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Republic of the Philippines


CCAT Campus
Rosario, Cavite
 (046) 437-9505 /  (046) 437-6659

Teaching Strategy Teaching Method Activities
Students do
Instructor presenting Demonstration,
material and modeling, questions
answering student (convergent),
1. Direct Instruction Lecture
questions that arise. presentation,
Students receive, take slideshow, note-
in and respond taking
2. Drill and Practice Repetition of specific Listening to a drill,
skills, such as modeling a word or a
spelling, reading, sentence and the
writing or learners repeating it.
multiplication skill. It
is to develop the
students skills.
3. Compare and contrast Learners involving in Using a graphic
identifying organizers or venn
similarities or diagram, matrices or
differences. class graphs.
4 Demonstrations Observe the Giving instruction
instructor, imitate the about a specific tasks
action, and model the that learners needs to
instructions follow. It can be a
technique. project, presentation
Demonstration assist or reporting that
in teaching a skills students needs to
with multiple steps or demonstrate their
approach. ability and learning.
5. Guided and shared During guided During shared
reading students reading, a teacher or
actively participate in proficient student
the group reading reads the text aloud,
process – by listening pausing at pre-
or reading – and selected moments to
making their own discuss content and
conclusions about the analyze the text. This
text or learning strategy facilitates
materials. close reading of a
complex text in small
or whole group

Teaching Strategy Teaching Method Activities
Students do
Solve a given
problem that was
provided by teachers,
relating it to their real Find effective
life experiences. solutions to complex
Identify their strength problems like puzzle,
1. Indirect Instruction Problem Solving and weakness in the maze, board games,
process because it is a mathematical
activities that help in equations, real life
building the scenarios, etc.
capability to solve
problems and
overcome challenges.
2. Writing to Inform It is all about Persuasive essay,
communicating essay, journal,
information to your entertainment ect.
audiences or readers
through writing.
Either write to
persuade, inform or
3. Reflective Discussion This activity Some activities to
encourage students to conduct about
think and talk about reflective discussions
what they have are double entry
observed, heard or journal, an ethical
read. The teacher or case study, and a
student initiates the critical incident
discussion by asking journal.
a question that
requires students to
reflect upon and
interpret films,
experiences, read or
recorded stories, or
4. Reading for Meaning Students do focus on Simply read for
discussing and meaning by asking
understanding what two main types of
they are reading, not questions – literal and
just pronouncing the inferential. It includes
words correctly. It is prre-reading, reading,
a a research-based and after reading
strategy that helps all activities that support
readers build the understanding of the
skills that proficient text.
readers use to make
sense of challenging
5. Inquiry Inquiry is an Students construct
approach to learning knowledge through a
that involves a process of
process of exploring observation,
the natural or material investigation, and
world, and that leads discovery. Examples
to asking questions, of inquiry-based
making discoveries, learning include
and testing those observational field
discoveries in the trips, science
search for new experiments, and
understanding. hypothesis-based
research projects.

Teaching Strategy Teaching Method Activities
Students do
It is a trip by students
Zoos, nature centers,
to gain firsthand
community agencies
knowledge away from
such as fire stations
the classroom, as to a
and hospitals,
museum, factory,
1. Experiential government agencies,
Field Trips geological area, or
Learning local businesses,
environment of
amusement parks,
certain plants and
science museums, and
animals that was
factories. Then write
conducted by school
a narrative after.
2. Role Playing It is an activity that Role play exercises
need to pretend to be give students the
a particular character opportunity to assume
and to behave and the role of a person or
react in the way that act out a given
character would: situation. These roles
Some kids really can be performed by
enjoy role-playing individual students, in
and acting. pairs, or in groups
which can play out a
more complex
3. Experiments This activity is a Collecting
procedure carried out observations or
to support or refute a observing actions to
hypothesis, or try to answer a
determine the efficacy question or solve a
or likelihood of problem. Either
something previously science lab
untried. Experiments experiment or
provide insight into observation ourside or
cause-and-effect by field study.
demonstrating what
outcome occurs when
a particular factor is
4. Games Using games as a Group game activities
teaching strategy can like charade,
help to cultivate a backyard camping,
sense of teamwork sports like volleyball,
and collaboration that basketball, badminton
may not come etc. That will allow
naturally to students. the students to
When students team collaborate with other
up to accomplish a learners
goal, social
interaction and
camaraderie often
5. Storytelling Storytelling helps Teach ethics, values
young learners solve and cultural norms
given problems and using story telling,
tasks in a playful way role-playing, story
and creates making etc.
constructive and
comprehension of the
given matter. It is
actually one of the
original form of
teaching and has the
potential of fostering
emotional intelligence
and help the child
gain insight into
human behaviour.

Teaching Strategy Teaching Method Activities
Students do
Activities to do are
It is a short piece of
journal, story writing,
writing used to
informative essay,
develop and expand
1. Independent Study Essays persuasive essay, script
ideas or arguments
writing and many more
and include
that will test students
supporting evidence.
writing skills.
2. Homework It is simply a tasks Some activities might
assigned to students be practice problems,
by their teachers to be practice questions,
completed at home. assigned reading,
assigned videos,
quizzes covering what
you’ve read or viewed,
discussion board posts,
self-reflections, etc.
3. Research Projects Research project is an Some of the research
academic, scientific, project activities are
or professional writing manuscript,
undertaking to conducting of literature
answer a research review, video making
question. It allows the and many more that
learners to pursue will hone their
their interests, to different skills.
learn something new,
to hone their
skills and to
challenge themselves
in new ways.
4. Assigned Questions U Sime activities to
Assigned questions perform or conduct are
usually ask students interview, research,
to demonstrate their experiment that will
knowledge and allow learners to
understanding of understand a particular
particular topic areas topic area.
related to the unit
they’re studying.
5. Journals Journal/journal Students can
writing is a record of summarize the day’s
thoughts, lesson or classroom
experiences, and activity in any subject,
observations that list questions they may
have been written have, describe a
down by the students favorite event or
that will allow them character in the lesson,
to express their suggest books or
thoughts or movies that go along
themselves through with the theme, write
writing. opinions about what
they enjoyed about the
lesson, comment on
personal connections,
Teaching Strategy Teaching Method Activities
Students do
Debate is simply an
argue and discuss
activity. It is a Arguing about a
1. Interactive discussion between certain topic
Instruction people in which they providing their claim,
express different facts and evidences.
opinions about
2. Role Playing Role play is the act of Hand two “actors” a
imitating the prepared script, give
character and them a few minutes to
behaviour of someone prepare, and have
who is different from them act out the role-
yourself. play in front of the
rest of the group.
3. Brainstorming Brainstorming is a Group activity or
large- or small-group collaborative activity
discussion that that providing
encourages students different ideas in a
to generate a wide certain topic to come
range of perspectives up with a better
or potential next steps answer or outcome.
or solutions regarding
a specific topic.
4. Peer Partner Learning It is a process that Group study session
allow students to either a debate, group
learning with or from discussion, coaching
each other. It is also a or peer performance
form or collaborative review.
learning that both
students involve gives
their insights, ideas,
or thoughts that may
result to a better
learning and ideas to
one another.
5. Discussion Discussion methods Lesson discussion,
are a variety of explaining a certain
forums for open- topic or lesson to
ended, collaborative students thoroughly
exchange of ideas for better
among a teacher and understanding and
students or among learning of the certain
students for the subject.
purpose of furthering
students thinking,
learning, problem
understanding, or
literary appreciation
that helps students
process information
rather than simply
receive it.

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