Week 02 Day 02 Paper 02

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Week 02
Day 01 [Paper 02]

(a) Main Teachings : [2] marks

• The teaching of this Hadith gives a distinguished place to a believer who struggles in the way of God. The person
who is ready to sacrifice his property and even his life for the sake of Islam is the best of believers.
• It also refers to two main kinds of Jihad or struggle in the way of Allah i.e spiritual (Nafs) and financial
(Maal). It instructs Muslims to safeguard their faith and to spend their wealth to improve social conditions.
• Muslims must establish a society based on justice and righteousness. The words ‘striving hard’ with one
person may also mean to spread the word of Allah.
• In some cases , it may also include armed struggle to safeguard Islam. Allah compensates a believer for
what he spends in His way as the Quran says, “There is no (amount of money) that you spend in His cause
without Him replacing it for He’s the best of all providers” (34:39)
(b) Action: [2] marks
• A person may strive in Allah’s way by spending time in the worship of Allah or by doing social work in the
community. A true believer after completing his farz obligations Should strive in the way of Allah by going
on to read his tahajud prayer or tarawih prayers or finance those less fortunate than himself to perform
hajj etc.
• An individual can support Islam and the community such as through one’s wealth and resources by
supporting schools and educations to remove ignorance, by donating for health facilities for the poor by
providing them livelihood and by repair and maintenance as well as construction of mosques.
• One may raise awareness about the peaceful teachings of Islam by carrying out welfare projects locally
and internationally or by helping the poor communities affected by conflicts.
• The Prophet exerted himself in Allah’s way both spiritually and physically and encouraged his companions
to do so. The best example is the Tabuk expedition when his companions made financial contributions in
the cause of Allah.

(a) Main Teachings : [2] marks

• The popular understanding of the term martyr is one who lays down his life for the sake of Allah on
the battlefield. This Hadith broadens the concept of martyrdom and lays stress on the importance
of living righteous lives so that whenever death comes to a believer he/she will attain the status of
a martyr.
• martyrs are not only those who fight in Allah’s way in the battlefield but all those Muslims who die
practicing their faith . Quran says, “And say not of those who are slain in the way of Allah: “they
are dead”. Rather, they are living, but you perceive it not.” (2:154).
• It encourages those Muslims who are unable to take part in Physical Jihad due to some disease or
some valid reason.
• The core teachings of the Hadith however, is that Allah loves His creation and that He is willing to
reward each and everyone as long as they are obedient to Him and remain true to their faith.
(b)Action: [2] marks
• A Muslim who wants to attain the status of a martyr must always be engaged in performing righteous
deeds that would earn him Allah’s pleasure. After belief in Allah’s oneness and fulfillments of the
religious obligations a Muslim should engage in Jihad of the self, of the tongue, by the hand or by other
means of support.
• Muslims should never hesitate to participate in any struggle waged to eradicate aggression and injustice
for example raising voice against a tyrant ruler.
• It must be understood that martyr in the battlefield are thought to attain the highest level of Paradise.
A companion was martyred on the day (of the battle) of Badr. His mother came to the Prophet and
asked if her son was in Paradise. Prophet replied that her son was in the (most superior) Paradise of Al-
• Some examples of how to achieve this status are: By working honestly and helping those in need, By
supporting the vulnerable and showing kindness to all creatures of Allah, By looking after the
environment, By defending the teachings of Islam and spreading the world of Allah and if need be laying
down one’s life in the way of Allah.The focus of every word and action of a Muslim should be to earn
Allah’s pleasure and to remember Him at all times.

Belief in angels
M/J 2010
4 (a) What are Muslim beliefs about angels? [10]
O/N 2018
4(a) According to Muslim belief what part do angels play in the everyday lives of human
beings? [10]
Answer (Learn and write):
• It is an article of faith without which a Muslim’s faith is incomplete. It is mentioned in the Imaan-e-
Mufassal, which is: “I believe in Allah, in His angels, in His books, in His messengers, in the last day
and in the fact that everything good or bad is decided by Allah, the Almighty, and in life after death”.

