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Tuesday 12 January2021 Geography

Revision worksheet
Chapter 3, page 40, 41

Write these questions in the notebook and answer

1- What is hydrological
The hydrological cycle is a water cycle in which fresh water is
constantly supplied to the land by processes such as evaporation
and condensation.
2-Describe the movement of water in seas and oceans.
Water moves in waves, tides and ocean currents. Ocean currents
are large masses of water that move in the regular patterns. These
currents move warm water in to areas of colder water and cold
water into areas of warmer water.

3-Oceans influence world’s weather and climate. Do you agree?

Yes I agree. The reason for this is that there is more evaporation
from tropical oceans then anywhere else in the world. Evaporation
from all oceans which then leads to condensation, influences the
conditions of the atmosphere. The oceans are the most important
single factor, apart from the Sun, which influence the conditions of
the atmosphere and, therefore, the world’s weather and climate.

4-How does water cycle supply fresh water?

Answer 4-When water evaporates, anything dissolved in the
water ,such as salt, is left behind. As a result the water vapour in
the water cycle condenses and causes rainfall which provides us
with a constant supply of fresh water. The cycle transfers water
from the sea to the land allowing plants and animals to live.
5-Write the meanings of:
(i) Infiltration
It is the movement of water through the soil and rocks. Some
of this water is taken up by the roots of plants.

(ii) Transpiration
It is the process by which plants lose moisture through their
leaves and it passes into the atmosphere in the form of water

(iii) Ground water

It is the water that is stored in the soil and rocks. It may
eventually trickle out into rivers, lakes and seas.

6- State the distribution of water in the water cycle.

79% is trapped in ice and snow.
20% is stored in ground water.
1% is in rivers, lakes, rainfall, clouds and water vapour.

7- Draw fig 3.1 and label it.

8- With reference to fig. 3.3 explain the movement of water

on land.
Answer 8) A small river or stream that flows into the main
river is called a tributary. The point at which the water in the
tributary flows into the main river is called the confluence.
The place where a river or stream starts is called its source.

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