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RUT : 19.285.685-K



Once the comprehensive reading of Units I and II of the study material has
been completed, it is essential to carry out this workshop, the objective of which is
to measure the correct internalization and application of the concepts addressed in
the aforementioned units.

The development of this work is individual; workshop deliveries in

pairs or groups will not be allowed.

Specific Instructions

1.- Read the following cases presented below. Once read, select only one of
them to work with:



Your company has entrusted you with the mission of hiring a person for an
important position. You will not only be responsible for the selection but also for the
training and follow-up of this person. At the end of the application process, you
have in your possession a large number of applicants all with great backgrounds,
training and professional experience. Upon arriving home and sharing with the
family what you are performing in a close family member present claims to be
perfect for the position. The rest of your family approves such a motion and urge
you to hire this relative of yours. He does indeed have the required profile, but
there are applicants with even more training and experience.

Tecnológico Nacional Iplacex

Once you have selected one of the cases, you will have to answer, what
action would you take in such a situation, and argue why you would make
such a decision, based on the Four Bioethical Principles reviewed in the
course - Beneficence, Non-Maleficence, Justice and Autonomy.

The selected case mentions that I have been entrusted with the mission of hiring a
person for an important position in a company. Using the Principle of Beneficence
and at the same time the Principle of Justice, it would give equal opportunity to all
applicants who meet the requirements requested for the position, without
discriminating against race, gender, religious or political beliefs.
In the case presented, no opposition is expressed in relation to the hiring of family
members, therefore, at the time of receiving the background of the applicants, it is
my duty and responsibility to review each and every one of them, to select the
most suitable person who meets the best competencies to assume that position,
regardless of blood ties.
Using the principle of non-maleficence, it is clear that a wrong hiring, which does
not meet the best qualities of a candidate who is not the most suitable, could be
detrimental to the company, to other applicants who have more training, as for the
same applicant (relative) hired and finally for me, since I would be putting at risk
the performance of the company, I would be restricting the opportunity to a person
who really is best suited to develop the job in the best way and finally I, as a
recruiter, would lose credibility in my job, I would lose credibility in my work.I would
be putting at risk the performance of the company, I would be limiting the
opportunity to a person who is really the best suited to develop the job in the best
way and finally I, as a recruiter, would lose credibility in my work. Hence the
importance of a very good selection.
Finally, I use the Principle of Autonomy in deciding the person I consider best
qualified for the position by separating family relationships from work life. After an
objective selection, gathering all the background information and considering the
competencies of the applicants, I came to the conclusion not to consider the good
intentions of my family and not to hire the family member in question, because
there are other applicants with more experience and training.

Tecnológico Nacional Iplacex

3.- For a correct answer, you are asked to describe what each principle
consists of and identify how they are present in the situation described. The
evaluation criteria and rating scale below will help you to know which
aspects the reviewer should evaluate.

My decision described above is based on the Four Bioethical Principles which are:
Beneficence: This refers to the obligation to do good or that the actions carried out
are for the greatest possible benefit to people, over and above private interests. It
is present and applies in this case, by not exercising any restrictions or
discrimination on who can apply for the job offered by the company, benefiting with
the same opportunity to anyone who meets the requirements to apply for the job
offer without discriminating by sex, age or blood ties.
Non-Maleficence: Which means "do no harm" and consists of the negative
formulation of the principle of beneficence that obliges us to promote the good.
This situation arises because, as the person in charge of hiring and training, I
should not do wrong nor should I use my ability and/or judgment to benefit one to
the detriment of others, and I should act in good faith when selecting the best
evaluated person for the required position. A bad selection could be detrimental for
the company, for other applicants with better training, for the same applicant
(family member) hired and finally for me, since I would be putting the company's
performance at risk.
The Principle of Justice: Fundamental element of society that considers that
something is just when its existence does not interfere with the order to which it
belongs, that each thing occupies its place. The situation described above is
presented by granting equality and opportunity to all those who wish to apply, with
the most due respect and consideration they deserve. Finally selecting the best
qualified person for the position.
Finally, the Principle of Autonomy applies: Capacity to the extent that the use made
of freedom is coherent with the responsibility one has with oneself, with others and
with society. In the case described above, since my relative meets the required
profile and, nevertheless, there are other applicants with more training and
experience, it is not ethically correct to hire him, knowing that he is not the most
suitable person for the position, a decision that I make on my own without the need
for regulatory or sanctioning instances to make good decisions.

Tecnológico Nacional Iplacex

This activity will be evaluated by the professor of the course, so it is
suggested, for its realization, to consider the Evaluation Criteria
detailed at the end of this document.

The total score for this workshop is 100 points, and the minimum
passing score is 60 points.

Evaluation criteria

Evaluation Criteria Score

The student proposes a procedure to follow in the situation described.
The student explains the reasons that led him/her to select the
procedure using the principles reviewed.
The student describes what the principle of beneficence consists of
and how it is present in the situation described.
The student describes what the principle of non-maleficence consists
of and how it is present in the situation described.
The student describes what the principle of Justice consists of and
how it is present in the situation described.
The student describes what the principle of Autonomy consists of and
how it is present in the situation described.
Editorial staff 6
Spelling 6
Timeliness of Delivery 6
Total Score 100


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