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z Rngjshikanquage Suites S ine YABANCI bit SINAV! t | CONTENTS | THE ENGLISH VERB TENSES (1) PAGE INTRODUCTION Hiastireterae 1- THE VERB "BE” ....... eset 2- THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE ... 3- THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSS ....... 4- THE SIMPLE PRESENT or THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS .. 5- THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE. 6- THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE .. 7 cesrestnstnsense Be 7- THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE 32 4L 8 THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE ........ TEST YOURSELF TEST YOUR VOCABULARY .... THE ENGLISH VERB TENSES INTRODUCTION WORD ORDER IN AN ENGLISH SENTENCE (ingilizce bir ciimlede sézciik dizimi) ingilizce sézetk dizimi, TOrkce sOzctik diziminden farkhdir, Térkge bir cimlede yékiem cGmienin sonunda yer alir ve dzneyi de iginde barndiar. Ben ingilizce caligirsm. Ozne Nesne Yaklem Subject Object. Verb cimlesini, "ingilizce ¢aligmm.” biciminde de ifade edebiliriz. ve tkinci cimlede dzneyi acs olarak géremedigimiz ‘halde, dznenin 1. tekil gaius oldugunu yildemdeld -m_talasindan anlarz.Bu durum Ingitizce igin gecerli degildir. Yani Ingilizce bir cimlede yiiktem zncyi belli etmez.Bu ytizden, cimleye ézne ile baglamak zorundayw. Formile edilinis olarak ingilizce ciimle diizeni soyledir: Subject + Verh + Object Ozne Yoklem Nesne "ingilizce galigirim." eiimlesint ingllizcede "I study English." bigiminde sfade edebiliiz. 1- THE VERB "BE" Sozcikleri rasigele bir araya getirerek ciimle kuramayy. Cimle kurabilmemiz icin mutlaka bir fille thtiyacumiz vardir. "Be" fill, "come, go, study, eat, become” vb. gibi astl_ filimniz olmadigt zaman cimle kurmamua sagler."Be" filinin simdiki zaman ve genig zaman bicimi aymdir ve bu tense‘lerle "am, is, are" biciminde kullanihr. Singular Subject Pronouns Plural Subject Pronouns Tam — You are — Hie/She/It is We are — You are — They are 1am always nervous before an exam. (general) Tam nervous now, because I'm taking an exam in half an hour. (now) 1-1 filini asi! fil olarak kullanabilecegimiz baghca tig kahp vardur: a) be + noun b) be + adjective ©) be + prepositional phrase Lam a teacher. Hes tall ‘They are at home. They are students. ‘The world isround. —_Jane is from England. She is a Turk. They are intelligent. She is at the bus-stop. Today is Tuesday. It's very hot today. We arc in the classroom. 1-2 "Be", yardime fill olarak siirerlik bildiren tense‘lerle de keullamabtr. Tam writing now./She is reading the newspaper. /They are listening to music. Ot 2- THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE 2-1 FORM Affirmative (olumlu) Negative (olumsu2} Interrogative (soru) Tam writing now. Tam not writing now, Am I writing now? You are reading a book. You are not reading a book. Are you reading a book? He/She/It ts eating lunch, He/She/ILis not eating anh. | Is he/she/it eating lunch? We are Uslening to music. We are not listening to music, | Are we listening to music? You are working hard. You are not working hard, ‘Are you working hard? ‘They are discussing their ‘They are not discussing their | Are they discussing their financial problems. financial problems. financial problems? Olumsuz soruyu iid sekilde sorabiliriz, Am I not trying to help you? or Aren't I trying to help you? Are you not helping your mother? or_—_Aren’t you helping your mother? Is she not studying English? or — Isn't she studying Enghsh? Are we not leaving for class now? or Aren't we leaving for class now? Are you not watching the film? or Aren't you watching the film? Are they not having breakfast? or Aren't they having breakfast ? 2-2 SPELLING OF -ING Senu-e ile biten filler | write writing shave shaving | Some ile biten filliere admire admiring amaze amazing | ing talus: eklenisken -e hope hoping dine dining auger. * hide hiding ride riding ‘TRA HECEL FILLER Sonu bir sestiharf-+bir| stop stopping run rumning | Bu gruba giren tek hece- sessiz harfle biten filler] beg begging rub rubbing | Ii filllerde.sondala sessiz sit. silling set setting hart git yazabr. isl HECEL FILLER a} listen Yistening open opening | Vurga L-hecedeyse.son- happen happening ripen ripening | dakt sessiz harf tek yan by prefer preferring begin beginning | ls:2.hecedeyse eit yaz.- i refer referring control controlling | hr, Sonu-yilebiten filler | study studying play playing | -y ile biten fillere -ing reply replying buy Buying talus: ekdenirken yazim- ry trying enjoy enjoying _ | da deisikitk olmaz. Sonu-ie ile biten filler} die dying ] fe -y' ye diinigir ve lie lying -ing ekientr. tie tying Sonu iki sessiz harile stand standing start — starting | ikt sessizie biten fillere bilen filler hold holding find finding ing eklenirken yazamda, spend spending bend — bending | deftisihtik otmaz. * Santee bigiminde biten iter ing takist alvken -e digmez: see-seeing, agreeagreving, freefrecing es ELS YDS 2-3 USE OF THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE a) Bu tense fle temel olarak iginde bulundugumuz anda yapmakta oldugumuz. eylemleri anlatiriz, Zamant pekistirmek igin ise now, right now, at the moment, at present, still gibi zaman zarilan kullanuriz, Mother is in the kitchen now. She is cooking dinner. — Where is your sister? —I think she is writing a letter in her room. Listen! They are talking about us. Can you hear what they are saying? b) Konugmanin gectigi sirada eylemi yapyyor olmasak bile, o siralarda yapmakta oldugumuz isleri de bu tense ile anlatinz ve nowadays, these days, this term, this year, this month, this semestre, at the moment { "su siralar’ anlamnda ) gibi zaman zarflan kullaninz, — How many courses are you taking this term? —I'm taking five courses. — I haven't seen Peter recently. Have you? —No, but I talked to him on the phone last Saturday. He is very busy these days. He is redecorating his house by himself. ¢) —_Degismekte olan durumlan, olaylan bu tense ile anlatirv. “Everything is expensive. (Her sey pahah)" cimlesi, flyatlann o ankst durumunu anlatir. Fakat, “Everything is getting more and more expensive. (Her gey gittil«ge pahalilagiyor.y" ifadesi, fiyatiann sirekli degistigini, yiikseldigini gosterir itis cold, ( Hava soguk. } Itis getting colder. { Hava gittikee soguyor. ) ‘The economic situation in Turkey is very bad. (Tarkiye'nin ekonomik durumu gol koto.) ‘The economic situation in Turkey is getting worse. (Tarklye'nin ekonomik durumu gittikee kétilesiyor. } 4) Bu tense’, tomorrow, next week, next year, next summer gibi gelecek zaman zarfanyla, gelecekte yapmay) planladigumy. eylemlert anlatmak igin Sullaninv. I'm meeting Ann next Saturday. ‘They are giving a party next month. She fs leaving istanbul in two days. Omeklerde goraldagii gibi, ciimle yapr olarak simdiki zamana, anlam olarak ise gelecek zamana aittir. Aym Kullanim Torkge'de de varoldugu icin, bu cimleleri Tarkce'ye, gelecek zaman ya da simdiki zaman yapisinda cevirmemiz mitmkindur. Son ornegt Tarkgeye su sekilde gevirebiliriz: list gin sonra istanbul'dan ayrthyor. / Iki gan sonra istanbul'dan aynilacak. es ELS YDS 3- THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE 3-1 FORM ‘Affirmative ( Olumiu) ‘Negative ( Olumsus ) Tnterrogative (Soru) 1 getup early don't get up early. Do I get up early? You go on holidey every year. | You don't go on holiday every year. Do you go on holiday every year* He studies hard He doesn't study hard. Does he study hard? ‘She cleans the house herself, } Sne doesn't clean the house herself. | Doas che clean the house hersell? 1 stands in the comer. 1 doesn't standin the corner. Does it stand in the corner? We keep our promises. We don't keep our promises. Do we keep our promises? ‘You ike animals very much. | You don't like animals very much. } a you like animals very much? ‘They help the people around. | They don't help the people around. | Do they help the people around? Uctincéi tell sahis icin ( he/she/it) fil, olumiu climlede -s talust abr. He reads a lot./She buys a newspaper regularly./The cat drinks only milk in the morning, Olumsuz eimlede ve soruda, yani "does" ya da "doesn't" bulunan cimielerde fill daima yalndir. He doesn't read a lot./She doesn't buy a newspaper every day. Does the cat drink milk in the morning? “have" fillinin detined sahis bigimi “has” dir. Ancak, soruda ve olumsuz cOmlede filin yal halt" have" kullamhr. Do you have a bath every day? —Yes, I do. (Ihave a bath every day.) —Does your son have a bath every day? —Yes, he does. ( He has a bath every day. ) — Does your father have breakfast in the morning? —No, he doesn't. ( He doesn't have breakfast in the morning. } 3-2 USE OF THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE 8) Bu tense ile, genelde yaphguni ler aiskaniklanmiz: anlatiz ve always, sometimes, never, often vb. sikhik bildiren zarflann yam sira, every day, every month, every summer gibi zaman zarflanm sikca Kullanarz, — What time do you usually get up? — I usually get up at seven o'clock — Does she always get up early? —Not always. She sometimes gets up very late. — How often do you go to the cinema? —1 go to the cinema every weekend/once a week/twice a month/three times a year etc. — How often does your brother write to you? — He writes to me very often. —_—— ELS YDS b) Frequency Adverbs ( Sikiik bildiren zaman zarflant) always) ———_____ all the time ( hep.her zamast} almost always/nearly always —> almost all the time, nearly all the \ time (hemen hemen her zaman) very often > cok sik} usually —___ygenerally ( genellikle) often, —____ frequently ( sue sie) sometimes occasionally, from time to time (bazen.ara sira } rarely —____ seldom ( ender.nadiren,seyrek } hardly ever. —______ almost never (hemen hemen hic } never —____ ( hi¢-hig bir zaman,asla } Yardime: fil bulunmayan olumlu cimlelerde bu zarflar asil fiilden Once, yani zne ite ydlklemin arasinda yer alr. ‘She always sings in English./I sometimes feel depressed./They seldom go to the theatre. Bu zarflar am, {s, are dan sonra gelir. I sometimes go to work late,/I am sometimes late for work. Sikh bildiren zarflann olumsuz cfimledeld yert de@isiktir. Always daima olumsuzluk eki not dan sonra gelir. Idon't always get up early./She doesn't always study very hard. ‘They aren't always late for class, frequently, sometimes ve occasionally olumsuzluk ekinden énce gelir. I sometimes don't want to be with people. /She frequently doesn't want to study. ‘They sometimes aren't ready on time./She occasionally isn't polite to the people around. NOTE: Birinci tell gahus icin bu kural gecerli deildir. Zarf, yardimet fill ‘am’ fle ‘not’ arasinda yer alr. I'm sometimes not patient enough with children. ‘usually, generally ve often her iki durumda da kullambr. ‘They usually don't go out in the evenings./They don't usually go out in the evenings. We often don't turn on the television. /We don’t often turn on the television. ‘They generally aren't