Be Mesmerizing & Attractive

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★ Make people feel important : Make sure you give them your full attention, don't look at
other people or your phone.
★ Let people speak : Tell them to talk more about themselves, use "you are" energy, for ex.
say "you are amazing/interesting" anything
★ Work on your communication skills : Learn how to put your thoughts into words,
how to correctly say things & without offending anyone, also know how to explain things to
people, explain stuffs to them how you would to a 5 year old (basically, in a simple way/non
complicated) know how to make your thoughts make sense to everyone.
"The biggest biggest powerful people know how to talk & explain things in simple words"
★ Learn about body language : When you're talking with someone (always) make sure
you're sitting towards them, never turn your body or feet away from them (it makes it look like
you're not interested in them)
★ Make sure your hands are visible : People are less likely to trust you if they can't see
your hands so make sure your hands are always visible.
★ When you're talking to people, look at them in the eyes : If you're having a hard
time looking at their eyes just look in between the eyebrows, don't constantly look around or
down cause looking in their eyes shows confidence & that you're comfortable with them, people
also won't believe you or have trust issues bcs you won't look trustworthy if you don't look at
their eyes, they'll think you're most likely hiding something/lying to them.
★ Have the ability to adapt to different people & situation : **Example** If you're
talking to a very religious person, you cannot say the same things to that (r) person you would
say to a non-religious person, it will cause arguments & conflict bcs it won't be received the
same way
★ Look out for similarities & point them out : **How you can do this to become more
mesmerizing** Example; you have a friend/anyone & whenever they share something, try to
find similarities, like if the person you're talking to says, "I like horse riding" then say "Oh, I
like horse riding too" but don't lie, key word = similarities. We are more attracted to people
that behave like us.
★ Mirror what people are telling you back to them (don't use this too much in a convo,
it'll look obvious) : So for example, if someone says, "oh yeah & then my mom went to a ranch"
then remember that (which means, you really have to listen to them)what they're saying) then
later on, you say, "oh and that thing you said when your mom went to a ranch" it will make
them think you were really listening to them, which you were.
★ Don't reveal everything about yourself : firstly, your privacy is very important.
Secondly, a lot of the things you say about yourself can be misinterpreted by people you say
those things to, they can create something about you which you're not. No god damn person is
trustable, just don't gurl. I ain't elaborating that if you're this stupid.
★ Don't argue with people constantly : Do you wanna be happy or right? Don't engage
in arguments/fights, just walk away and then come back when things are calmed down, don't
go to that person in the heat of the moment. If you have an issue with someone, say that in a
respectful manner, don't create scenes or shout.
★ Don't argue in public/create scenes : If someone comes up to you in public, starts
shouting at you, MAKE SURE you don't lose your own, don't let it effect your emotions, keep
your cool, don't say a word until they're calmed down, especially if you're in public. If that
person is a stranger, just walk away, don't engage in that, don't say anything at all and if you

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know that person, they know you too (when they're calm) say, "Hey listen, I didn't like how
you yelled at me in public, never do that again" Never let a person catch you fighting, yelling,
screaming in public.
★ Learn how to talk to people of the opposite gender : It shows confidence, be as
friendly to them as you would be to a person with the same gender. Because, for example, if
you don't know how to talk to the opposite gender and once they just look at you once or talk to
you, you'll be shaken. It's not normal.
★ Look like you love yourself : LOOK like it, obviously you HAVE to actually love
yourself, don't just look like that but you have to express that you're in love with yourself,
doesn't mean go to them and be like, "omg, look I'm so confident" No. Just look clean, literally
just look clean. If you look clean, people can immediately guess that you respect yourself, your
body. Always smell nice, have a signature scent, shower in a routine way (like, use specific
products with similar smell to your signature scent), make sure your clothes are always
perfectly ironed, keep your nails healthy, keep your hair silky, washed, nice smelling. Sleep
well, don't just read that, do it -_-
★ Heal Trauma With HypnoTherapy : It helps with trauma mainly but also, healing
your trauma can bring changes in your physical appearance. It also helps with inflammations
in your body, like acne + weight loss/gain. It's because, when you heal your trauma your
energy shifts and gets cleansed, people can feel your energy.
★ Remember what people tell you : So for ex. a friend tells you about a specific day &
next time you meet them, you say, "Oh yeah, I remember when you told me that" and they are
literally shocked, "woah, you remember what I told you?" Then you're like, "yeah, obviously"
Because it makes them feel so important & they'll trust you bcs you were actually listening to
★ Always have a great sense of humor : If you don't understand sarcasm or have a good
sense of humor, just look up comedian shows, try to get a better sense of humor, practice it &
watch vids on it.
★ Go cold when someone disrespects you : When someone is being disrespectful
towards you again & again, even if you tell them that you didn't like it. Go Cold. That's it. Don't
entertain them by screaming, shouting or creating scene.
"I do not allow that person back into my life until I see changed behavior bcs then they'll also
know that I'm very serious about my boundaries."
★ Be unpredictable : Don't talk about goals, plans to other people. Shock them with the
"You never know what I'm gonna do tomorrow, never."
★ Practice Dance : Try dancing regularly, dances like, belly dancing, heel dancing etc. Also
try twerking at home, not to try it in front of a man lol. But because it'll help you recognize
your body. Of Course we have class so we aren't gonna twerk in front of men, so.
"When a woman is more in touch with her body, she's more confident."
★ Walk, Talk, Act like you're the biggest blessing on earth : "When I walk into a
room, I walk with my shoulders back, I literally look around in the room and I walk like that.
Why? Because, my presence is a blessing. That room just got blessed because I walked in

