Answers Final Evaluation of Anti-Corruption Course

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To which value of the code of integrity does the following definition correspond? -I
always act on the basis of truth, performing my duties with transparency and
rectitude, and always favoring the general interest.


Indicate to which concept the following definition refers: -Abuse of power for one's
own benefit, to the detriment of collective interests.

Conflict of interest

3. Relate to its corresponding value the action principle of What I don't do -I never
get to think of my job as a servant as a "favor" that I do for the citizenry. It is a
commitment and a source of pride.

4. Select the corresponding action principle of What do I do with the value

I recognize and protect the rights of each person according to their needs and
I use public resources responsibly to fulfill my obligations. The public belongs to
everyone and is not wasted.
I listen, assist and guide anyone who needs any information or guidance in any public
I am open to dialogue and understanding despite perspectives and opinions different
from my own. There is nothing that can't be solved by talking and listening to each other.
I always report any misconduct, crime or violation of rights of which I become aware
in the exercise of my office.

5. The values of the integrity code were the product of consultation that convened
more than 25,000 servers. What was the value that received the highest number of
votes and therefore the one that should most characterize public employees in


6. Indicate the content corresponding to the LAW 1757 OF 2015.

Law on transparency and the right of access to national public information.

Provisions regarding the promotion and protection of the right to democratic
Anti-Corruption Statute

7. Select the corresponding action principle of What I do not do with the value
I do not favor the point of view of one interest group without taking into account all the
actors involved in a situation.
I do not postpone decisions and activities that provide solutions to citizen problems or
that are part of the operation of my position. There are some things that simply cannot be
put off for another day.
I never come to think of my work as a servant as a "favor" I do for the citizenry. It is a
commitment and a source of pride.
I never base my decisions on assumptions, stereotypes, or prejudices.
I do not accept incentives, favors, or any other type of benefit offered to me by
individuals or groups interested in a decision-making process.

8. Relate the concept CONFLICT OF INTERESTS with its corresponding


A situation in which a person or the entity in which he/she works, whether a

government, company, media or civil society organization, must choose between the
responsibilities and demands of his/her position and his/her own private interests.
Consistency between statements and achievements
Quality of a government, company, organization or person to be open in the disclosure
of information, rules, plans, processes and actions.
Abuse of power for personal benefit, to the detriment of the collective interests.

9. Is a conflict of interest considered a case of corruption?


10. The values of the integrity code are: honesty, ____________, diligence,
commitment and ___________.

respect - collaboration
equality - fairness
respect - justice
loyalty - innovation
1. Relate with its corresponding value the action principle of What I do not do - I do
not favor the point of view of an interest group without taking into account all the
actors involved in a situation.


4. Select the corresponding action principle of What I do with the JUSTICE value.

I recognize and protect the rights of each person according to their needs and
I use public resources responsibly to fulfill my obligations. The public belongs to
everyone and is not wasted.
I listen, assist and guide anyone who needs any information or guidance in any public
I am open to dialogue and understanding despite perspectives and opinions different
from my own. There is nothing that can't be solved by talking and listening to each other.
I always report any misconduct, crime or violation of rights of which I become aware
in the performance of my duties.

6. I recognize and protect the rights of each person in accordance with his or her
needs and conditions.


7. Relate with its corresponding value the action principle of What I don't do -I
never get to think that my work as a servant is a "favor" that I do to the citizenship.
It is a commitment and a source of pride.

9. To which value of the integrity code does the following definition correspond: -I
recognize, value and treat with dignity all people, with their virtues and defects,
regardless of their work, their origin, titles or any other condition.-.


8. Civil society and citizens in general must contribute to the fight against
corruption. The Anti-Corruption Statute, Law 1474 of 2011, created the
_____________________________ so that civil society can contribute to
monitoring the policies, programs and actions formulated and implemented by the
State and the national government for the prevention, control and punishment of

National Citizen Commission for the Fight against Corruption

Citizen Oversight
Regional Moralization Commission
Transparency Secretary

2. The values of the code of integrity are: honesty, respect, _____________,

____________ and fairness.

commitment - impartiality
diligence - commitment
diligence - honesty
loyalty - teamwork

3. I do not accept incentives, favors, or any other type of benefit offered to me by

individuals or groups interested in a decision-making process.


4. Select the corresponding action principle of What I do not do with the value

I do not favor the point of view of one interest group without taking into account all the
actors involved in a situation.
I do not postpone decisions and activities that provide solutions to citizen problems or
that are part of the operation of my position. There are some things that simply cannot be
put off for another day.
I never come to think of my work as a servant as a "favor" I do for the citizenry. It is a
commitment and a source of pride.
I never base my decisions on assumptions, stereotypes, or prejudices.
I do not accept incentives, favors, or any other type of benefit offered to me by
individuals or groups interested in a decision-making process.

8. The regional moralization commissions are bodies at ___________ in charge of

implementing the guidelines of the National Moralization Commission and
coordinating the actions of the bodies for the prevention, investigation and
punishment of corruption.


7. Select the law that corresponds to the Object: -To guarantee that the information
in possession of a public entity is available to all citizens.

