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ra MACMILLAN Michele Crawford oe Teacher's Book Includes material for PET Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16 ‘Welcome Back! _ 10 The World and the Unexplained... a Units 1-2 Revision ..... The Law's the Law. Meet the Stars Units 34 Revision The Space Race... Ie Takes Alll Sores, Units 5-6 Revision Going Out and Staying In The Problem Page... Units 7-8 Revision It’s the Way You Tell ‘em! Fair Play Units 9-10 Revision... The Land of Plenty? cu@s! Units | 1-12 Revision... Getting By........ Away From Home. Units 13-14 Revision... Make or Break... Buy, Buy, Buy! Units 15-16 Revision Student’s Book Tapescripts..... Photocopiable Tests Unit Test | Urn Tees 2 ian Unit Test 3 Unit Test 4 ... Unit Test 5 _ Term Test |... aa Tl 6 ction Unit Test 7 Unit Test 8 nn Unit Test 9 Unit Test 10 Term Test 2.. Unit Test 1 Unit Test 12. Unit Test 13 enn Unit Test 14... Unit Test 15 Unit Test 16 nnn Term Test 3. Final Test Key + Tapescripts..... CD Tracklist Unit@ Welcome Back! ) Em ' Grammar; present simple and present ‘continuous /stative verbs Lexis: patieins / education vocabulary Reading skills: scanning for specific information ‘Listening skills: listening for specific information ‘Speaking skills: giving personal information ‘Writing skilis: paragraphing / informal letter Pronunetation skills: /1/ and fi! recognition © Ask students whet the unit title * Elicit the meaning of welcome and ask them what back refers 10, * Eleit any other expressions they know with back (eg come back give back). * Bit suggestions as to what the unt is about (school and, education), arco neha iecequeean unearned opens * Asters to site down all the subjects ey do at cho Yu maywth tower allt fone ore rules Bk * Aacthamo rambar tam inthe orerin whch they ey ‘them most ("for their favourte, 2° for their next favourite, etc). » Give mudora aorta desis the Questons ih pabsor in small groups. + Aactyoor three students tel youth te acute bes + Ee ra them wy they one or two of these sets + ib eoat erate te ba > On the Board Students’ answers, eg Science is fun, History is interesting, * Ask two or three stints to tel you their least favourite subjects * Elct from them why they don't ike them. * Write some of their answers on the board > On the Board ‘Students’ answers, 22 Engish § diftl,scens is boring ‘Additional Task © Tell the clas you are going to do a survey to see which subjects are the most and least popular * White a vertical st of about six subjects thet have been ‘mentioned by students on the boar, then two more columns, fone with a smiley face at the top. another with a non-smiey face atthe top, » On the Board (subjects should be ones that have Come up in the lesson “see exanple table) + Ask Whose fevcurte subj * Count the numberof students who raise their hanes and \wite this number next to maths inthe table on the board,in the column vith the smiley face. * Do the same for the other subjects * Now go through the subjects inthe Same way this time asking Whose feos favourite subject is (eg) maths? and write the scores under the nomsiley face inthe tabla * Ekcit an interpretation ofthe rests fram students, asking Which tthe dass fvourte subject?” and Which te os’ lost fvounte subject? Background Information ‘PE is the obbreition used to refer to physiol education lessons in Brtish schoos An: te gre pracce in seaming cove for pe oration BD Bie ore counties and nanan by akg scents hrs thoy are fom and what ral ey » Onthaseed (counves and natonaie fares in} og * Ask students to look atthe photos of the four chitdren they are going to read about and guess where they might be from. * Go through the table with students and explain that the missing information isto be found inthe text they are going to read * Give students about 110 or three minutos to scan the tent for the information they need to complete the table Te ‘them not to read everyting in detail but just to focus on the specific information they need * Eft answers orally and write them on the board i you wish, Namie Age Nationality “Doss helt enjoy learning English? Katerina (3 Greck Pedro 14 Sperish Dana 2 ‘Reith Oke 15 Grancion ome Back! Unit@ students to look at the sx statemiants and then read ‘Se arte agan ths time focusing on finding whether the Aim: to davelop an awareness of patterns sZormration in the statements is correct or incorrect. Point SWHKHE GIST out thatthe statements are not neceasariy in the order ‘they appear in the article, = Gye them tree or four minutes to do the exercise = Go over the answers orally asking students to read out the sestence containing the relevant information, > On the Board ‘Wy maim made me % epologive to my brother * Ask a student to come up to the board and cirle the mistake in the sentence. (extra word fo) + Now weite a second senterce on the board: > on tne Board She tt me go othe pry re always talking to exch other, so sometimes the ers hax to tel us to be quiet! (caragraph 4) I vant to be a doctor when Im olderancithese days 3s have to be able to speak English! (paragraph 3) "010 a language school several times a week usualy in afternoons and evenings” (paragraph 2) have to do lot ofthe work yourself (paragraph 5) “Both my parents speak English quite wells0 they help -with ony homevrork when | get stuck! (paragraph 4) in D dass now, s0 wel starting a new book and re book Soe wate ree ere Ceve ne wana how atm eaten oh 2) Go over the answers oraly Agood 2hup Zable 4iond 5 forward 6 beginning * Elcit the massing word inthe sentonce (et. * Explain that this is cre pattem verbs ean take (verb + object + bare atritive), but sere are others. « Explain that aclectves take different patterns too (8 abe 10 do, copabie of dong) + Ask studems to do the exercise refering back 10 the Jol students to read through the questions and then scan ‘she arte for the answers They should be quite familar Additional Task with the text by now30 they should only need a couple of meutes for the © Elist the general patterns and ask students to write ther in their vocabulary book = Go over the answers orally be good at doing 1D 2k 3&0 help someone with something 4k 50 5P tbe able odo be fond of doing — {ook fornard to ceing gn to-do “irre the ‘ollowing answers on the board and tell students to “eert= ne questions ‘or them referring back tothe arte if Bemecry. Additional Task » Onthe Board * Ask students to write or say thelr own sentences using these 41 Foon years ole 4 Abe berrg ramen: 2 Greece 5 Because there re lots 3 An Engishteccher ‘fds nthe cass. 1 Assign exercises |,2, f the Workbook. Bee ceents are tnding i dificult to come up with the ‘Assign exerdizes |, 2,3 on page 5 ofthe ‘correct question forms, write the following question words .¢ beard to help them: > On the Board How Were What ow Why "+ Assign the Reading exercise on page 4 of the Workbook. Unit ED Present simple and present continuous ‘Aim: to consolidate students’ understanding of the functions and usage of the present simple and continuous tenses * Go through Grammar database I on pages 175-176 of the Grammar database with students, drawing ther attention in particular to the emphatic present simpie and the use of the present continuous to descrive annoying actions and changing stuations [Additional Task * Ask students to dose ther books. ‘© Write the frst two letters of six adverbs on the board and spaces forthe remaining letters as folows: > On the Board a. ' Ask for volunteers among students to come up to the board and il in the missing leiters of the words (don tell them at this stage what the words have in common}. * Blict from students what the six words have in common (they are all adverbs of frequency). ‘Ask students to make some example sontances about ‘themselves using these acverbs Sometines, often just always usualy never BD + Ack students to complete the exercise. * Go over the answers oraly usualy iat Sis aways teling 2viererevsng Gio geting ‘Theyre working out 7 does work dren sot Additional Task * Write the folowing sentances on the board ard ask students to correct them orally using the emphatic present simple and beginning Ne, actualy... > On the Board 1 Most chidren dont-le 3 it doestt inn. choosote 4 We dont ike hofdays. 2 Brine Speorsisnta 5 KS time 0 go hare. 00d singer 41 No actully most chikren do tke chocolate, 2 No actually Britney Spears is a good singe 3 No actually it does ran n Enger. 4 No actully we do Bae holicays 5 No actually itisnt te to go home. BD = Asi students to complete the exercise ‘= When checking the answers, you may wish to write them con the board. Welcome Back! 1 sometimes forgets 4 alwaystells 2 w/am tying 5 ate geting +3 have just started 6 often takes BD> Go through number | ofthe exercise with students writing the arswer on the board > On the Board Does Katerina wont te see her teachers ogar? Koterina coest want to see her teachers cea. © Ask students to do the rest ofthe exercise on their own. * Go everthe answers orally 4 Does Katerina want to see her teachers again! Katerina does not { doesn't want 10 2° her ‘teachers again. 