Eve. Summative Week 7 and 8

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- María Ignacia Muñoz Rojas
- Jessenia Alejandra Vega Calderón
- Byron Alejandro Romero Pincheira
- Fernando Ignacio Romero Vergara.
- Christian González Rosas
Subject: Entrepreneurship (Online).
Section: GEEM01/378_Mixed
Teacher: Jorge Berger Solís.
Delivery date: October 20, 2020.
1 Index

"REDISCOVERING THE VALUE OF OLD AGE".................................................................................1
CASE OF APPLICATION..........................................................................................................................1
1 Index.....................................................................................................................................................2
2 Introduction........................................................................................................................................3
3 First Problem......................................................................................................................................4
3.1 Which of the failure factors listed above do you think could be avoided by
incorporating senior citizens into the structure of the organization?.....................................5
3.2 Is collaborative work and social sustainability encouraged? Please substantiate
your answer............................................................................................................................................5
4 Second Problem................................................................................................................................6
4.1 Can it be assured that possible obstacles that arise along the way, administrative
or other bureaucracies and resistance to change in people are easier situations to
overcome? Please substantiate your answer................................................................................7
5 Third Problem....................................................................................................................................7
5.1 Do they consider that older adults could present the characteristics listed above?
Please substantiate your answer......................................................................................................8
6 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................................9
7 Bibliography.....................................................................................................................................11
2 Introduction

The subject of entrepreneurship is generally correlated as a new business; it must

meet certain requirements to be considered as such. At present, there are state
guidelines for the support of entrepreneurship, in which the requirements of the
application must be fulfilled in order to be benefited.

Many fail in the development of the idea and the subsidies or contributions are lost
along with these cases, this leads us to become aware that we must study
conscientiously the matters that involve the success of a venture, this will be the
foundation at the beginning to a business with high chances of remaining in time;
considering to be permanently in search of innovation and adding value to the
resource generating unit.
People are born, grow, develop and die, the latter of which has been increasing
the life expectancy of our population. A case in point is the pension funds that
have had to increase the average age of death in order to make the calculations. It
should be added that there is already talk of a "fourth age", which is between 80
years of age and older, and if with the third age there is already a sort of
conformity in terms of working capacity, with the aforementioned age it is even
worse. Es por ello que debemos manifestar responsablemente una alternativa
donde se incorporen estas fuerzas laborales adecuada a su condición cognitiva y
física, en esta ocasión proponemos XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,
que resultara en un estímulo para todas las partes a modo de inclusión, aportando
cada uno lo mejor de sí para el cumplimiento de las metas.
3 First Problem

In 2014 Entrepreneur Magazine, made an interesting article that includes the 15 reasons
for entrepreneurial failure. Here is a list of the 15 most frequent mistakes made by

 Lack of experience in the sector.

 Poor location.
 Lack of a business plan.
 Spending too much time developing the product and strategy.
 Starting without sufficient capital.
 No market.
 Wanting to start big.
 Excessive growth.
 Insufficient advertising.
 Being too lonely.
 Leaving too early.
 Surrounding oneself with less capable people.
 Do not put the customer first.
 Do not adapt.
 Lack of commitment.
Based on the above:

3.1 Which of the failure factors listed above do you think could be avoided
by incorporating senior citizens into the structure of the organization?

In my opinion, if more senior citizens were hired, the lack of experience in the sector
would decrease, since they are very wise due to the experience they have in the industry.

Lack of commitment could also be avoided in some cases, since not all, but a large part
of young people are immature or do not want to commit to be in a place worked for too
long, let alone forever, and I emphasize "in some cases" because I do not want to
generalize, it is not something that if or if it will happen.

However, seniors are generally mature decision-makers, which makes them committed,
responsible and reliable.

3.2 Is collaborative work and social sustainability encouraged? Please

substantiate your answer.

Within a job in which we can find several people, in which collaborative work is visualized
since its members contribute with a series of ideas and knowledge with the objective of
achieving a common goal. On the other hand, what sustainability proposes is to satisfy
the needs of the current generation, that is to say, as the search for the right balance
between these two generations. That is, it is essential to achieve good communication
between peers, in order to fulfill the different roles and in a good way.

These two characteristics are very important in a job, as they complement each other,
since nowadays, in the market, we find different types of customers who must be known
in order to satisfy their needs.

