Alicia Reyes - Task 6

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Alicia Reyes Segura

In the following report we will know the basic aspects and characteristics that the AVL company
must comply with in the construction of a cycle path, with a RCD waste management plan, with
this we will also know how to manage the inert waste generated by construction and its
declaration in SINADER.
1. Develop a simple CDW management plan, which must have a description of the inert
category waste, an approximate quantification of the waste that could be generated, a
diagram of the waste storage location, ways to determine and the actions necessary to
reduce the amount of waste and the procedure for final disposal of waste as the case may


OBJECTIVE: achieve the management of inert waste, maintaining the

occupational health care of each worker, seeking to minimize or eliminate
environmental impacts, reducing the amount of waste generation, complying and
maintaining the standards of current legislation.

SCOPE: the RCD management plan will apply all the activities associated with the
description, quantification, ways of determining, necessary actions in the
construction of the cycle path, as well as the personnel involved, external
companies and legal entities.

RESPONSIBILITY: AVL Company, Architect, Construction Manager, Crew

Leader, supervisors, Personnel in charge, Municipality, operators. All of these
personnel are responsible for ensuring the proper and correct development of the
project, in all its areas, so that in this way everything is carried out in compliance
with current legislation.

INERT WASTE : all waste generated during construction is classified as non-

hazardous since it does not suffer any physical, chemical or biological variation. In
this case we can identify that they are inert waste, which are surpluses of soil and
aggregates, debris from the removal of existing pavements and slabs in the
construction area of the cycle path.


28.50 m³
WASTE STORAGE LOCATION : all waste generated by the construction of the cycle paths must
remain temporarily in the project, in which the AVI company must have an area to store
them until they are removed to be taken to their destination or final treatment. This
location must be with adequate orientation since if this is not the case, there could be the
dispersion of the particles, harming the surrounding population and the environment,
generating decantation. For this, it is necessary to use soils free of vegetation with a
capacity of 200m³.

The following characteristics must also be considered for waste storage:

-Occupational safety of workers.
-Container design.
-Waste storage time.
-Handling and collection procedures.
-Traceability of waste generated.

ACTIONS NECESSARY TO REDUCE WASTE: for this it is necessary to fully comply

with current legislation, in all aspects of waste management.

- Include requirements in tenders and project contracts so that companies are forced to
prevent reuse and recycling.
- Plan before starting the project, how to properly handle the materials, see if it is possible
to recycle or reduce some and use them within the same project.
- Determine how to handle waste within the project and how to transport it outside of the
project and include this information in the plan.
- Determine strategies and policies for the location of recyclable and/or reusable materials
and clearly identify them
- Determine who will be responsible for the program. It is important to select a person who
has interest, knowledge and preferably experience in the reuse and recycling of materials.
- Have just the right amount of construction materials so that there is no surplus, nor are
resources wasted.
- Train staff regarding the use of materials so that they are not wasted, waste management
and disposal, in order to ensure that all staff are informed.
-Waste from the extraction of vegetation will be used to fill gardens and parks.

FINAL DISPOSAL OF WASTE: all those waste that will not be reused in the work and
cannot be recovered in the treatments to convert them into raw material, will be designated
for the tasks that need fills in their works, these will be useful for the compaction of fills.
toilets or, failing that, they can also be marketed so that they can be demolished in a
smaller size and used to fill excavations carried out.

2. Develop and propose the set of necessary procedures, indicating responsibilities and
considering technical-administrative measures typical of a management plan for inert
waste, according to the indicated case.
The AVL company has procedures for the construction of a cycle path, which mentions its
activities and the steps to be carried out, identifying the way in which the procedures and legal
requirements for waste management will be met.