2. Do Pedro, Dana and Oko have plans forthe future? Pedra Dana and Oko do net /dor't have plans forthe future. 3. Am|the youngest in the class? lam /m not the youngestin the dass 4's Dane sitting next to Alicia? Danas not / int sting nent to Alice, 5 Areyou starting a new book this yeor? You are not / arent starting a new book this year 6 Are they getting ready to go home! ‘They are not / arent getting ready to go home. Additional Task © Ask students to think of a question using the simple present cor present continuous tense. © Ac diffrent pairs of students to ask and answer each other's questions © Asicthe rest of the dss to listen and note down any mistakes in the question forrrs they hear © Bick any corrections after each pair has spoken. “© Aesgn exercises 1,2, 345 on pages 5 and 6 of the Werkbock ‘Aim: 20 give practice in listening for specific information BD = Gicit from students the subject shown in each picture, science / chemistry come Back! = Cxolin to students that they are going to hear the four children they read about earlier takeing about their school lie. They must do two things (I) match each speaker to ‘the subject they tlk about and (2) circle how often they do ‘he subject from the choces given * Co overthe expressions of frequency in the written part of she exercise (every coy, once o week, ete) and make sure students understand them, * Pay the CD [6D tack? © Check the answers ora Leconce a week 2 arthves tmes a week 3 bievery day 4 d:four times awesk BD - Choose dierent students to read questont 1-4 aloud. «Tel sient they rat fsten forthe anavers to these questions but tat they dont have to write fl ertenes ‘Play the CD again, * Check the answers orally. ‘gymnastic 2 experiments 3 a calolator 4 French grammar «Assign the Listening exercise on page 9 of the Workbook Aim to ineroduce and practise vocabulary on the topic of education B+ Acksudents 0 co the exercise in ais + Check anawers oral. Brrors To Watch Out For +The words suject and essn are often confused by stents ‘Make sure they understand that a subject is what a lesson ‘encnes (eg histor; meth) whe a lesson & the acl period sich you have insucion on a subject id 2f 3a 4b 5g 6e 7 B * Akstudents to complete the acvertzomentin pairs + Point out that although there are cifferent possibilities for some of te gop they sould fnd the most suitable word in each cae and use each word only once + Chaccthe answers oral rising words in the flowing order: ‘courses, revision tnetabe, lessons, breck, report subject ‘Additional Task ‘rite the following verbs on the boar. gs ang tohove to wnite todo to take ‘oleam to study Unit@ ‘© Bit from students which nouns from exercise | go with which ofthese verbs ‘to have: a breck,a lesson Ge ee Me ee pee asiibiet to take: a course, a break foley allie! to study: asubject (NOT allesson) * Assign exercises |, 2.0n page 7 of the Workbook. Franmor 2 Sexe ete Aim: to introduce seative verbs and familiarise students with ‘hele functions and usage Go through Grammar database 2 on pages 176 and |77 of the Grammar database with students, drawing their attention in particular to verbs that have diferent stative and non-stative meanings. +» Ask students to werk with their partners to complete the exercise, * Go over the answers oral: tie 2 Box 50 Px ‘Additional Task © Write the folowing sentences on the board and ask students to complete ther with an appropriate verb in the correct form (cither present simple or continuous). > On the Board 11 youl Wil you many me? 2 She to work harcer se wants to go to university 3 He —_ very unhappy most ofthe time, 4 1__ offing o gym. love 2 needs 1 Fas 3 is seems / appears / feels 4 nam theveng BD * Soplain to students that this exercise is nthe form of a school report written by a teacher about a student. © Ask students to read the report and complete it with the correct form of the verbs in brackets, paying special attention to the verbs that have different meanings in their ative and nonsstatve forms * Go over the answers orally Jam 2 seems Shin 4 hes Saredoire Gis T-do want 8 believes 9 does nov/doesn't 10 doubt know 12s thinking 13 wish | nim: to give practice in recognising the sounds // and fist | + Askstudens to lok atthe crtoon and eit what the communication problem was. ‘She had Said 'hip! but he had hearé'sheop., BD © Before lstering ack diferent students to read the pairs of words aloud. + Ask students to Kstento the recording and pay atertion to the ference in pronunciation between the two wer in cach pair, faye conssooiny ie eal othe Ri jal oe “For each pair alcit which word contains the long vowrel sound if and which the short vowel sound fi. (Don't, however introduce them to the phonetic symbels for these sounds) ‘words containing the short vonel sound / ae: pil ship. gn lid ing chick words contaring the long vowel sound fi/ are: peel sheep, sree lead, feeling cheek NB The wordsfling and feeling both contain the if sound in the second glade ‘ng: BD © Give students a minute to look through the sentences. «Explain that they wil hear only one ofthe two words bok onthe CD and that they hae to cele the one they hear + Pay the second part ofthe CD [EDS] + Yen checking the answers yeu may wah to write them . onthe board Alpes! 2ship 3 grin 4 id 5 fesing 6 chide Additional Task * Elicit any more minimal pairs students know containing the sounds /V and fy! and waite therm on the board, >» On the Board Students" answers, 38 /eat sit sect fit! feet ip [leap © Aska student (Student A) to pronounce one of the words fon the board or from exercise |. © Aska diferent student (Student 8) to spel cut the word they hear. «© Student A then confirms whether this was indeed the word they meant to say ‘© Repeat with diferent pais of students Assign everos L245 of pages 7 and ff the \Wortboot Welcome Back! ‘im: to give practic in asking about and giving personal Information BD * Glct fom students who Katerina Xentid + Tall stents they are gong to listen to an interview wth ber but that they should focus not so much on what she sy but how she sys it * Go through questions |-3 with students * Play the CD. [CD rackc6] + When going over the answers point out that in natural speech people do use one-word answers sometimes, but ‘Patit’s good to get into the habit of giving fuller answers in preparation for the FCE speckng tex + Aso pont out that words lke well and ohare use words {o use in speech when you ae trying to think about what toaynot ne 2no ayes Go through the lst of questions, addressing them to Tall stucents they should ‘alow the general paragragh layout ofthe two model letersi their plan. * Ask students to goto their Composition Planner on page 152 and give them bout fe minutes to write a brief plan for ther letter * Check their plans * Assign the writrg ofthe letter students have planned in their Compostion Planes teling them to waite between 120 and 150 words. © Tell students they will-write a first version of ths letter and ge itto you Ther letter willbe given back to them later with your comments and they will write a second, improved version oft © Remind them to tick the checklist (after the Compesition Planner) before they hand in their letter to you Additional Task © Ask students to shut their books © Ase them to write dawn the folowing words that have come Up in the unit, paying particular attention to spelling: language esinning revision filing usualy sheep Uniform friendly 10 unfortunately * Ask students to swap their answers with their partner and mark them, © You may wish to wrte the words on the board for them to check e Weird and the Unexplained rr past simple and past continuous / used to and woul mysteries /colocations. reading for gist Istening for location describing photographs descriptive language / short story ‘Aland fiy production ik students what the unit title of something weird (eg afens,a dream they c= had, 2 type of music), ‘cen if they've ever had any weird experiences zy synonyms they know for weiid and write them on the (gue them the fist letter or two of the words if theyre 3 aftcules), » On the Board ‘swnge, unusual, ocd peculiar mysterious bizare ST ‘2 Introduce the topic of strange experiences through personal responses ‘he key structures for answering the questions on orc: > On the Board (be. Td. = what Its a short form of (| would) and why itis ured ‘nee (because it refers to an unreal event ie. the answers are D eeornetica. “Gec students a short time to dsouss the questions in pairs or eral groups. “= Acse:s the three questions to the class as a whole and elicit, Ssenrs from diferent students, Students! answers. “Slime co give practice in reading for gist students to look at the pictures and efcit suggestions as ‘© what the text they ere going to read might be about, ead (or ask a student to read) the