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★ Stay Confident & Humble : "I don't think I'm better than anyone but I'm also not
comparing myself to anyone. Me thinking that I'm the biggest blessing on earth doesn't mean
that I'm comparing myself to anyone. I don't care who's another blessing, I just think about
myself in my head & that's it, I'm not gonna act better than anyone."
★ Do not talk bad about yourself : Don't talk shit about yourself, not in front of people,
not in front of yourself. Even if you make a mistake, don't bash yourself for it. That's only
gonna make you feel bad, "Even if I do something wrong, I say, "Ok we got, I'm not gonna do
that next time."
★ Make sure you're not known for any addictions : It's because people will see you as
a weaker, it'll look like you have no control over yourself, they'll see you as someone with a loss
of self-control & it's not attractive.
★ Let people meet you at your level : Don't go down to their level to relate to them/match
them, they should be inspired by you, strive to get there. They should try to be on your level.
Byee Byee, May Allah Bless You. Good Luck & I love you So So Much Sweetheart..♡ Cutie Pie ♡

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★ Be nice, positive to a group & rude/mean to a different group. It will divide them as they'll
have different opinions on you & they're gonna argue. One side will say you're nice & the other
will say you're rude. It creates confusion & they'll both fear & love you. The ppl who think you're
nice will love you even more & the rude side will blame themselves for thinking bad 'bout you ★
Give people good compliments, not like, "you have such pretty eyes'' or things they CAN'T
control. Compliment them on things they put their EFFORTS into ★ Make "something" look
really good to someone to get them interested in that but once they get interested or are ready to
commit, act like that "something" isn't as good & ignore that ★ Make them think they're smarter
& cleverer than you. Act clumsy, stupid, it makes them think they know your motive even tho
they don't ★ Create suspense. Ask them, "can I tell you smth?" & when they say "yes" just reply
with "never mind/kichu na" ★ Let's say, someone you like is rlly good at "xyz" & even if you
already know things about it, act like you know nothing & you're interested in that. Go up to
them & ask them to teach you that. Also, act like you don't know how to do "xyz" AT ALL when
they're teaching you. Then once they're done teaching, show them that you're RLLY good at
"xyz." It'll make them think they taught you & will find you interesting ★ Never teach them
ENOUGH so that they can do without you ★ Show maturity when someone's rude to you or
insults you. Politely say, "thank you" while sweetly smiling & showing any care. And say, "you're
always rlly negative, aren't you?" if they're too rude or cross limits ★ To WIN an argument, just
smartly & surely say, "I know" ★ Avoid people who says (1) "you're so sensitive/clearly you can't
take a joke" (2) "Why would I lie/I don't have a reason to lie to you" (3) "If you really loved
me/cared about me, you would do that" (4) "You don't have the right to feel ___" ★ The three
step technique ; First, give them all the attention & love. Prioritize them. Then suddenly ignore
them or be rude to them. It will drop their self esteem and they'll start doubting themselves. But
be sweet to others tho, exactly what I wrote in the 1st point of this page. Third step is give them
the sweet, nice treatment again to increase their self esteem & they'll be obsessed ★ Always
make those above you feel comfortably superior. In your desire to please and impress them, do
not go too far in displaying your talents or you might accomplish the opposite, inspire fear and
insecurity. Make them appear more brilliant than they are & you will be the powerful one, babe.

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