Class 5th Science

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EduGene Institute 9779260350


Tick the correct option
1. Bones are composed of......
a)Calcium b)phosphate c) none of these d)both of these
2. The part of human skeleton that protects our brain is...........
a)Ribcage b)spine c)skull d)limbs
3. .............muscles have bands and are branched.
a)Skeleton b)involuntary c) cardiac d) smooth
4. The joint which is present in hips and Shoulders.
a)Ball and socket joint b)pivot joint c)Hinge joint d)glinding joint
5. The muscles found only in heart.
a)Striped muscles b)smooth muscles c)skeleton muscles d)cardiac muscles

Fill in the blanks

a) ___________________are produce in the bone marrow.
b) _______________________is the organ of the body that is protected by the skull.
c) ___________________is the only part of the skull that can move .
d) The ____________________Bone is the longest bone in our body.
e) There are____________________pairs of ribs in our body.
f) The______________________are the strong tissues which hold the bones together.
g) The knee has_________________________type of joint.
h) Bones are connected to the muscle with_____________________
i) The three types of muscle are______________________,__________________________and ______________________.
j) The heart muscles are also called___________________________
Rewrite the following statement correctly:
a) The backbone consist of one long bone.
b) Vertebral column protects brain.
c) The spinal cord forms a hard covering which protects our brain.
d) All joints in the body allow movement.
e) The hinge joint allow movement in all directions.
f) Muscles pull or push bones make them move.

Name the following

a) The organ protected by the vertebral column_________________
b) Strong elastic tissue which makes the nose flexible________________
c) The type of joint found in the shoulder________________________________
d) Part of the body where immovable joints are found______________________
e) The muscles which we can move at our will___________________________
f) The smallest muscle which is present in the middle ear_________________________
g) Strong fibres that bind muscle to the bones are___________________________

Define following:
Bones Ligament tendon muscle spine joint skeleton cartilage.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is a bone? Describe its structure and types.
2. What is the difference between bone and cartilage?
3. What are the function of the skeletal system?
4. What are spine? Explain its function.
5. What are floating ribs?
6. What is a joint? How are the bones held together at a joint?
7. Name the different type of joints with an example each.
8. How do muscles help the bones to move?
9. Describe and draw three types of muscles present in our body.

EduGene Institute 9779260350
Tick the correct option:
i. The not a part of nervous system.
a)Brain b) spinal cord c) lungs d)nerves.
ii. The .... connects the brain and spinal cord.
a)Cerebrum b) brain stem c)cerebellum d)nerves
iii. The light enters the eye:
a) cornea b)iris c)retina d)pupil
iv. The also called pinna.
a) outer ear b) inner ear c) middle ear d) eardrum
v. The brain needs a continuous supply of blood and..........
a)Carbon dioxide b) nitrogen c)Oxygen d)water
True or false:
a) The motor nerves carry impulse from the sense organs to the brain.
b) Skin is present all over the body.
c) Retina of the eye changes with the change in intensity of the light.
d) Smallest part of the brain is called cerebellum.
e) We can keep our skin healthy by using strong chemicals.

Match the followings:

i. Cerebrum a)controls movement and balance
ii. Cerebellum b)controls the reflex actions.
iii. Brain stem c)has many nerves.
iv. Spinal cord d) controls involuntary activities.
v. Skin e) control our senes organs.

Fill in the blanks:

a) Brain stem control the........and ........
b) .........nerves cause the moment of muscles.
c) The part of the brain which balances your body and co-ordinate your moment is....
d) The system of bones present in....... helps the sound waves to travel to the brain.
e) Reflex actions are controlled by the .......

Give one words for:

a) The cells of the nervous system ___________________________
b) Largest part of the brain ___________________________
c) Stam like structure in the brain ___________________________
d) The automatic actions ___________________________
e) The coloured ring in the eye ___________________________
f) What is the importance of the following in body ___________________________
g) Fluid present in ear ___________________________
h) Inner ear ___________________________
i) Hair inside the nose ___________________________
j) Taste buds on the tounge ___________________________
k) Pores in the skin ___________________________

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the importance of the nervous system?
2. What is the difference between cerebrum and cerebellum?
3. How are motor and sensory nerves connected?
4. Give an example of reflex action to explain it.
5. How do we see an object? Explain with the help of a diagram.
6. How do you hear sounds around you?
7. How does the tongue help us to taste things?
8. How does skin act as a sense organ?

EduGene Institute 9779260350
Fill in the blanks..
a) __________________responsible for our growth and repair of one out cells.
b) __________________is a communicable disease.
c) _________________diseases caused by fungi.
d) .____________________is a water-born disease.
e) Insects that carries gems of dengue fever is_____________________
f) Carbohydrates are essential for providing__________________________
g) _______________________ makes up more than half our body weight.
h) ________________________diet has all the necessary nutrients required by the body.
i) Infected food and water may caused disease like___________________
j) ________________________is caused due to a mosquito bite.
Answer in one word:
a) It is needed more by a growing child than an office goer___________________
b) It is needed for building bones and teeth___________________________
c) It is present in all citrus fruits and vegetables_________________________
d) It is caused due to deficiency of vitamin B in our diet_______________________
e) Cognition that cause disease_______________________________
f) Which main nutrient is common in each of the following food____________________________
g) Meat fish curd beans________________________
h) Orange tomato lemon green leafy vegetable____________________
i) Rice bread sugar potato_____________________
j) Butter oil nuts cheese____________________
Match the following
i. Night blindness a)vitamin C
ii. Rickets b) vitamin A
iii. Scurvy c)vitamin D

Answer the following questions:

a) What is the importance of roughage in our body?
b) What is a balanced diet? How are they caused?
c) What are communicable disease? How are they different form non communicable disease?
d) How do mosquito spread malaria?
e) What are the method to stay healthy?
f) What is vaccination? Why is it important?