tile and introductory sentence ofthe text ané explain any vocabulary students re unfamilar with (eg fearess, investigates) ‘Ask students to read the text as quicigy as possible and sratch the four stories tothe pictures. (Tll them they shouli't read every single sentence word for word to ind answers. Explain that they will have another chance later on to read the tex in more detail) Check answers erally and/or by writing thern on the board, te 2d 3a ab B= Go trough the posstle heecngs forthe stories with students cxsing any words they are unfarvlir with (eqvinesse). + ck student to read the article in more deta this time ar to decide with ther partners which headings the most suitable for each tory * Check answers orally and/or by writing them on the board, ting studons to justly ther choices and gve reasons wy the other hencngs are unsutabe abide 3¢ He BD © Ask cfferent students to read the sentences aloud, ‘explaining ary unferiar vocabulary (eg coleoguss, ‘community, vanished) as you go along. «= Pause after each sentence to gve students time to jot down, ‘ther answers, (They should refer back to the textif necessary) © Check answers orally and/or by writing them on the board, Ae 26 3a Mb. Homework © Asogn the Reading exercise on page 10 of the Workbook Additional Task * Choose one student from each pair inthe dass and assign hiner the role of one ofthe people in the stories (eg Jimmy Carter, Christopher Das one of te fight atiendant, ec) «Tel the other students inthe pairs that they ae going to play the role of reporters and interview their partner about thar strange experience * Give students a few minutes to prepare their roles (2. those playing the people in the stories should refamilarse themselves ‘with the information about themselves’ and those paying the reporters should note down the questions they want to askin ‘hei interview) «© Ack students to carry ut the interviews with books closed, ‘while you monitor them close © Give feedback on students’ performances, pointing out general strengths andl weaknesses * Asc one or two pais to come ts the front ofthe clas to perform ther role-ley. [Additional Task ‘Assign one of the four stories to each pair of students ‘Ask them to come up with a logical explanation for what happened in the story they have been gven. “= Taking each story in tum, ack one student from each pair to explain to the rest ofthe class what really happened. «© When each pair has spoken, take a class vote on which wes the ‘most believable exclanation for each story. Gs Seicn et prc oa date ene of aaa «agcneeneiis teoentiri ples + check snore oly andor by wing ter on the bord ‘odd ward bizarre vanished. appeared scared ‘experience incident Errors To Watch Out For «© Students often use the wrong acjectival form, eg scared instead of scary, frightened instead of fightoning If they make ‘this mistake, point out that the ed forms are used to describe people's feelings and the other forms to descrive things, ‘experiences and situations. © Assign exercises 1,23 on page 10 of the Workbook. Tait il wd i cS ier [Aim: to consolidate students’ understanding of the functions ‘and urage of the past simple and continuous tanses BB © Go through Grammar database 3 on pages 177 an 178 ofthe Grammar database with students. drawing ter attention in perticulr to iereguar verbs in the past simple, the ernohatic past simple and the diferent uses ofthe past simple and past continuous forms © a students to do this exerci on their own and then compare their answes wit their partner's + Check ansmers oral andlor by writing them on the board. “The following should be underlined: (Gory 2) three consecutive sentences from: He wes waiting to suddenly soppecred. (Gory 2) one sentence: in | 988, soventaen,yecrald .. across 0 fel (@ory 3) one sentence Plot Bob Loft... Rarde in 1972. (Gory 4) one sentence Cookerg pos... left at all. Example of the emphatic past simple a fre did break out (Gory 3. final sentence) ‘The Weird and the Unexplained ‘Additional Task + Write the following on the board: > On the Board 1. Les sittg at my desk when ... 2 ....,a.spoceship landed in the garden. 3. As/ was eatng my Linch 4 the igs suddenly went of * Ask students to complete the missing halves of the sentences as imaginatnely as possibi, sing the correct tenses. + Ack diferent students to read out their answers. BB Bic the answerto question | and vite it onthe board as anexarrple: > On the Board 41Dld Naomi see a UFO last week? Naomi id rot / deh se 2 UFO last week. © Adk students to complete the exercise on their own, © Check answers to 2-6 orally andlor by writing them on the board. 1 Dis Naomi sce a UO last week? Naomi de net / dent see ¢ UFO last week 2 Was Bob Lot yng the plane? Bob Loft was rot / wert fying the lane, 43 Were the people string there amazed? The people standing thore were not / werent amazed, 4 Did the ghosts suddenly dbappear? “The ghosts cid not / cit suddenly appear 5. Wis ibe planet Venus? tewas net / wasnt the planet Venus. 66 Was he driving his car hen he saw the creature? He wes nt / wasn't iving his carwhen he sa the ereature. BD Ask tunis to look a he picture and say what they hic happened «Eli the smple past tenses and present parts ofthe verbs sel rrr hear and write ther onthe board: > 0m the Board set — sting sow —ccing fle eng found — finding ran runing ted = heare and the Unexplait ‘Ack them to complete the exercise, working with their perner if necessary, | Dheck answers orally andlor by writing them on the board. 1 tad 11 coset 12 nas gong 13 nas 46 opened 15 found 16 ran 7 heard 18 was 49 happened Assign exercises 1.2.34 on pages 11 and |2 of the workbook “so give practice in listening for location Biot the place each of the pictures shows, Exizin to students that they are going to listen to four ‘secole taking and have to match the experience described sect the picture (a,b.c.d or€) that shows where it tock pixe Pay the CD once, “= Check ansners orally andior by writing them on the boerd, ie ters couple of rine to eat hrouh the ae are tey icon tha rae aka ni Se uite cove arenh qonin Bb tne cD agin “= Check answers orally and/or by writing them on the board, Sy re oteraund oeaen ar wary (ape _ —we don't know that the clock broke because they looked Zk coldnove boon sconeonce) 3c tb 3b 4a * Assign the Lisenig exercise on page 15 ofthe Workbook. ‘Additional Task + Write the fellowing words on the board and ask students to match them to the speaker who used them wen describing, ‘their strange experience: » On the Board firemen smashed CDs storm play hypnotist freman speaker 2 smashed speaker 3 ‘CDs speaker 1 storm speaker 4 play speaker 2 hypnotist speaker 2 ‘Aimm: co introduce and practise collocations DD = bool atin Engi certain word reused togetes «Wit he fotoning on the board and ask students to fil the gaps nthe sentences wi the sppropeate adjectives: > On the Board good / fine I lovely Trso__ dress. How aro you? __, thanks. wich you al! luck nthe test ' Explain that even though the three adjectives have similar meanings they cannot be used interchangeably to desenbe ‘these nouns + Ask students to complete the exerize + Check answers erally and/or by writing them on the board, raking sure students understand the meanings of the phrases tae 2 asleap 3. temperature 4 escape 5 anay 6 time Tat 8 motion 9 voce 10 trouble B= Bxlein any vocabuiary you think students will have a problem with (eg woods, panic, cap). * Ack students to complete the exercise individually cr in pars © Check answers orally andlor by writing them on the boerd «© ict ideas as to wnat the meaning of the dream could be. Unit! + Ask students to tll you about any strange creams they hhave had and invite interpretations from other members of the css. hada high temperature was fast asleep take a short cut for along tme be faraway inslow motion ina deep voice be in big rouble a narrow escape ‘Additional Task «Tall students they are going to describe some dreams (real o- imaginary) and should try and use some of the phrases from exercise 1 in their descriptions * Ask cach student to take a piece of paper and write down the first sentence, which should set the scene for the dream, * They then pass the piece of paper on to the person next to them, who reads what is written and add the next sentence, «The pieces of paper get passed around untl each student has acct something t them al += Ask each student to read out the dream they have infront of them. Penna ‘© Assn exercise | on page |3 of the Workbook. Used to and would Rim: to introduce used to and would to refer to the past ‘+ Go through Grammar database 4 on page |78 of the Grammar database with students craning ther attention i particular t the ference in usage between the two and the negative and question forms of used to, * Adc staserts to do the execs in pars and to underine the mistakes in the incorrect sentences. + Check answers oral andlor by writing them on the board clcking the mistakes the incorrect sentences. The following sentences should be ticked: 1. 