EC Regulation 1308/2013). In America
and other continents there is no problem (at the moment) in labeling a vegetable milk as
“soy milk” or “almond milk”, which is seen as a danger by the sector of traditional dairy
producers, which is another threat. to the industry.
In the coming months it is expected that the market will begin to express itself and the
strategies of the main competitors will begin to change.
The milk war will force companies to acquire strategies:
Select one:
to. Intended
b. Not carried out
c. Delivered
d. Emerging


The correct answer is: Emerging

Question 13

Score 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

CASE Good design clothing until recently was dominated by well-known brands, which
were associated with quality clothing, but at a high cost, which was inaccessible to a large
mass of potential consumers. The ZARA brand from INDITEX revolutionizes the trend
worldwide, as it introduces designer clothing with the same quality as prestigious brands,
but at popular prices, in other words, “popularizes fashion.”
ZARA's Vision is "To be a leading company in the manufacturing, marketing and
distribution of clothing that can reach any area where there is a niche of customers, so that
they can obtain different designs and fashions."
Its Mission is “The INDITEX business group, through its company ZARA, develops
fashion clothing of average quality, meeting customer expectations and at an excellent price
for young people and adults. Our stores are located in major cities around the world. With a
new collection every two weeks due to our excellent management of the logistics of our
warehouse chain to keep our customers fresh in the world of fashion.”
Compared to the traditional model of two collections, with their respective discounts,
ZARA introduces the concept of living collections, manufactured, distributed and sold
practically with the same speed with which customers modify their tastes, transmitting a
climate of scarcity and opportunity, since customers They know that next week they may
not find what they like, much less if they wait for sales, so they must react quickly. In fact,
ZARA's design is characterized by constant innovation, since the company focuses on the
rotation of new products in stores, while most of its competitors are governed by having the
same models throughout the campaign. ZARA can take 15 days to have a new design and
for it to arrive materialized in a product at the store. However, most brands plan these
designs by campaigns and send them to production, achieving better costs based on
quantity, ZARA bases its manufacturing on demand.
Regarding Manufacturing, most competitors usually look for better prices for both raw
materials and labor by outsourcing it, such as Gap, H&M and Next, however ZARA,
although it also outsources, produces 60% in its facilities. and uses nearby companies to
outsource jobs; This way you achieve better logistics and above all give importance to your
product to provide it with added value.
ZARA places emphasis on its logistics, in fact it is the area of greatest investment of the
company, with a single logistics center, fully automated with very fast delivery times, while
the majority of its competition receives the merchandise in stores directly from the
subcontracted manufacturer. . Distribution is based on the stores it has around the world
(business units), which are managed directly by the company, which allows it to work with
reduced costs, as it is instantly renewed and has zero storage.
ZARA gives utmost importance to the Customer's opinion since this will help it follow its
speed strategy for creating new products. Having as a pillar of its strategy that the feeling of
speed is the formula for its success, SPEED to capture the trend, SPEED of design, speed
of manufacturing, SPEED so that the product reaches the Store as soon as possible, and
SPEED in the sale with the customer's feeling that if they don't take it today, possibly
tomorrow when they return it will no longer be there.
Which of the following elements possesses ZARA's mission:
Select one:
to. Focuses on the current identified needs of your segment
b. Focuses on strategic objectives
c. Focuses on current business activities
d. Focuses on long-term goals


The correct answer is: Focuses on current business activities

Question 14

Score 0.00 out of 1.00

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Question statement

According to the following text extracted from La Polar companies, select the alternative
that best identifies the bargaining power of the buyers. “High rivalry between competitors.
It faces competition from commercial houses such as Hites, Corona, and Johnson's, Ripley
and from integrated retail operators such as Cencosud and Falabella, which have strong
business and financial positions. Additionally, a wide range of retail distributors, specialty
stores and hypermarkets should be considered as part of the competition:
Select one:
to. The bargaining power of buyers is weak since they do not have differentiated
products and there is a low switching cost.
b. The bargaining power of buyers is a prevailing force in their industry, given that
their products are highly differentiated and there is a high switching cost.
c. The bargaining power of buyers is a prevailing force in their industry, given that
their products are not differentiated and there is a high switching cost.
d. The bargaining power of buyers is a prevailing force in their industry, given that
their products are poorly differentiated and there is a low switching cost.


