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SEQUENCE: The process of construction of the Argentinean

national State (1853-1880)

A) TARGET GROUP: Sixth grade students - second cycle.

B) BACKGROUND: From 1850 onwards, Latin America became a producer of raw materials
and foodstuffs that were exported to the centers of the new industrial economy; and a
consumer of the industrial production of those centers.
In Argentina by 1880, the rulers had achieved obedience to the central government, the
unification of the country's leading groups, the organization of the new State institutions,
including the Army, the integration and delimitation of the territory. From the point of view of
the men of the generation of '80, as the leading groups of those years were called, the
consolidation of the institutional and political order in accordance with the liberal principles of
the time. The national state was able to secure the foundations of the capitalist social order
and the country's economy was incorporated into the world market. The labor requirements
for the new jobs prompted the arrival of hundreds of thousands of immigrants that
profoundly changed the traditional organization of Argentine society.

TIME: May- June- July.

 Use different sources and supports of information as triggers or motivators of topics.
 To guide the student in the analysis of information and images about different
 Enrich the topics addressed with the contribution of testimonies (records, interviews),
case studies, biographies.
 Generate spaces for debate and discussion and exchange of arguments and ideas on
the issues raised.
 Encourage the student to develop and resolve hypotheses.
 Identify the particular characteristics of space and social subjects.
 Provide moments that allow interpreting and describing information through a
diversity of sources presented in different formats.
 Encourage oral exchange through questions that generate their own opinions.
 Encourage respect, solidarity among peers and collaborative work.
 Propose teaching situations and varied strategies that allow students to acquire the
modes of learning the social sciences.
 Promote the treatment of the territorial and temporal dimension of social processes.

The process of construction of the Argentine national State (1853-1880)

 Economic relations between different nations under the International Division of Labor
 Construction of the national State: conflicts and consensus among the social subjects

 The role of the national State in the creation of an agro-export economy. The
attraction of capital, labor and the conquest of land in the pampas, Patagonia and



 Objective: that students can recognize the conflicts and agreements that led to the
organization of the Argentine National State during the period 1853-1880.

 Task 1: Next you will read two texts. In the first text, "The Origins of the Argentine
National State", you will be able to trace how this political organization was developed
in Argentina in the second half of the 19th century. The second is a content outline
that will allow you to review what is currently understood by the "Nation State".

A) Find in the text which were the political actions that had as an objective the organization of
the National State and write them down in your folder.

B) Identify what the functions of a state are and write them in your folder.


Task 1: Watch the following video.

A) Based on what you have seen in the video, make a timeline with the main events that led
to the creation of the Argentine National State.

*Workingwith ICT in the classroom: I suggest you use this web resource with which you can
make the timeline on your computer or tablet.




 That students analyze and understand the reasons for the conflict between the
State of Buenos Aires and the Argentine Confederation. 3
 Students should take into account the consequences of the Rosas case for the
discussion about the risks of the concentration of power in a single person and
they should be able to establish relationships with similar situations.

Task 1: The following is a reading of a text, with the need to understand previous events.

"...from 1815 to 1852, the caudillos played a leading role in the government of the provinces.
These leaders had popular support, commanded armies and sealed alliances with other
warlords. Between them there were two opposing positions on how to organize the country.
The Unitarians, in favor of a strong central government that exercised influence over all the
provinces and centrally managed the economy; and the Federals, who defended the rights and
autonomy of the provinces to elect their governors and manage their provinces, accepted the
existence of a central government that would manage international and diplomatic relations
with other countries. This situation took more than 30 years of discussions, agreements and
treaties to half-solve these differences."

A) After reading the text, make a summary of the most salient aspects of the two positions:



Assignment 1: Reading a text about Rosas' government.

First government:

During Rosas' first government, the country was not organized as a nation, but the provinces
had confronted each other by signing the Unitary League (Córdoba, Santiago del Estero,
Catamarca, La Rioja, San Juan, San Luis, Tucumán, Salta and Mendoza) on the one hand, and
the Federal Pact (Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Entre Ríos and Corrientes) on the other.