4,5 ‘The others are incorrect for the following reasons: 2: would should be used to 3: thought should be thinc D> Mate sure students understand that they sould change ‘he form ofthe word gen any way + Ascstucents todo the exercise on thelr vm, + Check answers orally andor by wring ter onthe board 1 Used to say 2 never used to believe 3 would do 4 used to see and the Unexplained ‘Additional Task © White the folowing on the boarct > On the Board When Iwas younger |... sleep eat | corals like be | naughty with the ight on aly stores worms = Acc students to make three sentences about themse\es. using some of the information on the board and either used 1t@ or When | was younger | used to / did't use to / would J woulhit eat worms. * fasig ears 125456 en pages 13 and (ofthe Workbook. ‘Aim: to give practice in producing the sounds // and is! BD ° Wite tre flowing words fom Soundstation in Unit | on the board. Elicit the differences in pronunciation between them: » On the Board filing, festing hice, cheok pill peel hp sheep ‘rin green idea B® Bopisin to students that thay are going to play a game, © Go round the dass in tum When it isa student's tum, helshe secretly writes down ne of the words from the Ist © Thon holshe says a sentence aloud, starting with What an Incredible and frishing with the word that has been written donn. For example, What an inedible feeling + The rest of the cass vote for which word he/she said. Ifthe whole class votes for the right wore, the student gets 10 points. one student votes (incorrectly) for, saying’ the student who said the sentence only gets 9 points. etc: Every student who votes for the correct word gots five ponts, ‘+ Students keep their own score,and the winner isthe person with the most points at the end of the gama, ‘Air: to introduce used to and would to refer to the past DD = Asi one or to stents to bray deste the to pictures + Ask students to read through the phrases for Students | aed 2 and say whethe" ary of them vere used just now by ‘the atucents wo spoke. + Tell them they are going to tonto to students deserbing the pctures and snout tek ary ofthe phrases they near + Ply the CD once an agin necessary Phrases to be ticked! Student |: this isa picture of! dont think ‘Student 2: 1m not really sur: ft seers to be; eshaps its Fr could besit’s ciffcut 10 tal "es ene athe Abernable Soourrer) i sad tobe o rg, as tht ern the highest mevetains of he Holos sox suudants to discuss the pictures in pars while you -==nor them dosely, You may wsh to have one student “Scerbing a picture while the other students listen, ‘Gore feedback on the performances in general -Scpizin to stucents that they are going to have a ‘conversation with their pariner based on the information on page 168. “= Beier therm to the Speaking dotabese on page 174 before ey do the task, -= Aljccate the roles of Friend A and Friend B for each pais |= Giie them a couple of minutes to think about their roles 2nd wate the folowing ahrases on the board: > On the Board ‘vas really scary No wea Youre kideing) Whe cd tok es? "= Sict which phrases might be used by Friend A and which Friend B. 1+ Give students about fhe minutes to do the role-play activity, using some of the phrases on the board if they want, while you go round the elass monitoring “Kem: co familiarise students with 2 Use of English cask type, Using language covered in the unit so far “= Eicit what the photo is of (a miftary ship) and read through the ccroductory part of the report with students, making sure they Lecerstand the words cose, experiment and fcation “+ Ack students to read the tex, filing in the gaps with words ‘rey have met in the unit so far. (Ask them to try to werk. cout the meanings of any words they don't know as they read cather than ask you) “= Check answers oraly and/or by writing them on the boar. ~ Elcit suggestions as to what really happened to the swip. add 2 watering +3 disappeared 4 were 5 sopped 6 felt 7 know B did 9 went 40 varished 11 took 12 Dd ‘Additional Task 1» Tel students they are going to recount a weird event (ether real or unreal) to the dass. © Give them five minutes to note down 2 few details of the event. + Ask diferent students to recount their weird event. ‘© When they have fished other students can asc them some ‘questions about it to try and work out whether or not it was ‘rue, For each one, take 2 cass vote on whether it was true or fase, before the narrator reveals the answer: Alm: co pe students practic in using descriptive language DD = Explain to students that itis important to use a variety of wrerds when tay wrt orgerto make the wing intersting to read 1 Bla thet thay ae gang mfr wordt the Bette 2 afar meaning to thse in I-46 ad wit them the tepropite bon + Do number I with them asan eal tling ham to any worden the ft that wove the actin of sang, + Aakthem to complete the rest ofthe were cal or pare 4 Check annuae tp iy OG ROL 1 ate, ansvien vhieper expla, Scream shout promise, cla, ask, wondes reply, suggest 2 glimose, stare notice, watch gance, gaze 3 werderful great fantastic terife excellet brian amazing, marvelous 4 semble, dastrous awl, creacful horrible, rubbish Additional Task © Tell students they will have to describe the things you say in ‘one word without using the words good, bad, big or smal! (ie-using synonyms of these adjectives from the previous exercise, «Say the folowing and choose different students to give you an adectve: the weather today: English homework: the lest English composition you wete; pizza; the Loch Ness Monster a mosquto. U a he Weird and the Unexplained BD © Tel sudens to choose an appropriate wore from excercie | to complete each gap Verbs from boxes | or 2 may need to change form. «© Check anoners oraly andor 67 writing them on the boar ‘A variety of answers are possible. EZ: « Assign exercises 1,24 on pages 14 and 15 of the Workbook. Ea ‘Aina: to prepare studonts to write a short story BD = Choose ditren students to read a paragraph each of the story. «Flic the anoner to quesion | + se sudent 10 do questions 7-10 herve or pairs + Check ansners oral andor by wn them onthe boar 1 past smple 2. either was toveling (paragraph 1) ‘or was teling (paragraph 3) should be Lrcerines ‘xined asked promised (oavagraph 2) teling (paragraph 3) remindrg (paragraph 4) shouted (paregragh 4) past perfect informal formal four two great ye DD > ake sure students uncerstard that they must include the ‘words given athe end ofthe composition they are going to wt © Ask studonts to spend a few minutes making notes in newer to these questions, which wil form the bass oftheir composition *» Go through the questions eliciting ideas from diferent students B © Ack students to go to theic Composition Panner on page 153 and gue them about fe minutes to write a brief plan for their sony «© Assign the writing ofthe story students have planned in their Composition Pernerteling them to write besween 120 and 150 words. + Tel students they wil write a first version ofthis story and ive it to you.Their story will be given back to them later ‘with your comments and they will write a second, improved version oft + Remind them to tick the chedlst (after the Composition Planner) before they hand in their story to you. ‘Additional Task + Ask students to shut their books + Ask then to write down the following words that have come up in the unt, paying particular attention to speling: I dsoppear 2 creature 3 weird 4 ghost 5 deep 6 scientist Tegreat Bhoribie 9 scored 10 0c) © Ack students to swap their answers with their partner and marie them, © Chack answers by writing them on the board, Je 2g 3b 4a 5h 6c7d Of ents afew cay in advance that they shoul revise x from units | and 2. D the instructions for each exer rst, making BD oa Sears understand whats required of them. La Sov approvimately thirty minutes to comelete the ae ‘test conditions. ee © calect studerts' books and mark the tests yourselt, 2 oes ther back the folowing lezon or akernativey. — rowers in the same lesson and ase stucents Susp socks with thr partner and marc each othe"s work Toc rumber of mark fr ths tests 49 and the following 1 My sster wants me to help her with her se taken as @ rough side to students performance: He over: Briliane! 2 covet Des oe Notte 3 Tory often forgets to bring his books to cass 4 cored ‘Sesneen 20 and 30: Could be better : Soe 20 Should be beter 5 Sarah doesn't rely like her geography teacher: 6 What ae you thinking about atthe moment? 7 Where does Dana Banach live! [inns “all ofthe exercises after Units | and 2 have been BD © i jumped tied competed. ae “= Axe-nativelzyou may want to assgn exercees 1,3 and 4 ater Se ons | has been completed and exercises 2.5,6 and 7 after “4 \Nere you, heard Unt Zhas been completed 5 was not / wasn't driving had “= Go through the instructions for each exercise when you assign ren. making sure students understand what is required of D ten. 1 was = You may want to ask students to do this section without 210 ving back to the unts at al. 3 dd ‘= Chace answers in class orally and/or by viiting them on the 4 beng board. 