7.2 The Terminology of The Internet

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(University of Colombo)

FIT 103
ICT Applications

7. The Internet and Web Applications

1. History of the Internet

2. The Terminology of the Internet
3. Connecting to the Internet
4. New Media and Web Applications
5. Web Storage Organization
6. Web Authoring Tools
7. Web Application Development

Dinuka Ganganath
Department of Information Technology
W3 Campus
The Terminology of the Internet W3 Campus

The Terminology of the Internet W3 Campus

The Terminology of the Internet

Web Protocols
• Common set of rules are known as protocols.
• Following are some of the protocols used in Internet.
o TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
o UDP - User Datagram Protocol
o HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
o FTP - File Transfer Protocol

Internet Protocol (IP)

• IP (Internet Protocol) Address is an address of your network hardware.
• It helps to connect devices on your network and all over the world.
• The method to give a unique identification for a device.
• An IP Address is made up of numbers or characters.
• All devices that are connected to an internet connection have a unique IP address which
means there’s a need of billions of IP addresses.

IP versions:
Version IPv4 IPv6
Time Older version Newer version
space Over 4 billion IP addresses Up to trillions of IP addresses
Configuration Numerical value (numbers) Hexadecimal method(numbers and letters)
Method (may conflict with other IP (to avoid conflicts in IPv4)
Size 32-bit address 128-bit address
o It has four parts separated by o It has more addresses relative to IPv4.
o Each part can have values
from 0-255.
Examples 506.457.14.512 4ggr:1925:5656:7:600:t4tt:tc54:98vt 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334

• Still in most of the computer networks the IPv4 is using. But gradually people are moving to the

IP Address DNS
• DNS is Domain Name System.
• IP address is difficult to remember for humans.
o Ex: is the Homepage of Google
• Therefore, we use domain names to access the web sites.
o www.ucsc.cmb.ac.lk → to access the UCSC web site
• For devices to communicate and load the web site the IP address of UCSC server is needed.
• DNS maps the domain name to IP addresses. – Domain Name Servers’ Service to another
• When you type a domain name on the address bar, it will contact Domain Name Server and
get the IP address of the relevant server and make the connection.

The Terminology of the Internet W3 Campus


• URI is Uniform Resource Identifier
• URI will tell the name of the resource and how to find the resource on the internet.
• There are two types of URI.
URN - Uniform Resource Name → gives the name of the resource but not the location
URL - Uniform Resource Locator → helps to find the resource on the internet

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

• HTTP is a simple request-response protocol that normally runs over TCP.
• It specifies,
o what messages → clients may send to servers
o what responses → they get back in return.

Servers with HTTP

• Servers are machines or computers on the internet.
• They are configured to provide services to the users.
• Google email server → configured to provide Gmail service to the users.
• When request a web site from a server, your browser send a HTTP request to the web site.
• As the respond, server will send the content of the web site.

Standard Bodies
• When there are many vendors exist, each with its own ideas of how things should be done.
• Without coordination, there would be complete chaos, and users would get nothing done.
• The only way out is to agree on some standards.
o ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
o ISO (International Standards Organization)
o IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

• W3C is the standards body for the web.
• W3C develops protocols and guidelines,
o For facilitating the long-term growth of the Web.
• It is an industry consortium led by Tim Berners-Lee and set up in 1994.
• W3C make recommendation and standards for HTML and Web privacy as well.
• www.w3.org is the home page of W3C.

The Terminology of the Internet W3 Campus

Search Engines
• Search engines are services available on the internet.
• Helps the users to search though the internet and find information.
• Users can type whatever the thing they want to search on the search engine and get the
information about it.
o When you want to find some information about FIT program, you can go to a search
engine and search for FIT.
• Then it will list all the web pages which matches your request.

• Search engine has special applications call web crawlers.

• Web crawlers travel through the internet and log all the websites.

• some of the popular search engines.

o google.com
o yahoo.com
o bing.com
o duckduckgo.com

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