Provisions regarding the promotion and protection of the right to democratic

Law on Transparency and the Right of Access to National Public Information.
Anti-Corruption Statute.

9. Relate the DILIGENCE value of the integrity code to its respective definition.

I recognize, value and treat with dignity all people, with their virtues and defects,
regardless of their work, their origin, titles or any other condition.
I fulfill the duties, functions and responsibilities assigned to my position to the best of
my ability, with attention, promptness, skill and efficiency, in order to optimize the use of
the State's resources.
I act with impartiality, guaranteeing the rights of people, with equity, equality and
without discrimination.
I am aware of the importance of my role as a public servant and I am permanently
willing to understand and solve the needs of the people with whom I interact in my daily
work, always seeking to improve their welfare.
I always act on the basis of truth, fulfilling my duties with transparency and rectitude,
and always favoring the general interest.

2. To which value of the integrity code does the following definition correspond: -I
act with impartiality guaranteeing people's rights, with fairness, equality and without

3. The Colombian Agency for Public Procurement - Colombia Compra Eficiente, a
decentralized entity of the Public Procurement Branch _______, attached to
_____________, whose objective is to develop and promote public policies and
tools oriented to the organization and articulation of the participants in the public
procurement and contracting processes, in order to achieve greater efficiency,
transparency and optimization of the State's resources.The purpose of this agency is
to develop and promote public policies and tools aimed at the organization and
coordination of the participants in the public procurement and contracting processes,
in order to achieve greater efficiency, transparency and optimization of the State's

Legislative - national - Congress of the Republic

Judicial - territorial - National Planning Department
Executive - national - National Planning Department
Executive - territorial - Ministry of Finance

4. Indicate to which concept the following definition refers: -Quality of a

government, company, organization or person to be open in the disclosure of
information, norms, plans, processes and actions- -A quality of a government,
company, organization or person to be open in the disclosure of information, norms,
plans, processes and actions.

Conflict of interest

6. Relate the concept INTEGRITY with its corresponding definition.

A situation in which a person or the entity in which he/she works, be it a government,

company, media or civil society organization, must choose between the responsibilities and
demands of his/her position and his/her own private interests.
Consistency between statements and achievements
Quality of a government, company, organization or individual to be open in the
disclosure of information, standards, plans, processes and actions.
Abuse of power for personal benefit, to the detriment of the interests of the company.
is collective

. Relate the COMPROMISE value of the integrity code to its respective definition.

I recognize, value and treat with dignity all people, with their virtues and defects,
regardless of their work, their origin, titles or any other condition.
I fulfill the duties, functions and responsibilities assigned to my position to the best of
my ability, with attention, promptness, skill and efficiency, in order to optimize the use of
the State's resources.
I act with impartiality, guaranteeing the rights of people, with equity, equality and
without discrimination.
I am aware of the importance of my role as a public servant and I am permanently
willing to understand and solve the needs of the people with whom I interact in my daily
work, always seeking to improve their welfare.
I always act on the basis of truth, fulfilling my duties with transparency and rectitude,
and always favoring the general interest.

1. Relate with its corresponding value the principle of action of What I do -I always
report the faults, crimes or violation of rights of which I have knowledge in the
exercise of my position.


2. Select the law corresponding to the following content: -Law of transparency and
the right of access to national public information- -Law of transparency and the right
of access to national public information-.

Law 1715 of 2015

Law 1712 of 2014
Law 1474 of 2011

3. The Anti-Corruption Statute (Law 1474 of 2011) took up and strengthened the
figure of the National Commission of __________ as an instance integrated by the
heads of the branches of public power and the control agencies, in order to promote
adequate coordination and collaboration between entities in the fight against

Citizen Oversight
Citizen's Anti-Corruption Campaign
Civil Service

4. Indicate the contents of Law 1474 of 2011.

Law on transparency and the right of access to national public information.

Provisions regarding the promotion and protection of the right to democratic
Anti-Corruption Statute

6. To which value of the integrity code does the following definition correspond: -I
always act on the basis of truth, fulfilling my duties with transparency and rectitude,
and always favoring the general interest.-.


10. Indicate the object corresponding to the law of: Anti-Corruption Statute

Establish administrative, penal, disciplinary, fiscal and pedagogical measures, as well

as the work of special anti-corruption agencies.
Promote and strengthen an active and proactive citizenship.
Ensure that information held by public entities is available to all citizens.

According to the results of the survey on institutional environment and performance

-EDI for the year 2018, what is the main factor that may influence the occurrence of
irregular practices in the public administration?

Lack of controls
Low salaries
Absence of ethical values
Ignorance of laws

3. Relate with its corresponding value the action principle of What I do not do -I do
not favor the point of view of an interest group without taking into account all the
actors involved in a situation.


8. The Transparency Secretariat is a decentralized entity of the Executive Branch of

the national order, attached to the National Planning Department. Its objective is to
develop and promote public policies and tools aimed at the organization and
coordination of the participants in the public procurement and contracting processes,
in order to achieve greater efficiency, transparency and optimization of the State's


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