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Name: ………………………… Date: Sep ……..

, 2023

Grade: six

Simple Present
Affirmative :
Singular subject + ( verb +s )
Plural subject+( verb)
1 – She always speaks English.
2 – John walks to school everyday.
3 – They work on the new plan every weekend.
Negative :
Singular subject + doesn't + verb (inf.)
Plural subject + don't + verb( inf.)
Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verb:
1 – She ……………..(not/ go) to school everyday.
2 – The boys ……………..( not / read ) a story every weekend.

Interrogative :
Wh word) + does + singular subject + verb( inf.) ….? )
(Wh word) + do + plural subject + verb (inf) ……?
Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verb:
1 – What …………… she ……………… every morning?(eat)
2 – Where ………………. your grandparents ……………….? (live)

Adverbs of frequency : always , sometimes , usually , often ,never

Every + time : every day , every week , every month , every year

Write the correct form of the verb :

1 – Salma never ………………..( throw) rubbish .

2 – The boys ………………. (run) to the park daily.

3 - ……………. you …………….(eat) Mansaf every Friday?

4 – He ……………………..(not / teach) French?

Present Continuous
We use it to talk about things that happening at the moment of speaking .

Affirmative form :
is +verb (ing) +object
are +verb (ing) +object
am +verb (ing) +object

Examples :
They are looking for a new game these days .
He is watching skiing on TV now .
key words :
look! - listen! - Be careful! - now - at the moment - at the present -
these days
today - tonight

Past Simple
The second form of a verb.
1)We went out yesterday. 2) Marwan played tennis a week

a) With regular verbs, add (ed) to the base form of the verb:
EX: visit : visited walk : walked stay: stay

b) When the verb ends in (e), just add (d):

EX: like : liked hate :hated care : cared

c) If the verb has only one syllable, and ends with a vowel and a consonant,
the consonant is doubled:
EX: stop: stopped plan: planned
d) If there are two vowels before the consonant, don't double it:
EX: cook :cooked seat: seated

e) Verbs that end with a consonant+ "y" drop the y and add (ied):
EX: carry :carried hurry: hurried try: tried

key words :
Last night / two days ago / in 2002….. / yesterday/ when I was……………….

a) To talk about finished actions in the past.
I got up and washed my face. Then I had breakfast.

Affirmative : v2 : she ………..( work) hard

Negative : didn’t + v1 : ………………………….
Interrogative : did + subject + v1+ ……? : …………………………….?

Write the simple past tense of these verbs in the blanks

Present Past Present Past

see eat
catch buy
speak steal
drive swim
write read
sleep come
go meet
sweep blow
run win
Fill in the blanks with the correct simple past tense of the
verbs in parentheses.
1 She ___________ home alone yesterday . (go)
2 The wind ___________ through out the night last day. (blow)
3 An apple ___________ on his head one hour ago . (drop)
4 Jack ___________ up the ladder carefully last night . (climb)
5 Who ___________ all the windows yesterday? (open)


We use it to talk about things that are happening at the moment of speaking .

Affirmative form :
was +verb (ing) +object
were +verb (ing) +object
was +verb (ing) +object

Examples :
1 – While he was playing outside , someone shouted loudly
2 – When dad arrived home, the boys were watching their favourite film.

write the correct form of the verb :

1 – Students were revising the exam when the bell …………....(ring)

2 – While she was talking about the problem , the solution ……………. (come) to
her mind.

Supervisor : Ghadeer Abu Taleb

Teachers : Jumana Al – Zu’bie & Sarah Al_Nsour

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