awake till 1la.m./They aren't generally awake till 11am, rarely, seldom, hardly ever, almost never ve never olumsuz ciimlede kullanilmaz, Bu zarflar sadece olumlu cOmlede kullanihtr, ancak olumsuz bir anlam tagrr. I hardly ever go to the theatre. ( Tiyatroya hemen fiemen hig gitmem. } He almost never goes to work in his own car. (ise kendt arabasiyla neredeyse hig gitmez.) I'm hardly ever nervous before an exam. { Sinav éncesi neredeyse hig heyecanlanmam,) She never comes to her appointments on time. = She is wever on time for her appointments. ( Randevulanna asia vaktinde gelmez. } TES DDS Olumlu_antam, tagiyan sikhk zarflanm (usually, generally, often, frequently, sometimes and eecasionally) diloigis| Kurallanna uygun bu kullammlann yani sire. climlede varguyu arurmak fein, ciimlenin baginda da kullanabiliriz. Ozellikle sometimes bu gekilde cok sik kullambr. Sometimes I get angry easily. Occasionally I don't need to get up early. Usually they spend too much money on luxuries. NOTE: always bu sekilde cimle baginda yer alma. Olumsuz anlam tasiyan sikhk zarflan (rarely , seldom , hardly ever, scarcely ever and never) cGmlenin basina geldigi zaman cimle devrils olur. I never eat fish, ———__——3> Never do I cat fish. He rarely smokes, —______y» Rarely does he smoke. You seldom make mistakes. —3— Seldom do you make mistakes. She scarcely ever visits us. —3e. Scarcely ever does she visit us. ever olumlu veya olumsuz soruda Kullamihr ve ‘hig! anlamim verit. Olumsuz cevapta ‘hig! demek icin 'do not ever’ yerine ‘never’ kullanihr. — Do you ever smoke? —~ Don't you ever help your mother? —No, I never smoke. —Yes, [help her when I have time. ¢) Doga Kanunlanm, her zaman gecerlilift olan dogrulari ve genellemeleri bu tense ile ifade ederiz, Diamond is a precious stone./Water consists of oxygen and hydrogen. ‘The world revolves round the sun./Plants need water in order to grow. Water boils at 100° C./Wood floats in water but iron sinks. @) ‘What do you do? sorusu_kisinin neyle ugrastxguu, igint sorar. Yani ‘What is your job/occupation?’ sorusu ile aym anlamdadr. —What do you do? —What does your father do? —1'ma teacher. — Heis an accountant. ‘What do you do?’ sorusunu bir zaman zarfiyla kullamirsak, ‘sGaii edilen zamanda ne yaparsin’ anlamina gelir. — What do you do at the weekends? — What does your father do in the evenings? —Tusually meet friends. — He reads his newspaper or watches television. 3} Why don't you .. 2 Kah birine oneri getirirken kullambr. — Ihave a headache. — We have nothing to eat at home. — Why don't you take a tablet? — Why don't we go out for dinner? NOTE: “Why don’t you get up early in the mornings? I can't because I usually go to bed late.” ifadesinde, "Why don't you wn. ?* gercek bir soru dzelligi tasir ve kisi yamt verilmesini bekler. Ancak: “tm too tired. Why don't you lie down and rest?" ifadesinde, "Why don't you ......?" yapt olarak sorg olmasina Karsin, kendis! bir yanitur ve Oneri getirir. rr EUS VIDS ee ) Sinema, uyatro gibi etkinlislerin baslama ve bitis saatlerini, ders programlatint ya da ucak, tren, otobis tarifelerini belirtirken, geniy zamant gelecek zaman anlamuyla kullanabilirtz, ‘The buses start at 6 a.m. and stop at 12 p.m. every day. (simple present) Staite Arlee ces a8 in Weer ard ae there at 6 p.m. future Our classes usually begin at 9 and finish at 12. ( simple present) My class begins at 9 tomorrow and finishes at 12, ( future) 4- THE SIMPLE PRESENT or THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS Simdi bu iki tense'l kargilaguralm, 8) Konugmanin geetigi anda ya da o swalarda yapmakta oldugumuz igleri_ Present Continuous ile (I am doing) ; genelde yapugimuz isleri, algkanliklarmmizi ise Simple Present ile (1 do } anlatinz demistik. Father is in his room now. He is resting. ( now) Father always rests in his room in the afternoon. ( simple present) { want to concentrate on my studies. That's why I'm not playing volleyball this year. T usually play volleyball at the weekend. I don’t play on weekdays. b) Bazi filler sdrerlil bildiren tense'lerle ( I am doing. I was doing, I have been doing,cte.) kcullantimazier. Bu filler, konugma strasinda bizaat_yapilmakta olan bir eylem (action ) biidirmezler, durum ifade ederler. "I'm writing now." ifadesinde, write fill bir eylem bildirir. Yani benim 3 anda yapmakta oldugum bir ist ifade eder. "I know English." ifadesinde ise know fit bir eylem bildirmez. Yani, Kisinin yapmakta oldugu bir isi degil.statite bir durum bildirir. Durum bildiren fiillerin gimdiki zaman ve genig zaman icin kullarumlan aymdhr. When I get up in the morning, | want to drink something immediately. (simple present) tm very thirsty. I want to drink something, ( now) People need money in order to live. { simple present) [need some money, Can you lend me some? { now) ee ELS - YDS PROGRESSIVE (CONTINUOUS) TENSE'LERLE KULLANILMAYAN FHLLER, 1. DOSONMBYE ILISiIN FILLER ( MENTAL STATE } think * realize understand forget mean suppose notice feel want inlieve recognize doubt need snagine nove remember prefer 2. DUYGU BELIRTEN FILLER ( EMOTIONAL STATE ) love cshike Toate muind wish, ate appreciate fear care forgive lke detest envy desire SAHIPLIK BILDIREN FILLER ( POSSESSION } possess have * own, belong 4. DUYU FILLER! ( SENSE PERCEPTIONS ) sce" bear smell* taste * feel * 5 DIGER DURUM BILDIREN FILLER took * owe be* promise consist of seem cost exist refuse include appear* weigh * advise contain sound * Yanunda yilduz olan filler, fark bir antam tagudikian zaman, stirerlk bildiren (enseterte Kullaralutar. NONPROGRESSIVE (DURUM BILDIREN) or PROGRESSIVE ( EYLEM BILDIREN | think ‘sanmak, zannetmek’ anlamindaysa progressive tense‘lerle kullaniimaz; ‘dtiginmek’ anlamindaysa kuitarabm, I think she is a student. | think they will visit us next week. I'm thinking about going abroad next year. She isn't listening to the lesson now. She is thinking about her family. see ‘gormek’ anlamindaysa ‘ing’ almaz; ‘gOrdigmek’ anlamindaysa ' -ing' alir. Right now, Im locking out of the window. I see a lot of cars in the street and lots of people. ‘The doctor is seeing his patient now. The manager is seeing one of the applicants naw, smell ‘kokmak’ anlammdaysa' -ing’ almay; "koklamak’ anlanundaysa ' -ing’ abr. ‘This perfume smells very nice. ‘These flowers smell awful. I can't keep them in the kitchen. Look! Mother is smelling the flowers, 10 ELS- YDS have * sahiplik bildiriyorsa, progressive tenselerle kullaniimaz. Ancak, baska bir sdzctikle birlesip eylem bildirlyorsa, kullanr. Sorry, I can't lend you any money, because [ don't have much now. ‘She has two brothers. She is having breakfast now. Father can't come to the phone. He is having a bath right now. taste Bir nesnenin tadindan s0z ediyorsak '-ing’ almaz; ‘tadina bakmak’ anlamindaysa alr. ‘This soup tastes awful. I can't eal it. (Corbanm tach berbat.) ‘The inner looks bad but tastes delicious. (Vemegin grtintiisi k6td ama tad givzel) What are you doing here in the kitchen? Tm tasting the meal feel Bir nesnenin bize verdigi duyguyu fade edlyorsa ya da ‘sezinlemek, ummak’ anlamindaysa ‘ing’ almaz- ‘This pillow feels very hard. (=This pillow is very hard./Bu yastik cok sert.) | feel something bad will happen. (iota bir seyterin olacagim hissediyorum/sezinliyorum), ‘hissetmek’ anlamundayga '-ing’ alabil | feel better today. = hissediyorum. } 'm feeling better today. ( Bugin kendimi iyi look ‘gibi gorinmek’ anlamindaysa ‘ing’ almaz; bakmak’ anlammndaysa ‘ing’ abr. You look ill. You'd better go home and take a rest. ‘That ladder doesn't look safe. Why are you looking out of the window? ts there something interesting? 4m looking at you carefully but I don't understand what you are tying to lo. * Sahiplc biden ‘have.has’ "have got, has got 'bigiminde de kullanibr. Thave two sisters. don't have any brothers Thave got wo sisters. = Thaven't got any brothers. ‘She has a car, = She has gota car She doesnt have a bike. = She hasn't got a bike, Doyouhave ary nephews? —-«=_—=—=— Have you got any nephews? Yes, (do, = Yes, thave, No, I don't = No. thaventt Does she have a boat? Has she got a boat? Yes, she does, Yes, she has. No, she doesn’t. = No, she hasnt appear ‘gibi gorinmek’ anlamindaysa ‘ing’ almaz; ‘ortaya gikmak’ anlammdaysa “ing” aby. ‘The teacher appears to be in a bad mood today. She appears (o be bored with the film. Look! All is appearing from where he has hidden weigh Bir nesnenin agirligim sdylerken ‘ing’ alma: ‘lartmak’ anlanundaysa “ing? alr. ‘The baby ts getting fatter. She weighs six kilograms ‘The butcher is weighing the meat now. be be filnin present biciminin am Ss, axe. oldugunu ve 'sinidiht zaman’ ve gens zaman ‘gin aynt bigimde kullamidigim daha Onee ifade etmigtik 1am hungry. I want to cat something. (now) When I am very tense, | prefer to have a walk to relax. (general) ‘be’ fill, Konugmanin gecligi strada bir degisimi vurguluyorsa, bez sifatlarla Simdiki Zaman yapisiyla (am/is/are being) ullamin. "You are very rude. (Cok kabasmn) ifadest kiginin genelde kaba bir} oldugunu belirtir "You are being rude." (Kabalasiyorsun} ifadesi ise kiginin konugma sirasinda kaba davrandigim belirtir. ‘Kababk’ genel bir ézelkig} olmayablir, ©) ‘live’ ili ile sGrelei oturdugumuz yeri ifade ediyorsak, gents zaman kullanthr. — Where do you live? — Where do your parents live? — live in Istanbul. = They live in Germany. Aneal, gecici olarak ikamet ettigimiz yest simdiki zamanla belirtiriz. I moved to Istanbul only two weeks ago. and I'm living with my relatives: for the time being. EXERCISE 1 : Us« cither the Simple Present or the Present Progressive of the verbs given in parentheses. J+ Al the moment, workers (clear). building collapsed. 2- I's not fair! Some people (have)... .- all the luck! While we (write) sevnenienens the marketing plan here, Simon (have) . lunch with the owner and his wife. rubble from the site where the 3 The owner of the business (taste)... , three different varieties of a new curry product right now. She (always, taste)... everything herself before she (agree) - tolet production start. 4- I'm sorry. can’t give you a lilt. My car is in the garage and the mechanies (fix) oe the breaks at the moment. B- Sir, your wile (feel). the different qualities of the carpet samples now, and she (:rand) you to join her and help her deeide. 11 12 ———————— ELS YDS. LL 12. 