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1.- Outline of section 2 of topic 1 of the book (pages 8,9, 11 and 12) There is no need to make
an outline of page 10. With this scheme I intend to make concepts related to prevention
clear, so you have to answer the following questions:

a) What are health damages?

They are all those health problems causally related to working conditions, regardless of the
time they take to manifest and whether or not they are in the category of occupational

b) What requirement does an accident have to have to be considered work-related?

It must be caused by or as a consequence of the work carried out on behalf of others.

Therefore, three requirements are requested: (1) that there is an injury, (2) on behalf of
another person (one's own account also counts) and (3) cause-effect relationship.

c) What is an occupational disease and where is it regulated?

Concept: “that contracted as a result of work performed on behalf of others in the activities
that are specified in the table approved by the provisions of application and development of
this Law, and that this proceeds from the action of elements or substances that in said table
are indicated for each occupational disease”

(Source: Trade Union Institute of Labor, Environment and Health.)


In Spain, to know what is considered an occupational disease, the closed list system has been
used. This is a list of diseases and work sectors and products where they can be contracted, so
that if a worker develops a disease from this list while working in one of the These activities
are automatically assumed to be due to work and are immediately classified as an
occupational disease.


2.- Page 28: exercises 12 and 13 (it is necessary to read section 2 “The organization of
prevention in the company”)

12) Pepe is a self-employed person who has a vehicle repair shop where 10 workers work.
Until now he had not cared about who carried out the prevention but they have advised him
to choose one of the organizational modalities in order to avoid sanctions.

a) If you would like to personally take on prevention, do you meet the requirement for
the number of workers and centers? Because?
In this case, the company has less than 25 workers and has a single work center, so the
employer himself could be in charge of risk prevention if he works regularly in the
company (which is understood to be the case).
b) If I wanted to take on prevention personally, is the repair of Annex I special risk
vehicles an activity?
In principle and according to what I know about vehicle repair, no. Therefore, he could
personally assume prevention as the employer. But, if in that activity there were
compressed gases, or carcinogenic agents due to the gases, then yes, so the employer
is excluded from being able to take on prevention, as it poses a significant risk.
c) What level of training will you be required to personally assume prevention?
Basic level training What duration in hours does this course have? DK/NC
d) If you personally undertake prevention, can you carry out health surveillance? For
health surveillance (medical examinations) you must go to other organizational
modalities, such as going to an External Prevention Service. Because? Because the
employer is not qualified to carry out competent medical examinations.
e) If Pepe had a manager hired and he barely visited the workshop, could he personally
take on prevention? Because?
No, because you have to work regularly in the company.
f) If Pepe did not personally assume prevention, what other organizational modalities
are possible for him?
The own prevention service, the designation of workers, the external prevention
service and the joint prevention service.

13) The following companies reach a third-party prevention service asking which
organizational modality would be most appropriate for their case. Indicate which one
corresponds and why.

a) A clothing store with 20 workers where the businesswoman has basic training and is
in the store all day.
Assignment by the employer himself
b) A supermarket with 590 workers.
Own Prevention Service.
c) Several companies in a small industrial estate that want to jointly take on risk
Joint prevention service.
d) An explosives company with 300 workers that sells firecrackers, mascletás and
pyrotechnics at local festivals.
Own prevention service.
e) A high voltage installation company with 400 workers.
Own prevention service.
3.- Page 33 exercise 17 “The costs of accidents”.

17) A very serious accident has occurred in the company with the death of 2 workers and 5
seriously injured. This accident has led to a series of events and circumstances that have
entailed a cost for the company, for the worker and his family, and also for society. Classify
what type of specific cost each of them refers to.

a) Costs for the company: Economic and criminal sanctions

b) Costs for the company: Time lost by colleagues and managers in helping the injured
c) Costs for the company: Loss of productivity on the part of the worker and/or
colleagues after the accident.
d) Costs for the company: Greater labor conflict
e) Costs for the company: Time spent investigating and reporting the accident.
f) Costs for the company: Time spent investigating and reporting the accident.
g) Times used to investigate and report the accident. + Costs for society (accident
management through labor inspection...)
h) Costs for the company: Salaries and worker compensation + Cost for society (payment
of salaries)
i) Costs for society (SS compensation, accident management...)
j) Cost for the worker and the family (pain, suffering, loss of professional capacity...)
k) Cost for the worker and his family (loss of professional capacity and temporary or
permanent decrease in income)
l) Costs for the company: Loss of image.

4.- Watch the following video:

v=CIoYnGUkV_Q and answer the following question:
What solution is provided to prevent psychosocial risks?

Support workers, promote work-life balance, improve management in the prevention of

occupational risks and implement anti-harassment programs.

5.- Question to investigate: In which productive sectors have the most

traffic accidents occurred? You can help yourself on the page Once there, click on Observatory – Practical resources –
Information pills
The Professionals who suffered Workplace Traffic Accidents during their work day in greater
intensity were:

- Drivers and operators of mobile machinery.

- Protection and security services workers

Both coming from a sector whose “usual job” is the roads. And the most affected age
group was those under 25 years of age. Which fits with the age of highest risk according to
a study by the insurer “línea Directa” Which ensures:

“The accident rate among young drivers is due, above all, to their attitude
towards traffic and safety; they perceive risk to a lesser extent, they tend to have
little experience and overestimate their ability to react while driving. Young
people between 18 and 30 years old represent 20% of the population. Of them,
51% are men. Every year, six out of every thousand young people are victims of a
traffic accident. In 2004, 53,405 young people were involved in a traffic accident.
The highest percentage of deaths is represented by the group between 26 and 30
years old, with 36% of the cases, above the 30% of those between 18 and 21
years old and 33% of those between 22 and 25 years old. The mortality data in
young people takes on special drama if we take into account the number of
potential years of life lost that these accidents entail.

The presence as a driver is greater as age increases. 70% of the victims aged 26-
30 are drivers, mainly passenger cars. The percentage of women involved in
traffic accidents increases with age and goes from representing 29% in victims
aged 18 to 21 to 32% in victims aged 26 to 30 .

(Source: Línea Directa)

But in the case of Workplace Traffic Accidents in itinere ( It is the accident that the worker
suffers when going to or returning from the workplace) The most affected age group was
somewhat older than the previous one, reaching thirty years. Among the productive sectors,
the following stood out:

- Activities related to employment.

- Security and investigation activities.
- Office administrative activities.
- Other auxiliary activities for companies.

As we can see, work-related traffic accidents in itinere are higher during normal business hours
and decrease on weekends when there is less office work.
7 in the morning and the range from 2 to 4 p.m. also coincide with the entry and exit of many
workers from their workplace.

The graph shows us little variety between the months with a decrease in the months of April
and August coinciding with the Easter and summer holidays.

(Source of graphics: Report on traffic accidents at work 2015 from the National Institute of
Safety and Hygiene at Work.)

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