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Bim-bim has a bib. It is from Tina. The bib is red. It is pretty. But the bib
is big. Will this fit? “I will get pin”, says Dad. “There. It fits!”


1. Who has a bib?

a. Den-den
b. Bim-bim
c. Tin-tin

2. What is the color of the bib?

a. red
b. pink
c. yellow

3. Who gave the bib?

a. Dad
b. Mama
c. Tina

4. What is the problem of the bib?

a. It is big
b. It is wet
c. It has a rip

5. How did the bib fit Bim-bim?

a. Mama cut it
b. Grandma fixed it
c. Da put a pin on it
Bam is sad. “Where is Tagpi? Where is my pet dog? I want to play with
him. He is not in the room.” “Aw! Aw!” “Where are you, Tagpi? Oh, you
are in the garden.”


1. Who is Tagpi?
a. The pet dog of Bam
b. The brother of Bam
c. The classmate Bam

2. Where did Bam first look for Tagpi?

a. In the room
b. In the kitchen
c. In the garden

3. Why did Bam look for Tagpi?

a. He wants to feed Tagpi
b. He wants to play with Tagpi
c. He wants to give Tagpi a bath

4. Where did BAm find Tagpi?

a. In the hut
b. In the garden
c. Under the bed

5. What did Bam feel when he found Tagpi

a. Sad
b. Mad
c. Glad
Dan and Pepe will play. “But the sun is hot,” says Pepe. “Let us get our caps,”
says Dan. “My cap is not on my bed,” says Pepe. “My cap is not in my bag,” says
Dan. “Look boys! Our cat has kittens,” says Mama. “Mik-mik has four kittens,”
says Dan. “Yay! The kittens nap in our caps!”


1. Why did Dan and Pepe need their caps?

a. The sun is hot.
b. They will play with their caps.
c. They will give the caps to the kittens.

2. What did Mama want them to look at?

a. The bag
b. The bed
c. The kittens

3. Who is Mik-mik?
a. The pet cat
b. The fat kitten
c. The big dog

4. What did the kittens use the cap for?

a. For playing
b. For sleeping on
c. For keeping them free from the hot sun

5. What did the boys feel when they saw the kittens?
a. Sad
b. Mad
c. Happy

6. What do you think the boys will do after?

a. The boys will send the kittens away.
b. The boys will take the caps from the kittens.
c. The boys will let the kittens sleep on their caps.
I am pat. I have a pet cat. I am Ben I have a pet hen. I am Mig. I
have a pet pig. I am Det. I too will have a pet.


1. What is Pat’s pet?

a. Pic
b. Cat
c. Hen

2. Who has a pet pig?

a. Mig
b. Pat
c. Ben

3. How may children have pets?

a. Two
b. Four
c. Three

4. Who has a pet that can lay eggs?

a. Mig
b. Ben
c. Det

5. What is the message of the story?

a. People can have three pets.
b. People can have the same pet.
c. People can have different pets.

“Come with me,” says Dan. “Where will we go,” Mina asks. “We will go to a
happy place that has lots of balloons.” “We will play, dance, and run. We will
have so much fun. We will eat orange cake that our mom and dad baked.” “And
then we will sing, Happy birthday, dear Benny!”


1. Who asked Mina to go to a happy place?

a. Mom
b. Dan
c. Dad

2. What words says something about the happy place?

a. Quiet
b. Noisy
c. Far

3. What will the children do in the happy place?

a. They will sing, skip and hop.
b. They will read, write and count.
c. They will dance, run and play.

4. Whose birthday is it?

a. Dan
b. Mina
c. Benny

5. Which word tells what Dan feels?

a. Sad
b. Afraid
c. Excited

6. What is the best response that Benny can make after seeing Dan and
a. I’m glad you came.
b. I can’t wait to go home.
c. I want to sing with you.
Mat is cat. Mat sat on a hat. Jig is a pig. Jig sat on a wig. Len is a
hen. Len did not sit on a hat or a wig. Len sat on ten eggs!


1. Where did the pig sit?

a. On a hat
b. On a wig
c. On ten eggs

2. What did the do?

a. Sat on eggs
b. Sat on a wig
c. Sat on a hat

3. Which animals sits on something that can break?

a. The hen
b. The cat
c. The pig

4. Why was it good for Len to sir on the eggs?

a. So the eggs will not get lost.
b. So the eggs will hatch into chicks.
c. So the eggs will stay on the nest.

5. Which of the following will happen last?

a. The hen will lay eggs.
b. The hen will sit on the eggs.
c. The hen will have chicks.
Today, Sam and Ria will go to the park. What will they do there? They will sit on
the grass and look some bugs. They will look at the holes that the worms have
just dug. That is where they will stay on this summer day. But they must leave
the park before it gets dark.


1. Who will go to the park?

a. Cam and Mia
b. Dan and Iya
c. Sam and Ria

2. What will the children do in the park?

a. Play with other children.
b. Observed the insects.
c. Watch the clouds.

3. Why are the children not in school?

a. It is their Christmas break.
b. They are on a field trip.
c. It is their summer vacation.

4. When should the children leave the park?

a. Night time
b. Lunch time
c. Late afternoon

5. What else can the two children do at the park?

a. Play with others.
b. Watch the stars.
c. Eat their dinner.

6. What is the message of the story?

a. There are children who do not like the park.
b. There are people who tell others to visit the park.
c. There are many things to see and do at the park.

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