13- cea 18- 19- 20- Although I (consider). a someone to stand guard while I (lock) e A: I see that you (wear) Your best clothes and you tloald somnensonnenesees WORDED, sess ssens YOU (GO) . to a party? B: Three fellow students and | (dine) -erseenees With Our professor and her husband this evening. About 40 percent of New Zealanders (thin'd myself brave in general, | (lie)... the shop doors in the evenings. .. that the British ‘Monarchy (not, represent) .. them and (wart) to become a republic, Asa tule, the majority of New Zealanders (stil, believe)... that the Queen [play) . citizens (question) Az coennee You (listen) to me? B¥Sorry, I (send) .. a text message. I won't be a minute. ‘This week, detailed discussions (take) ... . place between MacMillan and Cancerlink charities regarding how they can work better together. Both ‘Ricard! and ‘Pernod’ drinks (tasic) .. of aniseed, but ‘Pernod’ an important role for their country, but more and more the relevance of a queen in the 21st century. (taste) su ouee Sweeter than ‘Ricard’, 59 | (prefer) ‘Ricard’. Asnake's skin (look) - sono slimy, but it (not, feed slimy at all ‘The conditions these Afghan refugees (endure) are appalling. Every autumn, we tchopl .... iton the porch. It (always, feel) ..... .. great when I {come} . in from the cold in winter and (sit)... sonenee BY the fire. ‘The consumption of alcohol in winter (RUME) {MACE} oresesereee us less aware of the cold. .. at this troubled time plenty of wood and {stack} our senses, and thus it Albinos (have) ... white hair, pale skin and pink eyes. The non-formation of normal body colouring (cause)... the condition of albinism. Te (Seem) vor en as if my life (ged .. busier all the time and I (never, ged any time {0 myself any more. 4: I (rarely, see} Liz taking a break, «00. She ever (go) out at lunch time? B: She only (go) sandwich at her desk. sees Out very rarely. Normally she (eat) ote As Why secosnne You (Sniff Uke that? BEL (OY) crereroeenennean to decide what perfume you (wear)... at the moment, A: Oh, it's Givenchy ~ Ian's present for Christmas. B: It (smelt) sone Wonderful Every year., thousands of people (gather)... Year's celebrations, Lalmost always (wean. a suit to work, but today I (wear) «ve Jeans as part of a nation-wide charity event, I've paid one pound to be able to wear whatever I like today. Today, Peruvians (fight)... country’s history. Look! Black smoke (come) . AUEE GO sone garage? . in Times Square for the New one of the worst city centre fires in the oul of the bonnet and the temperature Up rapidly. WhY sarees WE (StOP) estnseesnes Ot Une NeXt 25- These days, more and more Indian troops (move) 28- At the moment, the judge (see) .... 29- A: Do you (think) 30 1 never, feel os TELS = YDS towards the .. to the area Pakistani border and some European prime ministers (flyl today for talks with the leaders, 26- A: Where is Maggie? B: She's been to the shops, and apparently, she (put. away now. A she (not, save) . B: Obviously not very hard. all the shopping .. for her holiday at the moment? 27- A: Where has Mum gone? B: There she is. She {smell her party. A ..-. you (not, mean) air fresheners? B: No, room fragrances are similar lo air fresheners, but they (cosd about twice as much. all the room fragrances to choose one for both the Defendant's lawyer and the Claimant's lawyer privaiely in his chamber. you (have) . any chance of wining this, chess match? : Yes. t (see) position, sem 8 Humber of good moves that | can make from this comfortable when I am on a plane. 5- THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE 5-1 FORM Affirmative ( olumtu ) Negative ( olumsuz ) Interrogative ( sora) L studied English. Ididn't study English. Did I study English? You worked hard. You didn't work hata, Did you work hard? He/She came late, He/She didn’t come late. Did he/she come tate? IW rained heavily yesterday. | It didn't rain heavily yesterday, Did it rain heavily yesterday? We enjoyed the party. We didn't enjoy the party. Did we enjoy the party? ‘You helped a tot. You didn't help a lot Did you help a lot? ‘They got up early. “They didn't get up early. Did they get up early? Olumia comlede, filerin past tense bieimt, ohamsuz ctmlede ve soruda ise fillerin yatin halt ‘ullamlrr. I stayed in lzmir for five years. She didn't study hard enough to pass the exam. Did you stay home yesterday? Kisa cevapta did ve didn't ullanihr. Did you go to the cinema last week? Yes, we did. ( Yes.we went to the cinema last week. } Did you visit your friends yesterday? No, I didn't. (1 didn't visit my friends yesterday. ) 13 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 14 ELS = YDS ee Bu tense gecmiste yapugum eylemleriolaylan ve durumlan anlaurken kullaninz. Yesterday, last night, last week, last summer, half an hour ago, ten days ago, two years ago vb. bu tense ile sikea kullandigim zaman zarflanchr. I became a teacher eight years ago. Where did you go on holiday last summer? He didn't play football last Sunday because he was ill. She left the country a few months ago. Davzenti { regular } filllerin past bi¢imi.fillin yalin haline" -ed " eklenerek elde edilir Present. : want slay study shave Past : wanted stayed studied shaved "be" fillinin past bicirni "was, were" bicitnindedir. I lived in a village when I was a child, She was late for work yesterday, so her boss was angry with her. We were at home last night. Dazenii fillerin "- ed" takisim almasiyla tigilt yazim kurallan, soyledir: 1) Cogu diizenii fill -ed ahr. talk - talked govern - governed roar - roared walle - walked seem - seemed roam - roamed 1) Bir sessiz+bir sesli+bir sessiz harften olugan lasa filllerde, sondald sesstz harf ¢lft yaailir. grab - grabbed stop - stopped beg - begued ban - banned slim - slimmed rob - robbed Sonu -e ile bitenler sadece -d talasi abr. gaze - gazed slare - stared lke - liked smile - smiled hate - hated save - saved IV) Sonu bir sessiz harf+y ile bitenlerde -y, -4 olur, ondan sonra - ed eklenir. try - tried cry - cried apply - applied dry - dried fry - fried study - studied -y den once bir sesli harf varsa yazimda defisitdlike olmaz. play - played delay - delayed betray - betrayed, pray - prayed decay - decayed spray - sprayed some ELS YDS eens eee 8-6 Diizensiz ( irregular ) fiillerin past bicimi ise tabloda goriildiga gibidir. AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS SIMPLE SIMPLE PAST SIMPLE SIMPLE past FORM PAST PARTICIPLE FORM PAST: PARTICIPLE, arise arose arisen fing flung fung be was.were been ay few flown bear bore ‘borne/born forbid forbade forbidden beat eat beaten /beat forecast forecast forecast become became become forget forgot forgotten begin began begun forgive forgave forgiven bend bent bent forsake forsook. forsaken bet bet bet* Ireeze froze frozen bid bid bid get got gotten * bind bound bound ave gave given bite bit ‘bitten go went gone bleed bled bled ind ground ground blow blew blown grow grew grown break broke broken hang hung hung breed brea bred have had had being brought brought hear beard heard broadcast ‘proadeast broadcast hide nia hidden build built built hit hit hit burst burst burst hola held held buy bought bought hurt hurt burt cast cast cast keep kept kept catch caught caught know knew known choose chose chosen lay lid Iaid cling clung clung ead led led come came come eave eft left cost cost cost end ent Tent creep, crept crept yet let ret cut cut cut Ue ey Jain deal dealt dealt tight it/lightea Mt/lightea ag dag dug lose Test lost do aud done make made made draw drew drawn mean, meant meant cat ate eaten meet met met fall fell fallen mislay mislaid mislaid feed fed fed mistake mistook mistaken feel felt felt pay paid paid fight fought fought put put put find found found quit quit quits At fit fit read read read flee fled fled rid nid nid 15 16 ee SIMPLE, SIMPLE PAST FORM Past PARTICIPLE ride rode Hidden ring rang, rung rise rose tisen say said sald see saw seen seek sought sought sell sold sold send sent sent set set set shake shook shaken shea shed shed shine shone/shined — shonte/shined shoot shot shot show showed shown/showed shrine shrank/shrunk shrunk shut shut shut sing sang sung sit sat sat sleep slept slept slide slid slid slit sit sift speak spoke spoken speed aped/speeded sped /speeded spend spent spent spin spun/span spun spit spit/spat spit/spat spit split split spread spread spread spring sprang/sprung sprung SIMPLE, SIMPLE Past FORM past. PARTICIPLE stand stood stood steal stole stolen stick stuck stuck sting stung stung stink stank/stunk stunk strive strove striven strike struck struck/stricken sting stung strung, swear swore sworn sweep swept swept swim swam swum sing swung swung take reake taken teach taught taught ear tore torn tell told told think thought thought, throw threw thrown thrust thrust thrust understand understood understood. undertake undertook undertaken upset upset upset wear sore worn weep wept wept win won won wind wound wound withdraw withdrew withdrawn wring wrung wrung write ‘wrate written * Bu filer tein American English ve British English arasindaki farkhibidara dilekat edintz, American British bet - bet - bet bet bet bet or bet - betted - betted Ji fit fit ft ted fitted get - got - gotten get - got - got quit ~ quit - quit ‘quit -quitted - quitted ‘American English’de dazenlt olan baz filler British Enghishide dOzensizdir. American: burbwned, dream-dreamed, kneet-kneeled, lean-leaned, smett smelled, spill-spilled. etc. British: burvbumt, dreamdreamt, keteel-knelt, learcleant, smellsmett, spll-spit. 5-7 CONFUSING VERBS a) raise, raised, raised (transitive) ‘The supermarket raised its prices twice last week. b) rise, rose, risen (intransitive) Prices rose three (imes last week. ¢) arouse, aroused, aroused (transitive) ‘The man's peculiar behaviour aroused the police's suspicion. d) arise, arose, arisen (intransitive) heir suspicion arose because of the man’s peculiar behaviour. ©) set, set, set (transitive) We set the chair at the head of the able. f) sit, sat, sat (intransitive) My father sat al the head of the table. lay, laid, laid (transitive) We laid the carpet alter we'd painted the walls. h) Hie,* lay, lain (intransitive) Lay on the sofa afer dinne sleep. nd went to bind, bound, bound (tie up) He bound the dog to the fence with a long rope 49) find, found, found I found your pen on top of the fridge. i) bound, pownded, bounded (1. border 2. jump) Luxembourg is bounded by Belgium, Germany and France “The dag was bounding across the licks 1) found, founded, founded (establish) Mao Tse-Tung founded the People’s Republic of China m) grind, ground, ground (crush into powder) In the past people ground wheat into flour using large stones. n) ground, grounded, grounded (compel to Stay on the ground) The authorities grounded the plane for safety checks, 0) wind, wound, wound (twist, turn) He wound the suring tata a tight ball. q) fall, fell, fallen She fell as she was getting off the bus, 5) see, saw, seen ‘They saw an accident while driving to work. p) wound, wounded, wounded [injure The gun shots wounded several people. 1) fell, felled, felled (cut down) ‘They felled the tree because it was getting too big, saw, sawed, sawed/sawn (cut with a saw) He sawed the wood into equal lengths. wu) hang, hung, hung (suspend something} ‘They hung a flag from the window for Republic Day. hang, hanged, hanged (kill someone by hanging) The leader of the Pakistani military coup. General Zia ul-Hug, hanged the President, Bhutto, in 1979. * Lie *yalan soylemek’ anlamindaysa, divenii bir fiildir: She lied to us about her coming late 17 18 EXERCISE 2 : Choose the correct word in parentheses. 