The correct answer is: The bargaining power of buyers is a prevailing force in your
industry, given that your products are poorly differentiated and there is a low switching
Question 15

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question statement

CASE Good design clothing until recently was dominated by well-known brands, which
were associated with quality clothing, but at a high cost, which was inaccessible to a large
mass of potential consumers. The ZARA brand from INDITEX revolutionizes the trend
worldwide, as it introduces designer clothing with the same quality as prestigious brands,
but at popular prices, in other words, “popularizes fashion.”
ZARA's Vision is "To be a leading company in the manufacturing, marketing and
distribution of clothing that can reach any area where there is a niche of customers, so that
they can obtain different designs and fashions."
Its Mission is “The INDITEX business group, through its company ZARA, develops
fashion clothing of average quality, meeting customer expectations and at an excellent price
for young people and adults. Our stores are located in major cities around the world. With a
new collection every two weeks due to our excellent management of the logistics of our
warehouse chain to keep our customers fresh in the world of fashion.”
Compared to the traditional model of two collections, with their respective discounts,
ZARA introduces the concept of living collections, manufactured, distributed and sold
practically with the same speed with which customers modify their tastes, transmitting a
climate of scarcity and opportunity, since customers They know that next week they may
not find what they like, much less if they wait for sales, so they must react quickly. In fact,
ZARA's design is characterized by constant innovation, since the company focuses on the
rotation of new products in stores, while most of its competitors are governed by having the
same models throughout the campaign. ZARA can take 15 days to have a new design and
for it to arrive materialized in a product at the store. However, most brands plan these
designs by campaigns and send them to production, achieving better costs based on
quantity, ZARA bases its manufacturing on demand.
Regarding Manufacturing, most competitors usually look for better prices for both raw
materials and labor by outsourcing it, such as Gap, H&M and Next, however ZARA,
although it also outsources, produces 60% in its facilities. and uses nearby companies to
outsource jobs; This way you achieve better logistics and above all give importance to your
product to provide it with added value.
ZARA places emphasis on its logistics, in fact it is the area of greatest investment of the
company, with a single logistics center, fully automated with very fast delivery times, while
the majority of its competition receives the merchandise in stores directly from the
subcontracted manufacturer. . Distribution is based on the stores it has around the world
(business units), which are managed directly by the company, which allows it to work with
reduced costs, as it is instantly renewed and has zero storage.
ZARA gives utmost importance to the Customer's opinion since this will help it follow its
speed strategy for creating new products. Having as a pillar of its strategy that the feeling of
speed is the formula for its success, SPEED to capture the trend, SPEED of design, speed
of manufacturing, SPEED so that the product reaches the Store as soon as possible, and
SPEED in the sale with the customer's feeling that if they don't take it today, possibly
tomorrow when they return it will no longer be there.
It can be inferred according to the text that the strategy by which ZARA competes in its
market is:
Select one:
to. Differentiation strategy
b. Cost strategy
c. Focus strategy
d. Differentiation strategy with cost leadership