Fill in the blanks
i. Acid rain is caused by____________________________
ii. Waste material should be reused or______________________to prevent pollution.
iii. Industries and_____________________are main sources of air pollution.
iv. Air pollution causes a number of breathing related disease such as_________________and_________________
v. Melting of polar ice is the result of____________________
vi. _________________________causes soil pollution.
vii. Exposure to_____________________over a long period of time may cause deafness.
viii. Deforestation is the cause of___________________pollution.
ix. _______________________is a result of noise pollution.
x. The use of___________________________ energy should be encouraged.
a)Solar b)wind c)water d) all of these
xi. Environment consist of...... things surrounding us.
a)living b) non living c)both (a) and (b) d)none of these.

Match the following:

i. Use the insecticide pesticide and fertilizers a)causes water pollution
ii. Bathing ,washing clothes, excreting in water b)cause air pollution
iii. Brusting of cracker c)cause land pollution.

EduGene Institute 9779260350
Give one word for the following:
a) Addition of unwanted and harmful things to the environment.............
b) The rain containing harmful chemicals...........
c) Gradual warming up of the Earth's surface...........
d) Addition of dirty unwanted element in the soil.........
e) Natural phenomena that cause noise pollution..........
f) Planting of more and more trees...........

Answer the following questions:

a) What do you mean by pollution? How many kinds of pollution are there?
b) How do human pollute the environment? Give some examples.
c) What is global warming? What are its effect?
d) What do you understand by greenhouse effect?
e) How can we prevent water pollution?
f) What is noise pollution? How does it affect our health?
g) What steps can be taken to prevent pollution?

Tick the correct option:
i. Planting new trees on a large scale is called ........
a)Afforestation b) terrace farming c)shelter belts d) bunds
ii. The break down of rocks into smaller pieces is known as.......
a)Afforestation b)weathering c)weaning d) deforestation
iii. Soil erosion is caused due to....
a)Between b)before c)after d)along with

Match the following column

i. Deforestation a)soil conservation
ii. cover crop b) soil erosion
iii. embankment c) hill slopes
iv. non biodegradable d)on river banks
v. terrace farming e)soil pollution

Fill in the blanks:

a) Soil is found by the breakdown of ___________________________
b) The most fertile layer of the soil is called ___________________________
c) ___________________________and ___________________________blow away the top layer of the soil.
d) ___________________________Increase soil erosion.
e) Ploughing on hill sides cause soil.........
f) ___________________________and ___________________________are cover crops.
g) ___________________________are built along river bank to prevent soil erosion.
State true or false...
a) Soil is home to some small animals.
b) Soil erosion due to flowing water is more on the plains than on hill slopes.
c) Grazing animals do not affect the soil.
d) Water and air cause both soil formation and soil erosion.
e) Soil erosion can be prevented by afforestation.
f) Fertility of the soil and the production of crops are not related.
Answer the following questions:
1. Why is soil a valuable natural resource?
2. Describe the process of formation of soil.
3. What is soil erosion? What are its agent?
4. How can soil canbe conserved? Give any three ways of doing so.
5. Give reason for the following:
6. Grasses should be grown on Barren land.
7. Top soil erosion causes infertility of soil.

EduGene Institute 9779260350
Tick the correct option
i. The intensity measured on Richter scale.
a)Drought b)flood c)earthquake d)all of these.
ii. Floods are caused by.......
a)Planting trees b) excessive rainfall c)afforestation d) all of these
iii. Excessive cutting down of trees cause......
a)Reduce rainfall b)increased pressure c) increased rainfall d)both a and b
iv. This type of volcano has not erupted for a long time.....
a)Extinct volcano b) dormant volcano c)active volcano d)Both a and b
v. Drought can be taken care of by...........
a)Floods b)cutting trees c)digging wells d)rainwater harvesting

Match the following

i. Flood a)Richter scale
ii. Drought b)Tsunami
iii. Volcano c)rainwater harvesting
iv. Earthquake d)Magma
v. Tidal waves e)bunds

Fill in the blanks:

a) An earthquake is a natural_____________________ ___________________________
b) The layer below the earth crust consists of hot rocks called___________________
c) ______________________volcano are not likely to ever erupt again.
d) At the time of________________________the army is called into drop food.
e) Dry conditions over a long period of time lead to____________________________

Answer in one word.

a) The scale to measure intensity of earthquake ___________________________
b) An active volcano ___________________________
c) Excess overflow of river water causes ___________________________
d) Lack of rainfall causes ___________________________
e) An NGO that takes care of the needs of the children after a natural calamities ___________________________

Answer the following questions:

1. What are different kinds of natural calamities?
2. How do we measure an earthquake?
3. What is a volcano?
4. How does tsunami occur?
5. Write any two causes of flood.
6. What are the causes of drought?
7. What are bunds?
8. What do you understand by afforestation?
9. Write some measures to prevent flood and droughts.
10. What is the role of people during a natural calamities?


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