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Organizational Processes 1

GA1-220501092-AA1-EV02 Organizational Process Identification

María Camila Barona Martínez

National Apprenticeship Service


Software analysis and development

File number: 2627051

September 26, 2022

Organizational Processes 2


An organization must always determine or abstract the steps in a logical-sequential manner

that must be followed to carry out an activity, seen as a system that must be composed of

different internal processes and sub-processes that work together to reach the same end.

This document identifies the set of elements involved in the information system by applying

the general systems theory (GST).

The following is an analysis of the processes of the Mattelsa organization, focused on the IT

area, which is responsible for the supply of equipment and work tools at different points of

sale, these processes of monitoring and control of hardware must be optimized, so it will need

a tool that allows it, for this reason it is intended to develop an inventory control software.
Organizational Processes 3

Business process analysis

Through process analysis, a vision of the whole is sought, in order to understand the real

functioning by deconstructing the whole into processes, sub-processes, relationships and

actors that intervene with the objective to be identified.

Understand the actions that make up each of the following elements:

- Identify the processes

Business context: Mattelsa S.A.S. is a clothing company in Colombia with

headquarters in Medellin, has several stores nationwide and promotes ethical and

rational consumption without generating unjustified consumption, it is divided into

the following areas according to the general organization chart: see Illustration 1.

Illustration 1 Organizational Map Mattelsa (Mattelsa S.A.S 2004)

Organizational Processes 4

1. With the above, the first fundamental step can be taken, which corresponds to

identifying the processes to be automated and developed in the software to be


The process will be analyzed in the IT management (see Illustration 2), it is

identified that within this process there is not an adequate management of the

control of ICT equipment used in the development of activities to which the

organization is dedicated.

a) IT management process: Processes responsible for the development,

implementation and maintenance of information systems.

b) Infrastructure and network coordination process: Ensures network

maintenance and availability.

c) ICT analysis process: Analyzes and identifies system problems.

d) Support process: Solves the problems presented in the ICT area related

to hardware and software.

Illustration 3 Organizational Chart IT Management (Mattelsa S.A.S 2004)

Organizational Processes 5

2. Define the sub-processes or activities that are executed in each process, thus

determining the corresponding inputs and outputs:

Process: General Management

Tickets Sub-process or activity Exits

Documentation of data
Design of objectives and • Process map Resources
PLANNING strategic plan for software
to identify equipment
development • to be used Project
IT management •
Interviewing users, planning
DESIGN Brainstorming and
project objectives, Process flow diagrams
suggestions from users
estimating scope,
documenting ideas and
• Report summarizing
the analysis and
deliverables recommendations.
• Types and quantities of
Database design (physical
Equipment inventory inventory survey, user's data elements or equipment
consolidation) User relationship with
DEVELOPMENT • Tables and columns

Models created during Design modeling tool,

the design stage to templates and color • Coding, initial system
and software testing.
create system palette.

Tool testing, visual and Tool testing, feedback,
IMPLEMENTATI Fulfillment of the
didactic user validate dynamic
interpretation. performance. • request generated
Database update
Software in test phase

3. Identify relationships and responsible actors in the software

Relations Responsible Actors

ICT Director
Documentation of the Management, planning
data to identify and strategy of
Planning the teams services
Information generated
in interviews and Development Analyst IT Management
observation of the Support Assistant
Design users
Equipment inventory.
Support Assistant
Models created
Development Development analyst
during the development stage
Organizational Processes 6

Illustration 3 Relationships IT Department

Organizational Processes 7


(2021) Mattelsa S.A.S. (Colombia)



ESAN Graduate School of Business. (2019). What is business process analysis and how to

apply it in my company? en-


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