The management plan indicates that within the construction they will work with inert
waste which are:
Removal of existing vegetation, surplus soil and aggregates from excavations carried out,
debris generated by the breakdown of gutters, gutters and surplus concrete, etc. All of this
is considered among the waste generated at 200 m³.
The company must designate an area for the collection of waste, informing all those who
work on the site, in this way to control the construction remains.
The prevention department will be in charge of worker safety, training and informing
about identified risks, providing information on contingency plans, PPE, safety zones and
evacuation routes.
All collected waste will be in charge of a collaborator, who will be responsible for carrying
out the registry of charity and types of waste, keeping the place marked and segregated. If
there is material that can be reused, you must inform your line of command so that they
have it available.
Within the management plan there will be a team of workers who have the mission of
removing and separating the waste that is generated by the activities.
The company has a management plan with a contracting company in case of pests, which
will install burrows at designated points.
To carry out the collection of said waste, a specialized company must be hired, which will
be in charge of the transfer as the waste is disposed of, either for treatment or final
disposal. This company must have health permits and at the same time comply with
existing regulations and regulations.
According to the established contract, the waste is removed daily, leaving a record of the
entry and exit of the truck. In turn, there will be a record of the waste removed and a copy
of the dispatch guide.
The waste will be sent to treatment plants where it will be reduced so that it can be used in
the compaction of landfills and excavation tasks .

3. Describe the sequential actions necessary to ensure a minimum environmental impact

when carrying out this project only based on the inert waste generated.
The AVL company presents a procedure that ensures a lower environmental impact in each of the
stages with respect to the case presented :

ETAPAS Contar con un plan en donde los materiales seanACCIONES

utilizados racionalmente para la disminución de residuos.
Tener disponibles tratos por los residuos recuperados a otras faenas.
En las actividades de extracción de tierra cargar inmediatamente el camión para que se disponga en otro
lugar de la obra y no quede a expensas del viento para no generar partículas de polvo.
Los escombros generados y que no sirvan para ser reutilizados en la obra deben disponerse en la zona de
acopio para que sean retirados al término de la jornada, esto ayuda que no se refleje un impacto al paisaje
del lugar.
La zona de acopio no debe estar ubicada en partes que se vean perjudicados ríos, aguas superficiales,
vegetación y ecosistemas.
Disponer de Control de plagas para que estos no afecten a la comunidad.
Contar con un sistema de duchas para que estos residuos no provoquen el levantamiento de polvo.

Realizar las actividades de retiro de residuos una vez terminada la jornada para que de esta manera se realice
fluida la actividad y no sea afectada por la distracción.
RECOLLECCIÓN La empresa contratada de contar con camiones que cumplan la normativa vigente y las características que se
necesitan para el traslado de estos residuos, de manera que evite la fuga de cualquier residuo.

Los camiones tolvas deben disponer de carpas o lonas que aíslen las dispersiones generadas de los residuos
al ser transportados.
Asegurar la carga antes de emprender el viaje.
Los camiones deben encontrase en buen estado, con las mantenciones al día, para no producir posibles
fugas de aceite.
Se debe disponer de señalética dentro y fuera de la faena, por ende, los camiones no deben transitar a alta
velocidad para no provocar impacto en el transito de la comunidad

Contar con personal capacito en segregación de residuos.

Disponer de los equipos en buen estado para el tratamiento de los residuos.
Comercializar los residuos tratados con otras empresas.
Utilizar en remodelación de parques, rellenos sanitarios, etc.
4. Explain the procedure for declaring inert waste generated by the activity.

All waste generated by companies must be declared at the single window, at the SINADER
window, which allows declarations to be made , whether of volume of waste, quantity, disposal, in
turn we can review documentation, owner information, among others. others. In order to declare
the inert waste generated by the company AVL, in the construction of the cycle path, the
corresponding periods defined in DS N°1/2013 “RETC Regulations” must be considered . Before
entering this platform (SINADER), prior registration must be carried out, using an application
form to the sectoral system.

The system will show the option of non-hazardous industrial waste, which allows us to select the
period to declare.

All waste removed by contracted companies must be declared before this system, which can be
updated in the health resolutions of the establishments intended for hazardous waste. This option
refers to the recipient of the waste.

When the data has been entered either in the non-hazardous industrial waste or recipients option,
the information entered must be saved and click on the Send Annual Declaration option.

I attach reference images of the platform:

According to what is indicated in the report, we can identify all the aspects and characteristics that
must be met for a good construction, guided by a waste plan which is established within a strategic
planning from the generation of waste to its final disposal inside or outside the building.
organization, all this with the purpose of mitigating the possible environmental impacts that they
IACC. (2021). Management of inert waste. Waste Treatment and Management Week 6

Additional resources week 6

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