Rather, with the wisdom and respect that symbolize old age, they can transmit and guide
young people, so that today they are prepared for whatever may come our way.
For an idea to be considered a good business idea, with real possibilities of development
and of becoming a profitable venture, it must meet certain requirements. Rodriguez and
Moreno (n/d) propose the following:

• It must be associated with a notion of product, whether it is a good or a

• There must be customers who have a need for the product and value their
• It must be possible to take advantage of it in a timely manner.
• It must generate the income that is needed.
• It should excite.
• It must represent something we can commit to.
• It must be ethically and legally permissible.

Considering the above, if the business idea meets these characteristics.

4 Second Problem

4.1 Can it be assured that possible obstacles that arise along the way,
administrative or other bureaucracies and resistance to change in
people are easier situations to overcome? Please substantiate your

Change produces anxiety in the face of an uncertain situation; the person perceives his
or her sense of security and prefers not to leave the status quo.

Depending on the situation and some of the aspects that I have mentioned and that I will
discuss, it will be easier or more complicated for you to make the change you want to
make. And also keep in mind that, on many occasions, the mere fact of persevering is
the most important thing.

Younger people seem happier to change than older people, no doubt because they have
fewer habits acquired over the years or less to lose.

It is unclear whether intelligence and education affect a person's attitudes toward and
acceptance of change. It is a reasonable assumption that smarter people should be more
inclined to learn new things and to see change as necessary.

These are the stages you usually go through:

Main causes of resistance to change in Project Management

 Fear of the unknown; uncertainty.

 Lack of information.

 Historical factors.

 Threat perception (payments, benefits, etc.).

 Climate of low administrative trust.

 Fear of failure.

 Resistance to experimentation.
5 Third Problem

The psychologist David McClelland, created the concept "achievement motivation", which
he explains as: "Predisposition to excel in something, overcome challenges and achieve
goals. Achievement motivation manifests itself when basic needs are met and you orient
your behavior towards self-improvement and self-growth. It is oriented to tasks with high
demands and constancy. (Papalia, 1996, p. 350)."

According to this definition, entrepreneurs with innovative spirit and vision are expected
to present the following characteristics:

• They avoid easy tasks.

• They know how to set goals.
• They always want to improve.
• They want to develop in all areas as much as possible.
• They seek to take responsibility for solving problems.
• They strive for personal achievement.

Taking into account the above,

5.1 Do they consider that older adults could present the characteristics
listed above? Please substantiate your answer.

An older adult may have all of these characteristics, but some may be more difficult for
them to use than others and others may be easier for them because of the experience
they have acquired over the years.

Analysis of the mentioned characteristics:

They avoid easy tasks: This characteristic does not depend on age but rather on the

They know how to set goals: This characteristic may be less difficult for an older adult if
he/she has already faced similar circumstances in his/her life.
They always want to improve: This characteristic must be present in all entrepreneurs,
regardless of their age.

Always want to improve: This characteristic is like the previous one that every
entrepreneur must have to try to emerge and it does not matter how old you are.

They want to develop in all areas as much as possible: This characteristic may be
that the older adult may find it easier, because of their experience in life or it may also be
the most difficult, because of the time it takes to develop, on the other hand to a young
person the time and energy they can implement to develop is greater, so the time it takes
to develop all areas to the maximum is not so limiting.

They seek to take responsibility for solving problems: This characteristic every
entrepreneur must have in order to follow through with their goals and succeed at them.

Strive for personal achievement: This characteristic is one of the fundamental ones no
matter what age you are, it depends more than anything else on how much you want to
achieve your goals.
6 Conclusion

The third age is nowadays an incalculable treasure if we know how to extract the best
from them, respecting their integrity, values and principles, this contribution is
incalculable when it comes to experience, since the trajectory is the best ally when we
participate in the popular saying "experience is the mother of sciences".

The success of a business idea must be based on the considerations about the failure
factors, since by having these evaluated, it is possible to know in advance the direction
that the idea will take.

The obstacles considered are not easy to solve, many of them are strongly influenced by
the pandemic factor that our country is experiencing. Similarly, the elderly are reluctant to
adapt their relevance based on technology, so they must be considered in the scheme of
a company.

The motivation to achieve in this age group described above should be known to be
overcome since basic needs are covered, however, we know that as such it is not
effective, since survival demands higher resources than these people possess, and the
state system is mediocre in this regard.
7 Bibliography

Diego Barroilhet. (November 11, 2019). REDISCOVERING THE VALUE OF OLD AGE.
October 12, 2020, de innovacion.cl Website:

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