5 would 6 were ‘= You may wish to use exercises from this section as supplementary material, when, for example, you feel that = certain lenguage area needs more work. Seect the evercises which you feel best suit your students! 4 appeared -eds and assign them either as pairwork or to be done zone. oe = Checi answers oraly and/or by writing them on the board, Z i 9 donot {cont believe D1 aire 10 donk countable and uncountable nouns / articles ‘rime / phrasal verbs (with off) logical cohesion listening for location ‘expressing opinion and giving reasons discursive words and phrases / essay stress production in expression of ‘pinion Reading skills: Listening shill: Speaking skills: Writing stills: Pronunciation skills: * Ask students whet they understand by the unit’ tile (refers to the idea that there are no two ways about it~ you have to bide by the lew), Hm: 2 erode th topo rma snd tha oe rush general discussion * Ask students in pairs. in small groups or indvidualy to write ‘down as many eres 2s they can think of in two minutes. * After the two minutes are up elicit as many crimes as possible from students and write them on the board. You might want to cistnguish between serious and les serious crimes. ‘Guggested ansivers) theft, drug smugging kidnapping, ‘terrorism, hijack, denking and crwving forgery. fraud, shoplifing speeding nat wearing a helmet on a motorbike, not weering a seatbelt, parking on a double yelow line * Give students a short te to discuss the questions in pairs or Jn smal groups Then have a class discussion based on the two ‘questions, Encourage quieter students to jon in by directing ‘questions at them. (Guggested answers) fist question: oossble reasons for crimes: poverty, boredom, politcal bela’. jealousy, selishness, desire to get rich second question: students’ answers: develop an understanding of cohesion in texts ‘Ask students to look at the cartoon and elicit suggestions as to what itis about by asking the following questions: What is hoppening? Wy has the man been omested? Is tis ‘ono! reason to arrest sorneane? * Tell them it will al be exolzined inthe text they are going to reed. * Ask students to read te article as quickly as possible to find the answers to questions |-3,Point out that the paragraphs {are notin the corract arder and there are some missing sentences, which they should ignore for the moment. * Check answers orally andlor by writing them cn the board 41 on Chvismas Day 2 in Alana (USA) 3 e human face Background Information Mince pes are smal ud pie filed wth o mire ofits, apple sugar et They are tocitoraly euter ot Crsmas n Bitar. By* Ask stecerts 0 read te article mare cael this tine anc put the paragraphs in the correct orde-The first on has Deen done for them, * When they thnk they Fave found-the correct order they shoud chedk their answers with thee partners * Check answers orally andlor by write them on the beard slick what he nes ae berween the paragraphs. 26 3D 4c 58 B= Ack stscents to complete ths nar indvidaly or x pais again sng the wor in bold as clue to the poston ofthe senterces + Tel them there ere two approaches to this excise: they can ether rid the sentences fet and decide where they gp inthe tor they can read the tex again from the begening and then choose the sentence that ts each gap. * Make sre they ease that when tying to work ov whethe orrot a sentence ina prin postion nthe tet hes should look both a what comes before and ater the gap * Check answers orly andlor by wring them onthe boars agai elckng the Inks between the missing sentences and the surounding text. te 20 3a 4F Sd 6b ' Assign the Reading exercise on page |7 of the Workbook ‘Additional Task © Write the names of some countries on the board » on the Board Frence Brtcin Gerrnany Spain Greece aly * Tel students they have to choose a country and make up a strange law that might exist there (eg In Greece it’s tego to hive Soul) the sli the better * Ask diferent students to read out their lans and, atthe end, ask the dass to decide which nas the sliest to introduce and practise vocabulary on the topic of erime and the law ‘sk students to complete the exercise on their own, paying special attention to verb forms. *= Check answers orally andlor by writing them on the board 1 commiting, crime 2 against ayy 3 arrested 4 illegal 5 breaking 6 under arrest ‘You may want 10 use this evercise as an opportunity to 23ve students practice in using an Engish dictionary (rn which case you will need one dictionary per pair of students), ‘+ Ask students to look atthe entry for the word murder and ‘explain what the diferent abbrevietons and phonetics stand ‘orthen shaw them how to find the related word murderer: ‘= Aacthem to complete the exercise in pars, using the Cictionary if necessary. and go round the dass answering ery queries they may have. + Check answers orally andlor by writing them on the board. ict the differences in meaning between the words burglaz ‘thief and robber (a burgar breaks into a house and steals ‘rom it,while a thef ora robber steals from a place or a person) burglary burger ‘theft! stealing thief cheery: robber shoplfing shoplifter -srugging smuggler fave lawyer outaw: crime: crimral prisonzprisoner police: policewornan ‘Additional Task += Ack students to write down the verbs that describe the crimes is exercise 2 + Check answers ocaly and/or by writing them on the board. ‘to murder to burgle 1osteal tore tosheplif, to smuggle + Assign exercises 1.2.3 on page 18 of the Workbook. Countable and uncountable not ‘Aim: to consolidate students’ understanding of countable and uncountable nouns BD* Go through Grammar cetabase § on page |79 ofthe GGramimar database wth students draning ther attention in pariuar to nours that can be both countable and uncountable, + As students to do the exercise indvidually orn pas. + Check answers orally andlor by wring ther on the boerd * leit the diferent meanings of the courte an uncountable ferms ofthe words in the third colurm (eg a glass is something you drink out of, while glass is ‘he actual materia) always countable: joo, sutcase, person always uncountable: advice, money;news. information, knowledge, fcod, furniture, hezage both countable and uncountable: gass, cake, hair chicken, chocolate sheep. crime; law time, work. ‘Additional Task «© Tel students they are going to play a memory game. © Write the following nouns on tne board, eliciting whether each is countable or uncountable: > On the Board money bet book. slice chocolate fut brea map ‘camera ‘ovel soap toothpaste © Tel students they have to imagine they went on holiday anc are remembering what they took with them. © Choose a student to start with the words, went on holiday ind [100k ... and choose one of the items on the board (ex some books) to complete the sentence. © Choose anther student: who will continue, went on hofday ‘and [ok same books ard .. (fhe vill choose another item from the list on the board to acd here). © The game continues inthis way with each student having more land more items to remember (they must also remember them in the correct order. «© The game finishes when al the tems on the board have been, ‘mentioned ~ the winner isthe student who managed to remember the most tems in the correct order ub Unit @ * Chocurage students to correct each other they we the wrong artes before worcs (ep toothpaste meted of ‘some! toothpaste) Bi ° Ack students to do this exercse, referring to Grammar database § ifnecessary, ‘© Check answers oraly andlor by writing them on the board. © lc the meaning of wes (9g 2 work of art.two works of art). 1 vas 2s 3 work 4 much 5 amount 8 Few B > ascsnucerts to complete this exercise on ther ovr © Check answers orally and/or by writing them on the board. 1 many should be much 2 luggcges shouls ba luggage or sutcase 3 [ots should be ot or Lots of 4 on should be somo 5. chocolates should be chocolate 6 are should be is Additional Task * Ask students to make sentences using the words that they Underlined in sentences |, 3,4,5 and 6 of exercse 3 correctly (Clazgages'in number 2 does nat exist as a word). * Elicit possible answers and write some examples on the board, ‘Students’ answers (fre seniences, each using one of the folowing words correcty: mani lois,an chocolates oe) © Assign exercises |,23.45 on pages 18 and I9 of the ‘Workbook ‘im: to give practice in listening for location DD © Glcit what each ofthe pictures shows. a acurt b apron cell alvin room d acothes shop © 3 police station The Law's the Law B= fipsin to stents hat tay ae going to Inter to fre people taking and have to match the speaker with the picture (30,6.