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Module – 2 questions

1. Explain the MOV instruction set provided by ARM7 with the example for each.
2. Write and explain arithmetic instructions with respect to the ARM processor
3. Describe conditional execution. write the different code suffix
4. With a neat diagram explain Barrel Shifter
5. Write and explain arithmetic instructions with respect to the ARM processor
6. Explain Branch instructions.
7. Explain briefly the followings with syntax and example for ARM processor.
a. MOV
b. ADD
c. MUL
8. Discuss the load and store instruction with respect to
a. Single register transfer
b. Multiple register transfer
9. Write a short note on
a. Register allocation
b. Allocation of register numbers
10. Show the post condition when MOVs instruction shifts register r1 left by one
bit and result is stored in r0. Where r0 = 0x00000000, r1 = 0x80000004 and
CPSR = nzcvqiFt.
11. Analyse the following instructions and write the content of the registera after
the execution of each instruction : Assume R8=0x00000088,
R9=0x00000006 and R3=0x00001111
a. RSB R8,R9,#0x10
b. ADD R8,R9,R3
c. BIC R6,R8,#0x06
d. ORR R8,R9
12. Explain briefly the software interrupt instruction with syntax and example
13. Explain briefly program status register instructions with syntax and example
14. Explain briefly coprocessor instructions with syntax and example
15. Explain briefly the loading constants.
16. With the example, explain the following ARM7 instructions:
17. Explain the ARM swap instruction with an example code.
18. Describe how to use C data types efficiently for ARM processor programming.
19. Explain the concept of loop unrolling in C language with an example.
20. With suitable examples, describe how ARM Thumb Procedure Call Standard
(ATPCS) defines passing function arguments and return values in ARM registers.
21. Write a note on Profiling and Cycle Counting.
22. Explain the instruction scheduling
23. Explain in detail about Register Allocation

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