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In the context of Strategic Project Management, it is key to understand that "projects

produce outputs and programs produce outcomes.

A Program requires an Integrated Management of its "component Projects", since, in order

to obtain "business capabilities", it is necessary to integrate all the outputs generated by
the related Projects that make up the Program. This is known as the "synergy effect": the
integration of results generates a cumulative business value greater than the sum of the
individual business value contributed by each project. This approach is what determines
the correct Programme Management.

The achievement of "strategic business objectives" (Corporate and Competitive

Strategies) arises precisely from the provision to the Company's General Management
(Executive Committee) of all the business capabilities resulting from the adequate
Program Management.

If the Company's management is capable of making these capabilities effective, then we

speak of the achievement of "business results" or "benefits realization".

In this way, a P.M.O. at a high level (Portfolio level or Corporate level) manages
(supervises and controls) the achievement of "benefits" for the Organization ("Benefit
Realization Management", B.R.M.)

B.R.M. is used to ensure that the Organization maintains a total focus on achieving profits
through its own business dynamics. A "benefit" is a measurable, quantifiable positive
change. A "non-benefit" is a negative change, also measurable or quantifiable.

Reflect on all these ideas (outputs, capabilities, outcomes, benefit realization, etc.)
in the context of "The Value Path" which reflects the incremental value in Project
Management, Program Management and Portfolio Management.

Good afternoon to all!!!

Project management seeks to carry out planning consistent with the strategic objectives of
the organization and of the project itself. Some organizations have implemented project
management techniques and tools to increase the chances of success of their projects.
It is important to point out that the value curve is one of the most practical tools to develop
a business idea, it helps to understand in a simple way the dynamics of competitiveness
and identifies how to make a difference in the market, when we talk about differentiation it
is necessary to identify to which segment of customers I direct the strategy that value
something that the company has different from other competitors.
It is one of the best tools that gives company managers a look at the projects that are
carried out in a program and the effects on the company, the value curve can be used for
decision making and process improvement, it allows to understand both the project and
the program and the benefits to the business.
The objective is a progressive growth of functionality in anincremental model ofproject
management, meaning that the product evolves according to the planned deliverables
until it satisfies the customer's requirement.
The difference between this model and the traditional ones is that the tasks are divided
into iterations (i.e. the product is developed through repeated cycles that add functionality
to the product). Therefore, in each delivery the product has an advance with respect to the
previous delivery.
Now, these ideas outputs, capabilities, outcomes, benefit realization, among others, are
reflected in the project and each one leverages the other for the project to be successful:
For example:
Outputs: corresponds to the new products or services to be delivered by the project.
Outcomes: are those results that are reflected by the actions carried out in the project.
Business capabilities: is the experience required by a company to adequately perform the
basic functions of the business.

Therefore, projects are essential for companies to succeed in business and excel in
productivity and competitiveness. I consider the benefits of project management in the
context of the value curve to be:
Improves timing and budget scheduling, thereby increasing return on investment.
It lowers costs and generates good product quality.
Increases customer satisfaction.
Thank you very much!!!
In the context of Strategic Project Management, it is key to understand that "the projects
produce outputs and the Programs outcomes".

A Program requires an Integrated Management of its "Component Projects" ("Component


Projects"), since, in order to obtain "business capabilities", it is necessary to

all the outputs generated by the related projects that make up the project must be integrated.
Program. This is what is known as the "synergy effect": the integration of results generates a
business value greater than the sum of business value
individual contribution of each project. It is this approach that determines the correct
management of a
Programme Management.
The attainment of "strategic objectives
business" (Corporate Strategies and
Competitive) arises precisely from the availability to the Company's General Management
(Executive Committee) of all the business capabilities resulting from the adequate management of
the program.
The company's business is then based on the attainment or achievement of "business results" or
"benefits realization".
In this way, a P.M.O. level (Portfolio level or Corporate level) manage
(oversees and controls) the achievement of "benefits" for the Organization ("BenefitRealization
Management", B.R.M.)
B.R.M. is used to ensure that the Organization maintains a total focus on the
profitability through its own business dynamics. A "benefit" is a measurable, quantifiable positive
change. A "non-benefit" is a negative change, as well.
Reflect on all these ideas (ouputs, capabilities, outcomes, benefit realization, etc.) in the
context of "THE VALUE CURVE" ("The Value Path") which reflects the incremental value in
Project Management (Project Management), Program Management (Programme Management)
and Portfolio Management (Portfolio Management).

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