• Belief in angels is the second articles of faith. Angels are special creation of Allah and are made of
light(Nur). They are solely created to worship Allah and praise Him. They are not Allah’s daughters or
objects of worship.
• The angels are a link between man and God, Allah says, “Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels
and apostles to Gabriel and Michael, remember! Allah is an enemy to those who reject faith.”
(Baqarah 2:98)
• They are entrusted with specific function. They have been bestowed with the necessary qualities and
power to carry out their duties, but they do not have a free will. they worship and glorify Allah, sing His
praises and prostrate before Him, Allah says, “Those who are near to your Lord hesitate not to worship
Him: They celebrate His praises and bow down before Him.” (Al-A’raf 7:206)
• Angels play a significant role in the everyday lives of human beings e.g. according to Muslim belief
they breathe life into the foetus a few months after conception with the permission of God; an angel
then writes the answer to four questions in this human being’s book of deeds: Will it be male or
female? Will this person be happy or sad? How long will his/her life be and will the person perform
good or bad deeds?
• Angels are also responsible for guarding people throughout their lives; The Quran says, “ For each one
are successive [angels] before and behind him who protect him by the decree of Allah.” (Sura 13
verse 11)

• They strengthen the hearts of righteous believers. In the battle of Badr the angels strengthened the
heart of the believers and helped them. They cast terror into the hearts of the non believers. They ask
Allah’s forgiveness for the believers and send blessings on them.
They act as messengers of Allah, but they do not descend without His permission, “Therein come down the
angels and the Spirit by Allah’s permission on every errand.” (Al-Qadr:97:4)

“ He does send down His angels with the inspiration of His command to such of His servants as He pleases.”[al
• Angels are heavenly beings not visible to ordinary mortals and belong to the category of unseen.They
donot need sleep or other human requirements and never get tired. The do not have freewill and only
obey and implement command of Allah, therefore, they are sinless.
• Angels prostrated before Adam when Allah commanded them to do so.Angels also appeared to the
prophet Ibrahim in human from to give him glad tiding of a son An angel was sent to the prophet
Zakariyah and to Maryam to give them tiding of a son..
The most prominent angels are:
1. Angel Gabriel is the one who brought the message of Allah to Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) ad all the other
2. Angel Izrael is the angel of death who takes away the life.
3. Angel Mikael provides the provisions to the people; he is also responsible to cause the rainfall.
4. Angel Israfeel is the angel who will blow the trumpet, ‘Soor’ on the Day of Judgment when directed.
The first trumpet will be blown to announce the end of the world and the second trumpet will be
sounded to bring all the dead to life again to face Allah’s judgment.
These four angels are regarded amongst the highest ranking for the importance of their duities.

5. Kiramann Katibin record every deed of a person, Allah says, “ But verily over you (are appointed
angels) to protect you, kind and honorable writing down(your deeds).”(Al-Infitar82:10)
6. Munkar and Nakir question the dead grave, the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) said, “ When a faithful believer
is made to sit in his grave, then (the angels) come to him and he testifies that none has the right
to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is Allah’s Apostle .....” (Sahih Bukhari)
7. Rizwan the gatekeeper of Paradise; Malik the gatekeeper of Hell.
(b) Discuss the importance of Jibra’il in comparison to other angels. [4]
• Angels have particular jobs to do which are assigned to them by God.
• Jibrail is the arch angel who had the all important duty of bringing the word of Allah to his chosen
• He was sent by Allah to announce the birth of Hazrat Issa to Hazrat Maryam , to deliver the Quran to
Prophet Muhammad and also to conduct him on the Miraj.
• He had been in direct interaction with mankind as compared to any other angel and appeared in human
form on many occasions. The Quran refers to him as “The Holy Spirit” at several places e.g surah
Maryam, surah al Qadr etc.

