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In Santiago, at _________________________, between _______________________,

RUT ________________________, a company of the line of business of the same name,
hereinafter THE EMPLOYER, represented by ___________________, identity card No.
______________, both domiciled at _________________, commune of
_____________________, city of Santiago; and Mrs. ___________________, of Chilean
nationality, born on ______________, identity card No. ____________, with address at
_________, commune of _____________, city of Santiago, hereinafter THE EMPLOYER,
have entered into the following labor contract:

FIRST: _____________________________ hires the services of _____________ to work as

a Nursing Assistant at the premises of ______________________________, located at
________________________________ commune of ______________________, city of
Santiago; however, THE EMPLOYER may assign the worker to perform work of a
similar nature and/or assign her to perform her work in a different place than the
one indicated, within the same city of Santiago, all in accordance with the pertinent
legal regulations.

SECOND: By virtue of this contract, THE WORKER undertakes to render services

as a Sick Assistant, performing the tasks assigned by custom to this type of
position and in accordance with the instructions given by her employer, without
prejudice to other similar tasks that may be assigned to her by the employer:

 Directly attend to the patient's needs during their stay in the nursing home.
 Maintain order and proper use of the furniture and facilities of the health center.
 Maintain nursing stations.
 Maintain order in patient rooms.
 Perform bed linen change in patient rooms
 Arrange the clothes and deliver them to the laundry.
 Maintain an up-to-date inventory of linens in each room.
 Support the TENS during the shift in monitoring and observing patient behavior.
 Transferring medical records or necessary documents between the nursing
stations, secretary's office and medical care boxes.
 Support during snack times and common areas in the surveillance of patients (e.g.:
avoid risks of self-injury, supervise food intake, monitor behavior, etc.).
 Accompany priests to routine examinations and medical appointments if required.
 Accompany in transfer to different emergency services if required.
 Support the clinical team in risk situations or medical emergencies, such as
psychomotor agitation, clinical decompensation, arrest, among others.
 Control the correct delivery of the rations (breakfast, lunch, eleven, dinner)
requested for each patient.
 Coordinate the admission of patient visits, at established times.
 Any other function as requested by their management.

THIRD: The working day shall be ______ hours per day, in accordance with the
characteristics of the services provided by the employer, which are those that
require special workdays; the legal weekly workday shall be distributed in different
days in 12-hour shifts from Monday to Sunday ____ hours. at _____ hours. and
from ____ hours. to ___ hrs., in a rotation that will be informed to the worker with
due anticipation, whose extension complies with the legal regulations on working
hours and rest times, all in the modality known as "Fourth Shift Workday"; the
worker will have 60 minutes for snack time.

FOURTH: The Employer undertakes to remunerate THE WORKER with the

following benefits:

a) Monthly base salary: Amounting to $XXXXX (XXXXXXXXx)

b) Sick leave bonus: The amount of $_______ (_____) will be paid to the
employee for each day actually worked during the month.

Remunerations shall be paid monthly in arrears, on the first working day of the
month following the month in which the services to be paid are rendered; from
such payments the employer shall proceed to make deductions for taxes and
provisional contributions. deductions for taxes and provisional contributions, and
the amounts ordered by court order, those that proceed according to the internal
regulations of the company and those that are authorized in writing by the
WORKER, always within the limits established by law.

THE WORKER accepts from now on that THE EMPLOYER deducts from her
remunerations the time not worked, whether due to absences, leaves of absence,
tardiness or for leaving before the end of the working day, if this occurs.

FIFTH: For the purposes of attendance control, THE WORKER shall record the
beginning and end of the daily workday in the system of general application
authorized by THE EMPLOYER, whether it is a time clock, biometric system,
attendance book, etc.

Repeated failure to comply with this obligation, as well as repeated delays, shall be
considered serious breaches of the obligations imposed by the contract, which shall
constitute cause No. 7 of Article 160 of the Labor Code.

SIXTH: The following are essential obligations of the WORKER, the breach of which
shall constitute just cause for termination of this contract:
a) Perform all duties with care, responsibility, diligence and cordiality.
b) Dress in accordance with the position.
c) Respect the company's Internal Regulations, of which he/she has received
a copy and declares to know in its entirety.
d) Comply with the working day;
e) To take care of and maintain, in perfect state of conservation, the
machines, tools and other goods provided for the development of their
f) Comply with the instructions and orders given by any of his superiors;
g) Record the start and end of the daily workday. THE WORKER shall be
presumed to be absent or tardy, if applicable, by the sole circumstance of
not registering. If THE WORKER is caught marking another worker's card
or accepts that another person marks his or her own, the company may
immediately terminate the contract for legal cause.
h) In cases of absence from work due to illness, THE WORKER shall justify it
only with the corresponding medical license;
i) To faithfully and fully comply with the monthly work goals determined by
the EMPLOYER, which will be duly informed to the EMPLOYER.
j) Refrain from performing, during the workday and/or on the EMPLOYER's
premises, activities unrelated to their work in the Company and/or
attending to private matters.
k) Act with loyalty to the company, their co-workers and the users of the
company's services. Strict confidentiality must be maintained with regard
to the information he/she learns in the course of his/her work, both from
the company and its executives as well as from third parties.
l) Carry out their work with due care, avoiding compromising the safety and
health of the rest of the company's employees and the environment.
m) Attend the public with care and courtesy, behaving with dignity in the
performance of their duties.

SEVENTH: The parties declare that the employer maintains and manages a
database corresponding to clinical records and personal data of patients under
treatment at its various Medical Centers, which are incorporated in digital medical
records, on paper, and other documents kept by the employer for this purpose,
information that for all legal purposes is sensitive and confidential.

Likewise, the parties declare that the access to such information and its processing
is carried out by the employer and the professionals who provide services for the
employer, for therapeutic and other legally permitted purposes, and according to
instructions from direct management.

The employee is obliged to keep strict confidentiality regarding the aforementioned

patient data or information, as well as any personal or medical information about
them that she learns verbally or by other means and in connection with the
performance of her work for the employer; she is also obliged to promote such
confidentiality in the performance of her work. The parties understand that any
unauthorized use or access of patients' clinical or personal information, and in
general, any disclosure or misuse thereof, incurred by the worker. In the event of
termination of this contract, for whatever reason, the employee authorizes the
EMPLOYER to deduct and withhold from the last payment of remunerations and
eventual legal or conventional indemnities, the sums owed by the employee arising
from the labor relationship.

EIGHTH: This employment contract shall be for an indefinite term.

NINTH: It is hereby stated for the record that the worker began to render her
services as of ______.

TENTH: For all effects derived from this contract, the parties establish their
domicile in the city of Santiago, and extend jurisdiction before its courts.

ELEVENTH: Modifications to this contract shall be recorded in writing and signed

by both parties, on the back of the copies or in an attached document.

TWELFTH: After reading, the parties sign this employment contract in sign of
acceptance, in three copies, and the worker declares that she will receive one copy
of it, and that two copies will remain in the EMPLOYER's possession.

Worker Employer
Centro Psiquiátrica Integral SPA

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