1 10- 1 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17. 22- 23- 24. 25- ‘The developers (fell/felled) several mature peach trees (o clear land for the supermarket, ‘Once the wind caught my kite, it (rose/raised) higher and higher over the trees. I know Chinese traditional medicine includes many herbal remedies, but once | (sawed/sazs) an old Chinese woman who also (around/grounded) animal bones for medicinal purposes. After the tragedy of September 11, 2601, the US government (grounded/ground) all fights out of New York. On New Year's Eve in Scotland, it is traditional for everyone to (rise/raise) their wine glasses and drink to health, wealth and happiness for the new year. Tm pleased with the way my balcony looks. Last week, I (hung/hanged) four lanik style ceramic balls, one in each corner. Before the trial, the prisoner (hung/hanged) himself in his prison cell. ‘The magician asked his assistant to step into the box. He then (saw/sawed) the box into two, The audience was amazed when they (saw/ saved) the girl in two pieces. Last summer, our hens cach (lay/laid) an egg every day, but this summer they are not very productive. As she walked (hrough the deep, dark forest, she tripped over the roots of an old pine tree and (fell/felled) to the ground. Iwas so embarrassed. Tht moment I opened the door to Aunt Agatha, my dog, Snowy, (bounded/ bound) down the hall and jumped on her. Both sides were in agreement about the size of the pay rise, but some confusion (arose/aroused) about the date from which the increase would be applied, During the explosion, a piece of flying glass (wounded/wound) Steve's face. As child, I had a clockwork fairy. The fairy sang “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’. Every day | (wound/wounded) it up over and over again, and it would drive my mum mad. Prince Charles (found/founced) The Prince's Trust in order to help young people with new business ideas. Eventually we (found/founded) a parking space, but it took us a long time. ‘The legal secretary (bound/bounded) all the files about Mr Smith's personal injury claim together and put them on the lawyer's desk. In the 20th century, average life expectancy (raised/rose) mainly because of improved diet and hygiene and not as a result of any major medical breakthrough. Ironically, it was the thieves’ reluctance to leave their temporary home that (arose/aroused) the curiosity of their neighbours. which eventually led to their arrest, Joseph (sat/sed by the fire and smoked his pipe. When he was finished with it, Joseph (sat/sed the pipe in its stand on the shelf above the fire, Julia solemnly (laic/lay) the fowers on her mother's grave. Last night I Just (laid/lay) on the sofa and watched the horror movie on TV. After flying our kite, we (wound/.wounded) the sting back around the handle and walked down the hill Usually, after a crash at an airport, the authorities (ground/grind) all aircraft and close the airport until safety officers declare the area safe. es ELS - YDS, EXERCISE 3 : Complete the sentences with the Simple Past forms of the irregular verbs in the list. Use each verb only once. bear bend bite burst cling fling fy freeze quit ring slide split steal undertake upset 1 When we visited Mount Nemrut, we our journey by coach. 2 Because they lived a long way from a school, Roberta .. . the responsibility (or her children’s education and gave them lessons at home. 3- You and Josie... Me last night with your insensitive remarks about my weight. 4 The explorers’ donkey .. camping equipment and various tools. 5- He pretended to be the son of the Sheik. Then he asked to see some diamond rings and necklaces and .. fifty thousand pounds’ worth of jewellery from the gullible shopkeeper. 6- On 11th September, 2001, some of the victims trapped in the World Trade Centre themselves out of windows to their death. 7- Susie's inflatable rubber ring . in the swimming pool. Luckily, Her mother was right next to her. 8- Last winter, the weather got evtremely cold and the water in the drain pipe . and completely blocked the drains. 9 Tan's dog. his mother-in-law’s leg and she hasn't visited them since. 10- Afr several defeats of the English national football team, Kevin Keegan his job as thei manager. 11. When the twins inherited their father’s large house, they simply .. property into two and made two separate family homes. 12- She died because, when thieves grabbed her bag, she under the train. 13- When Sicard, the famous teacher of the deaf, died, church leaders the bells all day as a mark of respect. 14- My new fur coat is so heavy that when I hung it in the wardrobe it the rail. Now the rail 1s a strange ‘U' shape. AS- During the repairs to their roof, Steve Jost his footing and roof dangerously. Luckily, he managed to stop. to Diyarbalur and then continued . the weight of three weeks’ food supplies, eo the to it and fell . down the dust For Fun SPECIAL DELIVERY ‘leer catries once encountered a new resident whe was dlsappsiniea because he didn’t ‘bring her anything from her daughter, She went'on with complaining about the ills of the Postal Service. The carrier listentd to her patiently, and then he assured her that he'd personally deliver any mail from het loved one. A fewr days Inter, as the letter carricr neared the same house, a young woman stepped out of a taxi, Glaneing around uncertainly, she approached the carrier and showed him a piece of paper with a name and a street but no house numnber. Recognising the new resident's name, he took the young woman to the house. Just then theelderiy woman stepped onio her poreh and, after a nioment of stunned silence, rushed into her daughter's arms. =. ‘Tears a€ joy in her eyes, thé mother told the letter carrier, “I still'think you are slow with your regular mail, but you sure make up for it with your special delivery!” (by Virginia Torre2, from Reader's Digest) 20 Se EXERCISE 4 +: Complete the sentences with the Simple Past forms of the irregular verbs 10- 1 12- 13- 1a in the list. Use each verb only once. break butld choose draw give hide hold lend tight see shed shoot strive throw weave Last night, we .. year’s programme. Aright wing gunman .. . a meeting of the club members and decided on next sess and killed the Roman Catholic Archbishop of El Salvador, Oscar Romeroy Galdamez, during a religious ceremony in 1980. An Egyptian craftsman sisson @ tapestry, a cloth with figures on it, for the tomb of Tuthmosis IV in 1414 BC. Twas lucky because a friend of mine me some ski boots, poles and a ski suit for last year's holiday. He said I could borrow them again this year, too. Between 1900 and 1910, Frank Wright and Louis Sullivan ...... several ‘prairie’ houses, which are considered classics of 20th century domestic architecture. In 1990, the athlete Steven Beckley a javelin 89.58 metres, which was a world record. Last year, we visited the area around Katahya and . Phrygian ruins. From the essay title list. 1 ... William Wordsworth’s and Coleridge's voint Work’ because I love these poetic works. ‘The police artist... a picture of the murderer's face from the witness's description. ‘The last time | ceremony. As the ambassador's wife stepped off the plane, a little gir! from St John's orphanage senesnenennue Her a bunch of flowers. William TURE weesssnsnsenes for the improvement of hospitals for the mentally ill In 1796 he opened his first hospital for the ‘friendly and humane’ treatment of the mentally ill. Last night We vrai the barbecue for the first time this summer and ate our dinner on the balcony During the latest conflict in Afghanistan, they couldmt catch the Taliban leaders because they .. in caves in the Tora Bora mountains. Yesterday one of our shelves collapsed and several plates .. the floor. the amazing tears was when I cried at my son's graduation .. as they hil EXERCISE 5 : Complete the sentences with the Simple Past forms of the irregular verbs lL 12 13- ceo 15 in the list. Use each verb only once. bleed catch creep dig keep lie mean mistay pay put swear swim swing weep teach ‘This morning, 1 . my car keys and I had an important meeting. Luckily, my mother found them down the back of the sofa, ‘The prison guard beat the boy's back with a stick until the boy's wounds : heavily. As I found Aunt Martha's stories boring, 1 ...e---e-n noe, OWL Of the lounge unnoticed and went upstairs to play computer games. Last Saturday, my brother Lacoste's. Mine cost me only £2.99. When Graham married Dorothy, he side. When I commented on her welght, I se it as a compliment. She looks much healthier now, It was so unfortunate that our goalkeeper first .. dropped it. H The contestant from French Guiana . the qualifying round alone because the other two contestants were disqualified for diving into the pool too soon. ‘On the day that the factory closed down, some of the employees alt ‘was a very emotional day for many workers. ‘The boys had a wonderful time at their uncle's farm. They ied an old tyre to a tree and back and forth on it over the stream all afternoon. She all her notes from university until she moved to Australia, Angelica ina primary school in Haiti for six months with the Voluntary Service Organisation This morning, .. .. some nuts on the bird table in our garden, Now there is not a single nut left. Yesterday. my father £100 for some designer sunglasses at enw that he would never leave her the ball and then a big hole in our garden for a fish pond and lined it with thick plastic sheets ready for the water. Instead of sitting on the park bench. I... and had a rest. ..on the grass, closed my eyes 21 22 Se —— EXERCISE 6 + Complete the sentences with the Simple Past forms of the irregular verbs 10- 1 12- 13- 14- 18+ in the list. Use each verb only once. breed cast fake st flee forsake lead rid seek shrink string thrust toi withdraw uring The Mayor's car ... Participants followed. ‘The florist's Christmas window display was so attractive that it Chamber of Commerce's prize for the best display. The motorist angrily «..~ .. the £100 into the mechanics hand. He thought that amount was far too much for @ new battery. ‘The ground was really wet and, after a day's march over the mountains, the soldiers sense OUF their socks and hung them up to dry. After American bombing, thousands of Afghan citizens to Pakistan. They reached a peaceful settlement fast month and last week both sides seeoee their troops from the area. When he started his business, he which had branches in America and England. Last Monday. I washed my Buldan cushion covers in hot water to get a stain out, and, unfortunately, they . They don't fit over the cushion inserts any more. After many auditions, the director .... Billy Elliot in the film of the same name. She ... - her father's fortune when she married a coal miner. Her father completely disowned her. Jamie converted part of his father’s farm and ... to France, where they are a favourite dish, Some of the soldiers who on the front line were very young. We. our garden of weeds by using a weed ldller spray. Frank bought an old deleimer. an ancient musical instrument, which he polished and himself. It plays beautifully now. Carl wasn’t even well dressed at his sister's wedding, but at least, for once, his jacket ‘him properly. the procession through the town. All the other the .. advice from a firm of accountants, a local Yorkshire boy in the part of . edible snails for export EXERCISE 7 : Complete the sentences with the Simple Past forms of the verbs in the list. Some of the verbs are regular and some are irregular. Use each verb only once. beg elim cut fling Ju hurt ‘save shake shave shut sperd tell walk wash wear = ELS- YDS 1. When her daughter anounced her engagement to the wealthy landowner, she .her arms around her and hugged her 2. We missed the last bus, so we all the way home from the shops. 