Comparison of Each Historical Period of The Evolution of Health in The Dominican Republic With The Current Era.

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7Autonomous Anniversity

be Santo Bomingo
PRIMADA DE AMÉRICA / Founded on October 28, 1538
Health and Society II

Vidal Perez Vidal

Stages in the historical development of health practices in the Dominican Republic

Gladis Lenny Bautista 100525693
Yuleisy Feliz Beltré 100412091
Ana Isaura Francisco Tineo 100487543
Flordaliza Tapia Herasme FV3526
Emely Sanchez Hernandez 100523666


Period/date Situation of the period Current status
Middle Ages (479-1492) Nowadays, health is more scientific,
Both disease and the practice of medicine were closely as there are methods to acquire a
linked to superstitions, and continued to be practiced better quality of life. It has evolved
in the past. ceremonies pre-Christian y in a substantive way through
amulets are used both to prevent and to combat chemistry and the
certain diseases. On many occasions, powerless to pharmacology, device
eradicate these pagan rites. technology, vaccines, among others.
Sorcerers and sorcerers also played a role in medieval It should be noted that there are
"medicine", they were rather healers knowledgeable in still people who like natural
medicinal herbs. They used to be humble people, medicines that have been going on
generally elderly and lonely, who sold their recipes and since the middle ages, evolving
services to make ends meet. The community called on with more
them when they were deemed necessary, but they potential.
also served as goats scapegoats yes
a calamity
incomprehensible to the peasant hovered over the
From this century we see how medicine evolved,
preparing the first hospital is dated in Byzantium, in
the fourth century, from this century thrive more in
different cities to these hospitals, called medieval
hospitals, then medicine emerged in the medieval
university giving a step further to medicine and its
evolution in the Dominican Republic.

Ancient age (1492) Disease was conceived by the Tainos and Tainos as the
work of spirits and in this sense they had an animistic From this time to the present our
pathological conception, that is to say, that all diseases history, in relation to health-
came from outside the human being produced by evil disease, I consider that it has taken
spirits. But some researchers believe that they a very big turn because nowadays
excluded from these the most common colds, fevers there are many ways to treat these
and dysentery. diseases and avoid infecting others
even if they are in the same home
or in the same community.
Modern age (after the end of the 19th During this period, there was a relative increase in the Compared to what we experienced
century until 1961) number of specialized health and sanitation personnel, in modern times and the era in
namely, doctors, pharmacists, as well as in the physical which we currently us
plant of hospitals, preventive vaccination campaigns, we find, we set obviously that there
compulsory official water supply in urban areas, as well is a breakthrough in between.
as an emphasis on the mandatory use of footwear and Diseases were common due to the
an attempt to maintain a certain urban lack of hygiene, being common the
ornamentation.The period also saw a relative increase lack of personal hygiene and the
in the number of specialized health and sanitation lack of footwear.
personnel, i.e., doctors, pharmacists, as well as an
increase in hospital facilities, preventive vaccination At the present time, health
campaigns, compulsory official water supply in urban coverage is more extensive, more
areas, emphasis on the mandatory use of footwear accessible. In any community
and an attempt to maintain a certain degree of urban
The first attempts at "modernization" of health
systems began to be implemented, which we can find access to medical care,
corresponded to the construction of a centralized without the wear and tear that
State that sought to overcome the regional caudillista came with the overexploitation of a
leadership. dictatorship that limited every act.
Contemporary age (1961 to present) It started after the execution of Rafael L. Trujillo. An example of this is what is
During this period, the administrative strategies of currently happening with respect to
prevention and cure continue to be strengthened. It COVID-19, in which the population
was considered a modernized state apparatus, capable must contribute with vaccinations in
of acting in society as a controller and eradicator of order to eradicate, or in other
pathologies. Such as mass vaccinations, hospital words, to regulate the spread of
plants, etc. It is characterized by a rapid process of COVID-19. And with respect to
transformation from an agrarian agro-export economy health, it has been evolving year
(sugar, cocoa, coffee, tobacco, predominantly) to a after year, creating new
service economy open to the capitalist economy. vaccinations,
world (areas frank, tourism, improving the
agro-industry and the financial sector) that has techniques
produced a total reordering of the population. in which we are assisted by a
detect the
diseases from way
and the appropriate treatments to
eradicate or normalize it.

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