Chapter Ii Practical Research 1

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In this chapter, the literature review is built to collect all previews

relevant studies. It represent related literature and studies that studied

address the different ideas, generalizations, and conclusion that will

contribute to better understanding the study.



The home based practice theory and support to the

educational system especially in the program of curriculum and

development on the blended learning as to the modular set up for

[Last Name] 2

students despite covid out of break and pandemic. They can

accomplish the task as part of the Academic achievement through

blended learning either face to face or modular. This improves the

learning process of students through the guidance of the module tutor

and guardian as well. The attitudes towards home-based learning

depends on the study habits of students since home-based learning is

the trend in the educational pedagogy at present. It identifies the

various implementations of home-based learning and readiness for

both students and teachers as to the adequacy of modular learning

and, and platform.

The theory and support of the home-based learning fits the

modular set-up in the various learning tools, and pedagogy, course

materials resources that transform students in learning experiences,

responsibility process, and opportunity (Mallilin et al.,2020). The

home-based learning practice theory and support identifies the gaps

on the modular set-up in its weaknesses strengths ,and

implementation, especially for the tasks to be accomplished by

students. The allows the students to explore the learning process since
[Last Name] 3

they are being guided by the module tutors through the help of their

guardians as force in assisting students on the learning enhancement.

This has to do with their attitude dealing toward the module or home-

based learning. They need to be motivated in their study habits. This

can affect students to explore the learning-process. Students manage

the learning process independently on modular activities (Mallillin et

al.,2020).The home-based learning practice theory and support

identifies the gaps in the modular set-up in its weaknesses, strengths,

and implementation especially for the tasks to be accomplished by

students. This allows students to explore the learning process since

they are being guided by the module tutors through the help of their

guardians as a full force in assisting students in learning enhancement

brought by the pandemic. Subsequently, the process of learning in the

home-based learning depends on the motives and study habits during

the modular learning which shows that home-based learning process

is very challenging among students to personalize attention in

applying the skills and knowledge learning development. The

students equip equally in the home learning dispositions, and skills. It

is challenging since learners have difficulties in the process of

[Last Name] 4

learning adjustment from the traditional teaching to blended learning

where they are learning independently. The can only manage their

studies through the limited resources. They depend on the technology

of education which is the lacking in the capacity and process of the

module lessons. The design of learning is limited in their capacity. It

enhances the understanding exploratory and reflection of the home-

based learning through limited skills and challenges. It indicates the

students major challenges is their limitation of knowledge

development is based on the internet resources. This is evident in the

transformation of learning beyond the module classes (Lynch et


Modular set-up shows that home-based modular structure

provides in aid in the application and presentation of teaching process

of learning and lessons provided for the opportunities to practice,

apply, analyze or synthesize new information that may include work

or practice exercises among student. On the other hand,

accomplishment of tasks shows that learners are provided to work and

to solve the real challenges and issues on the tasks provided for them
[Last Name] 5

to include information, ideas and thoughts for better out-come in the

tasks. Learning process shows that it provides specific and clear

instructions among learners in the process of learning complete

activity outlined in the modular lesson on home-based learning and

analyses implementation and needs of active learning strategy

techniques that will enhance the home-based learning teaching of

students improvement. The learners attitude towards home-based-

learning modular lesson activities and ability to control the

technology expectation and experiences in managing the learning

spaces on students role and engagement.


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a significant shift in the education

landscape, with many schools and universities implementing alternative home-based learning

to ensure the continuity of education. In the Philippines, the K-12 program has been

implemented since 2013, and one of its strands is the General Academic Strand (GAS), which

aims to prepare students for higher education and employment. With the shift to alternative

home-based learning, it is essential to understand the student perception of its efficacy in

developing their learning in the GAS.

[Last Name] 6

Several foreign studies have investigated the efficacy of alternative home-based

learning in developing students’ learning in various contexts. For instance, a study by Khalid

et al. (2021) showed that online learning was an effective mode of instruction in developing

students’ critical thinking skills. Similarly, a study by Pekrun et al. (2013) found that

students’ self-regulated learning skills were enhanced through online learning. Another study

by Wong et al. (2019) showed that online learning was effective in developing students’

collaborative learning skills.

In the context of the GAS, a study by Kim et al. (2017) investigated the

effectiveness of online learning in developing students’ academic achievement and found that

online learning was an effective mode of instruction. Another study by Castro et al. (2020)

investigated the effectiveness of a blended learning approach in developing students’ learning

outcomes in the GAS and found that it was an effective mode of instruction.

Moreover, a study by Baturay and Baykara (2018) investigated the effectiveness

of online learning in developing students’ motivation and engagement and found that online

learning positively influenced these factors. Similarly, a study by Hsu et al. (2020) found that

online learning positively influenced students’ self-efficacy in their learning.

