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Stop Working On Your Business

Here's the most important skill to get good at: breaking down your business into smaller
pieces to systematically tackle.

How? Focus on one aspect at a time for a short period of time (around two weeks), then
move on to the next part.

Establish the pieces, prioritize time, then work through them one by one. Here are those

1. Presentation/Communication/Speaking Skills
a. Watch stand-up comedy, study storytelling, take an improv class, read books and
watch movies on public speaking. You can get pretty good pretty quick.
2. Writing Skills
a. There are lots of good books on writing. Read them. Then just write. Write
anything. It doesn't matter what it is.
3. Content Skills
a. Identify the platform you want to target and study that platform. More on this later
4. Conversation Skills (in DMs and in person)
a. Nail down who you want to be speaking to. Then go out and have conversations.
Use what you've learned in your future follow up conversations. They'll be
impressed that you have remembered.
5. Call Skills
a. Roleplay sales calls. You be the client. They be the client. Get them to challenge
you. Get them to object based on money. Practice.
6. Client Care Skills
a. Create a "Customer Emotion Map" with sticky notes on a wall to establish their
emotional process a client goes through. Step by step.
b. Ask your client what they are feeling (e.g. anxious, nervous, scared)
c. After gathering this info, plan out how to improve the way you talk to them. Ask
yourself, how can I support them better here?
d. If you're feeling brave, reach out to recent clients who have left and ask them why
to help you avoid these mistakes in the future
7. Programming Skills
a. Read books other coaches have written. I recommend starting with Ignite the Fire.
Study their programming. Reach out to the author and respectfully ask them any
questions you might have.

This handout accompanies The Obvious Choice Podcast episode #102 : Stop Working "On Your Business".
Listen free here:

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