3- Last month. 1. 4. This morning, | drying now. 5 When . the door thts morning, my keys were in the house, so I had to get a locksmith to let me in. 6- This morning, while preparing breakfast, 1 knife, but it wasn't sexious. 7 Yesterday evening, my cat down. At the Royal garden party yesterday, the Queen suit vith a matching hat. 9- The gypsy lady held her docite baby and 10- This morning, Lilly... me a terrible lie, so I'm not her friend any more. 11- Last month, | £50 from my wages towards our summer holiday. Now Thave £150 in my account for our trip to France. 32- Last summer, our pet dog jumped over a barbed wire fence and .... leg, It didn’t bleed much, but be limped for a long time. 13- Last night. Tim ...0cseeneonnue MMS beard off for the first time in fifteen years. He looks very different without it. JA. The last candidate for the job was very nervous. His hands . throughout the nerve 15-1 somone Sone aubergines in olive oll to accompany our evening meal tonight, ‘They were delicious. #80 on petrol. all the bedroom curtains — they are out on the line . my finger with the bread the tree in our garden and refused to come ..a pink and purple for some money for food. his EMPHATIC "DO" Simple Present ve Simple Past tenselerle, normalde, olumh camilede “do/does, did” ‘kullamaimaz. Ancak vurguyu arurmak {gin bu yardimar filleri olumlu eiimnlede Ikullanabiliriz, Bu durumda her ils tense ile de asil fil yalin haliyle Kullamahr, Your brother docsn't like fish, does he ? Yes. he does like fish. You don't help your mother with the housework, do you 7 ‘Yes, I do help my mother whenever I have time. You didn’t go to school yesterday, did you ? Yes, I did go to school yesterday. oped alia roadside restaurant. The waitress brought him a hamburger, a eal of ple. As the truck driver was about to star! eating, three men in eather jackets pulled up-on motoreystes and came inside. One grabbed the man’s hamburger, Wesboond one teal n golles and the fhe one (ook his ple, She truck drwver dant say a ier and left. One of the bikers said to the “she replied. "He just ran ty Jonn ‘Wiley&Sons, from A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Boardroom) 24 THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE 6-1 FORM Affirmative Negative Interragative was working. wasn't working. Was | working? You were studying, He/She/tt was eating hunch, We were laughing, You were talking. ‘They were arguing, You weren't studying. He/She/It wasn't eating lunch. We weren't laughing, You weren't talking, ‘They weren't arguing Were you studying? Was he/she/it eating lunch? Were we laughing? Were you talking? Were they arguing? Where were you living this time last year? {was living in tamir. What were you doing at 9 p.m, last night? I was watching television. 6-2 USE OF THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE a) Bu tense’i,gecmiste belli bir noktada yapmakta olduguntuz eylemlert anlatrken kullanurz, This time last year, this time last winter, at this hour yesterday, yesterday at 3 o'clock etc, bu tense ile sik kullantlan zarflardir. ‘This time last summer, I was lying on the beach in Bodrum, but now I'm working hard to finish this project. What were you doing at noon ast Saturday? I was playing football with friends. b) Past Continuous (I was doing) ile Past Tense (I did) arasindaki kullanmm farkma dikkat ediniz, Eger, geemiste tamamiladigimy. bir eylemden sézediyorsak Simple Past Tense kullanirwz. (Gnemit olan belli bir zamanda "Ne yaptyordum?” degil, "Ne yaptum?"cir. } What did you do last night? 1 watched television first, then studied English. Eger, gecmiste tamamladigimz, bir eylemi degil de, sozit edilen zamanda yapmakta oldugumuz igi anlatyorsak, Past Continuous Tense kullanilir. (Onemli olan "Ne yaptim?” degil. "Ne yapyordum?” dur. ) What were your parents doing when you got home last night? ‘They were waiting for me to eat dinner with them. re ELS YDS ©) Siirerlilik bildiren tenselerle kullarulmayan filler {non-progressive verbs), Past Continuous Tense ile de kullaniimaziar. {already knew the news about him. (Ben onunla ilgili habert zaten biliyordum.) She thought that ! would go to the party as well. { Partiye benim de gktecegimi zannediyordu,] ‘The flowers looked nice yesterday, but now they are fading. 4) Geemisteki ahskanhiklanmiz ya da sik sik yapbgumz cylemleri Simple Past Tense ile anlaunz, I went to the cinema very often when I was at university. cimlesini Tiirkgeye iki sekilde cevirebiliriz. “Oniverstedeyken sinemaya cok sik giderdim” ya da “Universitedeyken sinemayd ok stk gidiyordum.” (Bu ciimledeki “gidiyordum’ ifadesi ilk anda Past Continuous Tense gibi yoriinse de, geemigie belli bir noktada devam etmekte olan bir eylemi degil de, genelde olan bir eylemi anlatg icin Simple Past Tense kollansamyz gerekir.) When he was young, he played football in the schoo! team. { genera) in the past } When | saw him yesterday, he was playing football (@ specific point in the past) €) — Geginiste bir eylemi, baslangie ve bitig zamanm: Lelirterek anlatiyorsak, Past Continuous Tense kullamnz. (Bu tir comlelerde Simple Past Tense kullanmak da mimktindar.) Iwas watching a film on television from nine until eleven last night. He was working as an accountant from 1985 to 1989. WHEN and WHILE SENTENCES Past Continuous Tense "when" ve ‘while ciimlelerinde cok silk kullanilaiy bir tense’dir. Geemiste devam etmekle olan bir eylems sirasinda bir baska eylem olmugsa. bu Guramu gu cimlelerle ifade ederiz. I was eating dinner when the guests arrived. (Konullar geldiginde yemek yiyordum.) Thurt my leg while | was playing football UPutbol oynarken bacagim ineittim, } 25 26 ns ELS | YIDS a WHEN T- "When" ile kuruimus bir zarf cimlecigi (adverbial clause}, genelliile temel ciimledekt (main clause) eylemin devam etmekte oidugu zamani agiklar. “Bir eylem oldugunda bir baska eyiem oluyordu” bigiminde bir anlam tasir.Bu nedenle "when" in bagh bulunduga cimiede Simple Past, temel cimlede ise Past Continuous kullanuhir. When he came, Lwas studying. ( O geldiginde ben ders cahstyordum. } adverbial main clause clause He came fe past now future I was reading I was reading when he came. When I went out, it was raining. ‘They were arguing when | entered the room, (Ben igert girdigimde, tartisryorlard:.) T- "When" arka arkaya yapilms eylemleri anlatmak igin de kullambir, Bu durumda her iki cimlenin de tense’ Simple Past'dir. When he arrived, we went into the cinema, (First he came. Then we entered the cinema.) (0 gelince, sinemaya girdilc) When he left work, he got on a bus and went home. When the teacher asked a question, I raised my hand to answer it. imple Past, Simple Past WHILE. “While” cOmilecigt genellikdle, temel cimledeki eylem sttasinda devam etmekte olan bir baska eylemi anlatmak icin kullanihr. Bu nedenle, "while" in bagh bulundugu cismle Past Continuous, temel ciimle ise Simple Past‘drr. While [was studying, _he came in, { Ben ders calisirken o geldi.) adverbial main clause clause: I left home < t > past now fatare ‘They were sleeping Heft home while my parents were sleeping i took a photograph while you weren't looking. While + Past Continuous [- "While" cmlecigi, temel ctimiedet eylemle aym anda olan bir eylemt anlatmak igin de ‘kullannir, Bu durumda her iki comle de Simple Past Tense ile kurulur. 1 sang while I washed the dishes. {Bulasiklan yikarken arta soyledim. ) She watched me while I made the cake. ( Kek yaparken bent izledi,) | waited outside while she had an interview. (0 gordigme yaparken ben diganda belledim.) while + Simple Past., Simple Past 27 28 m- Iv- ELS -¥DS "While" birbirine paralel devam eden iki eylemi anlatmak t¢in de kullanihr. While the teacher was lecturing, the students were talking among themselves. (Ogretmen ders anlatirken @greneiler kendi aralannda Konuguyorlard:. I was studying while everybody at home was sleeping. ( Svde herkes uyurken ben ders galigiyordum. } While + Past-Continuous , Past Continuous while” ile ayn: anlem veren bir diger baglag “as" dir. While I was coming here, Iran into an old friend, As I was coming here, I ran into an old friend. Thad a look at the old magazines while / as I waited at the doctor's, , daha vurgulu bir anlatmdwr. ‘The postman came just as I was leaving home. (Tam ben evden qikarken, postact geld. } dust as I sat down at the table, the phone rang, (Tam masaya oturdum ki telefon cal) EXERCISE 8 : Use cither the Simple Past or the Past Continuous of the verbs in parentheses. 1 While I (arrange) .. the ornaments, the shelf {collapse}... a 2+ This time last year, Reginald (Serve) cscs With the British Army in Kosova, but he (return)... to civilian life in December. 3+ She (world .. .. as a waitress in a beachside bar when he (meet) her. - She (follow) her diet plan strictly every day until she (weigh) 60 kilos. 5- When I (hear) all the'chickens squawking, 1 (go) c-ssesssaenne tO the chicken shed and (find) .... «that a fox (chase)... so I (take) my shotgun and (shoot)... 6- While the young Prince Harry (drinid . .. an aleoholie drink in a bar, a photographer (take) ... . his photograph. Only this time on Saturday, we LOOK) ...omesueneseane in the window of the travel agent's. Now we are looking right at the Pyramids. 8. When the fire (reach) ... .. thelr farm house, they (jump)... into their pick-up truck and (drive)... . off . them, ———————_ F1S- DS 10- oo 32- 13- 14- 15- 17- 18. 19- 20- 21. 