However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of alternative home-based

learning in developing students’ learning in the GAS may be influenced by various factors

such as students’ access to technology, their self-regulated learning skills, and their

motivation and engagement in online learning. For instance, a study by Lee et al. (2022)

found that students’ access to technology was a significant predictor of their academic

achievement in online learning.

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conclusion, foreign literature has shown that alternative home-based learning

can be an effective mode of instruction in developing students’ learning in various contexts,

including the GAS. However, the effectiveness of online learning may be influenced by

various factors, and it is important to consider these factors when implementing alternative

home-based learning.


The COVID-19 pandemic has forced educational institutions worldwide to adopt

alternative learning strategies, including home-based learning. In the Philippines, the General

Academic Strand (GAS) is a senior high school track that prepares students for college

education. However, there is limited research on how effective home-based learning is for

GAS students. This paper aims to review local studies that explore student perceptions of the

efficacy of alternative home-based learning in the GAS track.

A study by Magsino, et al. (2020) found that GAS students faced challenges in

adapting to home-based learning, including difficulty in managing their time and distractions

at home. However, students also recognized the benefits of home-based learning, such as

flexibility in their schedule and the opportunity to learn at their own pace. Another study by

Medina and Magno (2021) reported that GAS students experienced difficulties in accessing

online resources and had limited interaction with their teachers and peers. Despite these

challenges, students believed that online learning could be effective if teachers provided clear

instructions and engaged them in interactive activities.

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In a study by Manaligod and Tenedero (2021), GAS students expressed their preference

for face-to-face classes over online learning. They reported feeling isolated and unmotivated

in the online learning environment. However, students acknowledged the benefits of online

learning, such as the convenience of not having to commute to school. A study by

Malabuyoc, et al. (2020) revealed that GAS students had mixed perceptions of online

learning. While some students found it effective, others struggled with the lack of social

interaction and the difficulty of understanding concepts without the guidance of a teacher.

In a study by Serrano, et al. (2013), GAS students reported that online learning was

effective in improving their academic performance. They cited the availability of online

resources and the convenience of studying at their own pace as the main advantages of online

learning. A more recent study by Tenedero and Manaligod (2022) found that GAS students

preferred a blended learning approach that combined face-to-face and online classes. They

reported that this approach provided them with the best of both worlds, allowing them to

interact with their peers and teachers while also having the flexibility of online learning.

The studies reviewed in this paper demonstrate that GAS students have mixed

perceptions of home-based learning. While students recognize the benefits of online learning,

they also face various challenges, such as limited interaction with teachers and peers,

difficulty in managing their time, and distractions at home. To ensure the efficacy of home-

based learning, teachers need to provide clear instructions and engage students in interactive

activities. Moreover, a blended learning approach that combines face-to-face and online

classes may provide the best learning experience for GAS students.

[Last Name] 9

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced educational institutions worldwide to implement

alternative modes of learning, including home-based learning. This shift has brought about

challenges in terms of student engagement and motivation, especially for students in the

General Academic Strand (GAS). Understanding the efficacy of home-based learning and its

impact on the development of students in the GAS is essential in improving the delivery of

education during the pandemic.

Several foreign studies have explored student perceptions of home-based learning and its

effectiveness in developing students’ skills in the GAS. In a study conducted by Madziba and

Mavhunga (2013) in Zimbabwe, it was found that the use of technology in home-based

learning positively impacted students’ academic performance and fostered a deeper

understanding of the subject matter. Similarly, in a study conducted by Zhang et al. (2019) in

China, students reported that home-based learning provided them with more opportunities for

self-directed learning and helped them develop time management skills. However, not all

students have had positive experiences with home-based learning.

In a study conducted by Mahfudz and Cahyono (2020) in Indonesia, students reported

feeling overwhelmed and lacked motivation due to the absence of face-to-face interaction

with their teachers and classmates. Moreover, students in the GAS reported experiencing

difficulty in accessing learning resources and materials, which negatively impacted their

learning outcomes. In another study conducted by Haddad et al. (2020) in Lebanon, students

reported that home-based learning was less effective than traditional classroom-based

learning in developing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They also reported a

lack of interaction with their teachers, which hindered their ability to seek clarification and

feedback on their work.

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However, despite the challenges, some students in the GAS reported that home-based

learning provided them with greater flexibility and autonomy in their learning. In a study

conducted by Karsenti et al. (2021) in Canada, students reported that home-based learning

allowed them to work at their own pace and provided them with more opportunities to engage

in independent learning.

In conclusion, foreign studies have highlighted the benefits and challenges of home-based

learning for students in the GAS. While some students reported feeling overwhelmed and

lacked motivation, others reported that home-based learning provided them with more

flexibility and autonomy in their learning. However, it is essential to note that the

effectiveness of home-based learning is highly dependent on the availability of resources and

support provided by the educational institution. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that students

in the GAS have access to the necessary resources and support to facilitate their learning

during home-based learning.


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