On December 6, 1829 the legislature elected Rosas governor and granted him extraordinary
powers. If he already ruled from the outside, how could he not do it now that he was in power?
From the beginning, he declared the Unitarian Party an enemy, and used the famous motto:
"He who is not with me, is against me" to attack them. Therefore, he put in his favor the
bourgeoisie, conservatives and reactionaries, the Catholics, the disgruntled gauchos, the
Indians, the urban plebs and part of the rural population. Rosas appeared as a restorer, due to
the attitude of contempt, of violation of rights that the previous governments had given.
Against him appeared the Unitarians, the young enlightened, the liberals, the military and the
old patricians of the revolution.

His government was centralist, respectful of the feudal lords as long as they were subject to
him. He had a protectionist, anti-European, narrowly nationalistic, change-averse, and foreign-
oriented outlook. His first move in government, in fact, was to suppress freedom of the press
and take it over. However, this first period was only an image of what would be the second
term, since here Rosas had no real experience in politics.

Thus, in 1832 Rosas prevented the Representative Commission from calling a general congress
to organize the republic. Rosas' idea was that the country was not in a position to enter into a
general organization; the union of the provinces should be maintained only with the Federal
Pact. "We must exist and then organize," was their argument.

Second Government:

On March 7, 1835, the Legislature conferred the government to Rosas for five years with the
sum of public power, with no restrictions other than to preserve and protect the Catholic
religion, and to sustain and defend "the national cause of the Federation". The appointment
was confirmed by a plebiscite with 9720 votes in favor and 8 against. The sum of the public
power of the province was deposited with him; but how did Rosas come to have all this
support? We must therefore analyze the period 1832-1835, when Rosas did not govern.

First Rosas did not accept in 1832 the reelection without extraordinary powers. And from then
on he was elected several times to return to power, but each time he refused because he was
not granted the special powers; he leaves the government to work from the outside and hinder
the government very cleverly. Second, the police, the army, the press and the masses were at
their mercy. After forming his own Partido Restaurador Apostólico, and with the support of the
Sociedad Popular Restauradora, known as 'La Mazorca', which terrorized his Unitarian
adversaries, Rosas formed alliances with the leaders of the other Argentine provinces, gaining
control of trade and foreign affairs of the Confederation. A more than decisive event was the
revolution of the restorers of October 11, 1833: Governor Balcarce ordered a trial of the
newspaper El Restaurador de las leyes, and Buenos Aires was papered with posters
announcing the trial of the "Restaurador de las leyes". And the people of the suburbs thought
that the trial was of Rosas, since he was also known by that name. And at the beginning of the
hearing there was a huge uproar that ended with the siege of the city by General Pinedo, who
joined the protest. And the government army was with Rosas in the south in the
"exterminating" desert campaign.

Balcarce had to resign, and later so did José Viamonte and V.Maza (after Quiroga's
assassination). Upon his return from the desert expedition, the legislature awarded him a
medal. However, he did not possess a warlike spirit, although he knew how to exploit his
prestige. Thus Rosas appeared as the only one capable of calming the situation.

It is in this stage of fear and political anarchy that Rosas appears as the only one capable of
putting an end to the difficult moment and establishing the long awaited peace.

A) Describe the characteristics of the governments of Juan Manuel de Rosas.




Closing activity. Task 1: Read the texts carefully and underline what you consider to be the
most important.

After the battle of Caseros, where J.J. triumphed. Urquiza takes command of the
Confederation and calls a meeting of the provinces to discuss the future of the United

A) From what you have read, complete the following scheme:

Evaluation activity.
Prompt 1: Read the following opinion article published by the agency Télam.

A) Look up the words you don't understand in the dictionary.
B) Draw up a timeline with the events mentioned in the article.
C) In a comparative table, contrast what happened with the allocation of resources in
the period 1853-1880 with those of today.


 Record in folders of the proposed activities.

 Posters and fibrons.

 Photocopies of the material provided for each class.

 Computer.

 Videos extracted from Youtube.

 Journalistic and opinion articles.


 Participation in oral exchanges to report on learning.

 Responsibility and commitment in the fulfillment of assigned tasks, such as

information search, etc.

 Use of appropriate vocabulary.

 Direct observation of group and individual work, participation, collaboration, etc.

 Sharing of what has been previously investigated.


 Social Science 6. Cassava. 2009

 Social Science 6. Estrada- Understand. 2011

 Social Science 6. KapeluzNorma- Tools for learning. 2014

 Curriculum design for primary education. Second Cycle. Government of the

Province of Buenos Aires. 2018

 Internet: images on the subject.

 YouTube: videos.


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