24 25- dust as I (seal... ae me to say that she (come) . Whea the fire alarm (1090) .... aerobics workout class. We (rush) swiss the envelope for a letter to her, she (ring) to see me the next day, oseecenrne WE (LAE) part in an outside immediately. It was cold standing outside in our leotards. While the policemen (evacuate) . shoppers ancl employees. the bomb explode ... ‘The exploston (injure) . over 100 people, According to the report, the suspect (watch) son television with his Girlfriend from 6 p.m, to 10 p.m, on the night that kidnappers (abduct) .. the heiress. Last summer. a ball (come) . through the kitchen window and (hit) my mother as she (wash) ... up. Your niece (look) ... nice when she (leave) . .. for the party. The paper (jam) «in the machine as | (photocopy) -..eessreereves the committee's report. When | (call) at Mark's house, he (world ....... on his term project, but after some gentle persuasion, he (join)... «The for some basketball practice, White the family (celebrate) «s.r their daughter's birthday. a gunman (open... fire on the guests, and then , he (shoot) ....» himself. When we (return)... to our hotel room, the chambermatd (clean) . the room, so we (spend) .... some time at the hotel's café drinking coffee. He (find. .. a shorteut to worl while he (follow) ....eeseeseenene a traffle diversion around some road works. Around this time yesterday. Kon! and his farnily (saluage) - their property from their home, Fortunately, they (manage) to a safer place before the lava from the voleano [cover) ........... Terry Yok)... she {eat) .. her dessert, she (excuse) .... to carry all of it the house. really pale al the beginning of the dinner party, and as herself and {leave} ... her umbrella, the wind (blow) seseesnenes HOME When she (open) of her hand. The doctors (test). .» Paul's blood for another condition when they (discover) .. . that he (have)... diabetes. While we. as his friends, (worn) ... about how he would pay off his debts, he (enjoy) .. Jerome (smoke)... .»- himself at discos and bar . @ cigarette when the head teacher fwalld past the bieycle sheds. 29 30 ns ELS- YDS EXERCISE 9 : Complete the sentences with the Simple Past or Past Continuous of the 10- i 12- 13- 14 18+ verbs in the list. Use each word only once. argue beat carve Sight forgive grind lose move patnt rub sail sign stick stinie watch Yesterday. I went to the delicatessen on Main Street. | bought some Brazilian & Kenyan coffee beans and they. them specially for me. with each other fiercely, so she When the teacher came in, two BOYS «css gave them both detention as a punishment. This time yesterday, 1 . stamps to a large pile of envelopes at work. (On our skiing holiday, I challenged Lisa to a race downhill to the café in the valley. Lisa... - me by at least a minute, so I paid for her lunch as well as mine. When I went to Mrs Smith's office this time yesterday. SH€ «0. her new office, so | am going back today. Last night, my feet were sore, so 1 ... her files to them with some lavender ofl, and it worked, On my last holiday, 1... .-- my gold chain. When I noticed it was no longer around my neck, | looked for it without suecess. When we came out of class, some workmen ... the corridors of the school, so we had to be careful. When we were young, we .. park. When he noticed that they ..... the Titanic raised the alarm. We opened all the office windows this morning to let in some fresh air as the entire room workers’ glue, I didn't give the Sales Manager the message immediately because he ..... with the Marketing Manager at the time. Everyone it I didn’t see the 9 o'clock news last night, At the time, [ncecrcnenesenee @ film on another channel. AS she was fll, {..csnccueneoee my mother immediately for not sending my daughter a birthday present. She sent her something as soon as she was well enough to do so. .. our names in the large, old oak tree in the directly towards an iceberg, the captain of Apparently the awful smell was from the construction ssssentase Mr Coster's retirement card and he was thrilled to receive ELS YDS EXERCISE 10: Complete the sentences with the Simple Past or Past Continuous of the verbs on the list. Use each word only once. bake cost cough falt find govern hit kneel raise respect rise rush stretch waste pay 1+ In the burnt out remains of the house, they 0.0... a small steel case with valuable jewellery in it. Ze JeTEMY eornrsntsnseeeeee Gown Mn front of Valerie romantically and held her hands as he proposed marriage to her. 3+ When I drove past the chemical factory, thick black smoke . chimney. a 1. a lot of time yesterday ringing lots of hotels in Uludag, since they ‘were alll fully booked. 5- While I was presenting my campaign, a gentleman in the audience ....... loudly all the time, which distracted me. 6- When I passed John in the corridor, he .-..ccnsoneue. Somewhere. He was in such a hurry that he didn't even notice me. 7 Yesterday. 1. an apple pie for the children. 8- I couldn't believe that the man... his dog cruelly with a piece of wood. ‘9. When the ballerina collapsed, she . her leg muscles on the exercise bar. 10- Last week, Beckett's Farm uu the price of their eggs to £1.30 per dozen. 11- Although | thought this was too much, 1 . the new price. 12- At the time I bought this house, property prices ...0.--- , but I stil felt confident that it was a good investment for the future. 13- At the time the military commander took charge of the country, the president ery poorly and many people welcomed their new leader. 14- When I was young, I. «the Royal Family, but now ! think they behave worse than most other people. 18- I remember that, when I first visited Istanbul, a Ucket for the ferry crossing across the Bosphorus... 80,000 Lira, sesseu from the IS = DS 7- THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE 7-1 FORM Affirmative Negative Interrogative Thave watched that film. Mave not watched that film. Have I watched that film? You have seen him twice. You have not seen him twice, Have you seen him twice? a He/She/it has eaten lunch, | He/She/It bas not eaten lunch. | Has he/she/it eaten lunch? We have invited her. We have not invited her. Have we invited her? You have worked hard. You have not worked hard. Have you worked hard? “They have visited us, ‘They have not visited us. Have they visited us? Bu tense olusturmak icin have/has + past participle (fillerin Ggined halt) kullanthr. Have/has ve have not/has not genellikle lusaltulms olarak kullanthr. We seen that film before./You haven't seen that film. He's seen that film twice before. /She hasn't seen that film yet. Olumsuz soruyu iki sekilde sorabiliriz D Kosaltma yapmadan: Have you not scen that film yet?/Has she not seen that film before? ‘) Kisaitma yaparak: Haven't you seen that film yet?/Hasn't she seen that film before? 7-2 USE OF THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE a) Gecmiste yapbgumuz eylemter! zaman vermeden anlatiyorsak, bu tense Kullaniriz, She has removed all the furniture in the house, ‘They have painted their house. Ancak, aymi eylemleri zamamu belirterek ifade edersek, Simple Past kullanmamuz gerekir, ‘She removed all the furniture in the house last weekend. ‘They painted their house a few weeks ago. 82 ELS - YDS Gecmiste yaphgimyz eylem icin zaman zarf kullanmasak bile, eer zamant ima ediyorsak, yine Simple Past kullanir, [saw tat film when I was in Ankara." ciimlcsinde kesin olarak bir zaman vermesck de," when I was in Ankara” geemigte belli bir dénemi lade etmelctedir, I went shopping after work. [‘a/fer work” yine belli bir zaman belirtmektedir.) 1 met him in izmir. ("in /zmir’ ifadesi yer belirtmesine kargin."lzmir'de bulundugum dénemde” anlamum ima elmektedir.) Present Perfect Tense ile sorulan sorulara yantt verirken, yine bu kurallara dikkat etmeliytz b) e) “Have you met his girlfriend?” sorusuna bir kag gekilde yamt verebitiriz. Yes, Lhave, (or No, | haven't.) Have you met his girlfriend? Yes. I met her last week. (or I met her at Alice's party.) Have you seen my glasses? Yes, Ihave. (or No, | haven't) Have you seen my glasses? ‘Yes, I saw them on the kitchen table a few minutes ago. Yalan gecmiste olup sonuglar ya da etkilert iginde bulundugumuz anda devam eden eylemler icin bu tense’ kullaninz. Ihave burnt myself. (1'm in pain now. — Su anda act cekiyorum.) ve cleaned the house. ( It's clean now. } Today. this morning, this week, this month, this year, this century vb. . heniz tamamlanmamus bir dénem ifade eden zarflarla kullamhr. I've been to the cinema twice this week. i haven’t been able to go on holiday this year. ‘Technology has advanced greaily in this century. “This morning", "this afternoon" ve "this evening" ifadelerin{ kullamrken, saat kavramna, dikkkat edelim. Genellikle saat 13.00 kadar olan sire sabah (morning), 17.00'ye kadar dgleden sonra (afternoon), 17.00-20.00 arast ise aksam (eventing) saatierini bildirir. Bu durunida: 33 ——_— Ls - Ds I haven't heard the alarm this morning. ifadesini, sabah difiminin hendz bitmemis oldugu bir saatte, Ornegin saat 11-12 gibt soyleyebiliriz. Eger égieden sonraki bir saatte, dmegin saat 2de bu séait sdyldyorsak, aruk “sabah” diliml! tamamlanip yeni bir déneme gecilmis oldugu igin, o eylem gecmiste kalmistir. Bu durumda ise Simple Past Tense kullanmalysz. Thaven't heard the alarm this morning. (Its 11am. now.) I didn't hear the alarm this morning. (I's 2p.m. now.) I've seen Tom this afternoon. (It's 3p.n. now.) 1 saw Tom this afternoon. (It's Gp.m. now.) This year, this month, this century gibi kullanmlarda, cer sézd edilen zaman dilimi tamamlanmugsa, "this" yerine “last” kullanthr. I have worked hard this week. (The week hasn't finished yet.) I worked hard last week. ‘They have phoned me twice this month. ‘They phoned me twice last month. 4) Lately, recently ile kullanim: "Son zamanlarda, son ginlerde” anlamma gelen lately ve recently, Present Perfect ile kkullanildiginda, yine kesin bir zaman belirtmeden, yaphigumz ya da yapmadigimuz igleri anlatr. Have you seen your parents recently? ‘There has been great progress in the science of medicine recently. ‘There have been some changes in my house lately. “Recently”, Simple Past Tense ile de kullanihr ve "a short time ago" anlammt vert. ‘They came recently. (They came a short time ago.) She passed her exam only recently. (She passed her exam only a short time ago.) ) Already, just ve yet ile kullamm:: "Yet" soruda ve olumsuz ciimlede luullanthr ve normal olarak ciimienin sonunda yer alr. Have you finished your homework yet? No, I haven't finished it yet. Is your father at home? No, he hasn't come yet. “Just”, olumlu cimlede kullamhr ve “henuz, simdi, yenice” anlamini verir. "Just" cimlede, yardimer fille asil fil arasinda yer abr. Have you finished yeur homework? Yes, I've just finished it 1s the manager in? No, he has just gone out. “Already”, olumlu cimlede kullanihr ve "zaten, goktan” anlammna gelir. Bir eylemin umulandan daha Once bir zamanda yapilmis oldugunu vurgular. Cimle igindeld yeri normalde yardimer fill {te asil fill arasindadir, ancak ciimlc sonunda da kullanihr. Shall we go to see the film "Schindler's List” tonight? Not a good idea | I have already scen it. ‘Manager: Don't forget to mail the invitations in me, Sccretary: Ive already posted them, Mother: Wash your harids before you sil at the table. Son: I've washed them already. ) Ever, never, all my life, in his life, always, occasionally, often, several times, once, twice, etc. gibi zarflarla kullamimi: Daha once, sikhk bildiren zarflann (ever, never, always, often, ete.) Genig Zaman ile (Simple Present) kullanrmm: gormtigtik, Aym zarflar, anlamda biraz bir degisiklikle, Present Perfect ‘Tense ile de kullarar. 