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Where Does Your Passion Lie?

When you embark on finding your retirement business niche, you'll have to consider several
factors, for example how much interest there is in your niche, and how strong the
competition is.

Solo Build It! members have access to a smart keyword research and analysis tool to
help with evaluating popularity and competition. Read more about the tool here.

Finding a niche is much more than a numbers exercise though.

You’ll live with your chosen niche for many years to come. So you need to find a topic that
really excites you. Makes you want to get out of bed in the morning and look forward to the
day ahead.

This exercise is about digging deep into your being

to discover what might lie beneath.

Don’t think too hard.

Don’t ask yourself “is this realistic?”

For now, that’s not relevant. Let yourself feel.

Even if you have already chosen a topic for your website, take part in this anyway. You may
be surprised at what surfaces.

Do this exercise when you’re relaxed. Settle down with a cup (or glass!) of something nice
and allow your mind to wander.

Don’t rush at it - take your time. Allow your mind to process, think, wonder, daydream.

Let’s go…

What did you want to be when you were little?
Type your answer

Which subjects did you prefer at school? Did any of them really
resonate with you?

What pastimes did you like best when you were a child or
young person?

You’re in a bookstore (virtual or real). Which section do you find

yourself gravitating towards?

Look at your bookshelves or e-reader. What are the main themes?

What do other people tell you you’re good at? Your family, friends,
colleagues. Don’t know? Have the courage to ask!

What does everything you've jotted down here tell you about the
subjects you would love to write about?

Is there a subject, or more than one, which really makes your

heart leap?

Now go to and enter a word representing the theme you’re

attracted to.

Look at the questions it brings back.

Are you seeing subjects that really inspire you? Or questions to which you already know
the answers?

If not, are they questions you could (and want to) find the answers to?

Of all the subjects that surfaced, select the top 3.


Keep these top 3 topics in mind

as you progress through the

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