The correct answer is: Differentiation strategy with cost leadership

Question 16

Score 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

CASE For a few years now, the milk war has been brewing in the country, where the main
competitors in the market are: Soprole/Prolesur, owned by the New Zealand company
Fonterra; the international Nestlé; Watts; and the Agricultural and Dairy Cooperative of La
Unión, Colun. The dairy market suffered from some stagnation since 2010, growing only
5%. Complicated situation, since there were projections of turning Chile into a dairy
exporter, which made most of the dairy companies invest.
However, domestic consumption is growing steadily. Chileans already consume 150 liters
of dairy per year, 12 more than at the beginning of the decade, although with a disturbing
stagnation in recent years. This has not gone unnoticed outside the country's borders, for
example the French Lactalis bought the La Vaquita group and are today responsible for 7%
of the milk received in Chile.
The biggest player in this fight is Colun. The La Unión cooperative is growing at a much
higher rate than the rest of the producers: it received 541 million liters in 2016, 21% more
than at the beginning of the decade, it is the best positioned in the minds of consumers and
many of Primary or direct companies are copying their cooperative model. Colun, being a
cooperative, has its milk suppliers incorporated, since its members are the owners of the
cows and it is processed directly in their factories, which ensures continuity of supply and
quality of the products, in addition to being able to be more efficient and effective in
distribution, since they do not depend on the negotiating power of their suppliers, who are
in turn the owners.
Colún has a direct conflict with Soprole/Prolesur, who lobbied for Colun to lose all tax
benefits in Chile for being a farmers' cooperative and not a single company. The incident
was viewed very poorly, particularly because the person attacking was a company whose
parent company is also a farmers' cooperative.
This year Soprole/Prolesur reduced the price per liter it paid to its local producers by 16
pesos and most of them began a flight to other plants, which greatly affected its
management. Then Colún took the opportunity to attack, but at the consumer level,
presenting a study carried out by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Valparaíso
that indicates that Colun milk does not have, unlike other brands, starch in its composition
and is not reconstituted. which led them to conclude that it was objectively of higher quality
than its competition. Likewise, the company emphasizes that it is the only company with
100% Chilean capital in this condition, since in the study Surlat from the Swiss
international Emmi y Watts was also well evaluated, although the latter did have a
percentage of reconstituted milk, but less than the rest.
The study highlights that Chilean milk is not used in the preparation of the products
translated into liters and that almost all of these - not also counting the cheeses that are
brought from abroad - are manufactured with reconstituted Chilean milk (powdered milk
which is added water), due to the inability of its plants in the south to process fluid milk
and because what comes from abroad, outside of cheeses, also arrives in powder form.
Chile managed to have an incipient dairy export that ended abruptly in 2008, that is, it did
not last at all. Since then, national production stagnated, the conversion of fields to more
profitable areas such as fruit production began, and the country became deficient in milk,
which resulted in more imports of cheese and cheap powdered milk, generating a vicious
circle of ups and downs in price for producers and thus, to the Chilean milk that was dried
to go outside, but remained “stuck” inside, was added the dried milk that arrived from
outside along with cheeses ready to be marketed. Only Colun persevered with trust in the
producers and the milk packaged at origin and thus, the “Magic of the South” became an
exclusive attribute of what is today the number one brand valued by Chileans.
This consumer assessment has been strengthened with the study and dissemination through
social networks and the media, who call to consume and prefer only Colun products.
As another precedent for the Milk War, there is the incorporation of “vegetable milks” that
have had significant growth in the national market, despite the fact that the European Union
has prohibited the use of the word “milk” to refer to milk. milks of plant origin and only
milks of animal origin can be designated as such (EC Regulation 1308/2013). In America
and other continents there is no problem (at the moment) in labeling a vegetable milk as
“soy milk” or “almond milk”, which is seen as a danger by the sector of traditional dairy
producers, which is another threat. to the industry.
In the coming months it is expected that the market will begin to express itself and the
strategies of the main competitors will begin to change.
From the text it can be inferred that Colun works with a strategy of type:
Select one:
to. Delivered
b. Emergent
c. Unrealized
d. Intended


The correct answer is: Delivered

Question 17
Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

CASE For a few years now, the milk war has been brewing in the country, where the main
competitors in the market are: Soprole/Prolesur, owned by the New Zealand company
Fonterra; the international Nestlé; Watts; and the Agricultural and Dairy Cooperative of La
Unión, Colun. The dairy market suffered from some stagnation since 2010, growing only
5%. Complicated situation, since there were projections of turning Chile into a dairy
exporter, which made most of the dairy companies invest.
However, domestic consumption is growing steadily. Chileans already consume 150 liters
of dairy per year, 12 more than at the beginning of the decade, although with a disturbing
stagnation in recent years. This has not gone unnoticed outside the country's borders, for
example the French Lactalis bought the La Vaquita group and are today responsible for 7%
of the milk received in Chile.
The biggest player in this fight is Colun. The La Unión cooperative is growing at a much
higher rate than the rest of the producers: it received 541 million liters in 2016, 21% more
than at the beginning of the decade, it is the best positioned in the minds of consumers and
many of Primary or direct companies are copying their cooperative model. Colun, being a
cooperative, has its milk suppliers incorporated, since its members are the owners of the
cows and it is processed directly in their factories, which ensures continuity of supply and
quality of the products, in addition to being able to be more efficient and effective in
distribution, since they do not depend on the negotiating power of their suppliers, who are
in turn the owners.
Colún has a direct conflict with Soprole/Prolesur, who lobbied for Colun to lose all tax
benefits in Chile for being a farmers' cooperative and not a single company. The incident
was viewed very poorly, particularly because the person attacking was a company whose
parent company is also a farmers' cooperative.
This year Soprole/Prolesur reduced the price per liter it paid to its local producers by 16
pesos and most of them began a flight to other plants, which greatly affected its
management. Then Colún took the opportunity to attack, but at the consumer level,
presenting a study carried out by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Valparaíso
that indicates that Colun milk does not have, unlike other brands, starch in its composition
and is not reconstituted. which led them to conclude that it was objectively of higher quality
than its competition. Likewise, the company emphasizes that it is the only company with
100% Chilean capital in this condition, since in the study Surlat from the Swiss
international Emmi and Watts was also well evaluated, although the latter did have a
percentage of reconstituted milk, but less than the rest.
The study highlights that Chilean milk is not used in the preparation of the products
translated into liters and that almost all of these - not also counting the cheeses that are
brought from abroad - are manufactured with reconstituted Chilean milk (powdered milk
which is added water), due to the inability of its plants in the south to process fluid milk
and because what comes from abroad, outside of cheeses, also arrives in powder form.
Chile managed to have an incipient dairy export that ended abruptly in 2008, that is, it did
not last at all. Since then, national production stagnated, the conversion of fields to more
profitable areas such as fruit production began, and the country became deficient in milk,
which resulted in more imports of cheese and cheap powdered milk, generating a vicious
circle of ups and downs in price for producers and thus, to the Chilean milk that was dried
to go outside, but remained “stuck” inside, was added the dried milk that arrived from
outside along with cheeses ready to be marketed. Only Colun persevered with trust in the
producers and the milk packaged at origin and thus, the “Magic of the South” became an
exclusive attribute of what is today the number one brand valued by Chileans.
This consumer assessment has been strengthened with the study and dissemination through
social networks and the media, who call to consume and prefer only Colun products.
As another precedent for the Milk War, there is the incorporation of “vegetable milks” that
have had significant growth in the national market, despite the fact that the European Union
has prohibited the use of the word “milk” to refer to milk. milks of plant origin and only
milks of animal origin can be designated as such (EC Regulation 1308/2013). In America
and other continents there is no problem (at the moment) in labeling a vegetable milk as
“soy milk” or “almond milk”, which is seen as a danger by the sector of traditional dairy
producers, which is another threat. to the industry.
In the coming months it is expected that the market will begin to express itself and the
strategies of the main competitors will begin to change.
According to the study carried out by the University of Valparaíso, which elements of
Porter's 5 forces begin to have more weight in the Milk War? :
Select one:
to. The bargaining power of consumers
b. The bargaining power of substitutes
c. The intensity of rivalry of competitors
d. The power of provider's negociation


