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12 ®@ Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaatti Biiroo Barnootaa Regional State of Oromia Education Bureau WARAQAA RAGAA QORUMSA NAANNOO KUTAA & FA \ i 4 Mega E064 a. (a0tac cdc j Mieipecieremencena Me sets oN Sada ILS Lakk.Galmee._ I SAF £o Bara CO. | Magaa Mana Bamootaa GodinalBul. Maga. Qabxi Gidéu Galeessaa Soured | Parsantaayili 982 arg arakuiaa* get es Magaa fi Malltioo Raawataa Paji Madaali fi Kenna Ragaa Barnootaa Hareto Secondary School OROMIA RIGIONAL STATE HORO GUDURU WALLEGA ZONE HARETO SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENT'S TRANSCRP AVING CERTIFICATE Tell 057118296 P.O.Box, < ‘Name;EBA GETACHO JALATA Sex:M Age:17 Date of enterance 2007, Date of Date of leaving 2008 Reason of school leaving : Complition of Grade 10 Other School attends: NO ‘and SCHOOL SUBJECT [YEAR 2007 [YEAR 2008, (GRADE 9E (GRADE 10 E 3 ‘SEMESTER. ‘SEMESTER =" IL nN [AVERAGE |I i [AVERAGE. |AOROMO 70] 75| n5| 6 84 725| [AMHARIC 70| 33 615] 66 68 67| ENGLISH 7 | 665 Gi 60] 5 IMATHEMATHICS 49] 7 60] 46] 56] 5| [GEOGRAPAY 50] 60] 55| 50] 64] s7| [HISTORY | 60] 605] 4] 53] 535 [BIOLOGY 70) 80] 75 él 5a] 56 [PHYSICS 65] 64 Gas 55] 55] 55] CHEMISTRY | 38| 52.5] 66 55| 605| [civics 72 2 7 al 7 665 PE 7 95| 83.5] 78 ED) 785 ir 65| 78| 715| ED) 88] 88] [OTA 783|____807/ 735| 753 785| 769 [AVERAGE @5.25| 67.25] 66.25 62.75| 65.4166667| _64.08333333| RANK Fa a 35] al 39] 38] [CONDUCT A la A ‘NB: I. Any erasures or any kind of suspicions changes of frandulent of any contents here will render this transcript invalid. Si 2.The student has returd al th schoot- properties and Ihave no objection to Students Target 4 “ cI MINISTRY OF EDUCA NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMEN'E-AND EXAMINATIONS AGENCY (NEAEA) ‘The Ethiopian General Secondary Education Certificate Tusstocertiy mat EBA GETACHEW Jas as taken 10 (TEN) _ ___ subject) in the 2016 (2008 F.2.) Examinatioe session and has esrned the foliowing grade(s) in Amharic Biclogy English Civies Maths Geography Physies History Chemistry Afan Oromo By virtue of which, th's ertficate is wasted, with Distinetion Great Distinction ‘Very Great Distinction omia National Regi ie . Competence Assurance Age (ertifieate No, CON BEL2-0NKB-0521 July 152017 TEMPORARY NATIONAL CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Eba Getachew Jailata has demonstrated competence against “the Occupational standards on: ational Building Electrical Installation Level II. This certificate of competence has been given pending the printing and issuance of the actual National certificate. This certificate shall_be surrendered when claiming the original National Certificate. ‘This National Certificate is ised under the authority of the Ministry of Education and is recognized within the Ethiopian TVET Qualifications Framework. Address. Tel. +251 876999548 Fax 4251576603557 Website: wwwocccgovet -Nekemte Email: ocxadm@yabon com EE E The Oromia National Regional State Oro: Competence Assurance Agency - Nek Cortifieate No. (ON HOW LONKE-830 Date issued April 12.2017 This is to certify that Eba Gei has demonstrated competénce ~ against “the” National Occupational standards on* cf Installation Construction Works Level: =~, =! This certificate of competence has been given pending the a ~ printing and issuahte of the actual National certificate. This certificate shali=be-surrenideyéd’ when claiming the original National Certificate. ‘This National Certificates issued under the authority of the Ministry of Education and is recognized within the Ethiopian TVET Qualifications Framework ‘Address. Tel. +251 575999548 Fax +251 57.660 Website: wwwocvegevet Nekemta Ermail: ococadmayaboo com Certificate No, (ON BEL-ONKES 18, 2018 18.2021 This is to certify that Eba Getachew Jallata has demonstrated competence against the Occupational standards on: al Building Electrical Inst. ation Level IIT. This certificate of competence has been given pending printing and issuance of the actual National certificate. This certificate shall be surrendered when claiming the original National Certi This National Certificate is issued under the authority of the Ministry of Education and is recognized within the Ethiopian TVET Qualifications Framework. Fax. +251 57 660 3557 wet Nekemte LakkKollejjiiPooliitekinikaShaambuu0880/35/10No.ShambuPolytechnic College 0880/35/10 RAGA KUMURA LEEWII Leenj’aan/tuun Eebbaa Geetaachoo Jaallataa Ogummaa Bi Trainee Eba Getachew da ing Electrical Installation Sadarkaa Regular training progr Ogummaa I kan geessisuu danda’u Guraadhala 2009 : — Ce Hanga Waxabajjii 2009 sagantaa Guyyaatiin Hordofuun xumureera/teett Him/her to level II from 2009 B.C. Institution's Director eee Note) ‘Thigerifiewe ‘4 faining completion. Caps Certificate only be acquired through »Passing COC Occupational Assessment. Malee mirkaneessa gahumsaatiif kan Tajaajilu miti. Gahumsi sadarkaa leenji’aniin Kan mirkanaa’uu danda’u madaallii wiirtua Mirkancessaa gahumsaatiin ofa ta’a. al Regional State Oromia Occupational Assurance Agency - Nekemte Branch ‘The Oromia Nat 54. Competence has demonstrated competénce ~ against “the~ National Occupational standardsont ~~. A | Installation Constructions Level WW at ‘This certificate of ar a ‘been shige pending the printing and issua (Sud. actual iy yal cerifcate This certificate shi ao the original National Crete pes e recognized wth the Ethiopian TVET Qualifications Framework. Addons. Te. 251576099548 Fax +25157 6609507 Webst-wnwomcgovst _ Nekemle Bomall? oowadneynioncom, woitkinikaShaamuu0788/3810No ShambuPylytechnie College 07833510 RAGAA XUMURA LEENJIL Len aanfumm Fela Getaacho Jaana Ogummaa Building Electrical Installation Sadarkaa Trainee Eba Getachew Jaleta has acc pumman 1 Kan geessinus danda’u Onkolossa 2010 | | Regular trining program in the oe Hangs Bitooeessa 2010 sagataa Guyyaatin Hordofiun Teaajlu mit. Gahumsi sadarkaa leeni'anin Kan mirkanaa’ uu danda’u madaali wits Mirkaneessaa gahumsaatin gofa ta,

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