Belief in Divine Books

O/N 2010
4 (a) Write a descriptive account of the Muslim belief in revealed books. [10]
O/N 2014
5 (a) Name the revealed books mentioned in the Qur’an, giving the names of the messengers
they were revealed to and the message they contained. [10]
Answer (Learn and write)
Belief in divine books is the third article of faith.
All divine teachings are contained in the books of Allah. The main purpose for sending the revealed books
was for people to learn about the religion sent to them and to know of their obligations towards God and
fellow human beings. Belief in divine books before the revelation of the Qur’an is an essential aspect of
Muslim faith. They are source of guidance for the mankind.
They all brought the same teachings . All Divine books invited people to worship of Allah,they contained
belief in prophethood, the day of judgment and the concept of reward and punishment, and they also
contained a code of morality and justice, but were not comprehensive enough to contain a complete code
of life.
The Quran does not mention all the prophets nor all the books ,however it mentions that revelations were
sent to Nuh, Ibrahim, Isma’il, Is-haq,Yaqub,Musa and Isa (peace be upon them),Allah says,
“Say (O Muslims):We believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was
revealed unto Abraham and Ismael and Is-haq ,and Jacob,and the tribes, and that which Moses
and Jesus received, and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction
between any of them, and unto him we have surrendered.”(Al-Baqarah2:136)
Quran mentions the Suhuf (scrolls) of Hazrat Ibrahim which was lost.
The revealed books mentioned in the Qur’an are:-
1.The Torah was revealed to Musa for the guidance of Bani Israel.
It contained Allah’s command, light, admonition, mercy, and a clear explanation of things.

The original book was changed ;its followers distorted it and perverted words of Allah and changed its
meaning. Allah says,
“They change the words from their(right)places and forget agood part of the message that was sent.”(Al-
Maidah 5:13)
2. The Zabur was revealed to Daud. It was also lost and corrupted.
3.The Injil (bible) was sent to Isa (p.b.u.h)The Christians distorted Bible and introduced the doctrine of
“trinity” and redemption through crucifixion, although Isa (peace be upon him)had clearly told his followers
that Allah was his Lord and their lord and that they should worship Allah alone. According to the Quran Injil
confirms the Torah.The prophet (P.B.U.H) is mentioned in both the Injil and the Torah. Allah says,”And
remember Jesus the son of Mary said:
“O children of Israel I am the apostle of Allah (sent)to you confirming the Law(which came)before me
and giving glad Tidings of an Apostle to come after me whose name shall be Ahmad.” (As-Saff 61:6)
4.The Quranwas revealed to Muhammad(P.B.U.H). Itis the last and the most perfect Book of Allah.It is a
comprehensive book.It deals with every aspect of human life,e.g.sociol, economic, legal, moral and political
None of the revealed Books except the Qur’an exists in its original form today. The Suhaf of Ibrahim was
lost .Some of the books were changed and modified such as Torah and Injil. God’s words have been blended
with those of man,thus it is difficult to establish the authenticity of various parts of these Books.The
languages of these books are dead languages. They were revealed to a particular nation for a particular
period of time.
The Qu’ran is the only book which universal and for all times till the day of judgment. It is unchanged, Allah
promised to safeguard it,
“We have, without; doubt revealed the reminder and we will guard it(from corruption)”(Al Hijr 15:9)
The Qur’an is a universal book, sent to the entire mankind for all ages. God says, ‘This day I have perfected
your religion for you and completed my favours upon you and chosen for you Islam as your religion’. (Al
Maidah 5:3).

4.(b) How is the message brought by these prophets important for Muslims today? [4]
• the message brought by all the prophets was of belief in the one God; good conduct and belief in
resurrection and the Day of Judgment.
• This message is important to Muslims today just as it was important to Muslims of the past ages and
will be to those of the future because it reiterates tawhid and accountability which if a person bears in
mind will lead to good conduct and prosperity in this world and the next.
• It teaches Muslims tolerance for other revealed faiths and makes them realise that Islam is a
continuation and culmination of the other revealed faiths.
• The unity of the message will foster better relations between Muslims and other believers etc.

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