¢ ore) ofthe place refered to * Play the CD once. [CD 1, Track 10] * Check answers orally and/or by writing them on the board. Speaker I:c Speaker 2:4 Speaker 3:¢ Speaker 4:a Speaker 5:5 BB) «Ask sues to reac shrough the statements * Tell them to be careful whan Istenng because statements say be designed to seem true when tyre not * Play the CD again, * Checie answers oral and/or by writing them on the board. '* You might like to elicit who the other speakers (apart from the prison gard) were (the vicim af cergianya stop assistant, a policeman.a jucge). Speaker |-False Speaker 2:Felse ‘Speaker 3: True Specker 4: False Specker 5:True * Assign the Listening exercise on page 22 of the Workbook om: to gia practice nung phrasal vrbe with off + A tents o shut the books and write dovn ary phrasal vets they krow with off + Elect vers they hae thought of ad thee mosring + se students o open ther boots aan and do the evar, referring to the Phrasal verb database on page 172 ifnecessary. + Check answers orally andr by wing them on te board + Yu might ike to lk one werd ser or hw pra verbs in numbers 3,5 and 7: go off (explode). take off (Pemoe) get of (eae). 1 tumed off 2 made off 3 went off 4 let off 5 took off 8 took off 7 gotoft Law’s the Law al Task | Sax suents to choose one of the phrasal verbs from the “Secise above and make a sentence using it. << different students to read out ther sentence, substituting ‘Se verb with a beep sound (or two ifthe verb is separated). ‘2g He beep his clothes and jumped in the shower: beep = took of) 1 The rest of the class have to guess what the missiwg phrasal verb i whoever shouts out the answer fest (and gets the verb ‘tense night) has the nent tum at readng out ther sentence. * Assign exercses |,2 on page 20 of tre Workbook. Aim: to give practice in correct stress production when giving an opinion + Gre students some oral examples of sentences where there i a dalnte stress on one word in particular (eg “This food is awful / No the flm ison tomorrow right, not tonight). + Askstudents to read and lsten tothe four sentences at the same time, paying attention to where the tress is placed. + Play the CD once,and then again if necessary [eo Trew * Check ansivers orally and/or by vritng them on the board. The folowing words should be ertied: Ame 2Im 3my 4me B= Aen students 10 readout the sentences making sure they are producing the corec stro paterr. + Readout the sentences asin cometes putt the sess obvousy onthe wrong wort + Ace stuterts to ten very earful and ic from them whether or not the stress wa inthe correct place Articles [Aim: to develop students! understanding of the use of articles * Go through Grammar database 6 on pages |80 and 181 of the Grammar databace with students, drawing their attention +o the (many) exceptions to the rules about article use. © Ask sudents to do the exarcse, referring to Grammar databate 6 if necessary. * Check anzwers orally and/or by writing them on the board 1 the 2 The j= u 4 The Se ce y= a 9 the 0 2 ita 12 the a= 14 a 15 an 16 - ia 18 the 19 - 20 The ‘Additional Task © Divide students into two teams (A and 8) and tel them they are going to play a game that wl test their knowledge: of articles, + Draw two columns an the beard with the headings Team A’ and'Team B ' Tell each team to come up with four sentences using one of the articles‘a ‘athe’ or no article at all referring to the examples in Grammar database 6 to help trem, © Once each team has viritten their four sentences, they should change two of ther to make them incorrect ether substituting, ‘one of the artcles for a diferent one, removing it altogether or adding one where there shouldnt be one © Cheek both teams’ sentences to make sure they have made ‘nwo correct and two incorrect ones. © Ask a member of Tear A to read out one of their sentences, ‘© A.member of Team B should write down the sentence and the team as a whole should deci¢e a) whether or not the use of articles is correct and b) iit = correct, what the correct version ¢ (NBThey are not alowed to refer to Grammar database 6 or their Student's Book at this point) * IC Team B correctly identifes whether the use of articles is comect or not, they get 2 poirtsif they correct an incorrect sentence accurately they get a bonus point; and for either of the parts they get wrong.Team A scores | point. * Keep the score for the two teams on the board © The teams cae itn turn to tast each other until all the sentences have been read out end the winning team is the one wth the most points atthe end. + Assign exercises | 2.3456 on pages 20 and 2! of the Workbook. ‘Aim: to familiarise students with a Use of English task type, 1 sing language covered in the unie so far * Go through question | with the class and efi the answer, writing it on the board as an example. > On the Board The thief escoped on a rioiorbike. off The thie{ made off on « motorbie ‘Ask students to complete the rest ofthe exercise © Check answers orally andior by writing thers on the board. 1 of 2 you of 3 the law 4 acme 5 ktof 6 of Talew ‘Rim: to give practice in expressing opinion and giving reasons BD = Have a dass discussion based on the fist two questions, teling students to try and use some of the phrases (Let students refer t0 the lst of punishments for question two onty after they have come up with some ideas of ther own) * Tell students to pay special attention to word stress when _BMng the'r opinion * Give students a couple of minutes to jot down sorne ideas in pais in answer to question 3. © Check answers to question 3 orally and 2 students’ answers 3 (suggested arsners) Other possible rules the schoo} Should introduce: No being rude to teachers, No fing inthe playground, No dyed hai- BB = Ack students to tin to page 168 and assign each pair of scents their roles (teacher and studont) * Eleit rom students which ofthe two roles will require ‘more use of language to express an opinion (the teacher) and which more use of language to give reasons and resus (the student) * Give students about fve minutes to do the role-alay «© Refer students to the Speoking atobose on page I74 before they do the task * Choose one or two pars of students to act aut the roleplay in front ofthe dass. The Law's the Law ete Se adr GU gigs St ae Eki what led of compostion an esay (¢ composition which Gscuses/ gives ciferent points of vew on 3 sbjec) Go through the list of purposes (a-i) with students, ‘explaining that thee ae the deren things one might want te do when vrting an essay. ‘Ale students to complete tho exercise indvcualy or in pars. ‘+ Check answers orally and/or by writing them on the board. * Assign exercises 1,2,3 on page 22 of the Workbook. ‘Rim: to prepare students to write an essay D> Ask students to read the mode! essay ae compete the exercise indivvaly or in pairs * Check answers oraly and/or by writing them on the board 1 the folowing should be underined. Paragraph I: such as, However paragraph 2: On the cre hand, Firstly Secondly, Inaddition, As aresut paragraph 3: On the other hand, Moreover: paragraph 4:In conclusion believe ‘To inboduce the subject of the essay, “To say what the acvantages of prisons are, ‘To sxy vihat the disadvantages of prions are. To draw a conclusion, ‘Yes, but only one - ‘rime doesn't pay. (Point cutto students that this is an expression The rest ofthe ‘essay does not contain contractions) formal 3 3 ‘community service, fine Bons The Law’s the B = Go trough questions 1-8 with students, rig coments and writing some ideas cn the board after each one. + Give students te t take rotes 2s you go through the questions © Ask students to write the answer to question 9 on their '* Elicit some answers to question 9 orally. 1 lt means that a person caught stealing at school has to immeciately leave the «choot forever: 25: Students' answers. B «Ask sudens to 0 to ther Composition Planner on page 154 and ge them about fve minutes to wrt a brief plan forthe o55y, rom «Assign the writing ofthe essay students have planned in their Composition Planner teling them to write between 120 and 150 words. + Tal students they will write a fest version ofthis essay and ive it to you. Their essay wl be given back to them later cnth your comments and they will write a second, improved version off ‘= Remind them to tck the checklist (afterthe Composition Pianner) before they hand in thei essay to you ‘Additional Task Ack students to find a word from the unit that is more than & sfzble long and write it down on a piece of pape; not showing roanyore else. = Ack them to shut their books. ‘= co round the class, asking each student to read out their word, “+ The rest of the class have to write it down, paying partiolar Szention to speling. = When each member of the class has read out their word, creck the answers by spaling all tne words out on the board. UnitG Meet the Stars x= etrd _ << Grammar: present perfect simple and ‘continuous / comparatives and superlatives the media / word formation (prefixes) reading for specific information Istening for specfic information siving examples interpreting notes /informeal email ‘af recognition and production Lexis: Reading skills: Listening sills: Speaking sls: ‘Writing skills: Pronunciation skill: * Ask students they've ever meta star and, if'0, who. * Et as many diferent types of star as possible (fim star, ‘TV stazetc) and write them on the boarc, » On the Board fiimstar TWstor/ personaly pop stor rock Star sports personaity comedian ‘to introduce the topic of stars through personal cia «Gua cents shrttine a de the queso pais or algae 1 inguin cnuiigur adh xeveraldaqualing Fea sua Han sucks gti Er tor opens Aim: to give practice in reading for specific information, BD © Tel stucents they have one minute to fn the names of the people in the photographs ~ the frst to find them all should raise theirhand, © Check answers orally. (Ae pean leas) 'b Madonna (paragraphs 3 and 5) ‘¢ Kylie Minogue (paragraph 2) Tom Cre (pxagaph 3) fe: Rodbic Wilms (paragraph 2 and) Bi * Gothroush the ve statements with students end eit wat the lettrs CT star for (ca tll ie, te mporsble to tell whether the statement s tre oF ot) + Ack scents to read the extn more deal this time to find the answers. * Check answers orally andlor by writing them on the board eicitg where the rsevertiforratn for each anaweris tobe found nthe to 4 Tparagaph |: Hundreds! 