1 always get up early. (Simple Present — Ben her zaman erken kalkanm. “Bugiine kadar hep erken kaiktm, Bundan sonra da baydk bir olasihida erken kaikacagim, Bu benim aligkanhgm.” anlamint verir.) Thave always got up early. (Present Perfect — "Ben her zaman erken kalkmgimdu yagamumin sadece gu ana kadar olan béldmind kapsar.) ifadesi, My father has always lived in his hometown. (He has lived tn his hometown aif his life.) Ive never seen such a pretty dog in my life. Have you ever ridden on an elephant? No, I've ridden on a camel once, but I've never ridden on an elephant. 35, ELS- YDS Once, twice, three times, several times, many times (bir kez, tki kez. tig kez. bir kag kez, pek cok Kez) gibi zarflaria, bir eylemi yasamimz boyunca kag kez yapugimizi ifade etmek icin Present Perfect Tense kullanirv. Have you ever been abroad? Yes, I've been to Germany several times, She has invited me to her house many times, but I've never had any spare time. Tve seen her parents only once. NOTE: Bu zarflarin Simple Past Tense ile kullanumina dilskat ediniz. “She has invited me to her house many times, but I've never had any spare time. " cuimlesint, gecmiste zamant belitterek verirsek, Simple Past Keullanmannz gerekir. She invited me to her house many times during my stay in Germany. but I never had any spare time. “My father has lived in his hometown all his life. camlesinden, babamin hayatta oldugu anlamim cikanyoruz. Artik hayatta olmayan birinin yaptify islerden séz ediyorsak, Simple Past Tensc kullanmamuz gerekir. ‘My grandfather lived in his hometown all his life. (He is dead now.) I have never flown in an aeroplane. My grandmother never flew in an aeroplane, (She isn't alive any more.) Ihave ridden on a camel twice. It is very exciting. When | was in Egypt. I rede on a camel twice. It was very exciting. 8) So far (up to now, until now) ile kullanim:: "So far", "su ana kadar" anlammna gelir ve so far today, so far this month, so far this semestre, so far this summer, etc. gibi zarflarla birlikte de kullandabilir. IL hasn't snowed so far # winter. I got many bad grades last semestre, but | haven't had any low grades so far this semestre. We haver’t eaten anything so far today. So far this summer, | have swum in the sea only once. ELS- YDS nh) For ve Since ile kullannm: *For", gecmiste belli bir noktadan iginde bulundugumuz ana kadar devam eden bir stire bildirir. Yor tivo years. for a month, for five minutes, for a long time, etc) January February March April past for three months ‘now future He became the manager He has been the manager for three months. "Since", eylemin gecmiste baslangic noktasint belirtir. (since yesterday, since 1987, since March, since the Middle Ages. etc. } He has been the manager since January. 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 past Tor four years row future Vv ‘They moved Lo this town in 1999. ‘They have lived in this town for four years. ‘They have lived in this town since 1999. She bought her house three years ago, so she has had it for three years. Hast saw him in September. I haven't seen him since then. We first met at my cousin's 15th birthday we have Inown each other for almost five years, She has always been afraid of thunder since her childhood/since she was a girl, T haven't been to Germany since I got married. They haven't had the opportunity to have a long holiday for years. We haven't heard from him since he phoned us a month ago. He has read fifiy pages of the book since I gave it to him. We have changed four houses since we moved to istanbul seven years ago. ‘There has been a great rise in prices in the last six months. ‘The housing problem has grown bigger in the past few years. 37 38 a It is + a period of time + since + Simple Past/Present Perfect ELS - YDS It is three months since | last went to the cinema. It is three months since | have been to the cinema. Her iki ciimleyi de Tarkceye soyle cevirebitisic: Sinemaya gitmeyeli tig ay oluyor. ya da En,son sinemaya gittigimden beri tic ay gecti ‘Bu cimlelerin e§ anlamhst olarak, “Og aydir sinemaya gitmiyorum." ya da "Sinemaya en son de ay Once gittim." gibi ifadeler de kullanabiliiz a ®) T haven't been to the cinema for three months. ast went to the cinema three months ago. ies ten days since she hasn't worked because she is ill, (She has been ill in bed for ten days.) Its eight years since I graduated from university, {U graduated from university eight years ago.) Ik is just two weeks since they got married. (They got married just two weeks ago. or They have been married for just two weeks.) ‘This is the first time + Present Perfect I'm very excited now, because this is the first time I've driven a car. ‘This is the second time he has played tennis. That's why he isn't good atit. You shouldn't drink so much coffee. It's bad for you. This is the fifth eup of coffee you have drunk in the last two hours. ‘This ts the third exam we have taken so far this term. This is + Superlative + Present Perfect This is the most boring book I have ever read. {Bu hayatmda okudugum en sikict kitap.) This s the most difficult situation I have ever been in. He is the most talkative person I have met in my life. gone or been "go" filini Perfect Tense ile tki gelilde kullanabiliriz: Eger kisi,sz0 edilen yerde Ise, ya da sdzi edilen yere gitmek dz kullanihr, Eger kas, re yola gikmigsa, gone 'd like to talks to your mother. Is she at home? No, she has gone shopping. Can I speak to Mr Jones, please? Sorry. He has gone out of town and hasn't come back yet. sozit edilen yerde daha once bulundugunu fade ediyorsa, yani kenugma sirasinda bagka bir mekanda ise been kullanihr. Have you ever been abroad? Yes, i have been to Germany several times. (the speakers are now not in Germany.) want to do some shopping, bul 'm afraid t haven't got enough money. Don't worry. I have been to the bank today. I can lend you some. EXERCISE 11: Use the Present Perfect Simple or Simple Past. Asa girl, she frequently (help) - her mother in the home, but since she (start. high school, she (refuse) to help at all. Last night, we (decide) ... to go to India for our summer holiday, but we not, boold .. .. our accommodation yet. Yesterday, disabled tennis players (take) part in the Australian Open and they are continuing today. This is the first time disabled players (appear) ina major tournament, Although Martina Hingis (beat) Capriati five times 50 far in tennis competitions, Capriati (beat .... She (think) red shoes in Rackham's window. Hingis in the French Open in 2000. on the soeseuensenes Of nothing else ever since she (t7y) screens 39 —_—_—_————— ELS YDS 6 A few weeks ago, the police (stop)... . him for speeding and, I believe. they (stop) jseneneee Him again since then. 7. Katie (fall . .. off her horse several times, but she (never, hurd sesame suse herself badly. B- Vick (qualify) ea yreemeene AS att ACcOUNIANt in 1985. She (work) ae for the National Trust for four years, and since last week, she (be) .. the local council 8. My grandfather (paint) that picture above the fireplace, and it (hangl : there for as long as I can remember. 10- I (find) .. everything they (each)... relevant to my work, What about you? LA- Graham (retire) sseeonseseseene from the counet! last Friday and {collapse} Pet with a heart attack yesterday. 12- He (wear) . this suit on his son’s wedding and I (not, see) .. him in it since, 13- Two years ago, a gypsy lady (tet predictions [come] 14 He (have)... at so far on the course me my fortune, Some of her truc already, see Some Very tough matches this year, but he (not, lose) . to anyone yet, 15+ Colin (belicue) Gregs lies on many occasions, but this time, he (know) . he was lying the moment Greg (finish) his story. 16+ Ever since he (read) ... about the victims of the disaster, he (be) eager to work with the charities helping them, a smile on her face since the moment Michael (propose) 47- Janet (have) ant to her, 38- A: You look brown, oe YOU [BE) oecnscneen OR holiday lately? B: Yes, we (ust, return] sce from Spain. | (start) work just this morning. 19- A: Who (sing) ... the solo at last night's concert? B: Martha Curry. I don't think I (ever, Rear) .. anyone sing ‘Amazing Grace’ so beautifully 20- Oh no! | (forget. back at sue to take my medicine. No wonder t (nat, feel) very well since I (arrive) here, WHICH ONE Is WORSE? _ Two businessmen were discussing thelr problems, "Business has never been so bad,"sald Joe. © "The July sales were the worst Ive had in ten years. August was worse than July. And September was a total disaster.” = "You think you've got trouble!" groaned Bob. "I bought my wife a condo in Hawaii. Then I ought her all new furniture and @ new limousine with a chauffeur. A month later | came home lunch and found my wife and (he chauffeur kissing. Have you ever heard of anything ser indeed I have." replied Joe, "October!" (by H. B. McClung, from Reader's Digest) 40 8- 8. ELS - YDS THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE 1 FORM Affirmative Negative Interrogative Ihave been working, You have been working. He/She/It has been working We have been working. You have been working. “They have been working. Thaven't been working. You haven't been working. He/She/It hasn't been working. We haven't been working. ‘You haven't been working. ‘They haven't been working Have I been working? Have you been working? Has he/she/it been working? Have we been working? Have you been working? Have they been working? ‘They have been living in this country since last year. You have been studying for exactly three hours. She has been learning English since she was in secondary school. 