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Questions answered incorrectly:

- The following are examples of SMART goals EXCEPT:

- What is the best way to get your audience to remember and share your brand story?
Questions answered incorrectly:................................................................................................................................1
Questions answered correctly:...................................................................................................................................1

- True or false? To identify raw material and generate ideas, it is best to use a specific area of interest. Thus, you
can become an expert in that field.
- You work at an automotive company and are looking for inspiration to generate new content ideas for seasonal
promotion. What source might be useful to you?
- True or false? After reading a lot of information, it is best to try to create content right away.
- Claudia is a dog bather and read in an article that search engines are a great place to generate ideas about what
users are looking for. After you start a search by typing the phrase “dog bathing tips,” Google gives you some
helpful suggestions for popular searches, such as “dog bathing tips and tricks.” How is this function known?
- True or false? The goal of a braindump is to thoroughly develop all the ideas that arise.
- What is an important characteristic of buyer personas with respect to long-term content strategies?
- An agile content calendar should not extend for more than:
- True or false? The best writers begin by developing the main points of their content and leave the introduction
and conclusion for when they have written the rest of the text.
- True or false? You should never use acronyms in your writing.
- You have a high-performing blog post that you want to republish. What platforms should you do it on?
- When republishing content, how can you ensure it is prioritized on the search engine results page?
- In the middle of a brainstorm with your colleagues, you propose five topics for an ebook and a colleague says
that no more are needed. Alright? What should you answer?
- True or false? You should only include a call to action in a blog post when you have an offer available.
- What is the best time to promote content on social networks?
- When analyzing the performance of your social channels, you realize that posts on Facebook always perform
better than those on Twitter and LinkedIn. What should you do?
- True or false? It is best to determine a few key metrics and evaluate them consistently.
- What results can you achieve if you set the right reporting expectations before launching a campaign?
- One month into a three-month lead generation campaign you realize that the current plan of reaching your goal
of 10 Sales Qualified (SQL) leads doesn't seem to be possible. What option will you present at next week's meeting
with your CEO?

Questions answered correctly:

- True or false? Content marketing is a relatively new practice that became popular in the 1950s with the rise of
advertising companies.
- To tell your company's story effectively, you need:
- If you are writing a story for your company to help you differentiate yourself from the competition, what question
should you start with?
- Complete the sentence: _____can help you develop a story that allows you to connect with your audience.
- All stories include three narrative elements. Which are?
- True or false? If prospects get the answers they want and see themselves in the characters in your story, they
are more likely to do business with your company.
- True or false? Conflict is necessary to tell an impactful story.
- True or false? The conflict in this blog article is maintaining customer loyalty.
- How can you know the reading habits of your buyer personas?
- All of these options are required for content brainstorming sessions EXCEPT:
- Complete the sentence: A great way to create a pleasant atmosphere for brainstorming sessions is to start with .
- You just landed your dream job as a content creator at a startup and your boss asks you to do a content audit to
understand and organize all the company's material. How could you start searching for existing content?
- When identifying content for a long-term strategy, which stage of the buyer's journey should you focus on?
- True or false? The buyer's journey is constantly evolving. The more you know about your buyer personas, the
more you can improve and expand them over time.
- The following are activities in a content creation workflow EXCEPT:
- You ask a colleague to tell you what they think about a blog article you recently wrote. When he sends you
feedback, you see that he made the edits directly to the document. Is this a good practice of the content editing
- True or false? You should use a consistent naming system to easily store and identify files.
- True or false? Your content creation framework should be consistent over time.
- True or false? If you want to produce quality content, you should hire an in-house content creator.
- What can you do to make a header more eye-catching?
- Complete the sentence: When choosing a title for your content, you should generate ___________ different
- The header of the following blog article is an example of what type of format?
- True or false? Whenever possible, you should use sophisticated vocabulary in your writing.
- The sentence "The purchases were made by your father" is an example of voice _________.
- How could you improve the following sentence by removing unnecessary words? "I really just want to go to the
store to buy groceries so I can prepare for the week."
- How long should you wait before republishing content on a new website?
- Can you use weekly content activities to turn them into what type of long-form content offering?
- True or false? One of the benefits of organic promotion is that it allows you to get your content in front of a very
specific audience.
- To help you increase awareness for an upcoming product launch, your manager increases your paid promotion
budget by 300%. What channels could you invest in?
- True or false? You should post the same message on all your social channels.
- Content optimization helps improve ___________________.
- You can measure your brand recognition with all of these options EXCEPT:
- These are all interaction signals that help you understand the effectiveness of your content EXCEPT:
- Your boss asks you to run a report to see how your content campaign contributed to the lead generation goal.
What metric should you analyze?
- After a successful team meeting where you were able to demonstrate the ROI of your content marketing efforts,
your boss asks you for more details about the content journey that helped convert leads into customers. For that,
you can create:
- During the evaluation of your attribution report, you notice that 85% of the leads who converted into customers
downloaded your introductory ebook. Additionally, you discover that your sales team only closes 1% of leads that
come from social sources. How can you help your sales team close more leads from social platforms?

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