The correct answer is: The bargaining power of consumers

Question 18

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

CASE Juan is the owner of the Dulce Deseo company dedicated to selling sweets for
diabetics for 15 years, whose mission is “To sweeten the life of diabetic patients by
providing an alternative in specialized homemade sweets for their health and quality of
life.” He has always built his company's competitive strategy alone and never accepts
suggestions from his administrative team, who have suggested opening the strategy to other
markets and incorporating a new line of products, for example for celiacs or food allergies.
However, Juan refuses to change his strategy, since he is satisfied with the results obtained
to date. However, the growth rate has been low, the past performance of the business has
been characterized by ups and downs in profits and large differences between plans and
what is actually done.
The Dulce Deseo quest mainly contains information about:
Select one:
to. Your customer segment
b. The intended future situation
c. The company's objectives
d. Your market


The correct answer is: Your customer segment

Question 19

Score 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

There are four stages of evolution of competitiveness, each of them has a specific name and
a series of characteristics that distinguish them from each other. What does the incipient
stage of the evolution of competitiveness consist of?:
Select one:
to. The company begins to occupy leadership positions and is characterized by the
degree of innovation it maintains within its market.
b. The company that is in this stage is considered visionary, due to the generation of
management technology at an accelerated pace.
c. The main points of vulnerability have been corrected, having the appropriate
foundations to perform well in the eyes of the consumer public and the competition.
d. The company is highly vulnerable to changes in the environment as it functions in a
self-defined manner, acts according to market pressures or at the whim and mood of its


The correct answer is: The company is highly vulnerable to changes in the environment as
it functions in a self-defined manner, acts according to market pressures or at the whim and
mood of its owners.
Question 20

Score 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question statement

CASE Juan is the owner of the Dulce Deseo company dedicated to selling sweets for
diabetics for 15 years, whose mission is “To sweeten the life of diabetic patients by
providing an alternative in specialized homemade sweets for their health and quality of
life.” He has always built his company's competitive strategy alone and never accepts
suggestions from his administrative team, who have suggested opening the strategy to other
markets and incorporating a new line of products, for example for celiacs or food allergies.
However, Juan refuses to change his strategy, since he is satisfied with the results obtained
to date. However, the growth rate has been low, the past performance of the business has
been characterized by ups and downs in profits and large differences between plans and
what is actually done. The suggestions given to the owner by his administrative team are
aimed at:
Select one:
to. Further differentiate the segment
b. Expand the segment
c. Specialize but expand the segment
d. Focus on an exclusive segment


The correct answer is: Specialize but expand the segment

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