2 CT: paragaph 2:the only comment he makes about her is that'she's very shortin reife’ paragraph 3:Sometimes | do the interview ane sometimes | get ancter journalist to do it! 4. CT paragraph 3:we are only told thet he sells the interviews to newspapers and magizres round the werid. not how much he sls ther for paragraph G:Actually it’ the fist tine Ive exer Yen an interview! ar BE Show students how to work cut the answers to ‘ruiiplechoice questions using question | as an example. * Ask students to ignore the question forthe moment and read through the four multiple choice options * Pint out that each option contains an element of truth (Lee does specalee in doing celebrity interviews,he does run his own company in London, tc), but that erly ene of them correctly answers the question ~ hence the importance of reading the question very ceil * Ack students to focus on the question now and fd hich isthe best answer to iti, which ofthe four choices ghes a logical reason for why Lee knows 2 lot of people in the meda. * Ask them to look back at the text to check the answer theyve chosen is correct, and elt the sentence which contains the answer (paragraph 4: IVe been working in ‘the mede for about twelve years.s0 Ive got lots of contacts i the industry) © Ask students to complete the exercise indvidualy on ars, underining the information in the txt that ves them “he ansner foreach question. * Check answers orally and/or by writing them on the board ‘Lc: paragraph 3:"... Ive been working inthe meta for about twelve years, 50 I've got lets of contacts in the industry 2b. paragraph 3: ‘When a new movie or CD comes out, the film or record company contacts me... 3a: paragraph 3: Sometimes | do the interview ard sometimes I get another journalist to do i! 4d: paragraph 4: \ve ended up having several arguments ‘with stars! * Assign the Reacing exercise on page 23 ofthe Workbook. “es students they are gong to play Hangman’ with fm tes. [Esc that you are going to write the intial letter ofa film tite ‘= the board and they will take it in turns to guess what the cussing letters are. “= Write the folowing on the board (the tte is Brovehear} > On the Board 8. “= Asi students to rise thei-hands if they want to try and oessaletten s= Crcose a student who should say letter fits corect. sorts fin the appropriate place in te worcf not. drow ‘Pe frst part ofthe hanged man (ie. verbal Ine) “= Draw one part of the hanged man each time a letter that xt the word is suggested s= Sader should carry on questing letters ether unt the man is complete (in which case, you have won and ‘Soule start again wth a new ttle) or until someone thnks ‘ey know the answer (in which case they should guess uF correct take over yourrole at the board) “= 6s might keto have some fm tes written down for -sudents to use in cae they crit think of ove of ther own ‘= ci, Mission nposstle, Chicago, Stor Wars) “dim: to introduce and practite vocabulary on the topic of the media students to complete the exercise. ‘Check answers orally andor by writing them on the board. journalist celebrities media comes mieniew “+ Assign exercises |.2 on page 24 of the Workbook. ae prt spe oe presne pve eres tree wo coool eaere understanding ofthe fncions 2 othe pre porter ape and cantnicas ce Ge through Grammar database 7 on pages 181 and 182 of ‘he Grammar database wth students sc students to look back atthe interview and undertne al mcdences ofthe present perfect smple and continuous tenses then count ther up Cheek answers oral 3 1) present perfect simple: 15 incidences ) present perfect continuous: 2 incidences ‘Ask students to complete the exercise, refering to Grammar database 7 recessiry. Check answers oral andicr by writing therm on the board The folowing should be arcied: 1 Hes interviewed 2 We been writing 3 since 4 yet 5 been 6 has ust sold 7 st Explain to students that they have to fil in the gaps with the verbs given in the appropriate tenses and guess who the person described is Check answers erally and/or by iriting them on the board, We worked / Ive been working Tveony been was it came out Ivestarred, ve non haven't won. married 10 Have you worked out (Dont give the identity ofthe mystery person away yet) + Ask students to match the tod in eerise 3 with the photo of the person who was describing themselves * Check answer orally Photo ¢ of Bruce Wills should be ticked For your information, photo ais of Hartison Ford and photo b cf Mal Gibson. ‘Additional Task + Tel students they are going to pley the game Who am @ + Ask them to each think ofa farnous person (they can be male or female, but must be alve) and write down fve sentences about them, using the text in overcse 3 as a gue. * Choose a student to read out ther information (eg ve mace faur bums, lie inLorcon, My fist nore begins wih.) ppasing ater exch sentence for students to quess who s beng descred, «they get tothe end of their description without anyone having guessed who they are they get five pois Unit © Ifa member of the class guesses the identity of the mystery person after just one sentence, they get five points, if they guess it after two sentences, they get four points, etc (until a guess alter fve sentences have been read out earns just one point) © Keep the score on the board. © The winning student is the cne with the most points afler ‘everyone has had a turn at being the mystery person. » © Assign exercises 1.23.4 on pages 24 and 25 of the Waerkéook. Aim: co familiarise students with negatve prefies and give them practice in word formation BD ~ Write the folowing words on the board: > On the Board une impolite unrercly misunderstand © Blict from students what the words have in cornmon (they al contain a prefix — ie. a particle added to the beginning of ‘a word — which makes their meaning negative). * Blt any other words students know containing negative prefixes. * Go through the agiectives in exercise I, making sure students understand their meanings. © Ask students to complete the exerci in pars or individually. 1 Check answers orally andlor by writing therm on the board. un = uneertar. unconvortable, unemployed unhanpy. ‘unhelpful unpopular untidy is dishonest A= illegal im — impatient impossible © Ack students to complete the exercise. © Check answers orally and/or by writing them on the board 1 impossible 2 unemployed 3 4 ddionest, 5 legal Cn * Assign exercises 1.2 on page 26 ofthe Workbook Meet the Stars ‘Aim: co give practice in listening for specific information BD» Exoiin to students that they are going to Isten to a song, * Give students a couple of minutes to read through the Iyies and complete any of the gaps they can (encourage them to guess at what the missing words could be, using the rhyming scheme to help them). + Ask different students to read a few ines of the song each, inserting possible words nthe gans (but dont give the answers at this point), BB Ply the CD once forthe to check whether their guesses \were correct and listen for the rest ofthe missing words. + Ifrecessary ply the CD, second time. + Chec answers orally andlor by vmrting them on the board «After checking the answers. you might Ike to give students a chance to listen to the song again and to sing along with it. 10 magazne str best are ‘pinion famous autograph newstiach BBemvoasuns * Assign the Listening exercise on page 28 of the Workbook. CComparatives and superiatives ‘Aim: to consolidate students’ understanding of comparative and superlative forms and urage + Gothrough Grammar database 8 on pages 182 and 183 of the Grammar database with students. drawing their attention in particular to comparative and superlative forms Of irregular adjectives