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1) Find the expressions for the Cartesian components L​x​, L​y​, and L​z for

​ the angular momentum of a point particle

cylindrical and spherical coordinates.

2) Consider light passing from one medium with index of refraction n​1​ into another medium with index of refraction
n​2​. Use Fermat’s principle to minimize time and derive Snell’s law: n​1 sin
​ θ​1​ = n​2 sin
​ θ​2

3) Reexamine the brachistochrone problem and show that the time required to travel to the ​minimum​ point of the
cycloid is π √(a/g) , where the cycloid is expressed by the parametric eqns: x = a (θ + sin θ) and y =- a (1 + cos θ).
Also, plot the cycloid using Mathematica, for example, by using the command:
ParametricPlot[{ a (θ+Sin[θ]),-a(1+Cos[θ]) },{ θ, 0, π }, ImageSize->Large]



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