8-2 USE OF THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE a) Present Perfect Continuous Tense, gecmiste baslay:p. iginde bulundugumuz anda hala devam etmekte olan eylemleri anlar ve for, since, all day, all week, all year gibi zaman zarflanyla cok sik eullamhr. I started to read this book two hours ago, and I'm still reading it. Ihave been reading this book for two hours. IL started to rain yesterday morning, and it is sll raining. It has been raining since yesterday morning. You have been working very hard all week. You should take some time to relax at the weekend. The discussion has been going on for two hours, but they haven't taken’ ‘a decision yet. 41 az 3) a) ELS -¥DS Present Perfect Continuous Tense, gegmiste baslamis, tcinde bulundugumuz anda hentiz bitmig, ancak belirtileri devam eden eylemler igin de kullanuhr. Is that child crying? No, but his eyes are watery. He has been crying. Your hands are covered in oil. Wivat have you been doing? I have been fixing the car. You look very tired. Yes, | have been working hard today. Sorry, I'm late. Have you been waiting long? "Since" ve "for" ile belirtilen zamanlan “how long" sora sérctig0 ile sorabiliriz, Present Perfect Simple ve Continuotis tenseller, gecmigten giniimiize bir sire belirtig igin, Kesin bir zaman isteyen "when" soru sézedjiind bu tense'lerle kullanamayy. When did you move to this city? [moved here seven years ago. How long have you been living in this city? Ihave been living here for seven year ‘When did you become a teacher? (Ne zaman ojretmen oldunuz?) I became a teacher in 1986. How long have you been a teacher? (Ne zamandhr égretmensiniz?) Ihave been a teacher since 1986. PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE or PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS Gegmiste baslayp, i¢inde bulundugumuz anda hala devam etmekte olan, ya da hentiz bitmig olan bir eylem! anlatan bazi filler, her iki tense ile de kullanibr ve aynt anlamt verir. Bu gekilde yaygin olarak kullanilan filler suntardir: expect tie rain snow study want hope tine sleep stand teach work learn look sit stay wait How long have you lived in this city? How long have you been living in this city? ‘She has worked for that firm for the last two years. She has been working for that firm for the last two years. ELS- YDS ¥) Continuous Tensellerle (/ am doing, T was doing) Wullamimayan diger filler (non-progressive verbs) Present Perfect Continuous ile de kullantimazlar. Anca, "want" ve “wish” bu kuralin digmdadhr, Look at that lovely shirt in the shop window! I've been wanting one like that for some time. I've been wishing to visit your mother since ! heard that she was ill. Digfer non-progressive filler ise Present Perfect Simple ile kullamthr. ‘What a lovely watch! How long have you had it? For over a year. J see that you are close friends with him. Have you ktown each other for Jong? Since we were children. Aniice old couple! They seem to be very fond of each other. How long have they been married? For almost fifty years. They'll celebrate their Golden Wedding next year. Hello, I have been looking everywhere for you. How long have you been in this remote part of the park? Well, I have been thinking over my problems, and | lost track of time. En son diyalogda “been” sézintin kullanimuna dikkat edintz. * How long have you been in this remote partnw." ifadesinde "been", "be" filinin past participle bigimicir ve asi fil olarak kullamlimstr, She is still a student. She has been a student for over six years. ‘They are married now. They have been married for Unree snonths. “I have been thinking over my problems.” ciimlesinde ise "been" yardime: fil olarak kullanimstr. She has been working on her graduation thesis recently. lnave been helping her with her English assignments since the beginning of the term. 44 ELS: YDS a Present Perfect Continuous Tense, always, never, sometimes gibi sikhik bildiren zarflarla, once, twice, several times gibi eylemin kag kez yapildigin bildiren yapilaria, ya da just, already, yet gibi eylemin bittigini, tamamlandigim ifade eden yapilarla kullamimaz. Ihave always lived here./ | have lived here all my life. T have been living here since I was born. I've been reading this book since this morning, and I've read a hundred pages so far. {Olcuma eylemi devam cttigi icin “have been reading" . yiiz saylalk bélimd tamamlanmis oldugu icin "have read” ) We've been trying o answer a number of questions since the beginning of the class, and we've answered half of them already, He's been writing letters since breakfast time. He's just written the fourth one, and he has two more letters to write. ‘The door bell has rung twice in the last half hour.and each time, it has been a visitor for my roommate. The door bell has been ringing for the last minute. Why doesn’t someone open the deor? EXERCISE 12: Use cither the Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous of the verbs in parentheses. 1+ The Garibaldi family (perform) generations, 2- Since the mid-1980s, Afghan drug smugglers (use) .u.-. Mariachi, a Mexican musical style, for . the Central Asian republics as smuggling routes, but the United Nations Drug Control Programme (still, not, shift. its focus from [ran 3- Dad: Hello, sweetheart. Your sleeves are all wet. Daughter: Yes, I (help) mummy with the washing up. - We {wand to move into a new house since the earthquake and we tery) 5- We [just, catch) .. to save enough money for Just as long, the boys responsible for the damage and they (admid) their crime. Since then we (consider)... the appropriate punishment, ELS YDS 10- 4 12 13- 14 15- 16- a7 18- 1s- 20- Sarah (wand) ceceeneenees HF FEQUESLS. ..& pony for ages, but so far, her parents (refuse) Five different actors (play) the hero several times. . James Bond’ and Plerce Brosman (play) My grandmother (become) «00.0 frightened im her own home because a number of youths (cause) months. disturbances at night for the last two ‘The council (put). the livestock market up for sale because business (decline) .esesose since the disease broke out. Ever since the terrorist attack on their capital, they (bomb) on their enemies. ‘The Williams family (AEE) serve shellfish on the Gower Coast in Wales for five generations, but a strange red bacteria (contaminate) a...more the Sea in the area and the EU (ban) sales recently. For the last six months, Heather (visid ... .. an acupuncturist and she says the pain in her back (ease) already. 1 (maria ... exam papers since brealcfast time, and I (not, even, finish) .. half of them, ‘The Australian bush fires (burn) ..... . for three days now and the authorities are worried as the flames (reach) ose Within a mile of a major urban area, Israelis and Palestinians (Jill) each other for decades, and so far. any peace treaty (not, last) for long. For months now, smugglers (try) to load immigrants onto the cross channel train into the UK, and on several occasions, they (cause) .. security problems. ‘The rail workers (just, call). - a strike, but the operators (run) eossstaees aS Many train as possible with those workers not on strike. Cheltenham Football Club (reach) .. the fifth round of the Football Association Cup for the first time in its history, Jasmin: Let's get a taxi home, darling Steve: Why? Jasmin: It's obvious. You (drintd ... Steve: I'm fine. I (only, have) .... .. two cans of beer, ‘Three police (Chase) sree the suspect for over an hour, but so far, he escape)... scsees AFTRSL. 45 0 EXERCISE 18: Use the Present Perfect Simple or Continuous, Simple Past or Past 46 Continuous. 2+ The record producers (record .. Elton John’s latest album when they (notice)... the remarkable voice of one of the backing singers. They immediately (offer her a recording contract. ‘The young parents (abandon... .. their disligured baby at the hospital. Since then, the nurses (care} . for the infant. 3+ Wellington (be) + a market tow since at Ieast 1244, when the King Grant) permission for the street market, 4 Maggle (tall)... z to Gerald on the phone when I (come) .. ack {torn the shops. I don't know when they (start). (tak but I know they non-stop for an hour now, I's amazing that they still have something to discuss as this is the third tme she (phone) sve: him today. 5- It is Teachers’ Day today, and so far, Sarah (receive ... suv three presents, Her class (give) her a plant and two of her students (give) her individual gifts. 6- Last year, Greta (take) . her diploma in aromatherapy, and since then, she (reat patients in her own clinic. T- When the doctor (diagnose) 01. Dave's condition as cancer, he (teach) .. Social anthropology in one of the best universities of the country. He (ave to) rsentnsesnsees Give Up bis job for some time, but luckily, he (make) .. 2 Gull recovery now and yesterday he (return)... tohis position. & Aslan is a British national from a Pakistani background. When the American Army {catch .. sesesaees Bim, We (OAD secon for the Taliban. Since then, the Americans (hold) ......0.s:sesee him in Cuba and his family (campaign) jvwee for his return to Britain. a fish while we (fish) - Only Erle (catch) on Sunday _ about the size of it. and, ever since, he (boast 10- From the moment the Smiths (adopt. Annie, they (provide) ... for her every need. SS ELS- YDS i 12- 13- 4 15- 16- 1 18- 19- It was while he (study) 0... Literature that he (meet) young author and (fall) ...... .. in love. The Indian government (blame) .. the Pakistani government just alter the terrorist attack last month, and since the attack, tensions between the two nations (1152)... one and many countries (already, send)... representatives to call for a diplomatie solu ‘The floods (occur) sscuees While Istanbul (experience) worst weather for decades. Last week, 1 (buy) «. my daughter a ‘Telly Tubbies' video, and since then, she (play) oes it over and over again. From the Norman conquest until the mid 1200s, wealthy English people (speald .. French and Latin, but English (Be) «0.0 the language of intellectuals and the nobility since then. Carcassone, a town in France, lies on the site of a Roman town. It (become) soe 8 possession of the French King in 1247, The English general Simon its de Montfort (capture) . see the town and (massacre)... residents in the 13th century. In the 19th century, Emmanuel Violet-le-Duc (restore) « . the mediaeval section. “The President (eat)... a bowl of pretzels when he (choke) onone. We (search) .. 1. for bo hours without success. Let's give up. ‘This is the second time someone (break) . . into my ear, so | (decide) to have an alarm fitted. The lawyer (90) sv see onsen Up the stairs at Waterloo Station when a young man lash . him the lime. Suddenly, two other men (push him against the wall and (steal) soe his wallet, a7 48 TELS YDS EXERCISE 14: Add for or since (o the sentences below. 19. 20- Karen has been staying with us sone Tuesday. “The state of Texas has been part of the USA 1848. Fidel Castro has been premier of Cuba .........0... over 40 years. We have been repaying our bank foan ssn two and a half years He hasn't competed he broke his arm last month. Thave known them such a short time, 1 don’t have an opinion about their trustworthiness. Sabrina has been styling her hatr .... an hour and a half now. Can you believe it? We haven't had so much snow at Christmas «ers 1945, She says she has smoked .. as long as she can remember — in fact, she was sixteen. He has suffered from diabetes ....--.ccn. Most of bis life. She hasn't acted on stage ... her drama school days. Mario has been photographing celebrities . the 1980s. Mario Testino has been photographing celebrities .............. ver twenty years. His wile has been afraid of flying .. the terrorist attacks on New York ‘They have been dancing non-stop ... + at least two hours. People have been using bricks ... the ath century B.C. Simon has been collecting Harry Potter Loy ....-.-1.:.+ he saw the movie. Cherry and Vaughan Beale started to row across the Atlantic together, but her husband gave up and she has been rowing alone in a 24-foot boat jveseeeseee 11 days. People have been using pressure cookers «.... . more than three centuries. ‘They say it's great, I have been wanting a pressure cooker ages.

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