and adverbs. * Elicit suggestions as to what kind of magazines Hi, Ys! and Non! are (the type containing gossip about the stars) and ask studerts if they ever read magazines lke ths. * Go through the information about the megazines with students and ask them to complete tho exercise, referring to Grammar database 8 if necessary. * Check answers oraly andor by wrting them on the board, 41 the most expensive 2 cheaper than 3 not as Creap as 4 the biggest '5 smaller than bigger than 2 Meet the Stars Unit@ 6 He most poplar 7 the least popular Bless popular than 9 more oftes than 10 es often as Additional Task + Write the folowing on the board: q » On the Board Gelire Dion Kylie Minogue Madonna David Beckham — Renaldo Pole Ton Guise Brad Pit Sean Connery + Elst what each group of famous people are (singers ‘footballers and actors}. + Ask students to make comparisons between the members oF exch group using the comparative and superlative forms of «cod and bal and the nouns singer footbaler and actor (eg Celine Dion iso better singer than Kylie Minogue, Tom Cruse & the best octor of them al et) «© Assign exercises | 2.345 on pages 26 and 27 of the Workbook. dir: eo gve practice recognising and prodhcing the sound /a/ BD © Tel students to listen tothe three sentences and focus on the pronuncaton of he vowel soundn te hghlgted weet see este sein al vee + Pathe CD once and then aah Meco. wormed] + Check anew ora + fokeerert snort ead ot the bre sontarcog payhg spe tert to thle pronunciation ofthe vowel fad “The highlighted word in the ist to sentences contain “the same vowel sound la while the thre one contains ‘the vowel sound /i/ (whch was focused on in unit |. So.nelsation page 12). + Pont out to student that ten the speing ofa word does not reflec its pronunciation ~ eg in te wore fm, the ‘un te second sabes pronounced ia + Forts exercise. tel students to fous onthe sounds they heazrot on the speligs. + Pay the CD and ak students to look at where the [al soundis bighlighte in the senterce. '* Play the six sentences once, and then again, if necessary. ‘Ad students to undorinealthe /o! sounds. « Check anowers by vrtng ther on the board underiring the parts ofthe worcs where he fa! sound occurs. 3B * Bolan that the sound /a/ isa very common one in ‘especialy in unstressed words Note: this sound is cale schwa. {The sound ale underlined in the sentences) 1 Hive you ever met afamaus perso? 2 The magazine costs about a pound. 3 | felt uncomfortable interviewing Madonng. 4 Hot a wel-enown writer 5 Conic yo passe the newspapss? 6 This video is better than that one. ‘Ack diferent studants to read the sentences from exercise 2 aloud, reproducing the stress patterns and pronunciation (of vowel sounds in particular) that they heard inthe CD. + If they are having dificulies read out the sentences yourself and ask them to repeat them after you Maxsenectiendienss Teeny cl bligoonie Se nnievorier Play the CD once, aking stucents to i in the missing words nthe questions, [ED Leck 18) + Fiay the CD agin ths te asking students to Fsten out for words and phrases usd ty the speakers to introduce the examples they ve « Check answers oraly andor by wring them on the bose Student missing words h question TV programmes words {phrases used 10 give examples lke ‘Student 2 rmissrg word in question: music ‘words [ phrases Used to give examples such 25, ice Student 3 missing words in question fl stars / actors words | phrases used to give examples for example B © Ack students to interview each ether noting down their partner’ replies. «= Remind tudants that they can use tye useful phrases from exercise 2 they wisn + Choose diferent students and ask them to surn up their partner's tases usr words and phrases from exercise | to gve some examples ofthe favourite fires, Books, ot. By» Askstudents to ciscss these questions in pas fora few minutes + Chooee a student in the cas, adress question | to them anc,when they have esnered ask them to choose another student and ak tom the nee quest. * Continue lke tis until the question have been asked and anowerec. Unit @ BB + Explain to students that they are going to have a conversation with thee partner based on the information ‘on page 168. + Refer students to the Speotrg dorobase on page 174 before they do the take * Allocate the roles of journalist and celebrity foreach pais * Give them a couple of minutes to think about their roles, make sure the student playing the role ofthe esebrity has ecided who exact he/she fs going to be. * Give stucents about fve minutes to do the role-play activi, wile you go round the class moritoring Aim: to familiarise students with a Use of English task type, tangas Game WGN Evo * Explain to students that in this tas they are given some words (onthe right in capitals) which they must change in some way to make them ft the gios inthe sentences. + Point out that they wil often have to change the given word into a diferent part of speech (eg 2 noun might have to become an adjective). ‘Point out that they right also have to make a positive word negative (eg by adding 2 prefix). © Read through the text with studants and elit suggestions as to ‘what part of speech fs needed in each gap (witout asking what the actual rissing vo * Ask students to complete the exercise indvidualy or in pairs. © Check answers orally and/or by writing them on the board ‘inal ‘Additional Task © Write the folowing words on the board: > On the Board 1 interest adjective 2 visitsroun (person) 3 appaariver (negate) 4 actudl: adverb 5 butplary verb © Ask studants to form a new word from each of the words (on the board. usig the guidelines given, © Check answers orally and/or by writing them on the board. 1. interesting / interested 2 vistor Meet the Stars 3 disappear 4 actualy 5 burde [Aims co give students practice in expanding notes into full sentences ‘Aska student to read the eral aloud, * Check students know who jim Carrey is (hes a comic actor ‘who has starred in fms such as Dum and Dumber The ‘Mosk Tae Truman Show and Man in the Moon). = Ascsturents to study the notes and elicit possible ways of raking them into ful sentences to answer the questions in ‘the letter (0g Why do you ike hire? ke him because he’s so fanny) © Check answers oral (exggested answers) Yes! Yes ofcouse you can ask me some quesions. He's so funny/:/ like him because he's so funny. about 2 years Ive been a fon (of his) fer about wo years. all of them: Ive seen all his films. ‘The Truman Show: clever and funny at the same time: ‘My fovourte is The Than Shaw’ because its ever erd furry at the same time. BD Ack sents imagine that they ar going to te an informa eral in reply to te one exerase I,based on the notes at the botom ofthe letter: + Poit out the eral hey wil hae to write fa sentences giving as much detalles posse in reply tothe pentrends quesvons, * Ask them to read though the sentences in exercise 2 and ‘decide which, in each parr would be preferable for their email * Check answers orally and/or by writing them on the boare, ‘asking students to justify their choices Ja 2b 3 4a * Assign exercises |.23.4 on page 28 of the Workbook. eae ‘inn: to prepare students to write an informal email * Explain what an informal emails (an email which communicates specific informaton as cppoted to one vihich is just a general communication. + Ask students to read through the model emall and answer the four questions that folon: * Check ansmers oral andlor by writing them on the board. Meet the Stars DB - Give sudentsa few muses to ead through the “wring task email and notes pointing out that ‘they shou aparoach the ack nthe ame way asthe one inexercse | + Elcitsuggestons as to how the notes could be expanded ino fal setences (eg he her because she has a great voice and her songs and videos are brilant to). * Ask students to go to their Composition Planner on page ISS and gue them about ve minutes to wre & brief pan forthar emai. ‘Additional Task Ack students to shut their books. * Write the folowing words that have come up in the unit on the board with three alternative spelings (ore correct, tue incorrect) > On the Bosrd 1 amedea bmecia ‘emeddia 2 2 jouralist bjurnaist ‘¢joumict 3 aselebrity beelebity ec cslebraty 4 a sucessful bsuccesl successful 5 a popular b populer ‘popula 5 atnerite bfaorte favorit Tainterview binterwe ——_c intervieue * Asc tudents to choose the correct spelling for each word, * Check answers by circing therm on the board 1b 2a 36 4c ba 6b Te * Assign the writing ofthe email students have planned in their Composition Planner teling them to write batween 120 and 150 words, * Tel students they will write a frst version ofthis email and give itto you Ther email will be given back to them ater with your comments and they will write a second, improved version of it ‘+ Reming them to tick the checklist (after the Compesition Planner) before they hand in ther emallto you.

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